The Diplomatic Pouch

Press for Spring of 1903 in ghodstoo


Private message from England to Germany:

    I shall prepare my faith for some leaping.
    I have been known to take a little jump now and then. But don't stretch my
    poor powers. I am not able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.
    Now I know that every signon delays the processing of the moves, and
    probably some of our cohorts are holding their breaths, so I'll shut up and
    wait for the results.
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from England to Turkey:

    Now, witch.
    If I'm not mistaken, you have to face the question of whether you actually
    *want* to be the leading power in your area, or not. A delicate question in
    a game like this one! To be the leading power, you'd need only to switch
    sides and grab for the remaining Balkan centers. Or so it seems to me. To
    play it slower and lower key, you'd just manouever to destroy that Russian
    fleet and wait and see what develops between Italy and Austria. I'll be
    watching with a fascinated eye.
    Here is one little bit of information of which I am pretty certain (I don't
    like to overstate my certainty, but I'd be really shocked if this were
    wrong). When push comes to shove, either Russia or Italy would take
    practically any opportunity to reduce the chance that Austria will be a big
    power in the endgame. Not to say that they wouldn't join forces with him to
    avoid elimination, but short of that I think you could count on Italy not
    to make any common cause with Austria, and likewise on Russia.
    I don't know how that fact might affect your plans. I guess it could
    influence in various ways. I still have this feeling, though, that *IF* (a
    big if) I can manage to be around for a few more years, anything that's
    heathy for you will be to my advantage. So I give you what information I
    have, to do with as you will.
    Gentle King Jamie,
    the Other Witch

Private message from Germany to England:

    >Hey, how come you lost all the important partial press, but obviously
    >managed to get and reply to all the inane broadcasts?
    Because I replied to those as I read them, without thinking (wasn't it
    obvious?).  Though I'm not sure it does me much good, I like to give the
    real game related stuff some thought before replying.  Often, I don't have
    sufficient time to do that upon first glance.
    FYI, I've been giving your ideas a good deal of thought and I'm inclined to
    go with them.  Look for a detailed plan for a surprise EG turnabout in my
    next message.  Fair warning, though, it's going to require a serious leap
    of faith on your part.

Private message from Observer to Germany:

    > My apologies, folks.  I was so certain I had already sent in my build and
    > that we were waiting on somone else that I didn't even bother to check.
    > It's in now.
    Good man.  Now get to some of that other stuff!  :-)  :-)
    Nagging you (per request), and looking very much forward to seeing you
    next week!!

Broadcast from Germany:

    >Diplomacy game 'ghodstoo' is waiting for Germany's orders.
    My apologies, folks.  I was so certain I had already sent in my build and
    that we were waiting on somone else that I didn't even bother to check.
    It's in now.

Broadcast from Austria:

    In a phone discussion with a player, it was brought up that the player felt
    that the rules prohibit diplomacy during the build/adjustment phase and was a
    little awkward about discussing the coming adjustments.  As this is from a
    long time E-mailer I was very curious about this attitude.
    The no diplomacy during builds has as its origin the face to face game, but
    was never even an issue in postal play.  some postal games had a combined
    season of Fall and winter or of winter and Spring more for the issue of
    speeding up the game than from any rules approach to the issue.
    I am very curious, as this is my first e-mail game of regular Diplomacy, what
    the social edicate is on the issue.
    Comments please from the observors/masters etc on the issue.

Private message from Italy to Turkey:

    > Message from [email protected] as Turkey to Italy in 'ghodstoo':
    > Cal,
    > Regarding Edi, I fully understand both the strategic desirability of
    > getting him out of the way and also the tactical feasibility of action
    > against him.  Before now, I needed him against Mark, who had shown no
    > indication of easing up on me.  I'm in a much better position now,
    > however.  I'm willing to consider a stab, although I'd like to hear
    > substantive ideas with respect to coordinated moves, though.  I have
    > some ideas of my own, but I'd like to hear where you're coming from.
    The way I see MY  moves this Spring, I'll probably convoy into Albania.
    Whether I support it or try to attack Trieste is something I'll decide
    AFTER I talk to Mark (and even Edi).
    Assuming you are in Con & Bla with fleets and Rum with an army, as well
    as the (hopeful) success of my moves, we can conceivably put supported
    pressure on Tri, Bul, Gre and maybe even Serbia.  What's your take
    on these tactics?
    For the long run, I can see myself having to turn back to face the
    French.  I can see you having/wanting to proceed further north to
    (continue to) attack Russia.  I have no problem with this as I've
    concluded that you make a better long term ally than Mark (we may
    want to see if he'll puppet to us as the ability to build in Stp
    may be vital later).
    I'm anxious to hear what the ideas were you mentioned.  I'm sure we
    can come to an agreement on this.

Private message from Italy to France:

    > Message from [email protected] as France to Italy in 'ghodstoo':
    > Say, I was wondering if you might want some assistance against TA.  You can
    > hold them off for a while, but in the end the three fleets against two
    > might prove too much.  They might also pick up another one by next fall.
    > If you are interested in some help, let me know.
    Please don't take this wrong as I do expect us to be able to work closer
    later in the game, but I REALLY don't feel secure enough in my position
    to want a French fleet in the Med.  Let's just abide by our agreement
    your fleet will go to Spain and then to the Mid.  Any other moves will
    mean that I will be forced to defend myself.

Private message from Germany to Russia:

    >Not to worry.  My focus is northwestward.  I'm counting on you to contain
    >the southern hordes.
    ** Part of this is directly related to who's helping down south.  If I'm
    Custer, I could use you there with support before I reach the Little Big
    Horn.  Even taking SEV buys me 1-2 turns, max.  they can surround and
    retake it in fall, no doubt.  Extra pressure is needed.
    I understand this but, frankly, I'm not comfortable letting England off the
    hook that easy.  If I turn now and head towards Austria, one of two things
    is likley to happen.  A) France gobbles up England with me seeing little or
    no gain and leaving me with a looming western neighbor or B) England
    convinces France to join with him against me.  Either option is bad for me.
     The only way I can prevent either is to keep up the offensive against
    England, grab my share of his SC's, and make sure that I'm an unattractive
    target for France.
    >As for France being all alone, I'm not completely following.  Are you
    >worried about threats TO him (from whom?) or threats FROM him (i.e., to
    Yes, the latter.  He's shown no signs of that, as yet, but I don't want to
    invite trouble, either.  Also, I'm sur ehe hasn't forgottne that myu
    opening move was anti-French.
    >>>In the north, I would urge a convoy to England; I can use Nwy to support
    >>>Nth Sea.
    >>Yes, that sounds good.  Except, I'm not sure if the support is needed given
    >>the possibilities for an NTH retreat.  You're probably better off getting
    >>to NWG, where your fleet will be more useful in the fall.
    > ** Pitt:  Don't take this in the wrong way, BUT...I trust you 100%.  But
    > if you envision helping kill me off (or beating AT to the punch), then
    > don't pussyfoot around.  I'd rather just see you move and take the stuff
    > now, as opposed to taking Nwy when I'm in CLY, or taking WAR later, etc
    > etc.
    I understand your concern.  However, my purpose is not to set you up for a
    German stab.  I stand to gain very little from doing that, for starters.
    If I were to stab you, who stands to gain the most?  Not me but, rather,
    Austria.  Now, if it were Turkey that stood to see the gain, I suppose that
    I might have some incentive to consider that option but I'd be crazy to
    give Edi any more advantage than he already has.  I'm already exposed to
    him.  I need your presence in the east and south to hold him in check.
    If I could, I'd do more to come directly to your aid right now but I just
    don't see how I can until I resolve the situation in the west.  *That's*
    why I suggested the moves in the north that I did.  I don't think England
    can afford to dislodge my NTH fleet given my options to retreat to LON or
    EDI if he does but, _if_ he does, your fleet in NWG would give us much
    greater options for response in the fall.  Ideally, of course, my convoy
    succeeds in the spring and your NOR-NWG move does, too.
    I don't really know what else to say.  I *need* your support, both in the
    north and as a bulwark in the east and south.  If you continue to give a
    good accounting in the south and we are successful together in the north, I
    will be in position to relieve the pressure on you by going after Austria
    next year.  I know you'd like to see something sooner but I don't see any
    way to do that.  I am committed to doing what I can, however.
    I look forward to hearing back from you.

Private message from England to Master:

    >.... I think Edi
    >has it about right in his message yesterday.  To my mind, if E-Mailers
    >are going to be better players (by my definition with more levels of
    >the game engaged) they also have to be willing to break down the
    >"feud factor" by meeting on other levels as Edi suggested.  It is
    >something to ponder.
    It is, but I don't agree with you.
    But never mind, that will no doubt be an everlasting, ongoing issue on r.g.d.
    >Then again, as I know, many E-Mailers do not
    >want to play games on that level.... thus anonymous games.  As you
    >must realize, this game could NOT proceed in this manner (lawyer
    >jokes and mascot jokes at the minimum, but much more than that)
    >without the identities of the players known.
    For this game I was quite amenable to having identities known. I'm afraid I
    didn't make good use of the knowledge. But I'm learning...

Broadcast from Master:

    > Broadcast message from [email protected] as Austria in 'ghodstoo':
    > In a phone discussion with a player, it was brought up that the player felt
    > that the rules prohibit diplomacy during the build/adjustment phase and was a
    > little awkward about discussing the coming adjustments.  As this is from a
    > long time E-mailer I was very curious about this attitude.
    Actually, so am I.....
    > The no diplomacy during builds has as its origin the face to face game, but
    > was never even an issue in postal play.  some postal games had a combined
    > season of Fall and winter or of winter and Spring more for the issue of
    > speeding up the game than from any rules approach to the issue.
    The deadline is relevant here as people should not be holding up the
    build or retreat deadlines in order to conduct diplomacy; however,
    not conducting it at all doesn't make sense to me.  I have the
    same view on this that Edi does.
    > I am very curious, as this is my first e-mail game of regular Diplomacy, what
    > the social edicate is on the issue.
    Perhaps (since my judge playing experience is not extensive) I share
    Edi's postal view but that is out of step with the majority of you
    Judge players.  I also stand to be educated on this issue.
    > Comments please from the observors/masters etc on the issue.
    > Edi
    On a related issue that I have been thinking about.....
    my view in general is that rules that are impossible to enforce as
    a GM should be avoided.  During the great "house rules" debates on
    the Judge world a few years ago, at times I realize that I stood
    outside the majority on these kinds of issues.  Edi making the
    phone call he refers to above represents an example of what I would
    call an "unenforceable rule".  If the two players on the phone
    wanted to communicate, there would be no reason for them to reveal
    their contact (if there were a rule against negotiation during
    build phases) and no way for me to find out.  E-Mail outside the
    Judge is similar in effect.
    This issue in general colored my approach to the question of negotiating
    during the grace period after the deadline recently.  I also don't
    believe in prohibiting that for similar reasons; HOWEVER, if the player
    or players who are late want to negotiate during the grace period,
    I have asked them to make reasonable requests to me to extend the
    deadline.  I am aware of the possibility of trying to "manipulate"
    me and that sort of situation and will make a judgment based on
    my view of reasonableness.  Again, in my view, there is no restriction
    at all on people who have orders in already to negotiate during the
    grace period.
    In my view, these sorts of discussions are good so that they can sort
    out where I am coming from as well as what your views are.  As always,
    I also caution the players that to some extent all things are within
    the game, whatever you wish to see that as meaning.

Private message from Master to England:

    > Message from [email protected] as England to Master in 'ghodstoo':
    > >.... I think Edi
    > >has it about right in his message yesterday.  To my mind, if E-Mailers
    > >are going to be better players (by my definition with more levels of
    > >the game engaged) they also have to be willing to break down the
    > >"feud factor" by meeting on other levels as Edi suggested.  It is
    > >something to ponder.
    > It is, but I don't agree with you.
    > But never mind, that will no doubt be an everlasting, ongoing issue on r.g.d.
    Hey, this game wouldn't have anywhere near the interest for me or many
    others if those differences in views weren't there.  I am not shy about
    saying that allowing those differences to intersect over the game
    board is fascinating to me.
    > >Then again, as I know, many E-Mailers do not
    > >want to play games on that level.... thus anonymous games.  As you
    > >must realize, this game could NOT proceed in this manner (lawyer
    > >jokes and mascot jokes at the minimum, but much more than that)
    > >without the identities of the players known.
    > Yes.
    > For this game I was quite amenable to having identities known. I'm afraid I
    > didn't make good use of the knowledge. But I'm learning...
    > -Jamie
    > >
    > >Jim

Private message from Italy to Turkey:

    > Message from [email protected] as Turkey to Italy in 'ghodstoo':
    > Cal,
    > Thanks for your letter.  I also thank you for not moving to AEG or
    > EAS.  In any event, I do feel compelled to let you know that I have to
    > dislodge BLA this turn.  I'm not ruling out cooperation with Mark, but
    > in light of his past actions towards me, having him in BLA is simply
    > more of a risk than I want to take.
    > Regarding Edi, I fully understand both the strategic desirability of
    > getting him out of the way and also the tactical feasibility of action
    > against him.  Before now, I needed him against Mark, who had shown no
    > indication of easing up on me.  I'm in a much better position now,
    > however.  I'm willing to consider a stab, although I'd like to hear
    > substantive ideas with respect to coordinated moves, though.  I have
    > some ideas of my own, but I'd like to hear where you're coming from.
    > My only restriction is, as mentioned above, that I need to dislodge
    > BLA.  Other than that, I'm flexible.  Please let me know.
    Just a quick note before I dash off to work:
    I have no problem with your dislodging the Black Sea fleet; in fact,
    I rather figured you'd want to remove that threat to your shores.
    I'll write a more detailed note this evening about how we can coordinate
    an attack on Edi.  I'm quite glad you're reasonably amenable to this
    offer as I feel we can take him down quite quickly.  I also feel Mark
    will at least help me with his Galician (or Bohemian army) even if you
    press an attack on him (he wants some measure of revenge on Edi...)
    Take to you later.

Private message from Turkey to Master:

    My thoughts after the Fall 1902 moves.
    Edi came through, as I suspected he would, and my rather elaborate
    stratagem with Mark also worked.  I'm as pleased as punch right now.
    BLA will now be mine, and although I might lose SEV, I suspect I
    should be able to take it back in Fall 1903.  I will likely continue
    to work with Edi, simply because I find him to be one of the only
    reliable people in my area.  Mark is simply untrustworthy, and his
    recent letter to me suggesting a cooperative set of moves that would
    require trust on both of our parts is another example.  Cal seems a
    bit erratic, and although it's true that IT is generally pretty good
    for the Turkish player, AT is even better for the Turk.  So in light
    of all that, I think I'll stay with Edi.
    Strategically, I think there's only a low chance of a stab by Edi
    against me, which is further reason to go with him.  If he turns on me
    now, he risks alienating his only ally while his other neighbors are
    hostile, and it also exposes his back to a rapidly growing Pitt.
    I'm going to return to the moral high ground position of honesty with
    Mark, in the hopes that I can salvage my relationship with him.  It's
    true, being in the driver's seat helps with respect to that position
    with him, but I'm still hoping he appreciates the honesty.
    In other notes, I just sent out a spate of messages.  You'll note I
    also sent out a public broadcast.  This is for a definite tactical
    reason.  Whenever I send several private messages at about the same
    time, I almost always also send out a public broadcast.  This is
    because any note passers will not be able to cross-reference my time
    stamps of passed messages with messages that they themselves received,
    because my public note gives notice to all that I was online at that
    time, and thus any note passers could have simply copied the time
    stamp of that particular broadcast.  Without the public broadcast,
    note passers would have increased credibility due to the coincidence
    in timing of private messages.

Private message from Turkey to Russia:

    Although I appreciate your cooperative suggestions, I'm afraid that
    they are not truly feasible in light of our mutual lack of trust.  I
    can't trust you to do what you've suggested, and you can't trust me to
    do as you suggest either, I believe.  Indeed, although the
    coordination you propose would be great if it all went through, it
    could again screw one or both of us in the event of a stab.  Thus, I'm
    afraid I'm going to have to dislodge you from BLA and then we can work
    from there accordingly.
    I'm sorry if I seem inflexible.  It's just that I can't trust you in
    BLA.  I hope you realize that I could have lied to you again, agreed
    to everything you said (perhaps a bit reluctantly to prevent you from
    thinking I gave in too easily), and then stabbed you to try to get
    further gain at your expense.  But I don't want to further poison our
    relationship with lies, and I do truly believe we can work
    together...but only _after_ our mutual security is seen to.
    Please let me know your thoughts.

Broadcast from Turkey:

    Sorry for the delayed press, everyone.  It's been a hectic
    last few days (unexpected post-trial motions).

Private message from Turkey to Austria:

    Boy, Cal and Mark sure seem to want to axe you.  Badly.
    I'm playing along to an extent, although I've told Mark that
    I simply have to dislodge him from Black Sea.  There's no
    other feasible alternative in my mind.  Hopefully, I'll have
    some idea what they're going to try, so that we can adjust
    accordingly.  You might want to play dumb with them about
    our continuing cooperation, so that they're more amenable to
    feeding me reliable info.
    But rest assured, I'm still with you 100%.  You're the only
    one of them that's reliable, and I think and hope you feel
    the same about me.
    Regarding tactics, I'm blowing him out of Black, that's the
    truth.  With armies, I'm thinking of a tactical withdrawal
    from Sevastopol to prevent a demolished army, then retaking
    in fall.  What do you think?

Private message from Turkey to Italy:

    Thanks for your letter.  I also thank you for not moving to AEG or
    EAS.  In any event, I do feel compelled to let you know that I have to
    dislodge BLA this turn.  I'm not ruling out cooperation with Mark, but
    in light of his past actions towards me, having him in BLA is simply
    more of a risk than I want to take.
    Regarding Edi, I fully understand both the strategic desirability of
    getting him out of the way and also the tactical feasibility of action
    against him.  Before now, I needed him against Mark, who had shown no
    indication of easing up on me.  I'm in a much better position now,
    however.  I'm willing to consider a stab, although I'd like to hear
    substantive ideas with respect to coordinated moves, though.  I have
    some ideas of my own, but I'd like to hear where you're coming from.
    My only restriction is, as mentioned above, that I need to dislodge
    BLA.  Other than that, I'm flexible.  Please let me know.

Private message from Turkey to England:

    > Much as I am enjoying seeing Mark suffer....
    > You know, right, that he just tends to get a little overheated about the
    > game. He just says whatever comes into his head. (I speak from personal
    > experience--he's insulted me repeatedly then apologized profusely and
    > apparently sincerely. It's kind of charming once you get used to it.)
    I'm just beginning to gather this.
    > And I
    > think he feels a little out of his league, like everyone else is an expert
    > and he's just an ordinary player. I say this knowing that you will use the
    > facts to your best advantage.
    I don't think he's out of his league, judging from what I've heard
    about him.  If he's genuinely feeling insecure, though, I suppose I'm
    not surprised it might affect his play.
    > (Just don't let Edi win, that's all.)
    I'll try my best not to. ;)
    > He's right now got some fairly silly ideas about what has to happen before
    > he'd flop over and help you against Austria, but I think those ideas are
    > changeable.
    He seems relatively reasonable now, although I'm not sure whether to
    buy it or not.
    > This thumbnail psychological profile brought to you by British Overseas
    > Cognitive and Behavioural Research, Ltd., free of charge for our fellows in
    > witchcraft.
    Thanks.  I'll try to walk the tightrope such that things work out
    reasonably well.

Private message from England to Russia:

    >Yeah, he wrote me with the same offer, but I had to tell him that I
    >feel secure enough in my position to have a rogue French fleet wandering
    >around.  I can imagine you aren't too happy with that, GKJ, but since I
    >France's next obvious target after England, you can understand (I hope)
    >my extreme reluctance.
    Actually, it's fine with me.
    The thing is, having France just be neutral with respect to me, as he more
    or less said he'd decided to be, isn't good enough. It's a slow death
    warrant. So, I'm just as happy if he has to make a different choice. Yes,
    he could choose to send troops into England. But he might choose to
    pressure Germany. That last is my only real chance in the game, so I prefer
    a situation where France at least *might* choose that one.
    The only thing is, he *might* decide to go to the Mediterranean anyway. I
    think that would be a bad move, but I guess it depends on his relations
    with Germany. (My best guess is that he has no real relations with Germany
    at all.)
    > He seemed a bit hurt that I refused, so his
    >was probably genuine, but that doesn't change my feelings or strategic
    >situation one iota.
    No. I'd feel the same.
    Even if he's perfectly sincere, the question would still be how he will
    feel once he decides AT is no longer a huge threat.
    >I will see what I can do, but I doubt if I have much leverage with him.
    >just try and at least keep the idea in his head.  Not to obviously
    >though, as
    >I don't need Pitt thinking I'm conspiring against him.
    Holy cow. You're worried about Pitt?
    Ok. My idea was just, if France is genuinely wondering what he can do to
    help IR against AT, you could tell him (truly, I hope) that keeping Germany
    from overrunning those largely unprotected Russian centers is the most
    helpful thing France could do.
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from Italy to Russia:

    > Message from [email protected] as England to Italy and Russia in
    > 'ghodstoo':
    > Just had an interesting talk with M. Le President Jean-Bark.
    > His current concern, at least as he presents it to me, is none other than
    > your poor selves. John says he mainly worried that AT will become too strong.
    > The apparent immediate consequence is that he wants to send Italy some help
    > in the form of a ship. I noted that not everyone is perfectly trusting in
    > Diplomacy (I hastened to add that this is because not everyone is as
    > trustworthy as M. Jean himself), and that such a help might not be too
    > welcome. He admitted the possibility. I don't know what to tell you. He
    > certainly *seemed* sincere. :)
    Yeah, he wrote me with the same offer, but I had to tell him that I
    feel secure enough in my position to have a rogue French fleet wandering
    around.  I can imagine you aren't too happy with that, GKJ, but since I
    France's next obvious target after England, you can understand (I hope)
    my extreme reluctance.  He seemed a bit hurt that I refused, so his
    was probably genuine, but that doesn't change my feelings or strategic
    situation one iota.
    > If either or both of you get the chance, and are willing, you might mention
    > to M. Jean that an excellent way to help the ItaloRussian cause would be for
    > France to give Germany something to think about other than those juicy
    > Scandinavian (or English!) centers. Suggest that he fatten himself up,
    > taking advantage of England's lack of opportunities and desperation, etc.,
    > while ensuring that Russia can devote all his resources to the Southern Cause.
    I will see what I can do, but I doubt if I have much leverage with him.
    just try and at least keep the idea in his head.  Not to obviously
    though, as
    I don't need Pitt thinking I'm conspiring against him.
    Good luck

Private message from France to Master:

    I was hoping that I would be able to wrap up this evening, but Pitt has not
    answered my last message.  My orders are in, but I would still appreciate a
    delay until Tuesday night on the official deadline.  I will remove the wait
    as soon as possible.

Private message from England to Russia:

    (I know Faz is generally incommunicado for a while; let us know when you're
    back in contact.)
    Just had an interesting talk with M. Le President Jean-Bark.
    His current concern, at least as he presents it to me, is none other than
    your poor selves. John says he mainly worried that AT will become too strong.
    The apparent immediate consequence is that he wants to send Italy some help
    in the form of a ship. I noted that not everyone is perfectly trusting in
    Diplomacy (I hastened to add that this is because not everyone is as
    trustworthy as M. Jean himself), and that such a help might not be too
    welcome. He admitted the possibility. I don't know what to tell you. He
    certainly *seemed* sincere. :)
    If either or both of you get the chance, and are willing, you might mention
    to M. Jean that an excellent way to help the ItaloRussian cause would be for
    France to give Germany something to think about other than those juicy
    Scandinavian (or English!) centers. Suggest that he fatten himself up,
    taking advantage of England's lack of opportunities and desperation, etc.,
    while ensuring that Russia can devote all his resources to the Southern Cause.
    I'd appreciate it.
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from Turkey to Master:

    I'd like a one-day deadline extension, if possible.  I'm going to be
    out of town all weekend and Monday.  Please let me know.

Private message from England to France:

    Well, good luck with that fleet, I guess.
    I hope that with your other units you will be... flexible.
    I do not want to attack Russia with German help (hah! I mean, help Germany
    attack Russia). I may not have much of a choice about it, though. It will
    be my last resort. I would much rather hold off Germany while someone else
    attacked him, while I gave as much assistance, admittedly limited, as I
    possibly could.
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from France to England:

    I don't think it's too mysterious how I might help RI.  With Italy's
    permission, a fleet in the Med would help him to hold out against AT
    incursions, maybe even make some headway, given T's build in Ankara.  Of
    course, it won't work unless Italy wants the help, and you are correct that
    he would be very wary of such assistance.   But if he were to accept it,
    then the mere fact that AT faced a real challenge in the Med would relieve
    the pressure on Russia (assuming you and G left the Tsar alone for a
    I do not have a clear idea of Germany's intentions.  I think that my
    position is strong enough that he won't find attacking me again attractive
    for a while, but whether finishing off England or grabbing part of Russia
    is in the cards, I don't know.  Presumably, he'd have to discuss the former
    with me quite soon.
    I'll check in again this evening.  Best of luck.

Broadcast from France:

    I will be leaving town tomorrow morning, back Sunday night.  I doubt that I
    will have internet access for that time.  I will check mail again today and

Private message from England to France:

    I'm somewhat surprised that others aren't worried about the AT alliance.
    Maybe you meant Germany. I wouldn't expect him to be worried about it. I
    would be, except that I am too tied up with worrying about my survival to
    be able to spend much worry on the long term.
    I am, naturally, glad to hear that you won't be invading England. To be
    honest, I have just been *assuming* that you won't, not because I was so
    sure that you wouldn't, but that I figure my only chance is if you don't.
    If you were hellbent on Liverpool, there would be nothing much I could do
    about it. So I've been making what scanty plans I can make on the
    assumption that you weren't.
    You will understand, I'm sure, that it is rather mysterious to an outsider
    like me how you might manage to help Russia and Italy. A speculator might
    wonder whether you intend to send two fleets into the Mediterranean. A
    speculator would hypothesize that Italy would not be too enthusiastic about
    that sort of help. A speculator might then wonder whether Italy would be in
    any position to refuse help like that. Well, who knows.
    I can think of a way you might help Russia. I'm not sure what you're
    thinking, of course. I will tell you that although I know it's quite
    possible that Germany will decide his best move is to try to finish me off,
    I think there is a pretty good chance that he's concluded that the biggest
    payoff for him right this moment is to try to reap a large share of spoils
    from the pending devastation of Russia. In fact, this is my best guess
    (though it may well be wishful thinking). I believe that the chance of
    Germany's deciding that your centers are the most promising source of
    growth, at least given the current configuration, is a rather small chance.
    (If you suddenly committed units to the Mediterranean, that might well
    change.) In sum, my personal view of *your* best bet is that you'd probably
    best be worrying about what Germany is about to do. If he's going East and
    into Scandinavia, you ought to think this is bad news (because it makes the
    AT alliance very strong indeed). If he's going west (small chance, as I
    said), that's worse news. If he's going to try to use his smallish navy to
    attack my island, that's probably best for you, though it might be pretty
    ugly for you in the long run if he succeeds.
    Hm, so, I don't know what to say. IF you are planning to put some pressure
    on Germany, it would be very helpful for me to know this. It would affect
    my plans. It would be helpful for me to know whether I have to gamble and
    try to do something that might fend Germany off for a longish time, or
    whether I just have to hold out for another move until he gets a new
    distraction. But, you may not feel you want to reveal your plans, I would
    naturally understand that. It depends on to what extent you feel that we're
    'in this together' now.
    Germany is oddly ready to negotiate with me, it seems. Maybe it's a hoax.
    And I don't exactly know what he's offering, either. Whatever it is, I'll
    be doing what I can to improve my defensive posture against him.
    Unfortunately, I am rather in the dark about your plans and Russia's (it's
    too bad that Russia is incommunicado, but that's life).
    A last thought about revenge.
    I find that at this level, players go for revenge only when other prospects
    look pretty grim. Yours are certainly good enough that you can have higher
    aspirations! I think that if you play your cards just right, you'll be a
    major endgame factor. Frankly, I hope you do play them just right.
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from France to England:

    Jamie, the long and short of it is that I am concerned about the growing
    strength of the AT alliance.  If I were to think in the short term, their
    success provides me with some opportunities.  But they will gain much more
    and much faster than I would from grabbing the immediate profits.  I would
    like to help Russia and Italy hold them off.  I've contacted a couple of
    players about this, but so far I am the only one who feels this way.  The
    import for you is, of course, that I would not make an attempt on your
    homeland.  FYI, revenge rarely motivates me, and I try to play the board as
    it develops.  My reading now is that AT is the problem.

Broadcast from Observer:

    I have always played that the game is setup with deadlines and what you do
    prior to the deadlines is your business within the limits of the press
    settings.  In other words, diplomacy is acceptable so long as the adjustments
    get in on time.
    Just my too sense.
    ----------------------[Reply - Original Message]----------------------

Broadcast from Austria:

    In a phone discussion with a player, it was brought up that the player felt
    that the rules prohibit diplomacy during the build/adjustment phase and was a
    little awkward about discussing the coming adjustments.  As this is from a
    long time E-mailer I was very curious about this attitude.
    The no diplomacy during builds has as its origin the face to face game, but
    was never even an issue in postal play.  some postal games had a combined
    season of Fall and winter or of winter and Spring more for the issue of
    speeding up the game than from any rules approach to the issue.
    I am very curious, as this is my first e-mail game of regular Diplomacy, what
    the social edicate is on the issue.
    Comments please from the observors/masters etc on the issue.

Private message from France to Italy:

    As you wish.

Broadcast from Observer:

    > Speaking of negotiating after deadline, Manus, you got abandoned in
    > Class2 last night.  Please rectify.
    Sigh.  Okay, right after my ten to noon meeting.
    Smelling of dirty laundry,
    Manus  :-(

Broadcast from Observer:

    Speaking of negotiating after deadline, Manus, you got abandoned in
    Class2 last night.  Please rectify.
    Charlie, your friendly GM

Broadcast from Observer:

    My own philospophy on negotiations buring retreats and builds:  100% in favor.
    I too feel that the ban on such negotiations is something that should be left
    to apply to FTF only.  That's the way I run my games and that's the way I play
    Stab you soon (using a negotiated build),

Private message from England to Master:

    I haven't decided yet whether I'll broadcast anything in response to yours
    and Edi's recent broadcast notes.
    If I do, you must keep in mind that 'everything is in the context of the
    game'! Everything I broadcast is. Private notes to you are extra-game
    communications, of course, with no ulterior motives.
    You already have my candid comments about unenforceable rules and about
    your decisions about negotiating past the deadline. I'll be more than happy
    to expand if you have any questions about my views, of course.
    Rick Desper gave what should be counted as the Official Judge-players's
    Position. The large majority of Judge denizens think it's perfectly ok to
    negotiate during minor phases. Rick himself is inclined to think not, but
    always goes along with the majority when he's GM-ing.

Broadcast from England:

    On negotiations during minor phases:
    >Perhaps (since my judge playing experience is not extensive) I share
    >Edi's postal view but that is out of step with the majority of you
    >Judge players.  I also stand to be educated on this issue.
    Not at all. The large majority of Judge players, I think it's fair to say,
    also find no problem in negotiating during adjustment and retreat phases.
    (Rick's account of this is perfectly accurate, in other words.)
    Whoever told Edi that he was worried about it was probably lying. Maybe it
    was me. Maybe I was talking to Edi on the phone about this. Maybe Edi made
    the whole thing up. Seems most likely. Just who does he think he's fooling?
    >On a related issue that I have been thinking about.....
    >my view in general is that rules that are impossible to enforce as
    >a GM should be avoided.
    I disagree. I would like to know just why you think so, Jim.
    My view is this. In a game like Ghodstoo, you can expect players to follow
    the rules laid down. So the rules will be largely self-enforcing.
    >This issue in general colored my approach to the question of negotiating
    >during the grace period after the deadline recently.  I also don't
    >believe in prohibiting that for similar reasons; HOWEVER, if the player
    >or players who are late want to negotiate during the grace period,
    >I have asked them to make reasonable requests to me to extend the
    >deadline.  I am aware of the possibility of trying to "manipulate"
    >me and that sort of situation and will make a judgment based on
    >my view of reasonableness.
    This seems entirely fair.
    I myself implore all of the players to be reasonable at all times. I mean,
    I hereby do so.
    I will always follow the rules as I understand them, always. And I have no
    doubt that other players are the same.
    Except for Cal.

Broadcast from Observer:

    My feeling has always been that the rule against negotiation was designed
    to speed things up, as the rules only allow 5 minutes for builds &
    So in general, I think this rule fall under the category of "rules which
    are not applicable outside of FTF," since, after all, we don;'t enforce the
    5 minutes part, so why the no-talking part.
    So unless the GM prohibits it, I engage in it w/o qualm.
    When I GM I allow it, but I try to enforce the spirit by preventing the use
    of SET WAIT during retreat/build phases.  Since I see the intent of the
    rule to keep the game moving quickly, I think stretching out these phases
    to negotiate is poor form.
    p.s. On the other hand, strictly prohibiting communication in these phases
    has some interesting unintended game-theoretic side effects.  I once saw 2
    players left with only one retreat each, to the same spot.  They were
    trying to stop me from winning by getting a defensible line.  If both
    retreated to the spot it was just as bad as if neither did.  With
    communication (which they used) it was an easy matter to resolve (heck, I
    won anyway), but w/o communication it would have been a very interestng
    Battle of the Sexes type game.
    p.p.s.  I think having the option to claim: "Regardless of the GMs ruling,
    *I* don;t negotiate during retreats and builds" gives a player some stab
    room if he wants it.

Broadcast from Observer:

    > Broadcast message from [email protected] as Observer in
    > 'ghodstoo':
    > Charlie Eldred, Government Lawyer
    > P.S. We government lawyers are actually monitoring all e-mail Diplomacy
    > games, constantly on the lookout for new blood for the State Department.
    >  The Dayton Accords were negtiated by 7 people, and 5 of them were
    > snacthed from the ranks of e-mail Diplomacy players.  If *you* would like
    > to be assigned to the Zaire embassy or other exciting locale, winning this
    > game is a step in the right direction.
    I just want to know if this is a promise of a new and exciting career, or
    a thinly veiled threat.  That last sentence might give me second thoughts
    if I were thinking about winning...
    James, Naive student

Broadcast from Observer:

    Press during builds/retreats: Of course the AH rules prohibit this.
    However, I have only played in one e-mail game (a Chaos game) where
    press was actually prohibited during these phases.  The master wrote a
    program which set the NoPress flag whenever it detected a build or
    retreat phase.  Of course, there was a small window of opportunity to
    send press immediately after a phase would process, and I think the GM
    may have actually sanctioned someone for doing it once.
    As for press during grace periods, as I've become more experienced in
    e-mail play, I've pretty much stopped negotiating during grace periods
    unless there is a good reason, or unless it's REALLY important (in which
    case I am being a hypocrite, but oh well.)  "Good reasons" could be that I
    had publicly asked for a reasonable extensoin and the GM never
    responded, in which case I have no qualms about negotiating up to the
    point where the deadline should have been set, or if another player lost
    access for a time or had himself publicly asked for an extension without
    receiving a response.  Otherwise I am agaisnt it because there needs to
    be some point at which negotiation is over with and the game proceeds.
    As GM, I tell players that I "don't make a big deal out of negotiating after
    the deadline, as long as it isn't abused."  I leave this phrase deliberately
    vague and I think players get the idea that they shouldn't negotiate after
    the deadline.  I've never had a problem with players negotiating after the
    deadline as GM.
    My two cents.
    Charlie Eldred, Government Lawyer
    P.S. We government lawyers are actually monitoring all e-mail Diplomacy
    games, constantly on the lookout for new blood for the State Department.
     The Dayton Accords were negtiated by 7 people, and 5 of them were
    snacthed from the ranks of e-mail Diplomacy players.  If *you* would like
    to be assigned to the Zaire embassy or other exciting locale, winning this
    game is a step in the right direction.

Broadcast from Observer:

    Re: Press during retreats/builds
    This subject came up during one of the Hall9* games, where I
    discovered that most emailers have been sending press during
    builds/retreats for a very long time.  This goes against my feel of
    the game, but it is the email tradition.

Private message from England to Master:

    I will be out of town, disconnected from the internet altogether, between
    Wed. April 23rd and Monday April 28th.
    I doubt that I will need any postponement at all. If I do, it would be a
    couple of days at most.
    I will tell you again in a few weeks (remembering how hard it is to keep
    track of these things as a gm).

Private message from Italy to France:

    Hi John:  England wants me to write you and try to talk you into
    attacking Germany.  The rationale is that, if Germany decides to
    waltz into the (mostly) vacant Russian centres, he may get too
    big to be stopped.
    Well, I've done what England asked , so my obligation is
    fulfilled.  I should mention that he has a valid point.  Have
    you given any thought to a possible attack on Pitt (before or)
    after England is toast.
    If you have, we should talk about it as it's something we could
    conceivably work together on.

Private message from Turkey to Italy:

    > I have no problem with your dislodging the Black Sea fleet; in fact,
    > I rather figured you'd want to remove that threat to your shores.
    Oh, that's cool.  I wasn't sure based on your previous message.  I
    know Mark's proposed a unified course of action that involved me not
    dislodging him in BLA, but I've told him straight up that although I
    don't foreclose the possibility of working with him, I'm going to have
    to dislodge/destroy him in BLA.
    > I'll write a more detailed note this evening about how we can
    > coordinate an attack on Edi.  I'm quite glad you're reasonably
    > amenable to this offer as I feel we can take him down quite quickly.
    I think so too.
    > I also feel Mark will at least help me with his Galician (or
    > Bohemian army) even if you press an attack on him (he wants some
    > measure of revenge on Edi...)
    I can imagine. ;)
    > The way I see MY  moves this Spring, I'll probably convoy into Albania.
    > Whether I support it or try to attack Trieste is something I'll decide
    > AFTER I talk to Mark (and even Edi).
    Sounds reasonable.  Aren't you concerned about French F MAR, though?
    > Assuming you are in Con & Bla with fleets and Rum with an army, as well
    > as the (hopeful) success of my moves, we can conceivably put supported
    > pressure on Tri, Bul, Gre and maybe even Serbia.  What's your take
    > on these tactics?
    My take on the tactics of the situation are...well, they're completely
    muddled.  It's a big, huge mess.  I do anticipate being in CON, BLA
    and RUM, but beyond that, it's a big crapshoot.
    I'm glad we have the weekend so I can stew on it some more. ;)
    > For the long run, I can see myself having to turn back to face the
    > French.
    Are you comfortable with the long run, and that he won't press the
    attack immediately?
    > I can see you having/wanting to proceed further north to
    > (continue to) attack Russia.  I have no problem with this as I've
    > concluded that you make a better long term ally than Mark (we may
    > want to see if he'll puppet to us as the ability to build in Stp
    > may be vital later).
    Thanks.  Mark has been rather...quixotic this game.
    But in any case, I'll be happy to work with long as he's not
    the one in the driver's seat.
    > I'm anxious to hear what the ideas were you mentioned.  I'm sure we
    > can come to an agreement on this.
    My thoughts were pretty much along the same lines as yours, I'd take
    Mark out of BLA this turn and work with Edi to an extent, hopefully
    setting up an ideal stab situation in Fall.  I'd be willing to work
    with Mark so long as he wasn't directly threatening my security.
    I think the convoy to ALB is a good idea, although again, I'm
    concerned about your exposure to French perfidy.
    If worst comes to worst, and France stabs you, I think that we might
    need to work with Edi.  Then you, me and him can all try to stave off
    the FG.  I think in that situation, Edi and I will need to try to off
    Mark ASAP, since I suspect he won't be willing (or couldn't be relied
    on, anyway) to work in such a situation.

Private message from Turkey to Russia:

    I've made the unilateral decision that further discussion along these
    lines will not be productive at this time.  I've told you what I'm
    doing.  You can do what you choose.  I have to go defend "Charlie
    Mason Jr.," after all.
    P.S. IMO, it's not generally a good idea to accuse that your fellow
    players, especially in a game where all are experts such as this one,
    are gullibly eating someone else's lines without thought.

Private message from Russia to Turkey:

    * Hohn:  had a transmission error last night; trying again...
    From: [email protected] (Mark A Fassio)
    Hi again Hohn,
    One more quick reply before I unplug myself and then unpack (and put the
    kids to bed); will be available all day tomorrow on this line...
    You're more than welcome.  I'm not sure you fully appreciate why I did
    it, though, judging from the tone of the below.  I did it because I
    want to work with you in the future.
    ** No, I realize there are two sides to every coin, and this shows a
    measure of goodwill for future cooperation.  Of course, both of us can
    prove (with cynical examples) how being "up front" in 1901 and 1902,
    respectively, came to pass regarding "building goodwill forthe
    Nonetheless,  the words *are* there; whether they will ever be matched
    with actions remain to be seen.
    > 2) As of this space in time, I do indeed find you (a) inflexible, (b)
    > lacking in ultimate sincerity, or (c) both.  I'm sorry if that sounds
    > like a double-barrel between the eyes, but I know you're fond of
    > straightforward talk, and this is about as straightforward as I get.
    Inflexible?  As to this upcoming turn?  Absolutely.
    As for lacking in ultimate sincerity, what possible gain could I
    achieve by lying to you about me wanting to blast you out of BLA?
    ** Oh, I agree.   The "ultimate sincerity" allusion was a projection on
    my part, for
    post-spring moves, Hohn.
    > Now I'm trying to make the effort to show -- yet again -- *more*
    > sincerity, with a no-kidding "hurt Edi" gameplan (the only thing he
    > me he fears, btw).
    A gameplan that is too risky on both our parts, IMO.  You need to take
    me out of SEV.  I need to take you out of BLA.  That's Spring.  Fall
    is another ball of wax entirely.
    **iYo.  IMO, the suggested moves _would_ "take you out" of SEV and "take
    me out"  of BLA--by putting us at Edi's throat.    You just have this
    trust hang-up thing flying in a holding pattern, is all.
    Understandable, but frustrating.  (This is where you throw in another
    -shrug-, btw.)
    > And you yet again obfuscate and hedge.
    What is obfuscating or hedging about "I'm taking you out of BLA this
    turn."  Sounds pretty crystal clear to me.
    ** NOT this turn.  It's the unrealized, "Well, golly gee, after we both
    have secure borders ((and I really value a Turk fleet in Bla for MY
    security, btw)), maybe then I'll deign to discuss serious options" theme
    seems to stick with me for some reason...But, as you say, this is spring,
    and you are trying to be Mr Flexible for fall....
    I'm willing to work with you in the future.  Believe it or not, as you
    ** I'm trying VERY hard to believe it, despite the tonality my reply
    And, as you have (one of your favortie phrases) the 'gun to my head'
    tactically, I have no choice BUT to believe it.
    > You cite
    > 'lack of trust.'  Sure, there's a grain of that, on both sides.  I for
    > one am willing to let it die; I was last turn, and I'll do it again for
    > this turn.  Why not you?
    Because.  It's.  Too.  Risky.
    ** For.  You.   Because your trust meter is at zero.  I've already
    'waived'  my risk fear...
    I'm in a position to secure my border.  You are too.  We can hit Edi
    in Fall depending on how things turn out.  Why take a wildly risky
    move instead that could screw _either_ of us if the other stabs?
    I'm not willing to take that risk right now.  I'm sorry if that's
    being too inflexible to you.  Personally, I just think it's being
    ** OK; understood.  Violent disagreement on my part, but have it your
    way.  I think we're blowing the perfect turn to establish dominance over
    Aus and the board, but if you want Spring Prudence, then I'm merely
    shouting into the hurricane.
    > I mean, no offense, but I have a lot better things to do than write
    > options and proposals, just to be cute and never really intend for them
    > to be implemented.  I wouldn't make this effort if I wasn't sincere,
    > Hohn.
    Oh come on, Mark.  You can't mean this.  Because it's demonstrably
    false.  We spent five times as much time and kilobytes of text hashing
    out the Spring 1901 moves and the BLA situation.  Despite all that
    effort, you weren't sincere.  You're not going to convince me that
    just because you offer up a detailed proposal, you're going to be
    sincere about it.
    **No, that part is true.  And your  kilobytes of correspondence (well,
    single binary code, anyway) in 1902 also show that words don't always
    equal deeds, I reckon...
     But there's that little move of F'02 that I tried to use as a
    demonstrative effort.  I guessif that didn't convince you, then the
    follow-up goodwill message won't, either.
    > And what do you think Italy's intent is?!   If he's with us, then
    > all the better to hurt Edi and break out westward ASAP.   And if he's
    > been seduced by Edi into an AI, then what better time to break through
    > their coalescing front than now?    I offer chocoloate fudge chunk, and
    > you dish out vanilla in reply.
    **  Better watch your shoulder, Hohn; Edi and I both had back problems
    recently...I wouldn't want you to throw your shoulder out with excessive
    Vanilla can be very satisfying, especially when coupled with the
    knowledge that you won't get heartburn from the exotic.
    ** Where's my heave bucket?  I'm listening to Fonzie, hanging out at
    Edi's House of Whipped Cream.
    Or to paraphrase another old adage, "Slow and steady wins the race."
    ** Well, Monty DID beat Rommel by being plodding and methodical.  And
    then there's that tortoise and hare thing....You do have history on your
    side, Hohn.
    > 3) I'm having a hard time convincing myself that you'll ever find it in
    > yourself to consider a serious proposal from me, either by design or by
    > nature.  And that's a shame.  A shame for me, because it's my one
    > remaining good option to hurt the Grand Master, and a shame for you
    > because I think that it offers you more gain than an AT designed to
    > me out.  (But that's just my opinion, naturally.) Oh, you'll take me
    > but you'll get nothing for it.
    I'm completely willing to consider serious proposals by you.  I simply
    find this one to be too risky.  And I'm telling you up front that is
    the case.  Again, would you have preferred that I _lie_ to you?  What
    _possible_ benefit could I gain by telling you the truth, except to
    try to pave the way for better relations between us in the future?
    ** You're absolutely right.  The problem is one that was referenced
    though.  It all comes down to trust, and the fact the each turn, one of
    us doesn't completely trust the other.  This turn I'm ready to deal, but
    you fear bad karma if one of us (I'm assuming it must be me) wouldn't
    follow through vs Edi.  But after you thrash the crap out of BLA, I'm
    supposed to just assume you're then ready to deal.  YES, it's completely
    logical.  I just have to hope that you're sincere in fall....ah, the fall
    > 4) Tell you what:  Edi's already said he's staying with the AT unless I
    > leave GAL.  You go ahead and do what you have to do regarding BLA; I
    > can't stop you anyway.
    Indeed.  And that's what I'm going to do.
    ** Then do it, and let's see if it dies or goes to RUM.
    > IF and when you ever see that RT opening vs A,
    > let me know.  Give me  a real no-kidding sign of commitment, as opposed
    > to the "over the next horizon" 'maybes.'
    It could happen as early as Fall of this year.  But I don't have a
    crystal ball, Mark, and I don't know how people are going to move this
    season.  That's the only reason I can't give you a firmer commitment:
    because I don't know how we're all going to be positioned.
    ** Ok, I buy that.
    > But the ball's in your court.  Until then, I'll just assume you're
    > locked and cocked with Edi for the duration.
    As you choose.
    ** I don't  "choose;" that's what you've already dealt me on the table
    for spring.  YOU need to reshuffle the deck come fall.  I'll be waiting
    at the table to see if you have an extra ace up your sleeve.
    See you tomorrow.  Good luck on the motion for retrial, or whatever
    Charlie Mason Jr recently filed.

Broadcast from Austria:

    Actually I will be travelling on Tuesday to go to Sweden and will not be able
    to get the results Tuesday night.  I will be returning from Sweden March 31.
    Please advise details of deadlines.

Broadcast from Italy:

    > Broadcast message from [email protected] as Turkey in 'ghodstoo':
    [Rational argument about how rattling someone's cage with hate mail
     may be appropriate in some situations (something I don't totally
    disagree with, btw) snipped]
    > I can see how such rules might be appropriate in a FTF setting, when
    > the potential for physical intimidation (real or perceived) might
    > otherwise potentially affect the game in an improper fashion, but in a
    > text-only medium, I feel such rules are not preferable.
    I guess I forgot to mention that I think physical violence is a GREAT
    FTF diplomatic tool.
    But, then again, I'm 6'4" and 296 pounds... heh heh

Private message from Turkey to Russia:

    > Am going through my mail queue, and stumbled upon a message from
    > you, i.e., your reply to my proposed ITR hit of Edi.  You asked for
    > my thoughts, so here they are.
    > 1) I appreciate your not lying "up front" to me and perpetuating
    > this buffoonish game of "gotcha."  You could have indeed lied to me
    > for your own expense, although quite honestly it would've availed
    > you naught, and then I would've just said to you what you earlier
    > said to me:  "One more lie or attempted stab and we're through this
    > game."  Nonetheless, you were truthful enough to reject my proposal,
    > so I give you that.  Thank you.
    You're more than welcome.  I'm not sure you fully appreciate why I did
    it, though, judging from the tone of the below.  I did it because I
    want to work with you in the future.
    > 2) As of this space in time, I do indeed find you (a) inflexible, (b)
    > lacking in ultimate sincerity, or (c) both.  I'm sorry if that sounds
    > like a double-barrel between the eyes, but I know you're fond of
    > straightforward talk, and this is about as straightforward as I get.
    Inflexible?  As to this upcoming turn?  Absolutely.
    As for lacking in ultimate sincerity, what possible gain could I
    achieve by lying to you about me wanting to blast you out of BLA?
    > Here you are, warning that one more fib would make things probably
    > irreconciliable for the game's duration.  So I don't even cover SEV last
    > turn, fully intending to show my goodwill.  Ok, you got me, and kudos to
    > you.
    > Now I'm trying to make the effort to show -- yet again -- *more*
    > sincerity, with a no-kidding "hurt Edi" gameplan (the only thing he tells
    > me he fears, btw).
    A gameplan that is too risky on both our parts, IMO.  You need to take
    me out of SEV.  I need to take you out of BLA.  That's Spring.  Fall
    is another ball of wax entirely.
    > And you yet again obfuscate and hedge.
    What is obfuscating or hedging about "I'm taking you out of BLA this
    turn."  Sounds pretty crystal clear to me.
    I'm willing to work with you in the future.  Believe it or not, as you
    > You cite
    > 'lack of trust.'  Sure, there's a grain of that, on both sides.  I for
    > one am willing to let it die; I was last turn, and I'll do it again for
    > this turn.  Why not you?
    Because.  It's.  Too.  Risky.
    I'm in a position to secure my border.  You are too.  We can hit Edi
    in Fall depending on how things turn out.  Why take a wildly risky
    move instead that could screw _either_ of us if the other stabs?
    I'm not willing to take that risk right now.  I'm sorry if that's
    being too inflexible to you.  Personally, I just think it's being
    > I mean, no offense, but I have a lot better things to do than write move
    > options and proposals, just to be cute and never really intend for them
    > to be implemented.  I wouldn't make this effort if I wasn't sincere,
    > Hohn.
    Oh come on, Mark.  You can't mean this.  Because it's demonstrably
    false.  We spent five times as much time and kilobytes of text hashing
    out the Spring 1901 moves and the BLA situation.  Despite all that
    effort, you weren't sincere.  You're not going to convince me that
    just because you offer up a detailed proposal, you're going to be
    sincere about it.
    > And what do you think Italy's intent is?!   If he's with us, then
    > all the better to hurt Edi and break out westward ASAP.   And if he's
    > been seduced by Edi into an AI, then what better time to break through
    > their coalescing front than now?    I offer chocoloate fudge chunk, and
    > you dish out vanilla in reply.
    Vanilla can be very satisfying, especially when coupled with the
    knowledge that you won't get heartburn from the exotic.
    Or to paraphrase another old adage, "Slow and steady wins the race."
    > 3) I'm having a hard time convincing myself that you'll ever find it in
    > yourself to consider a serious proposal from me, either by design or by
    > nature.  And that's a shame.  A shame for me, because it's my one
    > remaining good option to hurt the Grand Master, and a shame for you
    > because I think that it offers you more gain than an AT designed to take
    > me out.  (But that's just my opinion, naturally.) Oh, you'll take me out,
    > but you'll get nothing for it.
    I'm completely willing to consider serious proposals by you.  I simply
    find this one to be too risky.  And I'm telling you up front that is
    the case.  Again, would you have preferred that I _lie_ to you?  What
    _possible_ benefit could I gain by telling you the truth, except to
    try to pave the way for better relations between us in the future?
    > 4) Tell you what:  Edi's already said he's staying with the AT unless I
    > leave GAL.  You go ahead and do what you have to do regarding BLA; I
    > can't stop you anyway.
    Indeed.  And that's what I'm going to do.
    > IF and when you ever see that RT opening vs A,
    > let me know.  Give me  a real no-kidding sign of commitment, as opposed
    > to the "over the next horizon" 'maybes.'
    It could happen as early as Fall of this year.  But I don't have a
    crystal ball, Mark, and I don't know how people are going to move this
    season.  That's the only reason I can't give you a firmer commitment:
    because I don't know how we're all going to be positioned.
    > I'd LOVE to make it happen, to
    > remove the big Balkan threat and then to turn attention to the forming
    > FG.
    I agree.
    > But the ball's in your court.  Until then, I'll just assume you're
    > locked and cocked with Edi for the duration.
    As you choose.

Private message from Italy to Turkey:

    > Message from [email protected] as Turkey to Italy in 'ghodstoo':
    > > The way I see MY  moves this Spring, I'll probably convoy into Albania.
    > > Whether I support it or try to attack Trieste is something I'll decide
    > > AFTER I talk to Mark (and even Edi).
    > Sounds reasonable.  Aren't you concerned about French F MAR, though?
    Oh yeah, big time, but I have to either go whole hog against Edi or
    it.  I don't feel I can afford to be wishy washy at this time.
    I have slight reason to believe that France won't use that fleet against
    me THIS turn and (probably) not the next.  Call it a hunch from
    he (and England) wrote.  Okay, it's a slim hope, but my reasons in the
    last paragraph still stand.
    > My take on the tactics of the situation are...well, they're completely
    > muddled.  It's a big, huge mess.  I do anticipate being in CON, BLA
    > and RUM, but beyond that, it's a big crapshoot.
    Oh, I agree.  (So why'd you ask me to give my take on things?  grin)
    > I'm glad we have the weekend so I can stew on it some more. ;)
    I think our general rule of thumb for this turn is:
    1) I attack Austria and get as much position as I can
    2) You attack Russia while trying to get your own position to attack
    Once Fall comes, we make our move.  Presumably Edi will be paying so
    much attention to Russia and I, you can waltz in and deliver a real
    coupe de grace.
    > > For the long run, I can see myself having to turn back to face the
    > > French.
    > Are you comfortable with the long run, and that he won't press the
    > attack immediately?
    Nope, but I have to concentrate on one thing at a time now.  Hopefully,
    if he DOES, I'll be able to get a build or two to repulse him with.
    Actually, I'll appreciate it if you keep that scenario in mind should
    he move that fleet anywhere BUT Spain(sc)
    > > I can see you having/wanting to proceed further north to
    > > (continue to) attack Russia.  I have no problem with this as I've
    > > concluded that you make a better long term ally than Mark (we may
    > > want to see if he'll puppet to us as the ability to build in Stp
    > > may be vital later).
    > Thanks.  Mark has been rather...quixotic this game.
    > But in any case, I'll be happy to work with long as he's not
    > the one in the driver's seat.
    > > I'm anxious to hear what the ideas were you mentioned.  I'm sure we
    > > can come to an agreement on this.
    > My thoughts were pretty much along the same lines as yours, I'd take
    > Mark out of BLA this turn and work with Edi to an extent, hopefully
    > setting up an ideal stab situation in Fall.  I'd be willing to work
    > with Mark so long as he wasn't directly threatening my security.
    > I think the convoy to ALB is a good idea, although again, I'm
    > concerned about your exposure to French perfidy.
    > If worst comes to worst, and France stabs you, I think that we might
    > need to work with Edi.  Then you, me and him can all try to stave off
    > the FG.  I think in that situation, Edi and I will need to try to off
    > Mark ASAP, since I suspect he won't be willing (or couldn't be relied
    > on, anyway) to work in such a situation.
    > Thoughts?
    As to the above paragraph, it will depend on how strongly he stabs me.
    If it's just the single fleet, I'd prefer to keep up the attack on
    Austria.  To be honest, I'd rather NOT work with Edi if at all possible.
    Simply put if you, Edi and I have to ally against F/G, I'd very
    definitely end up as the junior partner.  Not to my liking... :)
    Anyway, let's see how this turn shapes up.  Damn, these deadlines
    are starting to seem WAY too far apart.  If you have any ideas
    after the weekend, please pass them on.

Private message from Russia to Turkey:

    Am going through my mail queue, and stumbled upon a message from you,
    i.e., your reply to my proposed ITR hit of Edi.  You asked for my
    thoughts, so here they are.
    1) I appreciate your not lying "up front" to me and perpetuating this
    buffoonish game of "gotcha."  You could have indeed lied to me for your
    own expense, although quite honestly it would've availed you naught, and
    then I would've just said to you what you earlier said to me:  "One more
    lie or attempted stab and we're through this game."  Nonetheless, you
    were truthful enough to reject my proposal, so I give you that.  Thank
    2) As of this space in time, I do indeed find you (a) inflexible, (b)
    lacking in ultimate sincerity, or (c) both.  I'm sorry if that sounds
    like a double-barrel between the eyes, but I know you're fond of
    straightforward talk, and this is about as straightforward as I get.
    Here you are, warning that one more fib would make things probably
    irreconciliable for the game's duration.  So I don't even cover SEV last
    turn, fully intending to show my goodwill.  Ok, you got me, and kudos to
    you.  Now I'm trying to make the effort to show -- yet again -- *more*
    sincerity, with a no-kidding "hurt Edi" gameplan (the only thing he tells
    me he fears, btw).  And you yet again obfuscate and hedge.   You cite
    'lack of trust.'  Sure, there's a grain of that, on both sides.  I for
    one am willing to let it die; I was last turn, and I'll do it again for
    this turn.  Why not you?
    I mean, no offense, but I have a lot better things to do than write move
    options and proposals, just to be cute and never really intend for them
    to be implemented.  I wouldn't make this effort if I wasn't sincere,
    Hohn.  And what do you think Italy's intent is?!   If he's with us, then
    all the better to hurt Edi and break out westward ASAP.   And if he's
    been seduced by Edi into an AI, then what better time to break through
    their coalescing front than now?    I offer chocoloate fudge chunk, and
    you dish out vanilla in reply.
    3) I'm having a hard time convincing myself that you'll ever find it in
    yourself to consider a serious proposal from me, either by design or by
    nature.  And that's a shame.  A shame for me, because it's my one
    remaining good option to hurt the Grand Master, and a shame for you
    because I think that it offers you more gain than an AT designed to take
    me out.  (But that's just my opinion, naturally.) Oh, you'll take me out,
    but you'll get nothing for it.
    4) Tell you what:  Edi's already said he's staying with the AT unless I
    leave GAL.  You go ahead and do what you have to do regarding BLA; I
    can't stop you anyway.  IF and when you ever see that RT opening vs A,
    let me know.   Give me  a real no-kidding sign of commitment, as opposed
    to the "over the next horizon" 'maybes.'  I'd LOVE to make it happen, to
    remove the big Balkan threat and then to turn attention to the forming
    FG.    But the ball's in your court.  Until then, I'll just assume you're
    locked and cocked with Edi for the duration.

Broadcast from Turkey:

    With respect to the "profanity and civility" issue, I for one would
    never play in a PBEM game where any purported regulation of such
    conduct was in place.  I'm a dedicated free speech advocate, and
    moreover, I feel that there are times when both profanity and
    allegedly "uncivil" press can be tactically useful.  Very few words
    can capture the strength and elegance of a simple "bullshit," when
    appropriately used.  And when some player (usually of questionable
    competence) tries to justify clearly incorrect or silly moves or
    decisions (especially if that player tries to persuade others as to
    the correctness of the position), there's often nothing like a little
    satire and ridicule to deflate that position.
    Is it "nice?"  No, not always.  But I'm willing to accept the
    consequences of my actions, even if that means I have to deal with a
    suicidal game-thrower in the long-run.  It's about advantages weighing
    against the disadvantages, in my opinion.
    I can see how such rules might be appropriate in a FTF setting, when
    the potential for physical intimidation (real or perceived) might
    otherwise potentially affect the game in an improper fashion, but in a
    text-only medium, I feel such rules are not preferable.

Private message from Turkey to England:

    I think I'm going to dislodge BLA and watch and see what happens in
    Spring, before I decide what to do in Fall and long-term.
    Good luck on your defense.  I hope you can stymie Pitt. :)

Private message from Russia to Turkey:

    Ref below...
    I've made the unilateral decision that further discussion along these
    lines will not be productive at this time.  I've told you what I'm
    doing.  You can do what you choose.
    ** Indeed you have (thanks again) and indeed I will.  I'm just tring to
    'diplome' with some correspondence and to discuss(in the initial
    messages) why you ddn't like the proposal.  Then I tried to give you my
    spin to your views in a reply.  If you don't see value in it (for just
    spring, I hope?), then fine, I'll stop bothering you.
    P.S. IMO, it's not generally a good idea to accuse that your fellow
    players, especially in a game where all are experts such as this one,
    are gullibly eating someone else's lines without thought.
    ** Come on, Hohn, really!  First off, word are just another weapon,
    something you -- Mr Free Speech Advocate--should certainly understand.
    ((Ref your earlier broadcast message about profanity and use of words as
    weapons in a game))   Don't be so testy over a game tool.   I'm not
    impugning your intelligence; you ARE a lawyer, after all, something whch
    requires independent thought and "smarts."
    ** Secondly,  _I do NOT_ see anyone here as "gullibly eating someone
    else's lines without thought."  Hey, I know no one put a gun to your head
    (or mine) to make the moves you (or I)  did.  We make the beds we lie in.
     And your very offer of 'something' after S'02 keeps the door open for
    future cooperative efforts (if we can get past these notes)!  I would
    just like to see some of the "old (S'01) Hohn" and some moves
    recommendations, instead of "I'm afraid I can't comment on that" and
    "your moves are too risky."  But I digress...After the moves, if you want
    to deal, I'm here.  Always will be.

Broadcast from Master:

    > Broadcast message from [email protected] as Austria in 'ghodstoo':
    > Actually I will be travelling on Tuesday to go to Sweden and will not be able
    > to get the results Tuesday night.  I will be returning from Sweden March 31.
    > Please advise details of deadlines.
    The deadline for the next season will remain on Tuesday evening, the 25th.
    Following that, if retreats are due, that deadline will be pushed back
    to the following Tuesday evening April 1st (April Fool's Day????).
    If retreats are not due, I will tentatively set the movement deadline
    for Friday night April 4th and await further input if that is not
    Your friendly GM who wishes he wee running away to World Dip Con...

Private message from Russia to Austria:

    Edi, before you head out...
    Any chance of an 11th hour reconciliation between us?  By this, I mean:
    1) I call off Cal (maybe even send him to TYO this turn and go after
    2) You "perhaps" use Bul-Rum (Bud S) to annihilate RUM (knowing that
    Hohn's using both fleets to kill BLA)
    	a) This is in conjunction with Gal-Ukr, Ukr-Sev (Mos S), Bla-Arm
    	b) Not only do you breathe easier in the west, but you also
    achieve your goal of having me vacate GAL...AND you get RUM, to boot!
    	c) Hohn gets BLA, and has all of three centers to do nothing.
    	d) Come fall, you use Gre S Rum-Bul to bounce any two-fleet
    turkish threat to BUL.
    You support me (GAL- RUM!)  with BUL.  This lets you keep vie-Tyo, Bud S
    Tri (or however you envision Cal's coming assault).   This (again) gets
    me out of Gal; allows me to reconquer Rum and SEv, and then--THEN--I will
    rebuild for an anti-German war, and you can run amok down south after
    that...take it all, for all I care.
    I'll tell you the reason I'm saying this:
    You and Hohn have both displayed an amazing recalcitrance to talk
    options.  i'm boxed-in, and we all know it.  germany's move of Mun-Tyo is
    problematic at best.  if I'm hit in GAL, I *will* retreat to BOH and make
    my last gasps be anti-Austrian, to Hohn's and Pitt's gain.
    I'm not saying the above in any sort of hissy-fit.  You're a damn fine
    player, and this threat is one of the few (pitiful) weapons of persuasion
    left in my arsenal.  I have to try and use whatever's left to get my
    point across.
    I can and will work with you down south, but you haven't offered any
    CONSTRUCTIVE options since S'01, and I have a hunch those were to ensure
    you became top-dog down there.
    I mean, you and Hohn can stay allied, and I'll just divert centers to T
    and G for as long as possible.  Or you and I can deal (even in a 70-30
    split) and you'll forever be freed of an eastern flank threat.
     Can you say the same for Hohn after F'02, with that fleet of his in BLA
    and all those units next to you, and "no moreMark to kick around
    I'd be curious to hear your views, Edi.  I'll go halfway with you on
    this, to the point of even working with Italy over your perceived

Private message from Russia to Italy:

    Hi Cal
    One quick note before I return to grading papers...
    1) If you're after Edi this turn, do you want me to hit Bud or Vie (or
    concentrate on Gal-Rum to retake SEV)?  Can we convince Edi to cover Tyo
    (i.e., have him think you're moving Ven-Tyo, Apu-ven (Adr S)?  if so,
    then I can hit Bud, you can take TRI, and then who knows?
    2) If the Edi thing won't work for a turn, how about this?  You go to
    Ven-Tyo, Adr-Ven (temporarily, in case Edi gets frisky), and do the
    convoy to ALB.  I hang around in GAL (Edi 'says" he might let me linger
    there, for obvious anti-T overtones...yeah, right).  if he does, then you
    and I hit VIE in Fall.  if he does hit me, then I retreat to SIL, and
    support you to MUN (or you take it and I shoot for BER).
    Wacky?  Nutty?  Sure.  But so's waiting around for thec unbreakable AT
    axe to fall on my neck.  The letters between Hohn and I are once again
    approaching critical meltdown, and I'm stumped by it.  I'm sure he's a
    swel human, but I can't get past the tone of his letters, and i'm sure my
    responses (in kind) are perceived equally dimly.  I'm not sure our
    personalities will allow us to deal in a game (ironic, ain't it)?
    He (Tur) wants to destroy me F BLA and then see what's available come
    fall.  If he's being on the up-and-up, great, perhaps we can wait a turn.
     If not, then I'll collapse quickly.  And if Germany orders Kie-Den and
    slides into nwy behind me in spring, then I'm hosed anyway (hence my
    Germany option above, however ludicrous).
    Any ideas, suggestions, or recommendations for joint policy?  Quite
    honestly, everyone's expecting me to go Gal-Rum, Ukr S Mos-Sev, Bla-Arm,
    and then retake SEV.  I can thus support you in your needs, if you want.
    I don't care at this stage, frankly.
    Allies to the End
    Tsar Faz

Private message from Turkey to Russia:

    > P.S. IMO, it's not generally a good idea to accuse that your fellow
    > players, especially in a game where all are experts such as this one,
    > are gullibly eating someone else's lines without thought.
    > ** Come on, Hohn, really!  First off, word are just another weapon,
    > something you -- Mr Free Speech Advocate--should certainly understand.
    Certainly.  That's not the point, though.
    > ((Ref your earlier broadcast message about profanity and use of words as
    > weapons in a game))   Don't be so testy over a game tool.
    I'm of the opinion that certain game tools are more effective than
    others depending on the situation.  In an expert's game, it's not
    generally a good idea to imply mindless puppetdom, IMO.
    That's my opinion.  Take it for what it's worth.  And you again
    mistake bluntness for some sort of anger/annoyance/testiness, which is
    not the case.
    > I'm not
    > impugning your intelligence; you ARE a lawyer, after all, something whch
    > requires independent thought and "smarts."
    Actually, considering some of the lawyers I've dealt with, that's
    hardly a general rule. ;)
    > I would
    > just like to see some of the "old (S'01) Hohn"
    The one that got stabbed by you...
    > and some moves
    > recommendations, instead of "I'm afraid I can't comment on that" and
    > "your moves are too risky."
    I've made move recommendations.  Take SEV.  I'll take BLA.  Anything
    beyond that is neither necessary nor prudent.  We don't need to know
    the particulars, since the tactical situation dictates variability.
    As for why I couldn't comment before, and why I've been wary in my
    dealings with you, there's a reason for that, Mark.

Broadcast from Observer:

    > Your friendly GM who wishes he were running away to World Dip Con...
    Don't despair, Jim.  Pitt, Edi, and I will drink a toast to you on
    the shores of the Skagerrak.  :-)
    Just rubbing it in,

Private message from Russia to Italy:

    Fazfam?  Isn't this a new address?  Or is my memory going? (Yeah, I
    but I mean even more than usual).
    ** It's a new address for my home system, now that I reconfigured my
    modem and destroyed my remote address for my work system in the
    process...sigh.  This one works anytime, although I  have to contunually
    log on to access new I'll have a bazillion 20-second phone
    accesses to get/send mail....
    Glad your vacation was good.  Sounds like a lot of fun.  I think I'll go
    away somewhere to... grin
    ** I hear Albania and/or Trieste are pretty nice this time of year -grin-
    >I'm getting much the same from them.  I do not believe they are
    (and I'm a little surprised you would even imply that), but I simply
    it's a case of two good players being convinced that allying (at least
    now) is in their own best interests.  I'll keep trying though and let
    know if I'm making progress.
    ** I agree.  Still, it's frustrating when you and I KNOW that, by
    following the RI suggestions, Edi would be in a severe state of
    hurt...and that the only thing preventing our tactical salvation is a
    recalcitrant Turk who has the stubbornness to want to be driving the
    train, all the time, every time.
    > Pitt wants me to move to NWG and take his chances with the convoy
    > retreat to open center.  He's giving me the morale pep-talks about
    > 'continuing to hold on' (Berlin 1945 springs to mind for some
    > also tells me he 'can't let E off the hook' by building/moving to TYO.
    > Of course, he also wants me to fight on because his flank is open to AT
    > (but not open enough to worry about it himself)!  He's also concerned
    > about France (wonder why) and doesn't want to divert his attention from
    > the western front.
    I am worried about Pitt too, insofar as he would have much to gain by
    your (virtually) undefended centres, but I think he's telling the truth
    he sayd he wants to finish England off first.  It's a case of wanting to
    establish a corner position on the board (vital for any central power as
    y'all know) and NOT leave a hostile, or potentially so, neighbour behind
    ** Again, agreed.  France is the big question mark.  I'm going to be
    quiet towards Pitt (I'll shelve the wacky/zany/bizarre plans for the
    SIL/TYO on Mun grabs for now...) and worry about the south.
    > He SAYS he wants to annhiliate BLA (while 'letting' me regain either
    > or RUM), and after that, we can "begin to discuss possible options."
    > I told him to do what he felt needed done, and that if he ever woke up
    > and saw the benefits in hitting Edi, that I'd be around.   I'm not
    > holding my breath (I'm already brain-damaged enough as it is).
    >Hohn has told me that he hasn't ruled out working with you in the
    but that it will be on his terms with him in the driver's seat.  Given
    the way you guys talk to each other and the fact that you have stabbed
    him 2wice, I can understand his attitude.  In light of the fact that
    Germany WILL hit you eventually, you may have to put up with this for
    a while until we can maneuver Hohn into position to be attacked
    this EVER happens; he's a pretty wary player).
    ** I understand fully his nervousness.  The aggravating thing, in my
    humble opinion, is:
     Yeah, I stabbed him twice under the siren song of Edi.  You moved vs
    France in 1901; should he mistrust and begrduge you for the rest of the
    game, on his terms?
    I've, as they say, reformed, and last turn was the signal that I
    ((anyway)) was willing to accept the New Order..
    So what does this all imply?  He can carry the grudge of my 1901 stabs to
    the grave while *I* just suck up his 1902 stab and accept everything on
    his terms, when he's good and ready?  "Not."   The (real) Germans may
    have to live with decades of guilt trips for the Holocaust, but I'm not
    letting him smear me for the duration of this game.  Hohn carries his own
    moral smudges after last turn, as far as I'm concerned.  Fact is, though,
    I've put it past me,  but he hasn't seemed to purge his ghosts yet....oh
    well, maybe after he spanks BLA, the world will be so much brighter
    (yeah, right).
    In all honesty, I think Hohn and I have similar "off-board"
    personalities, and that we're clashing on non-game issues.  He's a clear
    Type A, blunt, "on my terms" kind of guy, and I've got that old military
    thing about planning strategy and giving orders...anal-retentive in my
    own right.  Mix two north poles on the same magnet, throw in a couple
    stabs (three, to be exact), and you have the current situation.  Still,
    we are talking, and if we ever do work together, Edi's days are clearly
    numbered.   And then you and I have to figure out a way to stretch his
    neck on the block and throttle the s*** out of him.
    Oh well, one crisis at a time!
    ** based on your earlier note (and my crazy GER option here), I think
    I'll just use Gal to hit RUM and regain SEV.    My big fear is:  Rum-Ukr
    while I use Ukr-Sev, Mos S (the only sure way I can get Sev, btw).  Then
    I have Turkey completely surrounding Sev, on the border of WAR, and Edi
    possibly in GAL....  that's one reason I could use some hitting of TYO
    this turn, as it forces Vie or BUD to support TRI (thus keeping his
    centers occupied and also keeping GAL in my hands for the fall season...)
    ** Oh, tactics question:  I know I said I'd not bother Pitt, but let me
    ask you:  Jamie wants me to support Edi-Nth, to bust up the convoy and
    commit vs Pitt.  Says that Pitt's moving to Den anyway with F Kie (I was
    hoping for Hel), and that I may as well help him.  Your thoughts?  I
    mean, if I help Pitt by Nwy-Nwg, Pitt can take Swe and Nwy in fall,
    regardless....decisions, decisions.
    ** Last point:  the cross-gaming reference last note.  It wasn't meant to
    be an accusation.  I just figure it this way ((bear with me here)):  this
    is the first time I've ever crossed swords with anyone in this game.  Edi
    and Pitt go back a long way, and will be en route to WorldCon very soon
    together.   Edi and Hohn are/have played in a previous game recently,
    allying I believe.   I just speak from frustration, because I view myself
    as the "blue-collar schmuck who became nouveaux riche by winning the
    lottery," and I'm now in the fancy mansion at a party with all the REAL
    "pros from Dover" (that's you guys) who greet each other as old
    associates and buds, while I feel out of place.  It's silly, I realize,
    because no one in this game has ever 'talked down" or made me feel like I
    didn't belong...but I feel like I'm on the outside looking in at guys
    with ties going years back...makes it easy to feel like there's big
    conspiracies and "old boy" dealings.
    I know, I know, "Faz, you're a knucklehead, and therapy's
    cheap"...actually, beers are cheaper, and I'm gonna go have one now.
    Enjoy your day, mon ami.
    hang in there, noble Eyetie; prosperity is "just ariound the corner."
    Tsar Faz

Private message from Italy to Germany:

    Hi Pitt: Just thought we should stay in touch even though there's
    not a lot we can do this season.
    France initially warned me that he would have to build a fleet
    in Marseilles.  I told him I didn't like it much but it was
    very obvious that it was really build option.  No problem.
    THEN he sends me an offer to move his fleet my way in order to
    "help" me against Edi.  I told him that I was NOT at all
    sanguine enough about my strategic position to want anything
    to do with THAT.
    What I'd like to ask you is your take on this.  Do you think
    he'll send the fleet my way anyway?  He sent me a very curt
    note saying he wouldn't (and seemed "hurt" that I didn't want
    his help), but I don't know if I can believe him.  Admittedly,
    I don't suppose I can trust his ally (you! heh heh) for a straight
    answer either, but I'm gonna try anyway.  What's up?
    On this front, things are still quite muddled so I won't pass
    on any (probably) incorrect rumours. You probably know as much
    as I do anyway.
    btw, have a nice time in Sweden.  If you see Per Westling, tell
    him I said hello.  Thanx CW

Private message from Italy to Russia:

    > Message from [email protected] as Russia to England and Italy in 'ghodstoo':
    Fazfam?  Isn't this a new address?  Or is my memory going? (Yeah, I
    but I mean even more than usual).
    Glad your vacation was good.  Sounds like a lot of fun.  I think I'll go
    away somewhere to... grin
    > Got a most disappointing reply from Hohn (and from Pitt) on my "squash
    > Edi" plan.  Not that Hohn and Edi and Pitt would ever cross-game, or NOT
    > consider hitting each other, mind you -- but they're going to
    > extraordinary lengths to find reasons why they "just can't' consider my
    > recommendations....
    I'm getting much the same from them.  I do not believe they are
    (and I'm a little surprised you would even imply that), but I simply
    it's a case of two good players being convinced that allying (at least
    now) is in their own best interests.  I'll keep trying though and let
    know if I'm making progress.
    > Pitt wants me to move to NWG and take his chances with the convoy and/or
    > retreat to open center.  He's giving me the morale pep-talks about
    > 'continuing to hold on' (Berlin 1945 springs to mind for some reason...);
    > also tells me he 'can't let E off the hook' by building/moving to TYO.
    > Of course, he also wants me to fight on because his flank is open to AT
    > (but not open enough to worry about it himself)!  He's also concerned
    > about France (wonder why) and doesn't want to divert his attention from
    > the western front.
    I am worried about Pitt too, insofar as he would have much to gain by
    your (virtually) undefended centres, but I think he's telling the truth
    he sayd he wants to finish England off first.  It's a case of wanting to
    establish a corner position on the board (vital for any central power as
    y'all know) and NOT leave a hostile, or potentially so, neighbour behind
    > Turkey continues to drone on about how we 'can't trust each other enough'
    > to do the moves I recommended in conjunction with Cal vs. Edi.  I took
    > him to task on that one - told him I had better things to do than write
    > reams of proposed, SUCCESSFUL moves just to be cute and never intend to
    > follow through.  I told him he was inflexible and recalcitrant, and that
    > he probably never intends to break the AT's that foe
    > encouraging words?
    You certainly have a way with the diplomatic "sweet talk"...
    > He SAYS he wants to annhiliate BLA (while 'letting' me regain either SEV
    > or RUM), and after that, we can "begin to discuss possible options."
    > I told him to do what he felt needed done, and that if he ever woke up
    > and saw the benefits in hitting Edi, that I'd be around.   I'm not
    > holding my breath (I'm already brain-damaged enough as it is).
    Hohn has told me that he hasn't ruled out working with you in the
    but that it will be on his terms with him in the driver's seat.  Given
    the way you guys talk to each other and the fact that you have stabbed
    him 2wice, I can understand his attitude.  In light of the fact that
    Germany WILL hit you eventually, you may have to put up with this for
    a while until we can maneuver Hohn into position to be attacked
    this EVER happens; he's a pretty wary player).
    > FOR CAL:  Whatever option you'd like in the east is ok by me.
    > Unfortunately, when I lose GAL and BLA, cooperative efforts will be
    > severely constrained (until ((unless))  the 7th Kaiser's Kavarly rides to
    > Little Big Horn AFTER the massacre).
    > Hey, we could go Ven-Tyo, Gal r SIL, and then put the F'03  whammy on MUN
    > in conjunction with anything France might do.  It might be crazy enough
    > to consider????
    Yes, you are... heh heh
    > Speaking of France, has anyone heard what he's up to?  I have 35 messages
    > in the queue, so perhaps I'll withhold further talk until I scope the
    > stuff out.  But if he built F MAR, well...let's HOPE there's not an FG!
    > I welcome any and all discussion, as always, mes amis.  Take care of
    > yourselves.
    > Tsar Faz
    > Wested and Wewaxed (to cite Bawbwa Wawa and Elmer Fudd)

Private message from Italy to Russia:

    Damn!  Computer had a premature e-mail ejaculation again.  Here's the
    of what I was saying:
    > Message from [email protected] as Russia to Italy in 'ghodstoo':
    > Any ideas, suggestions, or recommendations for joint policy?  Quite
    > honestly, everyone's expecting me to go Gal-Rum, Ukr S Mos-Sev, Bla-Arm,
    > and then retake SEV.  I can thus support you in your needs, if you want.
    > I don't care at this stage, frankly.
    I'm too lazy to re-arrange the blox myself, but if that's the better
    centre-saving option for you go ahead with that.  The slower you
    lose centres, the longer you'll be around to take advantage of
    shifting board dynamics.

Private message from Italy to Russia:

    > Message from [email protected] as Russia to Italy in 'ghodstoo':
    > 1) If you're after Edi this turn, do you want me to hit Bud or Vie (or
    > concentrate on Gal-Rum to retake SEV)?  Can we convince Edi to cover Tyo
    > (i.e., have him think you're moving Ven-Tyo, Apu-ven (Adr S)?  if so,
    > then I can hit Bud, you can take TRI, and then who knows?
    I don't want to see Edi in Tyrolia, so if you would hit Vienna, I would
    appreciate it.  That way, if he DOES get to tyo, then he would have to
    use that army to try and get back (or cover) Vienna.  Cool with you?
    > 2) If the Edi thing won't work for a turn, how about this?  You go to
    > Ven-Tyo, Adr-Ven (temporarily, in case Edi gets frisky), and do the
    > convoy to ALB.  I hang around in GAL (Edi 'says" he might let me linger
    > there, for obvious anti-T overtones...yeah, right).  if he does, then you
    > and I hit VIE in Fall.  if he does hit me, then I retreat to SIL, and
    > support you to MUN (or you take it and I shoot for BER).
    > Wacky?  Nutty?  Sure.  But so's waiting around for thec unbreakable AT
    > axe to fall on my neck.  The letters between Hohn and I are once again
    > approaching critical meltdown, and I'm stumped by it.  I'm sure he's a
    > swel human, but I can't get past the tone of his letters, and i'm sure my
    > responses (in kind) are perceived equally dimly.  I'm not sure our
    > personalities will allow us to deal in a game (ironic, ain't it)?
    That plan is a bit too wacky for me, although if I was in your position,
    I'd probably suggest the same.  While I'm hardly a major power in this
    game, I still have some position in the game.  No one is attacking (yet)
    and I have some potential expansion avenues in Austria.  Therefore, I'd
    just as soon not get to that "what the hell, let's try this and see how
    much fun it is" stage.  I don't think that you are either, but that's
    your own perception.  The way this game has changed yearly (hell,
    SEASONALLY!), nobody is totally out of it yet.  Hang in there, buddy! :)
    > He (Tur) wants to destroy me F BLA and then see what's available come
    > fall.  If he's being on the up-and-up, great, perhaps we can wait a turn.
    >  If not, then I'll collapse quickly.  And if Germany orders Kie-Den and
    > slides into nwy behind me in spring, then I'm hosed anyway (hence my
    > Germany option above, however ludicrous).
    I think that once Hohn has taken out your offending fleet, he'll be a
    whole lot more reasonable.  My guess is that, once he feels more secure
    in his borders, he'll at least start to think about anti-Austrianess on
    his part.  I hope...
    > Any ideas, suggestions, or recommendations for joint policy?  Quite
    > honestly, everyone's expecting me to go Gal-Rum, Ukr S Mos-Sev, Bla-Arm,
    > and then retake SEV.  I can thus support you in your needs, if you want.
    > I don't care at this stage, frankly.
    If you want to do this instead of hitting Vienna, by all means go ahead.
    I don't have the board set up as Shitbutt McKitten has been up on the
    table playing with the wooden blox again and I'm too lazy to re-arrange
    them myself
    > Allies to the End
    > Tsar Faz

Private message from Russia to France:

    Hi John
    Just wanted to report that I'm back from a most relaxing vacation, and
    now back in the 'acedemic grind' of grading papers and such; lovely.
    Hope this finds you doing well.
    Have you been giving much thought to the "E vs G" position of your nation
    (a rhetorical question, I'm sure)!?  You must realize from a Russian
    standpoint, that I'd love to see an FIE vs G, to balance the board, keep
    Pitt quiescent in terms of greed, and to secure both your country (all
    those guys in your nation....) and mine (so many open centers to strive
    for...).  If you're more inclined to go "pro-Germany," then that means
    i'll need to adjust my policies as well, to try and pick up some scraps
    and whatot before you guys subsume me, and probably Italy.
    Regardless of France's stance, I wish you well.   I thought I was pullin
    a fast one, subverting Edi's grand plan for rapid FT dismemberment, but
    lo and behold, the only "fast" activity is my rapid dismemberment at the
    hands of Edi the Ethereal and Hohn the Merciless (lawyers; gag).
    Anything France can do to help its autocratic empire to the East would be
    gratefully appreciated, it goes without saying.
    Good hunting, monsieur!
    Tsar Faz

Private message from Russia to England:

    Ref your reply to my note:
    Yes, there indeed *are* chances that I would support you in fall. More
    than likely, my support will indeed be forthcoming in fall.
    In fact, I was reconsidering stuff after I sent you the first note.  I'm
    not sure whether to just "end the misery" quickly, and thus GOAD Pitt
    into attacking me (i.e., a spring support of you), or  to wait until fall
    and then offer support.
    I mean, my position is far from crushed, but in all honesty, real-life is
    making it hard for me to keep up correspondence...or interest... in this
    one.    I had second thoughts about joining this, but decided to stick it
    out as a favor to Jim-Bob, and I did, after all, volunteer in the first
    place.  While I don't yet rue the day I signed up, let's just say it's
    not going to ruin my life if I get (or incite) a blow-out of my positio,
    so I can wind down some games and concentrate on trying to do my real job
    and balance some family time.
    I say all this because right now I'm having an internal debate whether to
    "play it to the hilt" and gut out the turns, trying to wean away the A/T,
    balance in favor of E and I, gain some centers (natch), etc, OR  to say
    "strategy?  what strategy?" and just have some wild-a** fun...don't want
    to ruin it for the other "Serious Sams" if I do the latter, however...not
    being a regular in PBEM, I don't want to violate any "ghods-type" norms
    or mores...   -grin-
    But yes, Jamie, I'm not going over to 'the dark side'  and ignoring you.
    I want to see what G and T do in spring (especially G).  I mean, it's
    problematic if Hohn screws me in fall -- I won't know 'till it happens.
    But if Pitt goes to Den in spring, then it's not so hard to read the tea
    leaves...Things could be a -rumblin' come autumn...  Hang in there, mon
    Tsar Faz

Private message from England to Russia:

    Are there any circumstances at all under which you'd support a move of mine
    in the Fall?

Private message from Russia to England:

    Have been looking over all the moves possibilities and whatnot.  I wanted
    to send this early, and let you know I don't think I can provide support
    for your Edi-Nth.  I don't know what I'm going to do with Nwy yet,
    but--given Hohn's foot-dragging and uncertainty, Edi's outright
    acknowledgment of war, and my desire to stay solvent to continue to help
    Italy-I think it's prudent not to pick another fight (Pitt) at this
    stage.   Not until I see Den-Swe (as opposed to perhaps Hel?) and any
    other signs of overt aggression from him.  I mean, why anger yet another
    neighbor?  He merely then retreats to Ska (or Nwg) and unleashes his dogs
    of war.  At least that's the view from StP, however muddled.
    My plan is to see what France does this turn, as well as the results of
    down south.  If Hohn is "with" me in fall, I can go +1 from the
    annihilated F Bla, and life will be hunky-dory (I may also  yet retreat
    to SIL from GAL, if Edi boots me, depending on what Pitt does).
    Can you not go Edi-Yor, Ech-Lon, and forestall the convoy?   I mean, I
    doubt that Germany will try for Edi on an 'end-around."  or am I being
    While not wanting to enrage you on this, a sunny Sunday morning in NY, I
    thought it best to at least give you a heads-up two days prior to the
    moves, me hearty.
    The Increasingly-Late-for-Church Tsar Faz

Private message from England to Russia:

    On the board:
    Here's what I think.
    First of all, if I were mad at you and decided I would really like to see
    you crash and burn before I did, I would strongly suggest that you move to
    Nwg. Because I really think this would be the best way to get Germany to
    shift targets. If he thinks he can grab Scandinavia and StP from you,
    letting Turkey and Austria clean out the rest of you, I am almost sure
    he'll do it. It gives him a relatively secure position (Germany always
    hankers after security), very quick builds, and from there he would have no
    trouble at all finishing *me* off. So that would not be very good for me at
    all, but it would be worse for you. Well, naturally, I may have misjudged
    Pitt. Maybe he really wants you to hang around. Sure. :)
    Suppose we consider what the board looks like if you just hold in Norway.
    Pitt attempts a convoy over Nth; maybe it works, maybe it fails (he and I
    have to guess). His new fleet goes to Denmark. So it's Ger F Nth, Ger F
    Den, Rus F Nwy. You have to guess whether he will order Den-Swe. If you
    move Nwy-Swe, he could convoy an army into Norway through Nth! Disaster.
    You would *have* to guess right. (Would Pitt instead use the F Nth against
    me? I don't think so. If he's managed to convoy, then I cannot possibly
    prevent him from taking one of my centers. If he hasn't managed it, then he
    cannot possibly take one of my centers. The F Nth is irrelevant for taking
    my centers in the Fall.)
    Suppose instead that you support my F Edi into Nth. Now Pitt has to choose
    a retreat. Maybe he retreats to Ska (seems as plausible as any retreat).
    And now, again, you have to outguess him. He could support an attack on
    Sweden. But, I can cut any support he gives (but only by guessing right).
    You could order Nwy-Swe, and I would order Nth-Ska or Nth-Den (I'd even let
    you choose! It's just a guess). Of course, he could order Ska-Nwy, instead.
    I am pretty sure this is still a 50-50 guess. I can work it out if you're
    So, it seems to me that it is no worse for you if you support me into North
    Sea. (Except that you'd have to believe me when I say I'll have that fleet
    give whatever order you want in the Spring. I think that's pretty
    believable, don't you? I have nothing else to do with the fleet, after all,
    and I am almost freakishly trustworthy.) And in the long run, assuming that
    we both *have* a long run, it's a lot better. For one thing, with a fleet
    in Nth I tie up quite a lot of German units protecting those Nth-bordering
    centers of his. For another, it makes Germany a more tempting target for
    France (I think France is still undecided about what to do next). And, if
    you *do* manage to get Hohn on your side, it sets up a position with some
    real offensive potential if you can manage ever to build another unit up
    Off the board:
    I've experienced some burn-out myself. Over the last year, or more even,
    I've cut down to playing a single game at a time. I hear Dip players
    complain about this all the time (not *complain*, exactly, maybe
    'bemoan'?). No doubt the day-to-day deception, scheming, suspension of
    ordinary morality takes a psychological toll. I speculate that Dip burn-out
    is a sign of a healthy moral psychology!
    That said, I must say add that I am enjoying this game, despite the
    on-the-board problems.
    Maybe Pitt and Edi will get into an ugly dispute over something trivial at
    the convention, and come back each devoted to tearing out each others'
    guts. :)

Private message from Russia to Austria:

    Guys:  As most of you know, I'm back off leave.  However, today's a busy
    day, and I haven't yet "SET ADDRESS" back to this address.  I imagine
    that I can only 'send' from here, but anything you reply with goes back
    to the address.
    Will re-set addresses either later today, or tonight, after i read
    what's on the web.  Much to do after 9 days away from work (ugh...)
    Tsar Faz

Private message from Italy to Russia:

    > Message from [email protected] as England to Italy and Russia in
    > 'ghodstoo':
    > Actually, it's fine with me.
    > The thing is, having France just be neutral with respect to me, as he more
    > or less said he'd decided to be, isn't good enough. It's a slow death
    > warrant. So, I'm just as happy if he has to make a different choice. Yes,
    > he could choose to send troops into England. But he might choose to
    > pressure Germany. That last is my only real chance in the game, so I prefer
    > a situation where France at least *might* choose that one.
    As I said, I will try to talk him into it.  I'd sooner see him involved
    Germany than you.
    > The only thing is, he *might* decide to go to the Mediterranean anyway. I
    > think that would be a bad move, but I guess it depends on his relations
    > with Germany. (My best guess is that he has no real relations with Germany
    > at all.)
    If he moves there, I can't really stop him.  sigh   What makes you think
    and Pitt have no "real relations"?
    > Even if he's perfectly sincere, the question would still be how he will
    > feel once he decides AT is no longer a huge threat.
    > Holy cow. You're worried about Pitt?
    Not as in "Oh geez, I hope he doesn't attack me this turn!", but more
    since he's likely to be a power in mid/end game I don't want to piss him
    off (well, not yet anyway).
    > Ok. My idea was just, if France is genuinely wondering what he can do to
    > help IR against AT, you could tell him (truly, I hope) that keeping Germany
    > from overrunning those largely unprotected Russian centers is the most
    > helpful thing France could do.
    I'll probably have better luck talking him into hitting Pitt AFTER Pitt
    attacks Germany.  Unfortunately, this timing may not be the best thing
    for enhancing your survival...

Private message from Italy to France:

    > Message from [email protected] as France to Italy in 'ghodstoo':
    > I received your message re England and Germany.  I am curious.  How do you
    > defend yourself against AT while also giving Germany trouble?
    If A/T stay a threat, then obviously I won't be up for any attack on
    Actually, ANY talk about me moving north is strictly speculative.  As I
    said, that letter was written simply at England's request; I had hoped
    slight sarcasm was readily apparent.  I guess not, eh? :)
    Anyway, all I wanted you to do was think about the future and the
    possibility of Germany getting too big.  I think this will be one of the
    ultimate games of "stop the leader"...
    Take care

Private message from France to Italy:

    I received your message re England and Germany.  I am curious.  How do you
    defend yourself against AT while also giving Germany trouble?

Private message from France to Germany:

    Pitt, I was hoping to hear from you regarding my last message.  To remind
    you, I asked about your opinion of the AT alliance.  I had suggested that
    perhaps allowing them to take out Russia and attack Italy unimpeded might
    be a bad idea.  However, I am not adamant about this.  Just wanted to talk
    through the implications.
    What's up?

Private message from England to Russia:

    I'll think about it a little.
    Ok, actually, I think you'd be absolutely crazy to move to Nwg. There's no
    doubt in my mind, Pitt would take both Sweden and Norway. I'll be very
    surprised indeed if he doesn't move Kie-Den in the Spring.
    So I think you should stay in Norway. I know, you think the issue is whether
    you *anger* Pitt, but I am pretty sure you have to be careful not to *tempt*

Private message from Russia to England:

    Actually, I hadn't given the matter much thought (ref conditions for
    supporting you in fall).  I _know_ that sounds crazy, but I haven't
    really thought that far up in the north, other than to say I can help
    you.  The south has occupied nearly all of my nail-biting worries....
    I mean, if I move to Nwg this turn, then the fleet can support you in
    Edi, or (God forbid) you or I actually get Nth next turn!  If the fleet
    holds in Nwy, then I probably still piss Pitt off by not being aggressive
    vs you, and then I'm not sure what else it can do, short of supporting
    Edi-Nth in fall.     And, if I move to Nwg this turn and we hit Nth next
    season, he just retreats to Nwy (and if he did Kie-Den, then I lose both
    Scandy centers in fall).
    To cite Mark, "The spirit is willing, but nature is weak."  I'm certainly
    willing, but my (mental) nature hasn't really thought this through, other
    than to say I "owe" you (in a good way, obviously).
    I'd be willing to entertain any and all English thoughts, to include
    Spring moves up there for me...hold?  nwg?  etc.
    Thanks for the moral support on game continuance.  I used to think I was
    a Diplomacy version of "Ironman" Cal Ripken, refusing to burn out from or
     quit the hobby, no matter how many years I played.  And while I can't
    picture myself without an active Dip game or two, I have to admit there
    have been an increasing amount of days lately where I'm tempted to just
    "mass-resign" and see wat life is like "beyond the hobby."  Given that
    I'm the guy who dosn't like the first 'dip' into a cold pool, I have a
    hunch I'll never "take the plunge" and quit, but I still have my days...
    Appreciate the notes, Jamie.  Despite the goofy start this game, for some
    reason you're the closest 'soul-mate' I can identify with this game, for
    what it's worth.  Take care, and let me hear your ideas.

Private message from England to Russia:

    I can understand your equivocal feelings. I hope you'll stick it out after
    all, even though I might get a little boost if you decided to 'go out with a
    Now. Could you explain just *what* the circumstances would have to be for
    you to offer me a support in the Fall?

Private message from England to Turkey:

    >I think I'm going to dislodge BLA and watch and see what happens in
    >Spring, before I decide what to do in Fall and long-term.
    Seems sensible.
    Mark told me that's what you said you were going to do. (Actually, he told
    me after you did.)
    >Good luck on your defense.  I hope you can stymie Pitt. :)
    I believe I can stymie him for a while. Obviously, unless something else
    happens to shake things up, I am severely outgunned and my days are
    numbered. But I am cheerfully optimistic that something else *might*
    happen, though I don't quite see what it could be.
    France has implied to me a mysterious plan. Maybe it's just a little
    smokescreen (I'm assuming not, since if attacked by Germany and France
    simultaneously I have no hope at all). But in any case, I am not counting
    on any French help with Germany in the immediate future. So the most
    obvious source of aid would be Russia. Thus my interest in Russo-Turkish
    But more of that, if relevant, next season.
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from England to Russia:

    Tsar Faz,
    >  Shot and subsequently  'sacrificed'  two model rockets to theTree
    >Branch Gods, raced slot cars, built a borderline 'hot' Pinewood Derby
    >car, and played hide-and-seek with the kids...
    Say, just how old are you, anyway? :)
    About Hohn:
    I got a note from him last night, very short, but to the same effect. He
    said he'd dislodge the Black Sea fleet, then see how things looked.
    I don't think that's such bad news. To be reasonable, we have to see that
    he can't be happy leaving that fleet of yours in Black Sea. Let him feel
    secure, then he'll be most likely to make the moves that will be to his own
    long term advantage. And I think you and I are pretty confident that the
    moves that are to Turkey's long term advantage are moves into the Balkans.
    At least I feel very sure of this.
    If it means you get to take back Sev, that's icing. So to you, Half a
    league! Half a league! Half a league on!
    >Pitt wants me to move to NWG and take his chances with the convoy and/or
    >retreat to open center.
    So he can take Sweden *and* control Baltic, or take Sweden and even Norway.
    The face he's presented to me says that he's decided that I'm no real
    threat to him, that it would take him a long time to do me in, so he'd go
    get all those available Russian centers instead while the gettin' was good.
    >FOR GKJ:  Understood about the Nwy support thing.  Of course, this merely
    >makes a SKA retreat inevitable, and then a guessing game of Swe or Nwy.
    >But hey, I did say I wanted to go out in supernova, right?   -grin-.
    Well, you know, he's going to move to Den, so you have to guess for Swe and
    Nwy anyway.
    (Does 'understood' mean that you'll do it?)
    >Hey, we could go Ven-Tyo, Gal r SIL, and then put the F'03  whammy on MUN
    >in conjunction with anything France might do.  It might be crazy enough
    >to consider????
    Sounds GREAT to me, of course!
    >Speaking of France, has anyone heard what he's up to?
    I explained in another message, one to you and Cal. Cal later confirmed.
    Cal rejects the kind offer of French help. (Of course. He's not crazy!)
    Now the ball is in France's court. I suggested that you tell France that
    the way to help you is to pressure Germany. Maybe that will work now.
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from Russia to Italy:

    Gentlemen:  I'm back!   Leave was "beauteous," to coin a word.  Enjoyed
    the heck out of the backwoodsy, no-computer lifestyle at my folks' place.
      Shot and subsequently  'sacrificed'  two model rockets to theTree
    Branch Gods, raced slot cars, built a borderline 'hot' Pinewood Derby
    car, and pla