Sopwith Rules
Tom Tweedy
Rules will be as per the Sopwith rule book unless stated otherwise by the GM. MOVEMENT:
RT =
Right Turn; RS = Right Slip; A = Ahead; LT = Left Turn; LS = Left Slip; 0 or N =
No Move (N.B. If this move used in 'Move 2' must also be used in 'Move 3'); and
I = Immelman Turn (see below). IDENTIFICATION:
may choose a name to fly under e.g. Hissing Sid, Kraut Von Hinkle, etc. AMMUNITION
ammo and damage counters will be set at: 16 ammo; 12 dge. Players may reload
(back up to 16) every time they land at own
airfield. CLOUDS:
Clouds will be placed by the GM and players will be notified of their position
at the start of the game. They will be moved once at the end of each Turn (i.e.
a set of three 'Moves'), ready for the next turn. AIRFIELDS:
At airfields the three airstrips will be noted, from left to right, as ALPHA,
BETA, GAMMA [or Left, Centre, Right]. On
landing and taking off, players must state their intention to do so - and which
air strip they intend to use. ORDERS:
For ease of translation, orders must be written thus:
Turn 1: ALPHA/BETA/GAMMA airstrip [or Left, Centre, Right]
Move 1: A
Move 2: A
[When landing and taking off players must move
Move 3: ?
Ahead on the two hexes of the airstrip.]
The next season/Turn, with firing, could be written thus:
Turn 2:
Move 1: A - fire A
Move 2: LT - fire R
Move 3: RS - fire L If
a player doesn't specify an airstrip in his orders when taking off, his 'plane
will take off on the BETA airstrip. If a player doesn't tell the GM of his
intention to land, then he won't be allowed to do so. FIRING
Players are only allowed three bursts of fire per turn. They may be used spread
over the three moves (as above), used all in one move (e.g. "fire L+R+A"),
or any other combination over the three moves. An asterisk in front of your fire
(i.e. A -*fire A) means you have made
a hit that move. A bracketed 'Move' (i.e. [A] - fire 0) means you have been hit
that move. AMBIGUOUS
All ambiguous firing orders (e.g. "A - FIRE") will be centralised. If
you have three bursts left, it will be L+R+A; if you have two bursts left it
will be L+R; one burst will be A. NMR'S:
If a player NMR's while his 'plane is in flight, his 'plane will fly AHEAD for
the three moves of his turn. (A player can NMR any number of times, but his
'plane is considered to have crashed when he reaches the edge of the board.) ACCIDENTS:
If a player accidentally flies off the board, he will be considered to have
crashed. REPAIRS:
player may decide he no longer has sufficient endurance left and therefore in
danger of being shot down. In this case he may land and for each complete TURN
spent on the ground may repair two damage points. A 'plane may not recover to a
strength higher than eight points. ACE
a player has inflicted/reached 40 hits/points on other players (including bonus
points) he then becomes an Ace and is allowed to use the Immelman Turn (see
below). If, after being shot down etc, his score falls below the 40 mark, the
player loses his Ace status. When an ace starts in a new game, the fact that he
is an ace will be published for the benefit of new players. POINTS TABLE:
made on enemy 'plane.... +1 point If
a 'plane crashes either by going off the edge of the board or flying into a
cloud, the damage points he has left will be shared out amongst the players
still in the game. When shared these points will be rounded down. THE
The last surviving 'plane is the winner (and is awarded 5 bonus points). PRESS:
and alliances are encouraged [and indeed are needed against Aces]. DECEPTION:
Deception of the GM is frowned upon. THE
there....) IMPORTANT:
Firing for the ordinary player is in the left, right and ahead directions. The
range is 4 hexes, and the damage done to the target depends on the distance. Four
damage if the target is at one hexagon distance. Ace
planes fire better than other planes:- Five
damage if the target is at one hexagon distance. (NOTE:
The range of four hexes remains the same...) MANOUEVRES There
are four basic manoeuvres available to the ordinary pilot (left slip, right
slip, left turn and right turn) in addition to the ordinary moves straight ahead
and no movement at all. In each case the plane finished facing in the direction
shown by the arrow. The Immelman Turn is a manoeuvre available only to 'Ace'
pilots. The 'plane finishes faced in the direction shown by the arrow. LEFT
TURN (Aces
Only) Other
manoeuvres are straight ahead and stand still. |