Boston Harbor (Industrial Waste) Turn 4.2
Karl |
Brad |
Richard |
Andy |
Growth |
Innovation |
Hiring/Firing |
Growth |
Order |
Waste Removal |
Raw Materials |
Hiring/Firing |
Innovation |
Order |
Advisor |
Waste Disposal |
Raw Materials |
Growth |
Player |
Play Order |
Money |
Loans |
Raw Materials Supply |
Growth |
Co-Workers |
(Building) Rational-ization |
(Building) Raw Materials |
(Building) Waste Reduction |
Waste Disposal |
Saved Card |
VPs |
Richard Weiss |
1 |
$11M |
$0M |
4 |
15 |
5 |
5/1 |
1/15 |
5/1 |
5 |
Hiring/Firing |
37 |
Andy York |
2 |
$5M |
$10M |
5 |
19 |
4 |
4/3 |
5/1 |
4/3 |
1 |
Waste Disposal |
18 |
Karl Schmit |
3 |
$3M $8M |
$0M $10M |
5 |
17 16 |
3 |
3/6 |
5/1 |
5/1 |
10 |
26 18 |
Brad Martin |
4 |
$18M |
$0M |
3 |
16 |
5 |
5/1 |
3/6 |
5/1 |
7 |
Waste Removal |
33 |
Set 1 |
Set 2 |
Set 3 |
Set 4 |
Set 5 |
Raw Materials |
Growth |
Waste Disposal |
Innovation |
Advisor |
Waste Removal |
Raw Materials |
Innovation |
Order |
Innovation |
Waste Disposal |
Advisor |
Order |
Bribery |
Growth |
Discard Pile
The accident card was drawn; so all cards will be reshuffled before the next deal.
Karl is in the yellow zone, so he will be assessed a fine of $5M and his factory will be moved from 17 back to 16. Results of this are shown in the table above in this font. Order for choosing sets is Richard, Andy, Karl, Brad.