(The Five-Man Diplomacy Game as given in the 1961 Rulebook)
1. Bulgaria, Rumania and all of Russia and Turkey are omitted from the playing board. Finland is not considered part of Russia. The Black Sea and the Aegean Sea are connected (The Black Sea has no use other than as a possible retreat space for fleets dislodged from Aeg).
2. The new map leaves 25 supply centers. The victory condition is 13 supply centers.
Comment by Fred C. Davis, Jr. (Reprinted from Bushwacker 199, July, 1988): Suggested optional rule: give Finland a North coast adjacent to the Barents Sea. This makes the province more useful. Finland did have a n.c. until 1940 when Russia took it back.
1. Moscow, Sevestapol, Ukraine Rumania and all of Turkey are impassable. Finland, Livonia and St. Petersburg are passable but StP is not a supply center. Warsaw is renamed Poland and is a neutral SC. The Black Sea and the Aegean Sea are directly connected (Bulgaria has a coast on the Black Sea).
2. The new map leaves 27 supply centers. The victory condition is 14 supply centers.