The Diplomatic Pouch

Press for Spring of 1902 in ghodstoo


Broadcast from Turkey:

    > Diplomacy game 'ghodstoo' is waiting for Turkey's orders.
    Sorry all; it's been a hectic weekend.

Private message from Italy to Master:

    Edi Birsan wrote:
    > On Fri, 17 Jan 1997 18:45:52 -0500 (EST), Cal White wrote:
    > ><<< No Message Collected >>>
    > ok this is a good one...let see my ESP says you are building Fleet Naples.
    > Edi Birsan
    > Midnight Games/Legends and Iron and Steam
    > Edi
    > Phone: 541-772-7872 (9am-4pm) Oregon
    Hmmm, I have no record of a message sent out, so I'm not sure what this
    An echo of a message I DID send out?
    In cyberspace, can anyone hear you scream?

Private message from Italy to Master:

    > Message from [email protected] as Russia to England, Italy and
    > Austria in 'ghodstoo':
    Sorry to take so long guys.  Real life calls for an evening and I get
    flooded out with e-mail!
    > 1) Germany.  Edi and I had discussed a delay in hitting Germany until =
    > Fall 1902.  In retrospect, I see no utility in such a move., for the =
    > following reasons:
    >   a) Germany will *NOT* be suspecting a combined A/R hit in spring.  The =
    > timing will be sweet, to the tune of:
    >         AUS:  tri-Tyo, Vie-Boh
    >         RUS:  War (build) to Sil, Ukr-War (thence to Pru)
    >         Munich is a goner, and the chances of Berlin falling (assuming Swe-Bal, =
    > too) is equally good.
    >   b) Not building in the north keeps King Jamie happy.
    >   c) This is within our combined resources, as Turkey will be down to =
    > two in Fall (losing Bul to Edi in spring, and Con to me in fall).   =
    > And--quite honestly--the E/I doesn't need Germany in France, and *no =
    > one* is going to help Pitt, right?
    >         In fact, E/I (probably Eng) can play "good cop" to our "bad cop," =
    > offering Pitt alliance and support in fall, as a reaction to the "base =
    > perfidy" of A/R -- and then stab him from behind a turn later!
    I agree with the tsar here.  I see no reason to wait even a turn for the
    attack on Germany.  He is not likely to move far enough out of position
    in a turn or two to justify the wait.
    > 2) Builds.  I am now leaning toward A War in addition to A Sev.  Like I =
    > said above, timing in this one is moot; why wait another turn and blow =
    > the chance for taking SCs (Mun, Ber) in a fall season?
    > 3) The South.  We're solid here.  Edi's got BUL in spring, and will =
    > support me to CON in fall.
    > What say my fellow Quadripartiters?
    Sounds good to me.  The plan has worked fine so far.  Why change it now?

Private message from Italy to Master:

    > Message from [email protected] as Russia to Italy in 'ghodstoo':
    > Just a short note to you before I send a similar, "inclusive" message to =
    > E/I; need to set the proper appearance for our English partner, eh wot?
    Yep, but I'm REALLY starting to get swamped now.  I think my plan to
    reply to EVERY letter is kaput.  Had to go see my girlfriend's son's
    Open House for Air Cadets tonight.  Leaves me about half an hour to
    reply to a dozen messages...
    > Edi just called.  He's pushing for me to build F StP(nc), as "we're =
    > going to have to hit Eng sooner or later, and you might not be able to =
    > build a fleet up there in 1903 or beyond..."  Not necessarily to hurt =
    > Jamie, but to *at least* bamboozle Germany (Nwy-Swe, Swe-Den, supported =
    > by Eng F Nth in fall).
    > Quite honestly, there's some method to that madness.  Germany will never =
    > expect a 180* reversal in fall if I'm in Nwy.  Also, this move ensures =
    > England is '[with us," by forcing him to support me to Den if he wants =
    > me to vacate Nwy!  Of course, it probably pisses him off, to boot...
    > Cal, I'm *REALLY* concerned about your builds and any help vs Edi.  He's =
    > now intimating that "perhaps it would be better" if we waited until FALL =
    > to hit Germany!  he wants to move Vie-GAL(!!) in spring while I move =
    > Ukr-War(!!!), to 'show surprise at being stabbed by Edi and further =
    > confuse Germany."  Who's more surprised and bamboozled here?!
    > What does this all have to do with you?  Well, let's assume Edi's really =
    > just being 'truthfully devious.'  He gets Bul in spring, and supposedly =
    > supports me to Con in fall.  What do you get in 1902?  Possibly nothing. =
    > what can you do to stop it?  You'll have maybe one fleet in the area =
    > (TyS) and no builds....
    > What am I supposed to do then?  Hit a 6-center Austria with a proxy Turk =
    > ally, while you scrounge for centers and England presses on in his =
    > private little war? =20
    I spent this afternoon thinking that, if Hohn builds a fleet in Smyrna,
    it probably means that he and Edi have come to an agreement.  My only
    possible response to that would be to pull back from France and hit
    Edi.  This would be a bad thing because I'm not ready for it and it
    would thrown a real monkey wrench into the entire board...
    Then I got home this evening and see a message from Pitt (finally) and
    he says that he is NOT going to support me to Marseilles.  He prefers to
    try for Paris and will support me to Mar if (and only if) he gets Paris
    and his Munich-Burgandy follow-up move succeeds.
    I don't like those odds just to get a single build...
    Any attack I make will be rather feeble for now and I'll want your help
    so I can get maximum effect.
    Oh, don't think I'm going off half-cocked and plan a complete reversal.
    This depends on a few things: 1) Hohn's build; 2) any more noise Edi
    makes to you about attacking me; and 3) how YOU feel about this.  I
    would REALLY like some input on this as it hasn't completely
    crystallized in the old brain yet.
    > "It is to laugh."
    Uh huh...
    > I really wish in retrospect we just didn't stab Edi right off the bat, =
    > Hohn or not.  It's going to work out that we'll (I'll) be in the soup =
    > against them, ironic.
    > Ah well, if wishes were horses, eh?
    As you can see above, maybe they will be...
    > Do what you can to work on England for centers.  I'll make the same =
    > noise in the next letter to the Sub-QC (should be out within 30 mins of =
    > this one).
    > Let me know your ideas, thoughts, etc, and whether you think Edi really =
    > is still sincere when he proposes a 'fake move' to GAL to spoof Germany =
    > with a "later" hit on him....
    In a word, bullshit.  Succinct enough?  I just have this gut feeling
    that Edi has cut a real deal with Hohn.

Broadcast from Observer:

    > Broadcast message from [email protected] as Germany in 'ghodstoo':
    > Please, oh pretty please, would you be so kind as to be my friend?
    Dear Pitt,
    Only on Sundays. :-)
    	"The truth is as hard to hide as it is to tell."

Private message from Russia to England:

    Hello gents
    Re KJ's last (most recent) note:
    - A pity Pitt's not building F Kiel.  While that may not be very =
    compassionate toward England, he and I will be able to handle Pitt, =
    whether he's got 1 or 2 fleets.  However, If he smells Edi or me coming =
    (and I've received THREE "build in StP, not War" notes from him =
    tonight!), what's to prevent him from bouncing SIL or TYO and wrecking =
    all the timing?
    - He did indeed tell me he's not anti-English (thought I'd test the =
    waters with the Kaiser, and the waters are clear):  he wants support to =
    PAR (so much for the soap-opera twists and turns of =
    "Supporting-to-Mar-via-Gas-unless-it's-Paris-on-a-Tuesday" story lines =
    we're trying to weave for him).=20
    - We have to keep him looking (and moving) westward, to prevent a defeat =
    of the opening salvo.  Maybe in this case it woukld be a good idea to =
    (as with Edi) promise Pitt Par, i.e., Bur-Par, Mun-Bur (i.e., "Pitt, =
    move to Bur and pay us back by supporting Cal in fall"); think that =
    might be a player?
    Tsar Faz

Private message from Russia to Germany:

    This is getting familiar!
    Pitt, I understand completely your need (and desire) for PAR.  In truth, =
    you'll be lucky (or very, very persuasive diplomatically) to get it.  =
    E/I, as I understand it, are out for themselves, and are possibly =
    looking at building Cal up to buttress against an Edi stab (Gre-Nap via =
    Aeg, Tri-ven, etc, when Cal's exposed westward).
    If I were a betting man, I'd bet they will be asking YOU for support=20
    (for Pie-Mar?), or seeing if they can't drag you out to GAS for fall =
    support for them...
    Of course, I could be wrong (hope so).
    My question:  if England builds F Lvp and F Edi, then why do I need the =
    fleet up north?  If that happens, then I expect Eng-Mao (to pin F Por), =
    F lvp-Iri, and
    Edi-Nth (or Nwg).  In other words, YOU would either get Nth, or bounce =
    IF you acted
    hostile.  If you just minded your own business, then I'm in Nwy (he =
    can't take it with just one fleet), and you're in Den (and Hel if you =
    built a 2nd fleet).
    You could still do the Bel hit and also sortie for Nth, and I *would* =
    build a second fleet up there in F'02.  (Turkey would be at 2 by then, =
    and I'd have indications of Edi's "benevolence" or not).
    >From the sounds of things, we can indeed wait until 1903 to spring the =
    GR trap.  My only concern is that no one springs an E/A (or E/I) trap on =
    you in the interim. =20
    Bottom line:  I can take--and hold--Nwy this turn with one fleet, but =
    will still consider a second build up there.  Much rides on your intent =
    and plan for builds, Kaiser.
    Tsar Faz

Private message from Russia to Germany:

    Guess I should've read all these notes before I sent my first one!
    A lot of what you're concerned about (a potential A/R subtrefuge) is =
    exactly what I worry about (A/G, or E/G).  No matter how many times I =
    say I'm not after you, I realize you won't entirely believe it--I'll =
    just have to live with that uneasiness.
    I guess my question has a lot of the 'chicken and the egg' sequencing to =
    it, i.e.,
    If I build F StP(nc), will you build F Kiel and help hit Eng? =20
    If the answer to that is "no," then I'd much rather build an army to =
    face Edi.  He's apparently been talking to Jamie about 'long-term =
    alliance," and I've heard vague rumors of a Gal move.  YOU may think =
    something's prearranged; I can assure you *I* don't consider anything =
    with Edi as "prearranged."  I see him at 6 (possibly 7) by Fall '02, and =
    I sincerely do *not* see him desiring another strong land power as an =
    adjacent neighbor, when you could pair up with you vs me, or with Jamie =
    vs us both.
    We can discuss this at greater length after exchanging a couple more =
    notes and/or seeing the builds.
    I understand your potential distress if A War gets built.    I'm very =
    much considering F STP(nc), but it wouldn't hurt to have a German =
    indication of builds to help me along...Dang, I wish I could've built =
    BOTH War and StP...but Turkey beckons.
    Tsar Faz

Private message from England to Russia:

    >Gentle KJ
    >I agree with all of your previous notes' data.  My one observation (in =
    >the 'so what'
    >category):  just as you mentioned the non-need to play mind games with =
    >Germany if we're all jumping him, so too would I reply the same way =
    >(i.e., when you note mentions how you can plausibly deny him support to =
    >Paris).  As you said, if we're not doing good cop/bad cop, and A/R come =
    >a'chargin' from the East, does it matter if you're nice to him or not?!
    In the context in which I was mentioning it, yes, it does. I was looking
    into the possibility of persuading Germany to aid Italy in gaining Marseilles.
    I raised the possibility that Germany would be in Gas in the Fall, and that
    Edi would have surrounded Munich. Then Italy could suggest that if only
    Italy gained Marseilles, it would be possible to attack Austria with the new
    Then I asked myself, "But wouldn't Pitt insist that a better use of A Gas
    would be to take Paris?" So I answered, "Yes, he would." So I continued,
    "But I could refuse to support him to Paris. But then would he really agree
    to help Cal take Italy?", I wondered. How could I persuade him that it would
    make more sense for him to help Cal into Mar? So I thought, "Well, maybe if
    I explained that the only way to get all those centers from France quickly
    would be for Italy to get Mar first, then Germany get Par later...."
    Ok? You see?
    >Btw, has anyone yet heard from Pitt (or Edi, perchance)?
    Just heard from Pitt. He didn't say anything much, though, just a lot of
    nods to what I'd said earlier (largely about him not building a F Kie).
    Gentle King J.

Private message from Russia to Germany:

    many thanks for your recent note; am pressed for time, so I'll leave
    you with this:
    - You may not feel sanguine about hitting England, despite the fact you =
    can take BEL and probably Nth (especially in fall, if you built =
    Kie-Hel).  Regarding the lack of a STP build:  I have to be slightly =
    cryptic now (you'll see what I'm up to soon enough--and relax, I'm not =
    after you).  Nonetheless, I don't need a StP unit to take Nwy, or to =
    work with/support you in fall.  Swe-Nwy, coupled with german fleets, =
    works rather nicely--especially if Eng builds F Lvp for the MAo front.
    Still, I fully understand your hesitance to jump on a source of aid vs =
    France.  I will discuss more with you soon enough....
    We will still have "peace in our time."
    Tsar Faz
    A Friend Indeed

Private message from Russia to England:

    Gentle KJ
    I agree with all of your previous notes' data.  My one observation (in =
    the 'so what'
    category):  just as you mentioned the non-need to play mind games with =
    Germany if we're all jumping him, so too would I reply the same way =
    (i.e., when you note mentions how you can plausibly deny him support to =
    Paris).  As you said, if we're not doing good cop/bad cop, and A/R come =
    a'chargin' from the East, does it matter if you're nice to him or not?! =
    Other than the (obvious) desire for a cut of the German spoils, we =
    really don't need English help in 1902 -- which is good, as you can't do =
    much besides grab Nwy anyway.   The good part, though, is that Germany =
    can do little in 1902 (in France).  I wouldn't worry about plausibly =
    denying him anything; I'd just pummel him, or at least watch him run =
    back to MUN to play cover-the-center.
    Btw, has anyone yet heard from Pitt (or Edi, perchance)?  I'd be curious =
    to view his reply to my "forest-for-the-trees" note (as well as Jamie's =
    nicely accentuated support of my note, calling for us to heed to the =
    original plan)
    Tsar Faz

Broadcast from Russia:

    Reply to nebitner, Observer Maximus:
    Nice phrase.  I leave you with two that guide me through my travails in =
    1) Spoken by the current Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, =
    LTG Hughes, before the Senate Armed Services Committee on 6 Feb:
    "There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to =
    conduct or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the =
    introduction of a new order of things."  -MACHIAVELLI
    2) Found on a graffiti wall in a South Side (Pittsburgh) bar:
    "I'd rather have a bottle in front o' me, than a frontal lobotomy." =
    Tsar Faz

Broadcast from Germany:

    >Broadcast message from [email protected] as Observer in 'ghodstoo':
    >	"It is worse to suspect a friend, than to have been deceived by
    Please, oh pretty please, would you be so kind as to be my friend?

Private message from England to Germany:

    Caught me just before I go home.
    Glad you checked in.
    Looking forward to seeing whether A or R build any fleets; if not, surely
    they must clash soon.
    Next movement rounds should be fun, anyway. Here's to fireworks!
    Gentle K. J.

Private message from Germany to Russia:

    >Tried calling you at the number listed for you in one of the first =
    >"notification messages," but it was your work number.
    My home # is 617-734-6315.  It's a home office number but just announce
    yourself if you get the machine and I'll pick up if I'm home.
    >What do you envision for (1) German cooperation with E/I versus France
    Some, I hope.  I'm not yet clear on how it will work out but I expect some
    assistance in taking PAR.  My concern is that England has the upper hand in
    the situation and I'm not real happy abou tthat.
    >(2) build ideas for this year (perhaps in a cooperative mode with me)??
    I've already snet out replies on this but a) I wold like to see F STP/nc
    and b) I would not like to see A WAR.
    >The two are exclusive
    I was rather hoping not.  You see, if you ensure that you take (and hold)
    NWY by virtue of building F STP/nc, you gain the SC and lose nothing
    (England may be a bit irritated but you can probably smooth that over - I
    doubt he will want to go to war over it if you indicate a willingness to
    stop with NWY).  At the same time, he will feel the need to continue to woo
    me if he's worried about you, ensuring I get PAR.  Then depending on how
    things work out, I might be able to take BEL in the fall, while I use DEN
    to support you into NTH and you hold NWY.  Alternatively, we can wait until
    next year to spring the GR trap on him.
    In either case, we can, thus, accomplish both actions me taking a French SC
    and you taking NWY).  I think this plan is the optimal one for us.  Please
    let me know what you think.

Private message from Germany to England:

    >I must inform you that shortly after the results of the second season's
    >movement, quite a lot of powers (everyone who spoke to me) urged me to
    >build two fleets on the North Sea.
    Of course.  They're concerned (rightfully so) about a strong EG alliance.
    Two fleet builds on the North Sea would be detrimental to such an alliance.
    >I will build F Lvp
    Very good.
    >A certain party continues to believe (or rather, insist) that my
    >meager resources are best spent on my east coast.
    >But as I understand the rules, *I* get to give the actual order
    >It would be embarassing for me if my critic should be able to point to a F
    >Kie and laugh at my naivete. But I'll think no more about that!
    Good.  Put your mind to rest.
    >There's no doubt in my mind that some fiendish plan is brewing in Vienna,
    >and that the fiend has some eager cohort on a string, too. I don't know
    >just what's up. Keep your ear to the ground.
    My ear is so close to the ground that I'm beginning to resemble an ostrich.
     All I know is that Edi's trying to pull some strings.  I don't who, if
    anyone, is dancing to his tune, though.

Private message from Germany to Russia:

    >I forgot to add this to my first note.  If Austria shows signs of
    >building two armies on the borders (either yours Vie/Tri or mine
    >Vie/Bud), I might consider an Army Warsaw myself.
    I understand your concern but I'd be rather uncomfortable with that build.
    And, to be frank, Faz, after reading this message and Edi's subsequent
    public subtle saber-rattling, I have to wonder if perhaps both weren't
    coordinated.  His words would give you the justification you'd need to
    build that army, which I would very much like not to see happen.
    I point this out not by way of making any sort of accusation but simply to
    show that I'm sensitive to all of these issues and that I'm at least
    peripherally aware of the subtleties involved.  I truly want our alliance
    to work but I don't want to look the other way and invite disaster, either.
     I hope you will consider that a plus in an ally.

Private message from Germany to Italy:

    >Pitt:  well, that went quite smoothly!  Thanks for the tip on France's
    >move; it worked out quite well for both of us.
    Yes, indeed, it did.  Thanks for acting on it.
    >What are the odds of you supporting me to Marseilles this turn?
    Rather dicey, I'm afraid.  First off, the support would almost surely be
    cut (what else will A PAR have to do?).  Secondly, if I were him and I knew
    that I could cut BUR support, I'd move SPA-GAS to prevent BRE-GAS.  Those,
    combined with POR-MAO in the spring, cover all of his SC's this year.  In
    fact, unless you attack MAR from PIE, he could prevent me from taking PAR
    by PAR-BUR with MAR support.
    Thus, I think I have to try for PAR in the spring.  If I succeed, and if
    I'm able to move MUN-BUR, I should be able to give you support in the fall.
    If you think I'm overlooking something, please let me know.

Private message from Germany to Russia:

    >First off, my effusive thanks for Sweden.
    You are most welcome.
    >I have heard from England, who still wants Nwy, wants me not to build in
    >StP, and who *SAYS* he'll be building F Lon/Edi and F for MAo
    >duty and the other to Nwy.
    That's what he tells me, too.  Still, were I you, I don't see how I could
    pass up a free shot at NWY.  I think England renounces his claim to NWY if
    he doesn't take it in 1901, don't you?
    >CONFIDENTIAL:  If, Pitt, you think the time to hit England should come
    >sooner, vice later, you might want to consider Den-Nth as a
    >bounce/invasion piece, *or perhaps your armies hitting Bel as you sail
    Frankly, Faz, I can't consider either of these without a F STP/nc or A STP
    build.  Then, possibly.
    >Anyway, *we're* still tight and friendly, and will be so for the
    >duration, if you so desire.
    I do indeed.  I hope that you will continue to feel the same way.

Private message from Germany to England:

    >Hm, yes, I guess I have to agree that John got what he deserved.
    >(And for taking a risk on a bold move, I deserve what I just got, too,
    Sure.  No guts, no glory, right?
    >Off hand, I'd say my A Bre is at your service for S'02 at least, probably
    >for all of '02. Several options, your call. Lots of time to think about it.
    Thank you.  I'll let you know after the builds process.

Broadcast from Observer:

    	"It is worse to suspect a friend, than to have been deceived by

Broadcast from Observer:

    There is no way to send a message, via the judge, to a specific observer
    and not reach all observers (in fact anything sent to O will go into the
    game's history - the very anithesis of privacy).
    So you will have to send to the address identified in the header.
    In this case that IS Ken;s email.  I remember thinkinghis address looks
    just like what Isaw when I get my PG&E bill:
    KMH4%Rates%[email protected]
    Well, maybe I add a few %%^@!$%  PGE  #@$#@&&!@ etc...

Broadcast from Turkey:

    > Broadcast message from [email protected] as Austria in 'ghodstoo':
    > Austria:
    > I received a message from an Observor and I think this is his return address
    > but I am not sure.
    > When we players send a message to another we are identified by the judge et
    > al, however is it that in the case of an Observer that they are all grouped as
    > an observer?
    Yes, although they are labeled by their e-mail addresses as well,
    since this is a standard game and not a gunboat game.  In gunboat
    games, all observer press and broadcasts look the same (except to the
    extent that they're signed differently), namely as coming from
    > I would like to respond to this person but this address does not look right.
    > Please Advise.
    > >Message from KMH4%Rates%[email protected] as Observer to Austria in
    > >'ghodstoo':
    That looks like a valid, albeit long, e-mail address.  I'd go for it;
    it should work.
    And Edi, the price of this information is an attack on Russia. ;)

Broadcast from Master:

    I received "updates" from most of you, but those of you who haven't
    given them to me, would you please pass them along?  Just a few sentences
    is fine.

Private message from Russia to Italy:

    Thanks for the call last night.  I think our conversation was
    beneficial, eh?!
    The board will be abuzz after spring.
    Tsar Faz

Private message from Russia to Germany:

    Hi Pitt
    Wanted to respond to your latest.  My replies this time have the
    asterisk (*).
    >>I'm sorry I've caused you grief and (needless) worry with the A War
    >I certainly hope my worry is needless.  You'll certainly have an
    >oppoprtunity to demonstarte that.
    * My concern is not with my German intentions; I've already stated them.
     My concern is that you don't get into a nervous tizzy and throw punches
    at shadows.  Hence my reason for the semi-extensive attempts at
    reassurance.  If you stay cool and don't make provocative moves, believe
    me, neither will I.  I'm more than willing to declare some obvious DMZs
    (Bal, Sil, etc)
    >>You have nothing to fear from the Tsar.  I have no axe to grind with
    >>you.  Quite honestly, Edi and I continue to have our "love-in"
    >Yeah.  That was the factor that multiplied my worry about A WAR.  I'm very
    >interested in what you and Edi have in mind.
    * I would say the same thing about any E/G relationships.   As for Edi
    and I, we have arrangements, the same as everyone else.  The Prime
    Directive is death to Turkey.  Whether Edi casts covetous eyes toward
    you or Italy (or me!) after that is anyone's guess...mine included..
    >>I'll try and be a little more open very soon.  Quite honestly, G/R
    >>relations won't (can't) flower much more until we discuss The English
    >I've *been* discussing it!  Frankly, I'm getting the sense that you're
    >ducking me on that issue.
    * Really?  So, asking you to ally, to hit Bel, build F Kiel, to bounce
    Edi-Nth, have me take Nwy, putting 3-4 fleets on Nth (all the while
    causing Eng to go -1) is "ducking you on the issue?!"  The pot calls the
    kettle black here, methinks.    (And let's not forget the unanswered
    question I just asked you yesterday -- What would you do if I went to
    Nwy, i.e., can I count on continued good neighborliness or not?)  If
    anything, I could say YOU've been ducking the issue due to lack of
    desire to commit.
    >>But I sense nothing concrete from you until France falls and/or
    >>you get more builds; true?
    >No, not true.  I asked for F STP and for you to take NWY, along with F
    >SWE-SKA.  You take NTH (or try) in the fall.  I take PAR this year - we
    >each get a build.  Because your moves in the north drive England closer to
    >me, I can stab him next spring and we both gain in 1903.  How much more
    >concrete can I get?
    * Just an observation from me:  You and Edi tend to have the same style
    here, i.e., let someone else (in this case, me) make the overt,
    blantantly anti-whoever move (hit Bla, hit Arm, take Nwy and Nth, etc).
    You guys chill out for a couple extra turns, then come in with a late
    haymaker.  Don't get me wrong--it's FINE playing, and allows for a
    certain, shall we say, "perusal of the board" (and possible opt-out
    without hurting one's realtions).  But what do I read above:  FAZ takes
    Nwy; FAZ goes for Nth; Pitt builds an unobtrusive army, gets a center
    with the target country's help, and then builds for a move to ????
    I dunno, I kind of thought we could just say, "The heck with the board,
    let's hit England now, while he's reducable, while his Italian ally gets
    zero builds in 1902," and all that.  You would have STILL got your build
    (Bel) while preventing an E (or I) build in France, thus balancing them
    against a viable France, and standing to gain big-time in 1903-1904.
    And this while having a firm Russian friend, an preoccupied Austria, a
    weak/compliant/grateful France, AND an England whose brilliant +2
    opening in 1901 now sees a reduction a year later!  How the pundits
    would talk....I guess I'm not seeing the whole picture here??????
    It's just a matter of perspective, I guess; we each think the other is
    foot-dragging.  I'm assuming you fear an A/R vs you (it is to laugh),
    and I fear chumminess between growing E and G while I'm mired down vs T
    and a growing Edi.   I was just hoping to cement the good relations
    we've had to date into something a little more concrete (hey,
    'concrete,' cement...' I made a funny!)
    So I'll ask again, so as to not be accused of 'ducking the issue;'
    1)  What would you do if I took Nwy?
    2) Can I count on continued G good will and non-aggression in relation
    to the same from the Tsar?
    Hoping for great answers to both, Noble Kaiser...
    Tsar Faz

Private message from Italy to Master:

    Quick recap of a long phone call I had with Mar (Russia).
    - told him that none of my three options looked any better than
      2 on a 1-10 scale;
    - these options are: continue west against France; turn against Edi;
      inform Germany that Austria is attacking him this turn in hopes that
      this information will encourage him to help me into Marseilles THIS
      turn (my only hope of a build) so that I can help him against Austria;
    - Mark told me that he has a very interesting plan for attacking Edi
      this turn that he has told no one about and am I interested?;
    - since this is the only plan that offers me ANY potential future, I
    - we hit Austria this turn;
    - heh heh

Private message from Germany to France:

    For what it's worth, I *am* concerned about the situation I'm finding
    myself in.  However, you are not offering me a reasonable alternative.
    >Mun-Kie, Kie-Den, Den-Nth
    All bounces because DEN-NTH bounces.
    >Bur-Bel, Hol S Bur-Bel
    Probably works.  So, I get one SC for my stab of England.  Is it worth it?
    >completely unhinge the English assault
    I just don't see how it's that significant.  It seems to me that it's more
    likely to just tick him off and encourage him to throw a bone to Russia or
    Austria to join him in coming after me.
    Please tell me what I'm missing.  I am very willing to reconsider the EG
    alliance if I can see a way that it will keep me from digging myself into a
    deeper hole.

Broadcast from Austria:

    I received a message from an Observor and I think this is his return address
    but I am not sure.
    When we players send a message to another we are identified by the judge et
    al, however is it that in the case of an Observer that they are all grouped as
    an observer?
    I would like to respond to this person but this address does not look right.
    Please Advise.
    >Message from KMH4%Rates%[email protected] as Observer to Austria in
    Edi Birsan
    Midnight Games
    [email protected]
    Web site:

Private message from Master to Germany:

    Pitt, Please don't submit orders until I figure out what a fair new deadline
    will be, but by all means keep negotiating.  I want to look everything
    over before I make a decision.

Private message from Russia to Germany:

    Pitt!  It worked!  Note the reply from Kleiman, below.
    Here's to us, partner!
    You should be fine.  I'll resend your change to be sure.  Had a pretty
    severe judge problem this week - worse one ever for me...
    At 06:46 AM 2/26/97 -0500, Fassio, M. MAJ          SOC wrote:
    >Guys:  Sorry for going direct, but I hav a problem.
    >I've been told by the Judge that G, T and R moves are overdue, despite
    >me sending a bazillion requests since Saturday (and Sun, and Mon, and
    >This morning I sent PREMATURE orders before reading all my mail, and I
    >DESPERATELY want to ensure the move "F Sweden - Norway", as opposed to
    >moves I sent earlier.  Will the Judge "stop" at my earlier orders sent
    >this a.m. (i.e., it now locks me in at deadline) or will the Swe-Nwy
    >move override?
    >If it's at all possible to "manually override" the mistake, I
    >desperately request it.  Thanks!
    >Instructor, Dept of Social Sciences
    >Room B117, Lincoln Hall
    >ph (914) 938-3198   e-mail:  [email protected]
    Dave Kleiman
    "I hope I didn't brain my damage".   - Homer Simpson

Private message from Russia to Germany:

    Hello Pitt
    The good news and bad news department now begins...
    Good news:  Just received your note about deciding to hit England now.
    I am
    OVERJOYED at your reply, and I think you will clearly--clearly--see what
    I have
    planned here when the Judge comes back up.
    Bad News:  This morning I immediately read the oldest Dip notice, saying
    that G,T and R moves were overdue.  I fired a "Swe-holds" order to the
    Judge along with my other 5 orders.
    THEN I read your later-arriving message, in which you want us to commit
    now!  Aggghhh!
    To avoid any suspicions that I've now 'rigged' and/or 'set you up' this
    move, I am doing/have done the following:
    - I sent a direct message to Dave Kleiman and to Jim, telling them that
    I want to manually override the Judge (if I'm late now, what's an extra
    3 minutes to replace the order with my "desired" one)?    A copy of what
    I sent is below.
    (You can ask Jim-Bob to verify, if you wish.)
    Guys:  Sorry for going direct, but I have a problem.
    I've been told by the Judge that G, T and R moves are overdue, despite
    me sending a bazillion requests since Saturday (and Sun, and Mon, and
    This morning I sent PREMATURE orders before reading all my mail, and I
    DESPERATELY want to ensure the move "F Sweden - Norway", as opposed to
    moves I sent earlier.  Will the Judge "stop" at my earlier orders sent
    this a.m. (i.e., it now locks me in at deadline) or will the Swe-Nwy
    move override?
    If it's at all possible to "manually override" the mistake, I
    desperately request it.  Thanks!
    Instructor, Dept of Social Sciences
    Room B117, Lincoln Hall
    ph (914) 938-3198   e-mail:  [email protected]
    Pitt, please believe me; don't think this is a ploy.  When you see the
    Russian moves in toto, you'll see what's up.  I will discuss the whole
    game dynamics with you after spring results come out.  TRUST ME ON THIS.
    And, most importantly, THANK YOU for doing this!  We're going to nail E
    and others in this thing!!
    Tsar faz
    A true ally

Private message from Master to Master:

    Just Dave signing to check game status.  Edi sent me a message with all of
    the judge problems...

Private message from Germany to Russia:

    Rather than try to reiterate each point in our ongoing discussion I'm going
    to try to hit the important ones.
    >Am I reading this right?  If so, then can I -- or can I not -- expect
    >you to sail for Nth this turn?   I would _hope_ this isn't a time to be
    >evasive, Pitt.   MUCH of what I do with sweden depends on your reply
    >here (i.e., I either hold or I go to Nwy).   Openness can only help
    >solidify the RG friendship.
    Openness it is.  I, too, believe that we can only move forward with a GR
    alliance if we are willing to take the leap of faith and commit to an
    unequivocal course of action.  I will order DEN-NTH this spring.  I count
    on you to move SWE-NWY.
    >** What exactly IS 'the entire plan?'  Why can't we grab Nwy and Nth and
    >prepare for 1903 convoys?  Is a second fleet StP necessary?  No, it's
    In retrospect, I suppose not.  Frankly, I was hoping for a clear sign of
    your intentions (clear to both me and England) but I certainly can't fault
    you for electing to avoid the open hostility that F STP would have
    indicated to England (though I hope you don't fault me for trying to get
    you to make that statement...).  In any event, I remain committed to GR and
    I want to capitalize on England's exposure NOW, while we can still do so
    >You--quite logically and
    >understandably--don't want to bite the hand you think will (potentially)
    >"feed" you in France.  Yet he can support you there in spring--the same
    >spring that you're bouncing Nth, I'm taking Nwy, and you're in Bel.
    Yes, you have convinced me.  This, of course, will force me to aggressively
    pursue additional diplomatic channels (France, Italy) after I make my stab
    in order to blunt any English counterattack but I do believe that England
    is not likely to be a long-term ally for me anyway, so this course of
    action was inevitable.
    >It's frustrating, because I see things
    >differently than you (naturally).  It's just a shame that we have to
    >waste the spring turn when we could kick some serious butt.
    As noted above, I am in agreement with you.  I am not going to allow my
    natural caution to prevent us from seizing the opportunity we now have.  Of
    course, this puts my fate in your hands to a large extent (a feeling I'm
    sure you share).  I'm willing to do that because I think it's in your best
    interests to work with me on this, you have given me no reason to believe
    that I can't trust you, and I think you realize full well that a stab of me
    right now would likely have unpleasant side-effects (sorry for the impied
    threat but I wanted to make sure you weren't overlooking the possibilities
    - lord knows I'm not overlooking them with you).
    So, to recap.  DEN-NTH and SWE-NWY this spring.  Press the advantage in the
    fall in the manner best suited to a GR alliance.  Please confirm.
    Your friend and ally,

Private message from France to Germany:

    Pitt, did you receive my message of yesterday?  It was in regard to the
    tactics for the upcoming turn.  I asked why par-gas rather than spa-gas.

Broadcast from Austria:

    I for one have no problem with Observors asking questions in private of me.  I
    prefer that they give their full name and a simple address to respond to.  I
    do not think that the engagement of the populace at large is in any way a
    detraction or an advantage in the game.  Sort of adds to the chaos of the
    scenes which is quite interesting at times.

Broadcast from Observer:

Broadcast from Observer:

    There is no way to send a message, via the judge, to a specific observer
    and not reach all observers (in fact anything sent to O will go into the
    game's history - the very anithesis of privacy).
    So you will have to send to the address identified in the header.
    In this case that IS Ken;s email.  I remember thinkinghis address looks
    just like what Isaw when I get my PG&E bill:
    KMH4%Rates%[email protected]
    Well, maybe I add a few %%^@!$%  PGE  #@$#@&&!@ etc...
    We know where you live.  We know where you are....
    Oooops!  Did your lights just flicker?
    And we cooperate with the phone company too....  ;)
    As an aside for those of you who do not live on the Left Coast...
    PG&E stands for Pacific Gas and Electric Company...
    A highly underrated public utlility... and a highly underrated rock band of
    the 1960s.
    How about a FTF game now that you are back in the Bay Area?

Private message from Observer to Austria:

    That is my address, but it is the long version.  You can send mail to me at
    [email protected]
    and it will get here the same as that long one.

Broadcast from Master:

    The GM probably should weigh in a bit on the Observers.
    I don't want to make it a rule, but I would urge that
    observers try to avoid making a habit of sending private
    press messages to players in the game.  Broadcast press
    to everyone is fine, since it then can be responded to in
    public as well.
    While the primary point raised here is the technical problem
    of responding to observer press, my problem is that if a
    great deal of private observer press starts up, I'm going to get
    complaints from the players that I will view as having some degree
    of legitimacy.  In simple terms, it takes up their precious
    time.  I don't want to be perceived as a meany about it and
    I won't make it a rule, but try to keep your Observer press
    in the Broadcast domain.  Thanks!  I think you'll all agree
    that this has been a fun game to watch so far, and it will
    only improve as it goes.
    Thanks for your understanding,

Private message from Russia to Master:

    Hi Jim
    Don't know if I already sent you thoughts for this season or not.  If
    not, here are some quickies...
    - Russia has decided to break with Austria.  I fear Edi's growth
    (projected to 7 by 1903) more than I do a vengeful Turkey.  In addition,
    Italy stands to remain weak, and I fear a longer-term AE against me and
    eventually Cal.  Germany is another looming unknown, although he says he
    fears an AR.
    The original game plan under the Quadripartite was indeed an attack this
    turn into Tyo, Boh and Sil/Bal, while EI carve up France and then we
    turn on G.  However, Italy excessively fears Edi, and has asked that we
    accelerate the hit on Austria.  (I have helped hasten that fear by
    pointing out Tri-Ven and Gre-Nap, Ion C.  It won't happen, but it's the
    perception in Italy's mind that matters.) If Cal's being up-front, this
    season should see a coordinated RI vs A.   If that happens, who can
    predict the future--E will be upset that the QC Alliance has lost its
    southern prong vs F.  Germany may see a potential to exploit (me?) by
    virtue of now having no enemies along its borders.  A and T may ally now
    that they have a "common cause."  (I'm hoping that Hohn sees a chance to
    "use me" to gain at Edi's expense via an RT, although this turn's move
    will see once again smash his A Bul in conjunction with Edi...not the
    best way for someone to profess a "new leaf!")
    Italy will not gain anything by this new policy shift.  But he was going
    to 'come up dry' anyway in France in 1902.  Now maybe we can hit Edi
    anew in 1903, with gains for him.  And France will now be able to
    quasi-defend against two fronts, vice three.  It's going to be a whacky
    Potential gains:  Ser and Bud for me.
    Probable pitfalls:  Edi suspects something, and bounces me via Tri-Ser,
    or just arranges a Tyo bounce with Germany, leaving him with two to
    cover Bud vs me in fall.
    The board alignment has changed, not-so-subtly...

Private message from Russia to Germany:

    Hi Pitt
    Glad to see the Judge is up and running; appreciate your replies!  Our
    "pas des duex" continues with my replies (again, w/asterisks), below....
    > MY big concern regarding this topic is that you don't go off in a
    >nervous tizzy and start punching at shadows that aren't there.
    Not my style.  That's why I raise the issue, express my concerns, and
    to talk them out.  I prefer to resolve concerns in this manner than to
    make observations, jump to potentially inaccurate conclusions, and then
    off in a tizzy".  As I am doing with you, I hope you assume that my
    willingness to broach these subjects and discuss them is a positive
    ** Indeed.  Please don't infer that I see you as some "Nervous Nelley,"
    ready to fight
    if you sense a problem.  I don't.  Unfortunately, it's the old Security
    Dilemma issue,
    where I chuckle at something you see as potentially threatening, and we
    don't see
    eye-to-eye on it.  But yes, I too prefer calm 'diplomacy' versus
    agitated concern.
    (Hence MY 'nervousness' at wondering what some of your units--Kie and
    for example--are up to.
    Well, Turkey looks to be a pretty easy wrap for you and Austria, so I'd
    expect that both of you are beginning to look for other options.  Italy
    certainly a possibility for Austria (a strong one from the looks of the
    things).  I don't have a clear sense of where you will go next, though.
    That *doesn't* mean that I assume that you are thinking of heading my
    direction but I don't want to assume you're not either.
    ** Granted.  But the shoe fits my foot, too.  As I said above, I have
    clear indications of what you're doing, other than nebulous ideas vs
    France.  As with your statement, this 'doesn't' mean I fear an attack on
    me, but it doesn't go too far in
    reassuring me, either.  We're mirror-imaging here, methinks.
    >C'mon...The prime A/R directive is "kill Tukey."  After that
    >(late 1903), who can say what Edi has up his sleeve?  Heck, you guys
    >could already have an A/G, for all I know...
    True.  However, given my rather extended involvement in France at
    I think you'd have to agree that AG would be mostly beneficial to
    at this point.  I hope you think I'm at least skilled enough to not
    an alliance with a pro like Edi without unless I can be darn sure of
    receiving significant gains and not giving him the upper hand right from
    the get go.
    ** That goes without saying.  I'm learning first-hand what it means to
    'ride the tiger" with
    a master in Austria, who stands to gain more initially than I.   I don't
    worry too much
    yet, as Italy does present a more lucrative target in 1903, once Turkey
    dies.  Still,
    one never knows with Edi...or with a tournament winner such as yourself.
    >If you're concerned, then let's set up a bounce and/or DMZs, right now.
    >Me hit Den while you hit Swe.  Or we both sail for Bal, or both Hold.
    >Whatever turns you on.   I have no desire for aggression, but if your
    >concern runs high, then let me help ameliorate it.
    I appreciate the offer but I don't to get to that point if I can help
    As long as those units can be used for other, more productive purposes,
    example NTH and Nwy, mutual bounces just to allay minor concerns are a
    criminal waste.
    ** What exactly are you saying here?  You have potential doubts about my
    but you don't see a bounce as necessary?  And you consider a bounce as a
    waste because there are more "productive" uses for them?  If so, what
    are these uses?  If I read this right, the "productive purposes" are (a)
    I go to Nwy and (b) you go to Nth?
    Am I reading this right?  If so, then can I -- or can I not -- expect
    you to sail for Nth this turn?   I would _hope_ this isn't a time to be
    evasive, Pitt.   MUCH of what I do with sweden depends on your reply
    here (i.e., I either hold or I go to Nwy).   Openness can only help
    solidify the RG friendship.
    I do see how you could believe that I'm evading the issue, as well,
     It's a "chicken or the egg" issue.  I'm waiting for you to make a
    commitment to go after England, you're waiting me for to do eth same.
    Neither of us wants to get out in front on this issue.
    ** Again, I feel that I *have* made a serious commitment to go after
    England!!  Taking Nwy when he expects it to be open is a sure sign of
    belligerence, and, if anything, gives YOU more leeway in the North, by
    throwing him more to your camp than mine.
    **The plan I mentioned WOULD work, Pitt.  England is NOT using Eng to
    support BEL.  He's using it to bounce France from Por-Mid, in order to
    ensure he (Eng) can get Iri-Mid in fall--again, supported by Eng.  I
    don't buy your "concern" over lack of success in BEL.  I think you
    expect Eng help to Paris, when in reality the EI are just biding their
    OK, let me take those items.  You did suggest it but I responded by
    that I was concerned about our ability to acheive the entire plan
    successfully without another Russian unit (preferable a fleet) in STP.
    ** What exactly IS 'the entire plan?'  Why can't we grab Nwy and Nth and
    prepare for 1903 convoys?  Is a second fleet StP necessary?  No, it's
    You elected not to do that, I presume, since you didn't want to tip your
    to England.  I can easily accept that but it then means that I take all
    * Untrue.  As I said, taking Nwy when Eng fully expects me to leave it
    alone is tantamount
    to war.
    I make the aggressive move to NTH.  I make the attack on BEL (which
    probably fails, by the way, since England almost certainly uses ENG to
    support BEL just in case).
    ** Again, untrue.  BEL would be yours.
    And, if you elect to opt out and see what happens, you can hold SWE in
    the spring and still take NWY in the fall.
    ** Strike three.  I cannot take Nwy in fall if I hold in Sweden and "opt
    out."  By then, England bounces me over Nwy because he is in Edi (not
    Nth!).   I guess that's my frustration here.  You--quite logically and
    understandably--don't want to bite the hand you think will (potentially)
    "feed" you in France.  Yet he can support you there in spring--the same
    spring that you're bouncing Nth, I'm taking Nwy, and you're in Bel.  He
    is not going to Nth and supporting Bel.  Period.  The moves would work,
    Pitt.  You'd get paris (if your diplomacy works) AND Bel AND  a bounce
    in Nth AND an active Russian ally.  I guess there's not enough "ands" in
    here, eh?
    See what I mean?  From my perspective, we're both afraid of making the
    first move becuase the other has an opt out strategy.
    ** It would appear to be the case!!!
    I did answer it but the judge ate it.  I said that this was exactly what
    wanted you to do and that I would in no way molest SWE.  I didn't
    what DEN would do but I'm open to suggestions.
    ** You want a suggestion?  How about Den-Nth?!!!??   :>)
    I mean, honestly, what other options are there?  War vs me by going to
    Bal or Swe?
     Why?  What about a Hold in Den?  Isn't that a "criminal waste" you're
    so dead set against?   I mean, you tell me, Pitt.  What do YOU see as a
    viable option for Den?
    >After all, if you're worried about an E/I...and if the E/I's goal is to
    >lure you deeper into France with empty promises of support (to Par and
    >elsewhere)..then I would think you'd want a firm Russian ally
    Yes!  Exactly!
    ** So why can't we agree on a strike vs a common enemy now, to reduce
    him and possibly cripple him?
    It's not that I don't believe it.  It's that I'm concerned about our
    present difficulty in finding a way to build on the "no threat" phase
    get to the the "active allies" phase.  I'm still trying, though.
    ** In all honesty, so am I.  It's frustrating, because I see things
    differently than you (naturally).  It's just a shame that we have to
    waste the spring turn when we could kick some serious butt.  Hopefully
    you'll come around when presented the evidence by EI.
    Until then, I remain
    The Friendly, and Alliance-Seeking,
    Tsar Faz

Broadcast from Master:

    The GM probably should weigh in a bit on the Observers.
    I don't want to make it a rule, but I would urge that
    observers try to avoid making a habit of sending private
    press messages to players in the game.  Broadcast press
    to everyone is fine, since it then can be responded to in
    public as well.
    While the primary point raised here is the technical problem
    of responding to observer press, my problem is that if a
    great deal of private observer press starts up, I'm going to get
    complaints from the players that I will view as having some degree
    of legitimacy.  In simple terms, it takes up their precious
    time.  I don't want to be perceived as a meany about it and
    I won't make it a rule, but try to keep your Observer press
    in the Broadcast domain.  Thanks!  I think you'll all agree
    that this has been a fun game to watch so far, and it will
    only improve as it goes.
    Thanks for your understanding,

Broadcast from Master:

    I am going to try to change the deadline until Thursday evening.  I want
    to make sure that everyone has the last chance (unincumbered by judge
    problems) to finalize what they want to do.  You also have the time to
    safely check your orders (send those comments on the game to me and your
    submitted orders will be on the judge's reply).  Now, it is possible that
    I will have trouble setting the deadline (by the way I sent a message to
    you that got lost about the deadlines and all, I apologize for being late
    getting back to all of you), if so, will someone assist me.  This is my
    first judge deadline change as master.

Private message from Russia to Master:

    Hi Jim
    Don't know if I already sent you thoughts for this season or not.  If
    not, here are some quickies...
    - Russia has decided to break with Austria.  I fear Edi's growth
    (projected to 7 by 1903) more than I do a vengeful Turkey.  In addition,
    Italy stands to remain weak, and I fear a longer-term AE against me and
    eventually Cal.  Germany is another looming unknown, although he says he
    fears an AR.
    The original game plan under the Quadripartite was indeed an attack this
    turn into Tyo, Boh and Sil/Bal, while EI carve up France and then we
    turn on G.  However, Italy excessively fears Edi, and has asked that we
    accelerate the hit on Austria.  (I have helped hasten that fear by
    pointing out Tri-Ven and Gre-Nap, Ion C.  It won't happen, but it's the
    perception in Italy's mind that matters.) If Cal's being up-front, this
    season should see a coordinated RI vs A.   If that happens, who can
    predict the future--E will be upset that the QC Alliance has lost its
    southern prong vs F.  Germany may see a potential to exploit (me?) by
    virtue of now having no enemies along its borders.  A and T may ally now
    that they have a "common cause."  (I'm hoping that Hohn sees a chance to
    "use me" to gain at Edi's expense via an RT, although this turn's move
    will see once again smash his A Bul in conjunction with Edi...not the
    best way for someone to profess a "new leaf!")
    Italy will not gain anything by this new policy shift.  But he was going
    to 'come up dry' anyway in France in 1902.  Now maybe we can hit Edi
    anew in 1903, with gains for him.  And France will now be able to
    quasi-defend against two fronts, vice three.  It's going to be a whacky
    Potential gains:  Ser and Bud for me.
    Probable pitfalls:  Edi suspects something, and bounces me via Tri-Ser,
    or just arranges a Tyo bounce with Germany, leaving him with two to
    cover Bud vs me in fall.
    The board alignment has changed, not-so-subtly...

Private message from Russia to Germany:

    Hi Pitt
    Glad to see the Judge is up and running; appreciate your replies!  Our
    "pas des duex" continues with my replies (again, w/asterisks), below....
    > MY big concern regarding this topic is that you don't go off in a
    >nervous tizzy and start punching at shadows that aren't there.
    Not my style.  That's why I raise the issue, express my concerns, and
    to talk them out.  I prefer to resolve concerns in this manner than to
    make observations, jump to potentially inaccurate conclusions, and then
    off in a tizzy".  As I am doing with you, I hope you assume that my
    willingness to broach these subjects and discuss them is a positive
    ** Indeed.  Please don't infer that I see you as some "Nervous Nelley,"
    ready to fight
    if you sense a problem.  I don't.  Unfortunately, it's the old Security
    Dilemma issue,
    where I chuckle at something you see as potentially threatening, and we
    don't see
    eye-to-eye on it.  But yes, I too prefer calm 'diplomacy' versus
    agitated concern.
    (Hence MY 'nervousness' at wondering what some of your units--Kie and
    for example--are up to.
    Well, Turkey looks to be a pretty easy wrap for you and Austria, so I'd
    expect that both of you are beginning to look for other options.  Italy
    certainly a possibility for Austria (a strong one from the looks of the
    things).  I don't have a clear sense of where you will go next, though.
    That *doesn't* mean that I assume that you are thinking of heading my
    direction but I don't want to assume you're not either.
    ** Granted.  But the shoe fits my foot, too.  As I said above, I have
    clear indications of what you're doing, other than nebulous ideas vs
    France.  As with your statement, this 'doesn't' mean I fear an attack on
    me, but it doesn't go too far in
    reassuring me, either.  We're mirror-imaging here, methinks.
    >C'mon...The prime A/R directive is "kill Tukey."  After that
    >(late 1903), who can say what Edi has up his sleeve?  Heck, you guys
    >could already have an A/G, for all I know...
    True.  However, given my rather extended involvement in France at
    I think you'd have to agree that AG would be mostly beneficial to
    at this point.  I hope you think I'm at least skilled enough to not
    an alliance with a pro like Edi without unless I can be darn sure of
    receiving significant gains and not giving him the upper hand right from
    the get go.
    ** That goes without saying.  I'm learning first-hand what it means to
    'ride the tiger" with
    a master in Austria, who stands to gain more initially than I.   I don't
    worry too much
    yet, as Italy does present a more lucrative target in 1903, once Turkey
    dies.  Still,
    one never knows with Edi...or with a tournament winner such as yourself.
    >If you're concerned, then let's set up a bounce and/or DMZs, right now.
    >Me hit Den while you hit Swe.  Or we both sail for Bal, or both Hold.
    >Whatever turns you on.   I have no desire for aggression, but if your
    >concern runs high, then let me help ameliorate it.
    I appreciate the offer but I don't to get to that point if I can help
    As long as those units can be used for other, more productive purposes,
    example NTH and Nwy, mutual bounces just to allay minor concerns are a
    criminal waste.
    ** What exactly are you saying here?  You have potential doubts about my
    but you don't see a bounce as necessary?  And you consider a bounce as a
    waste because there are more "productive" uses for them?  If so, what
    are these uses?  If I read this right, the "productive purposes" are (a)
    I go to Nwy and (b) you go to Nth?
    Am I reading this right?  If so, then can I -- or can I not -- expect
    you to sail for Nth this turn?   I would _hope_ this isn't a time to be
    evasive, Pitt.   MUCH of what I do with sweden depends on your reply
    here (i.e., I either hold or I go to Nwy).   Openness can only help
    solidify the RG friendship.
    I do see how you could believe that I'm evading the issue, as well,
     It's a "chicken or the egg" issue.  I'm waiting for you to make a
    commitment to go after England, you're waiting me for to do eth same.
    Neither of us wants to get out in front on this issue.
    ** Again, I feel that I *have* made a serious commitment to go after
    England!!  Taking Nwy when he expects it to be open is a sure sign of
    belligerence, and, if anything, gives YOU more leeway in the North, by
    throwing him more to your camp than mine.
    **The plan I mentioned WOULD work, Pitt.  England is NOT using Eng to
    support BEL.  He's using it to bounce France from Por-Mid, in order to
    ensure he (Eng) can get Iri-Mid in fall--again, supported by Eng.  I
    don't buy your "concern" over lack of success in BEL.  I think you
    expect Eng help to Paris, when in reality the EI are just biding their
    OK, let me take those items.  You did suggest it but I responded by
    that I was concerned about our ability to acheive the entire plan
    successfully without another Russian unit (preferable a fleet) in STP.
    ** What exactly IS 'the entire plan?'  Why can't we grab Nwy and Nth and
    prepare for 1903 convoys?  Is a second fleet StP necessary?  No, it's
    You elected not to do that, I presume, since you didn't want to tip your
    to England.  I can easily accept that but it then means that I take all
    * Untrue.  As I said, taking Nwy when Eng fully expects me to leave it
    alone is tantamount
    to war.
    I make the aggressive move to NTH.  I make the attack on BEL (which
    probably fails, by the way, since England almost certainly uses ENG to
    support BEL just in case).
    ** Again, untrue.  BEL would be yours.
    And, if you elect to opt out and see what happens, you can hold SWE in
    the spring and still take NWY in the fall.
    ** Strike three.  I cannot take Nwy in fall if I hold in Sweden and "opt
    out."  By then, England bounces me over Nwy because he is in Edi (not
    Nth!).   I guess that's my frustration here.  You--quite logically and
    understandably--don't want to bite the hand you think will (potentially)
    "feed" you in France.  Yet he can support you there in spring--the same
    spring that you're bouncing Nth, I'm taking Nwy, and you're in Bel.  He
    is not going to Nth and supporting Bel.  Period.  The moves would work,
    Pitt.  You'd get paris (if your diplomacy works) AND Bel AND  a bounce
    in Nth AND an active Russian ally.  I guess there's not enough "ands" in
    here, eh?
    See what I mean?  From my perspective, we're both afraid of making the
    first move becuase the other has an opt out strategy.
    ** It would appear to be the case!!!
    I did answer it but the judge ate it.  I said that this was exactly what
    wanted you to do and that I would in no way molest SWE.  I didn't
    what DEN would do but I'm open to suggestions.
    ** You want a suggestion?  How about Den-Nth?!!!??   :>)
    I mean, honestly, what other options are there?  War vs me by going to
    Bal or Swe?
     Why?  What about a Hold in Den?  Isn't that a "criminal waste" you're
    so dead set against?   I mean, you tell me, Pitt.  What do YOU see as a
    viable option for Den?
    >After all, if you're worried about an E/I...and if the E/I's goal is to
    >lure you deeper into France with empty promises of support (to Par and
    >elsewhere)..then I would think you'd want a firm Russian ally
    Yes!  Exactly!
    ** So why can't we agree on a strike vs a common enemy now, to reduce
    him and possibly cripple him?
    It's not that I don't believe it.  It's that I'm concerned about our
    present difficulty in finding a way to build on the "no threat" phase
    get to the the "active allies" phase.  I'm still trying, though.
    ** In all honesty, so am I.  It's frustrating, because I see things
    differently than you (naturally).  It's just a shame that we have to
    waste the spring turn when we could kick some serious butt.  Hopefully
    you'll come around when presented the evidence by EI.
    Until then, I remain
    The Friendly, and Alliance-Seeking,
    Tsar Faz

Private message from Russia to Italy:

    Hi Cal
    naturally, the last e-mail I sent was The Big Lie.  Just to let you
    know, I'm still a "go" for the attack on Edi.
    I've also done (what I HOPE to be) some MAJOR shifts in the board
    polarity other countries, also.  I don't want to spoil the surprise
    until deadline, but suffice it to say
    1) I haven't told anyone (not even F) of the "hit Edi" mode, per our
    2) This plan will ultimately benefit us both, methinks, if it works.
    Hoping to see good results after tonight!
    Tsar Faz

Private message from France to Italy:

    I am hoping that we can repair our relationship.  I am obviously in a tight
    spot.  If you would let up a bit, I might have a chance.  If not, I'm done.
     I don't see that Italy will gain much from helping Germany and England
    take out France.  You'll simply be left as the next victim.
    Is it possible that we can restore the truce line?  I would be in your

Private message from England to Italy:

    So, last I heard, Germany sounded willing to get you Mar in the Fall. He
    didn't say how, so I pointed out to him that by far the best way would be
    Bur-Gas followed by Gas-Spa, which would guarantee you Mar. (And, of
    course, would mean that I don't have to support him into Paris in the
    Spring--if I agreed to do that and then weaseled out, he would certainly
    not carry through with helping you get Mar.)
    If you do get Marseilles, that opens things up a lot for next year. Wow, it
    would really relieve the main problems. I admit that it does seem most
    likely that it will make more sense to give you Por in '03, then trade it
    for Par in '04. Of course, we can make the final call when the time comes.
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from England to Italy:

    Wait, one second.
    >(might be moot if I also get Bal this
    >turn--we can try bor both! :>)
    ??? Why would you go to Bal? You'd be letting Pitt take Sweden.
    (Was it a joke?)
    Gentle K. J.

Private message from England to Italy:

    Same here, more or less. I haven't sent you anything recently for the plain
    reason that I don't have anything to say. Let me update you on the
    diplomatic situation.
    As far as I can tell, my relations with Germany are just perfect from the
    Quad's perspective--he is happy enough with me and not yet so worried about
    being attacked from the southeast to prevent him from stringing out a bit
    into France. My aim is to talk him into pulling enough armies out of his
    borders to give you easterners a chance at depriving him of Munich (or I
    suppose Berlin--I don't see how that's supposed to work, but you
    undoubtedly know what you're doing). Seems fairly promising, though he
    hasn't told me too much.
    On the board, I expect to go through the simple motions to nab Norway and
    penetrate to MAO so as to make sure Italy gets those Med centers in '03,
    and set up my units to blast away at Germany too.
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from Russia to Italy:

    Hi Guys
    Seems like we've been "extended" until tonight, so I wanted to send out
    a last-minute blurb.  Hope this finds you all well, and that you receive
    this (I haven't gotten a Judge comeback copy for days, so if the system
    is "up," I must be out of its Cyber-loop!)
    Not much to say, really, other than things seem on track.  Turkey and
    France remain silent -- nothing at all from France, and Hohn hasn't sent
    anything since he replied to my "sorry about that, version 2" note after
    the F'01 moves.  Germany occasionally writes about his AG fears, and
    says he's intent on capturing Paris with E help...i.e., "the usual."
    I'm set for my moves--no deviation from the original Quadripartite Plan.
     Once we get the
    spring results, Edi and I can figure out which German center to take,
    i.e., me to BER, or Edi to MUN (might be moot if I also get Bal this
    turn--we can try bor both! :>)
     (I'm still "on for CON", right Edi?)
    Let me know if you guys have any additional thoughts, ideas, etc
    Tsar Faz

Private message from Observer to Master:

    >[email protected] as Master set the deadline
    >for game 'ghodstoo' to Thu Feb 27 1997 23:30:00 EST.
    >Grace period deadline advanced to Thu Apr 10 1997 14:30:00 EST.
    Congratulations on your first success ;)
    As I always say:" If I can do it it means that it's very simple" :)

Private message from Italy to Master:

    > Message from [email protected] as England to Austria, Russia and Italy in
    > 'ghodstoo':
    > Same here, more or less. I haven't sent you anything recently for the plain
    > reason that I don't have anything to say.
    That goes for me too.  With the judge down, there was little
    communication with/from Italy.
    > As far as I can tell, my relations with Germany are just perfect from the
    > Quad's perspective--he is happy enough with me and not yet so worried about
    > being attacked from the southeast to prevent him from stringing out a bit
    > into France. My aim is to talk him into pulling enough armies out of his
    > borders to give you easterners a chance at depriving him of Munich (or I
    > suppose Berlin--I don't see how that's supposed to work, but you
    > undoubtedly know what you're doing). Seems fairly promising, though he
    > hasn't told me too much.
    Seems okay to me.
    > On the board, I expect to go through the simple motions to nab Norway and
    > penetrate to MAO so as to make sure Italy gets those Med centers in '03,
    > and set up my units to blast away at Germany too.
    I'm definitely looking forward to my next build... grin

Private message from Master to Germany:

    Are you there??? You still don't have your orders in, but did not
    take advantage of the extra time I gave you to negotiate.  Is there
    a problem here that I can help with (i.e. a general deadline extension
    while you are out of town or something)?

Private message from Italy to Master:

    > Message from [email protected] as Russia to Italy in 'ghodstoo':
    > Hi Cal
    > naturally, the last e-mail I sent was The Big Lie.  Just to let you
    > know, I'm still a "go" for the attack on Edi.
    I had that figgered out... :)
    > I've also done (what I HOPE to be) some MAJOR shifts in the board
    > polarity other countries, also.  I don't want to spoil the surprise
    > until deadline, but suffice it to say
    > 1) I haven't told anyone (not even F) of the "hit Edi" mode, per our
    > agreement;
    > 2) This plan will ultimately benefit us both, methinks, if it works.
    Methinx that one of the shifts you pulled was to get France to write to
    (without telling him the REAL reason, of course).  Well, it worked.  He
    wrote.  I won't respond until tomorrow after the results come.  I
    I'll have a LOT more to discuss then...  heh heh.
    > Hoping to see good results after tonight!
    Yup.  :)

Broadcast from Master:

    Yes, it's true, extending the deadline did not shake loose Pitt's orders.
    I have sent Pitt direct mail asking him for them as well.
    Since we have some Judge rookies here, I feel I should start explaining
    a few things.  First of all, the grace period goes out to sometime in
    April or somesuch.  That does NOT mean that is the true grace period,
    it does mean that I didn't want to risk "surprise" replacement players.
    The way the Judge works is that after the grace period expires, the
    late player is automatically thrown out and ANYONE can sign on to the
    position as long as they aren't already in the game.
    There should not be late orders in this game.  If you are going to be
    out of town for all or part of the negotiation time you should be asking
    me for extensions in advance.  Pitt does know this general rule-of-thumb.
    The Judge enacts "dedication penalties" for these late orders, which
    primarily affect one's ability to get into future games.  Obviously,
    in a demo game such as this one,  it is relatively important that
    everyone be actively playing.
    Lastly, on the point of continuing to negotiate after the deadline has
    expired, this is generally frowned upon.  The judge does permit it though.
    Again, just as obviously, having a player wait until after the deadline
    to finish negotiating is not fair to the rest of the players.  Still,
    in the same light as the way I adjudicate postal games, I don't feel it
    is out of bounds, given the "no NMR" style of play.  Nevertheless, be
    aware if you decide to negotiate after the deadline that you may change
    your orders up until the time the turn is adjudicated, BUT any "set waits"
    that you have set are not valid (i.e. they won't prevent the turn from
    processing as soon as orders are received from everyone) and the turn will
    process as soon as it receives that last set of moves, not necessarily
    after all mail has been processed from the queue.  I think the implications
    of that should be clear to everyone.
    So please, do not hesitate to ask me for extensions if you need them, but
    ask in advance.

Broadcast from Austria:

    I have called Pitt on Saturday morning.  Answering machine at home and left a
    message at work.  Will keep pestering him.

Broadcast from Russia:

    Not to further add to the muddle of "Is the Kaiser on-line or not," or =
    "Are you using the correct alias," etc, but:  has anyone tried =
    phone-calling Pitt and asking him what's up?  Seems to me we could spare =
    everyone the soap opera saga if someone with his number gave him a =
    Ma Bell Fassio
    Tsar of All Russias, Defender of the Faith
    All-Around Nice Guy

Private message from Italy to Master:

    > Broadcast message from [email protected] as Master in 'ghodstoo':
    > I received "updates" from most of you, but those of you who haven't
    > given them to me, would you please pass them along?  Just a few sentences
    > is fine.
    Sorry I've been lackadaisacal about this, but I'll try to do this on a
    more "faithful" basis.
    First impressions of the players:
    A- Edi Birsan.  Ahh, the famed Bir-Sauron.  I've known Edi for a fairly
       time.  We met in the 70s at a DipCon somewhere (Baltimore?) and I
    have a
       great respect for him, both as a person and as a player.  Drawing
       to his Austria could be very interesting or very dangerous.
    E- James Dreier.  Don't know him at all previously, but he is a frequent
       poster on  As I will come to learn in this 1901,
       is a very frequent letter writer with maybe a little too much
       on the tactical side of the game.  Started discussing "stalemate
       very soon.  Sounds like a typical e-mail Dipper from my limited
       e-Dip experience.
    F- John Barkdull.  I haven't even heard John's name before, even on
       Maybe I wasn't paying attention.  He turns out to have what seems
       little interest in communicating with me, other than a very short
       letter requesting a truce line.
    G- Pitt Crandlemire. I've heard of Pitt thru r.g.d. and the talk is that
       is a very good player.  The only name I've heard spoken with more
       is probably Dan Shoham.  Pitt's letter, while infrequent and not very
       punctual (I assume real life takes precedence over e-Dip; silly man
       are well-written and show a good grasp of the game with possibly an
       over-developed sense of paranoia (something I will have to develop
       playing a country next to Edi...)
    I- Cal White.  What the hell am *I* doing in an invitational Diplomacy
       game?  I admit I've won a couple of Canadian Championships, but my
       as a player is not very well known outside of the Great White North.
       guess knowing how to publish a postal Dipzine gets your name well
       known to be able to fake it... heh heh.
    R- Mark Fassio.  Ah, the Faz...  I've met Mark (Chapel Hill for DipCon?
       was it one of Brad Wilson's Vertigo Games events?) and he is a
       fellow.  In fact, he's likeable enough to have to watch out for...
       I don't know his postal Dip gaming rep very well, but what I do know
       it indicates that he has had some success.
    T- Hohn Cho.  Someone else I have met. I thought it was either here in
       Toronto when Doug Acheson and I hosted Dipcon or in Kansas City, but
       Hohn tells me it was Chapel Hill, NC.  Ah well, the memory is the
       to go, they say.  Don't know Hohn very well, but I am aware he has
       quite a name for himself in FTF play, winning a couple of Dipcons.  I
       will respect ANYBODY who can do THAT.
    Spring 1901
    The usual round of blather from everyone until Edi proposed what Mark
    to call the Quadripartite Coalition.  I insist that it be changed to the
    Quadripartite Continuum.  Star Trek: TNG fans will understand why.
    plan is for me to attack France, Mark and Edi to hit Turkey, and England
    hit France with Germany's help.  Then in about 1902 or so, Edi and
    will then hit Germany who has hopefully become extended into France.
    Quite an innovative plan covering the whole board.  Actually, the real
    as Mark and I quickly discuss is that, if it works, everyone ELSE will
    done Edi's dirty work and left him with a crippled Turkey, an Italian so
    west as to be easy pickings and ditto for Russia.  Also, Edi will not
    had to make the first moves against ANY opponent.  This keeps his
    open should he se an opportunity for the Big Stab.
    Mark and I agree to go along with the plan while secretly deciding to
    Edi at the first possible moment.  Normally, I would not agree to ANY
    that sees my Italy attack France but I decide, this IS a demo game after
    Let's try something unusual.  I don't fear an '01 attack from Edi
    because, if
    his plan works, he has much more to gain by following it than by
    stabbing me
    so early.

Private message from Italy to Master:

    > Message from [email protected] as France to Italy in 'ghodstoo':
    > I am hoping that we can repair our relationship.  I am obviously in a tight
    > spot.  If you would let up a bit, I might have a chance.  If not, I'm done.
    >  I don't see that Italy will gain much from helping Germany and England
    > take out France.  You'll simply be left as the next victim.
    > Is it possible that we can restore the truce line?  I would be in your
    > debt.
    While I don't like to negotiate during a grace period, I will say that I
    think we will have more to talk about after this turn comes out.
    THAT is going to be...)

Broadcast from Observer:

    >This explains your mail bouncing.  syncoM should be syncoN.
    >You've been communicating with the ether.  :-)
    I probably have been using syncoN.  I've been using an alias that has
    worked fine in the past.  The alias is at home and I am at work so I can't
    check.  The alias stopped working at the same time his moves became
    late in this game, which is why I think he has lost access.  But I'll check
    my alias when I get home.
    Charlie Eldred

Broadcast from Observer:

    > Manus, are you using [email protected], Pitt's listed address for this
    > game?  I am and all my mail is bouncing.
    This explains your mail bouncing.  syncoM should be syncoN.
    You've been communicating with the ether.  :-)
    [I think (imagine, believe) he's in this game as syncoN (which is correct)]

Broadcast from Observer:

    Manus, are you using [email protected], Pitt's listed address for this
    game?  I am and all my mail is bouncing.
    Charlie Eldred

Broadcast from Observer:

    > I am playing an off-judge game with Pitt and my mail to him has been
    > bouncing back to me for several days.  I think he's lost access.
    I've been mailing Pitt regularly about many things, multiple times per
    day, and although I haven't heard from him since Tuesday, none of my
    mail has bounced.  I know he's very busy preparing for WDC VII, but to
    the best of my knowledge, he is still reachable.  Charlie, I'm sure he'll
    be concerned to learn that your mail to him is bouncing.

Broadcast from Observer:

    I am playing an off-judge game with Pitt and my mail to him has been
    bouncing back to me for several days.  I think he's lost access.
    Charlie Eldred

Broadcast from Master:

    > Broadcast message from [email protected] as Observer in 'ghodstoo':
    > > Manus, are you using [email protected], Pitt's listed address for this
    > > game?  I am and all my mail is bouncing.
    > >
    > This explains your mail bouncing.  syncoM should be syncoN.
    > You've been communicating with the ether.  :-)
    > [I think (imagine, believe) he's in this game as syncoN (which is correct)]
    > Manus
    Pitt's address (in this game and otherwise) indeed is [email protected]
    That address is working fine and that is not the reason for the delay.
    I thank Edi for making the phone calling attempt.  That was my next
    step after this logon to check what was up.  Given that, I will not
    add to the messages.
    Pitt has been telling me that he is doing a lot of travelling lately, as
    have I and others of you in the game.  As I cannot help but reiterate,
    it is YOUR responsibility to let me know when you are unavailable.  I will
    adjust the deadlines accordingly and we will go on.  I hope this minor
    oversight on that score was merely the result of the Judge problems.
    I apologize for my less than prompt responses to everything this week,
    but in general I will NOT hold deadlines for MY travel, but will only
    inform you of my unavailability.  I am in town for the next couple of
    I hope we will be back on track momentarily (in the sense of E-space time).

Broadcast from Master:

    UPDATE, UPDATE, Pitt has just contacted me.  He actually has been VERY
    ill with food poisoning all week.  I (as I'm sure all of you do as well)
    wish him the very best in completing his recovery.  I know how such
    things can be and they don't feel very much like Dipping at all.  As
    I suspected might be the case, Pitt has asked for reopening of negotiating
    time to finish what he had begun before he became ill.  As you can
    imagine, his E-mail backlog is immense.  Nevertheless, you might wish
    to drop him a new "update" note.
    I am moving the deadline to Monday.  If all negotiating is complete before
    then and the turn processes, fine, but I think I need to set it that far

Private message from Turkey to Germany:

    I'm sorry to hear about your food poisoning!  Best wishes for your
    speedy recovery.
    Regarding Dip, I don't believe we have a whole lot to coordinate right
    now, but of course if there's anything I can offer or say to get you
    to attack Russia, consider it offered or said. ;)
    Take care,

Private message from Germany to Master:

    I'm writing to let you know what's going on with me.  I haven't read any of
    my pending email yet but I;'m sure I'm very late in this game.  Late
    Tuesday evening I became violently ill with what turned out to be a sever
    case of food poisoining and I have been bedridden until today.  I'm feeling
    better but I'm still very weak and running a low grade fever.  I hop eto be
    able to get back in eth swing by tomorrow.  I'm not yet ready to send in my
    orders though becuase I needed to hear back from a couple of players.  Can
    you extend the deadline until Sunday and explain to everybody where I am
    and that I'll be in touch?  Thanks.

Private message from Observer to Master:

    I am playing in an off-judge game with Pitt and all my mail has been
    bouncing back to me.  I think he is having access problems.  You might
    want to call him.
    Charlie Eldred

Private message from Italy to Master:

    Hi Pitt!  Sorry to hear about your recent illness.  I've had that happen
    to me and it is an awful experience.  Hopefully, you're feeling better
    now.  Don't know as we have much to talk about until after the next
    moves, but we'll certainly talk then.
    Take care (and stay out of McDonalds!!!) 

Private message from Master to Russia:

    Mark, I guess you have part of the answer to your question.  I really would
    prefer it if you asked further questions along that line in broadcast form.
    I do intend to "control" game players in this game, which is not the usual
    Judge style.  I'm sure you never would want "just anyone" dropped into
    this game.

Private message from Germany to Italy:

    >Hi Pitt!  Sorry to hear about your recent illness.  I've had that happen
    >to me and it is an awful experience.  Hopefully, you're feeling better
    Thanks, Cal.
    >Don't know as we have much to talk about until after the next
    >moves, but we'll certainly talk then.
    You bet.  Good luck in the meantime.
    >Take care (and stay out of McDonalds!!!) 
    Heh...actually, it was a rather upscale restaurant where I took a client
    for lunch.  Fortunately, she had a Ceasar's salad while I had the grilled
    mahi-mahi special.  Never again.

Private message from Germany to Turkey:

    >I'm sorry to hear about your food poisoning!  Best wishes for your
    >speedy recovery.
    Thanks, Hohn.
    >Regarding Dip, I don't believe we have a whole lot to coordinate right
    >now, but of course if there's anything I can offer or say to get you
    >to attack Russia, consider it offered or said. ;)
    Heh...I'll keep it in mind.

Private message from Master to Russia:

    Mark, I guess you have part of the answer to your question.  I really =
    prefer it if you asked further questions along that line in broadcast =
    I do intend to "control" game players in this game, which is not the =
    Judge style.  I'm sure you never would want "just anyone" dropped into
    this game.

Private message from Germany to Russia:

    >And, most importantly, THANK YOU for doing this!  We're going to nail E
    >and others in this thing!!
    I'm counting on it, Faz.  I'm sure my illness has given you more than
    adequate time to get the SWE-NWY order in, so as soon as I get mine in, we
    should be home free.  Thanks for working on this with me.

Private message from Germany to France:

    >Pitt, did you receive my message of yesterday?  It was in regard to the
    >tactics for the upcoming turn.  I asked why par-gas rather than spa-gas.
    Yes I did, John.  I replied saying that your plan was more suitable.  Did
    you get my response?  Are we still on track with the FG plan?

Broadcast from Germany:

    I'm writing to let you know what's been going on with me.  Late Tuesday
    evening I became violently ill with what turned out to be a severe case of
    food poisoning and I was bedridden until yesterday.  I'm feeling better but
    I'm still very weak and running a low grade fever.  I was well enough to
    see my doctor today and he has given me drugs to take down the fever and
    remove the remainder of the toxins from my system.  I know I'm horribly
    behind but I'm not yet ready to send in my orders.  I have just now
    finished reviewing the mountain of pending email I had and I'm about to
    send off a few responses.  I should be ready with orders by tomorrow.
    I sent a brief message similar to this one to Jim yesterday asking him to
    extend the deadline until Sunday and explain to everybody what was up but
    it doesn't appear that he saw it.  So, anyway, that's the scoop.  I'll get
    back on track ASAP.  Thanks for your patience and understanding.
    P.S.  Edi, you must have called while I was at the doctor or sleeping (been
    doing a lot of that).  Anyway, I got the message and I'll call you later.

Private message from Germany to Master:

    FYI, my orders are in.  I have set wait, though, because I haven't yet
    heard back from France or Russia.  Given my absence, I need to make sure
    that they are still comfortable with the plans we discussed.  As soon as I
    hear from them, I'll take off the set wait or, if I don't hear from them by
    COB tomorrow, I'll have time to reconsider before the turn processes.

Private message from Master to Germany:

    > Message from [email protected] as Germany to Master in 'ghodstoo':
    > Jim,
    > FYI, my orders are in.  I have set wait, though, because I haven't yet
    > heard back from France or Russia.  Given my absence, I need to make sure
    > that they are still comfortable with the plans we discussed.  As soon as I
    > hear from them, I'll take off the set wait or, if I don't hear from them by
    > COB tomorrow, I'll have time to reconsider before the turn processes.
    > -Pitt
    Thanks for the update, Pitt.
    Are you asking for my advice or asking a question, or are you just informing
    me what you are doing?  Obviously, if you are waiting for some input from
    particular players, you may wish to inform them of this fact.  In any
    case, the turn won't process until all set waits are off.

Private message from France to Germany:

    >Are we still on track with the FG plan?
    Everything is go from my end.
    Hope you are feeling well soon.

Broadcast from Russia:

    Hi everyone!  Here's my fourth attempt at sending something out; cross =
    your fingers and say a novena for me.  (Actually, now that Judge Dave =
    weighed in along with Jim, I think the problem's been solved.  In the =
    military we call it...ahem..."operator error.")
    Ref the phone issue:  I go along with Hohn, my erstwhile neighbor.  I'm =
    not against phone calls (as an old PBM'er, I like the occasional call, =
    free from prying eyse, computer hackers, etc).  If anyone wants to reach =
    me, you can try (914) 446-1308 after 1700 (5 p.m.)   WORST time to call =
    is 6:45 - 8:15 p.m. (kids with baths, bedtimes, etc).  Once paper =
    grading starts, I'll be up at all sorts of strange hours. =20
    Emergency/deadline calls:  (914) 938-3198, after 1000.
    As in Hohn's case, work and family (and this $#!@%^&*&^ computer =
    syntax!) has slowed my initial mail; be patient, please.... =20
    I understand from Jim that the deadline is actually the first week of =
    Feb (the 6th?) as opposed to the 31st?  Yes?  No?

Broadcast from Master:

    > Broadcast message from [email protected] as Turkey in 'ghodstoo':
    > Hi all,
    > Whoops, sorry about the password mixup.  I've changed mine so that
    > these sorts of things hopefully won't happen again.
    In case anyone else needs to do that:
    signon pghodstoo oldpass
    set password newpass

Broadcast from Master:

    Since everyone now has file orders in, the wait is until the deadline
    this evening.  The results for Spring will follow shortly.  The
    turn would process now, except that a number of SET WAIT's are
    on (some of them have been there since very early in the turn).
    Thus I wanted to take the opportunity to remind you (or inform
    those of you who didn't know) that "set nowait" is the proper
    command (after signing on to the game) to clear the set wait.
    Otherwise, the game will not process until the official deadline.
    I am not implying (certainly true at this point when you would
    only gain a few hours) that anyone should bother doing so now.
    I merely note that it is what prevents the processing at the present
    instant.  It also is of course true that anyone may feel free to
    change their orders this evening.  That almost goes without saying.
    I hope I am helping both the rookies and veterans at Judge play
    feel comfortable about asking me anything at all about how
    something in the game works.
    Let's see those Spring results....

Private message from Germany to France:

    >>Are we still on track with the FG plan?
    >Everything is go from my end.
    Great!  Good luck.

Private message from Italy to Turkey:

    > Message from [email protected] as Russia to Turkey and Italy in
    > 'ghodstoo':
    > Dear Cal and Hohn
    > I'm taking the step of sending a "common letter" with what I perceive to
    > be mutual interests.  I'll send private letters about each sector of the
    > front, if it makes you all comfortable, a little later.  But for now I
    > wanted to express my thoughts about the situation.
    > Hohn:  Yes, I supported Edi to BUL.  My goal was to see your unit get
    > annihilated (I'll be up-front about that part), but ONLY in the context
    > of luring Edi out of SER and allowing me to slide in behind it.  I think
    > you can see that I really intended no further harm to you--else I
    > would've supported to ARM (as Edi no doubt suggested and expected!).
    > That would've bounced you, kept us fighting with mistrust, and allowed
    > Edi to complete his conquest not just of BUL, but of RUM.   I was hoping
    > for better tactical position, and then support you back to BUL and
    > beyond, as an ally.  I  just couldn't "let on" my plans unless Edi found
    > out--that's why I never called you when I said I would.  Of course, you
    > and Edi were on the phones, and you took "the best offer" at the time.
    > Understandable.
    For what it's worth, Hohn, I can back this up.  Edi has always been the
    person I've been most worried about in this game, so when Mark came up
    with this plan, I voted to go along with it.  Of course, the fact that I
    was being stone walled against France didn't hurt my decision making
    process either...
    > Cal:  Your moves are a lifesaver.   Now we have pressure from
    > behind--pressure Edi can't ignore if he values GRE and TRI.  Maybe the
    > three of us, in conjunction, can crush the Archduke and gain from it
    > all.
    I'm willing to go along with this, of course.  Naturally, the big
    question is, what happens after Edi is gone?  I suspect this question is
    foremost in Hohn's mind too...
    > My goals are simple.  I want a Balkan center, be it the recovery of RUM,
    > or support into somewhere else.  And I want a Turko-Russian peace, Hohn,
    > much as you've been saying since 1901.  I did you wrong in that year,
    > and intended to make it up this year by the hit on Edi.  You just didn't
    > anticipate it, so I guess "we're even."   I'm hoping we can wipe the
    > slate clean and start as a good alliance, one dedicated to getting BUL
    > back for you, and RUM for me.  As it stands now, Edi goes +1 (so does T,
    > understandably), and--if he's allied with Germany--then the two of them
    > become the "big gainers" this turn, to all our detriments.
    If Russia goes down quickly, it will leave Germany as the largest power
    on the board.  Right now, he faces a crippled England and a small, but
    grateful France.  The speed at which things are likely to progress means
    that he will be able to turn east quickly enough to cross the middle of
    the board so that A/T would be too late to stop him.  I'd just as soon
    avoid this as it probably see my role in the game as being to plug up
    the Med against puppet France.  Boring.
    > I hope you guys see things the same as I, and that we can come up with
    > some coherent plans for the fall.  I WILL BE DOING SUPPORTS OF MY UNITS
    > THIS TURN, in the event of perfidy, but I will be willing to support any
    > and all efforts elsewhere.
    Hohn, I can't see you being terribly sanguine about that Austrian fleet
    in the Aegean.  Comments?

Private message from England to France:

    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from England to Germany:

    Gosh. Your food poisoning has left *me* with an upset stomach.
    Hm, you appear to be in a pretty good position. And to all appearances, Edi
    has manipulated all of my erstwhile allies while I was sleeping.
    I wonder whether you can get a big chunk out of me before he finds he needs
    something for all of those armies to do. I don't think you can. We shall
    Happy sails!
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from England to Italy:

    ooooh! I've been stabbed!
    Ok, well, looks like I'm alone up here. Good luck getting that next center
    of yours.
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from England to Russia:

    I think you've made a mistake. In me you had an ally come what may. You've
    sold that asset, and now you've got an awful lot of enemies.
    Good luck, Tsar Faz!
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from Russia to France:

    Hi John!
    Well, as I mentioned last letter, the potential for change did indeed
    occur!  I got Italy to head east (for self-serving, greedy reasons,
    true, but a moot point to you, right?), Germany turned north vs E as
    opposed to heading toward you, and the Johnny Bull will probably go -1
    this turn.   Of course, future success still depends on YOU, but I see
    you as the new Kingmaker over there...
    I think it's safe to assume that the Tsar (that's me) would love to see
    FI peace, so I can have an ally help me crush the AT behemoth.  That
    gives you the ol' "coin toss" as to who you want to deal with up north.
    I figure Germany will either convoy to YOR this turn, or use his armies
    to take BEL (or both)!  (Or he could get greedy and use two on PAR,
    maybe even reconciling with England, as a downer.)
    It's not for me to proffer advice, but hey, talk is cheap, so what the
    If you're unsure of your friends (or foes), I'd go
     Mar-Bur, Gas S Par, Par S Mar-Bur, and Por-Mao.
    If you're in cahoots with G, you guys could try and smash BRE with three
    (Gas, Par and Pic), while you go Por-Mao.  That probably bounces Iri and
    kills BRE.  (And if he uses both fleets for Mao, then he goes -1 for
    sure from BRE, maybe -2 if BEL falls...meaning he will no doubt remove
    the F Mid anyway!)
    If you decide Germany is a growing ogre, then see if Jamie will like to
    strike back at his tormentor(s) and try:  Bre-Pic (Par S), Gas-Bre,
    Mar-Bur, Eng-Lon, Iri-Eng, and Nwg-Edi.  This keeps Germany completely
    out of your country, forces a successful convoy (only) of Eng (if he
    tries it), and covers the majority of your mutual dangers.
    Anyway, John, that's free (useless?) advice from a beleagured Tsar.  I
    hope you liked my diplomatic efforts last turn in trying to preserve the
    French Republic.  Any ideas or suggestions you can do to help me (to
    include helping wean Turkey from Austria) would be of GREAT help!
    Tsar Faz

Private message from Russia to England:

    Don't be too judgmental of me, please.  Yes, I leapt into Nwy, but I did
    so for exactly the (self-fulfilling?) reasons that transpired down
    south--as insurance against Austrian perfidy.   I was unsure of what was
    happening with Austria, Germany was looming large as a potential ally of
    Edi (and I still have unease that they're in collusion).  And,  in the
    short-term, I saw the ability to "stay even" as preferable to losing
    one...or to allowing any unknown EG collusion to grow.  I mean, hey,
    anything can happen.
    I *didn't* want to see the QC crash and burn, Jamie.  But with Italy
    overly worried about Edi, I saw the chance to lower the boom on Edi as a
    team in 1902.  Surely you can't fault me for that?
    As for the Kaiser:  The German hit on you is not as dangerous as it
    could've been--after all, he could've taken BEL this turn.  of course,
    now he has convoy potential as well as seizing BEL.  I think nows the
    time to get France to make a radical "conversion" to the English side,
    and the whole focus will once again shift.   Small recompense for you, I
    realize, but you're still recoverable.
    IF I can wean Hohn from Edi, I'll consider leaving Nwy in your gentle
    care.  But right now, it's "every center counts," and I'm in a bind from
    Turkey and Austria.  Any help you can use to gain Hohn to 'our side'
    will only aid in the transfer of Nwy...."believe it or not..."
    Tsar Faz

Private message from Russia to Italy:

    Dear Cal and Hohn
    I'm taking the step of sending a "common letter" with what I perceive to
    be mutual interests.  I'll send private letters about each sector of the
    front, if it makes you all comfortable, a little later.  But for now I
    wanted to express my thoughts about the situation.
    Hohn:  Yes, I supported Edi to BUL.  My goal was to see your unit get
    annihilated (I'll be up-front about that part), but ONLY in the context
    of luring Edi out of SER and allowing me to slide in behind it.  I think
    you can see that I really intended no further harm to you--else I
    would've supported to ARM (as Edi no doubt suggested and expected!).
    That would've bounced you, kept us fighting with mistrust, and allowed
    Edi to complete his conquest not just of BUL, but of RUM.   I was hoping
    for better tactical position, and then support you back to BUL and
    beyond, as an ally.  I  just couldn't "let on" my plans unless Edi found
    out--that's why I never called you when I said I would.  Of course, you
    and Edi were on the phones, and you took "the best offer" at the time.
    Cal:  Your moves are a lifesaver.   Now we have pressure from
    behind--pressure Edi can't ignore if he values GRE and TRI.  Maybe the
    three of us, in comjunction, can crush the Archduke and gain from it
    My goals are simple.  I want a Balkan center, be it the recovery of RUM,
    or support into somewhere else.  And I want a Turko-Russian peace, Hohn,
    much as you've been saying since 1901.  I did you wrong in that year,
    and intended to make it up this year by the hit on Edi.  You just didn't
    anticipate it, so I guess "we're even."   I'm hoping we can wipe the
    slate clean and start as a good alliance, one dedicated to getting BUL
    back for you, and RUM for me.  As it stands now, Edi goes +1 (so does T,
    understandably), and--if he's allied with Germany--then the two of them
    become the "big gainers" this turn, to all our detriments.
    I hope you guys see things the same as I, and that we can come up with
    some coherent plans for the fall.  I WILL BE DOING SUPPORTS OF MY UNITS
    THIS TURN, in the event of perfidy, but I will be willing to support any
    and all efforts elsewhere.
    What say you both?
    Tsar Faz
    Down But Not Out

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The Diplomatic Pouch is brought to you by the DP Council.
The Diplomacy Showcase section is maintained by Ry4an Brase ([email protected])
Last updated on Sun, Feb 15, 1998.