The Diplomatic Pouch Shortcuts

Internet Judge Machiavelli Game Queues

Using this page, you can either sign up to get on a queue to play a specific type of game using one of the Internet judges, or create such a game (becoming its GameMaster) to be filled with players taken from the top of the queue. You can also get on a list of GameMasters, to be notified when your turn comes up to GM a game for players in a queue.

Please use a frequently checked email address when registering to play: failure to respond to a game start invitation in 48 hours may well mean that you miss your chance to play (you can always change to another email address once the game has started).

Attention Newbies!
Please do not sign on to the queue until you are familiar with the basics of PBEM judge Diplomacy and Machiavelli Diplomacy The best place for information for beginners is the "Getting Started" page in the Pouch's Online Resources section, and the first thing you should read is the Newbies' Guide to the Judge.

I would like to
a game of
My e-mail address is:
Please double-check your e-mail address! Some people using this service have been mistyping their e-mail address, so we have implemented a confirmation scheme. After you submit your request, and if the address you specify is not already currently in a game queue, a confirmation code number will be e-mailed to the address you specify, and you must bring this number back and use it to complete your request.

So far, the Game Queue System has created 24 games! Pretty good, huh?

More Information

The queues currently being maintained were chosen to represent the fastest-filling games. The game queues are meant to mitigate the problems experienced by people who wish to get into these high-demand games, but whose timezone or newsfeed prevents their knowing about the game formation until after the game is full.

Here is complete information on the games for which queues are being maintained:

You may sign up for more than one queue, but if you sign up for a given queue more than once, your earlier sign-up will be deleted and you will be put only at the end of the line. Also, only sign up for a queue if you are commiting to play when your turn comes up. Otherwise, you will only delay gamestarts by not signing on when your name comes up.

If you have any problems with the queues, or if you need to have yourself removed from a queue for any reason, or if you have a change of address that should be reflected in a queue, contact The Pouch.

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The Diplomatic Pouch is brought to you by the DP Council.