The Diplomatic Pouch

Press for Fall of 1917 in ruffians


Message from Turkey to Russia in 'ruffians':

    now what?

Broadcast message from Russia in 'ruffians':

    >Broadcast message from [email protected] as Master in 'ruffians':
    >Non sequiter: who's going to WDC in Baltimore?  I know Chris is going,
    >and hope Christian will make the trip to defend his title.  Anybody
    >else?  I realize it's still four months away but I'm in the process of
    >planning my entire summer and I'm curious.
    I figure it's about 80-20 in favour of my attending.  Chris is going to show
    me how to square dance and I'm going to teach him how to go down fighting
    instead of reaching for the KY jelly... d;-P

Message from Turkey to Austria in 'ruffians':

    I hate to crawl but it's better than dying.
    If u still will work w/ me, I am ready to stab Russia guts out.
    My whole reluctance up to this point was feeling it would backfire.
    The pendulum has swung and it will backfire if i do not.

Message from Austria to Turkey in 'ruffians':

    ok.  I wish you had sent me this letter before this morning, now I am going
    to look mighty foolish.  but I am ok with that.  ;)  I've looked foolish
    Here is what I would like to see:
    F Naples -> Ionian
    F Black -> Sev
    A Serbia -> Rum
    A Greece -> Bulgaria
    A Bud S A Ser -> Rum
    A Tri -> Ven
    F Rom -> Naples
    A Apu -> Rome
    Now, if you know what Cal is going to do, the rest is easier -- I should be
    able to defend one of the two German centers -- IF silesia isn't going to be
    hit.  Will cal defend Rumania, or can you string him along one more year --
    maybe tell him I wrote to you giving him one more chance, IF you would
    support me into Rumania.  You can tell him I will defend Venice -- so you
    can really support HIM into Bud.  It is vital that he believe that I will
    defend myself from Christian, so that I can!  ;)
    ok, let me know what you think about all this, and we can make plans before
    you write Cal.
    Good to be working with you finally!

Message from Turkey to Austria in 'ruffians':

    commo w/ Russia has pretty well ceased so that will not be an issue.
    how about:
    f tus s nap - rom
    f tyn s nap - rom
    f tun h
    f nap - rom
    a gre - bul
    a ser - rum
    f bla - sev
    f rom s apu - nap
    a apu - nap
    f alb - ion or adr
    a tri - ven
    a bud s ser - rum
    a gal s ser - rum
    we will swap rom and nap
    i will gain rum and sev
    u will loose mun and kie
    f rom will disband and be outta the way
    u can disband a nap
    we will have enough fleets to plug up tun - tyn - tus line
    i will build armies and finish off Russia quickly so we can stalemate
    england and get a 3-way outta this one (maybe).
    Please tweek this PROPOSAL appropriately.
    Our only hope for being part of the final solution is to remain loyal to the
    > A Bud S A Ser -> Rum
    > A Tri -> Ven
    > F Rom -> Naples
    > A Apu -> Rome
    > Message from [email protected] as Austria to Turkey in
    > Meef,
    > Wow.
    > ok.  I wish you had sent me this letter before this morning, now I am
    > to look mighty foolish.  but I am ok with that.  ;)  I've looked foolish
    > before.
    > Here is what I would like to see:
    > F Naples -> Ionian
    > F Black -> Sev
    > A Serbia -> Rum
    > A Greece -> Bulgaria
    > Me:
    > A Bud S A Ser -> Rum
    > A Tri -> Ven
    > F Rom -> Naples
    > A Apu -> Rome
    > Now, if you know what Cal is going to do, the rest is easier -- I should
    > able to defend one of the two German centers -- IF silesia isn't going to
    > hit.  Will cal defend Rumania, or can you string him along one more
    year --
    > maybe tell him I wrote to you giving him one more chance, IF you would
    > support me into Rumania.  You can tell him I will defend Venice -- so you
    > can really support HIM into Bud.  It is vital that he believe that I will
    > defend myself from Christian, so that I can!  ;)
    > ok, let me know what you think about all this, and we can make plans
    > you write Cal.
    > Good to be working with you finally!
    > Chris

Broadcast message from England in

    >Non sequiter: who's going to WDC in Baltimore?  I know Chris is going,
    >and hope Christian will make the trip to defend his title.
    The money-issue is a difficult one for a parent and student. It seems
    however as Volvo will sponsor my trip to WDC, and if they do I will surely

Message from England to Turkey and Russia in 'ruffians':

    Meef, Cal,
    I couldn't resist the temptation. Sorry for that. As to Cals question, yes
    I could wait to take StP untill Chris is eliminated. I have looked at the
    positions and there is no way you can stop me from getting 18 within two
    years, not even if Chris is helping you. But it would be nice if you took
    Chris out quickly, as we all have more interesting things to do but waiting
    for a decided game to end...:)
    all the best
    press to a
    Yes, you are right. But instead of you cutting Tus with Rome I can cut it
    with Pie enableling you to support Apu-Nap with Rome.
    I am moving Pie-Tus, LYO-TYR supported by WES and MAO-NAF. That would
    secure us either TYR or NAF if you move Apu-Nap. And one more thing, don't
    hold Berlin. In case Cal chances to support Berlin it is better if you move
    Berlin-Prussia to disqualify the support...
    all the best

Message from England to Austria in

    Cal writes to me and wants me to wait to take 18 until you are
    Yes, I am moving to Ven, to LYO and to NAf. Also to StP and Fin. I thing
    Apu S Rom-Nap might be the best option for you! Also, dont't hold Berlin.
    If you hold it Cal might chance to support Berlin from Pru, so it�s better
    if you move Ber-Pru supported by Sil.
    And finally, thank you for assisting me so finely! Between daddys...:)

Broadcast message from England in

    My moves are in!

Message from England to Austria in

    I realized it might be bad if you dislodge A Pru (as Cal might then build a
    fleet in StP). Better would be if you just mover Ber-Pru, Sil-War.
    Quick note.... yes, I have corresponded with the Americans and
    the Canadians in this game (off line) quite a bit and I see the
    game just about the way you do.  I still think there is a positive
    probability that the game breaks open the way Chris wants it to.
    Just keep me up to date on your moving around and you can always see
    TAP on the web.  I assume this game will be over by the time you
    start moving, but in case it isn't, I'll take over as GM, if
    that works for you.
    Hope to see you at World Dip Con.
    > With Christian's convoy to Piedmont anything other than a complete
    > alliance between A/I/T will put Christian in a position where he can
    > force a win as early as next year.  Cannot tell completely, but
    > certainly Austria can throw the game to England if he wants to.
    > The question is: why would he want to?  I probably shouldn't reveal
    > just yet what I've read in all the letters back and forth, but right
    > now I would not be at all surprised to see Christian win.  I think I'd
    > be more surprised to see him not win - a huge number of things would
    > have to work against him.  First and foremost, The A vs. R/T
    > loggerheads would have to straighten out.  Why do I think that won't
    > happen?  
    > I feel a bit bad for Cal - he got jobbed by the Judge on one move, and
    > he hasn't really deserved the fate he's gotten in this game.  It's
    > very interesting.  At the start, I thought Christian was the one
    > player everybody should beware of.  I've played with Chris before, and
    > I don't think he's quite good enough to dominate a board of this
    > caliber.  I still don't have a good feel for Christian's playing
    > style, but I hope he'll make it to Baltimore to defend his title.  
    > Advance warning: I'm going to be offline a lot of the summer.
    > Although I plan to attend WDC in Baltimore, I will hopefully be
    > offline for most of July and August.  My next job starts in September 
    > and I'd like to see a bit of Europa before I fly back.  And I don't
    > want to do one of those new-country-every-day tours.  I don't know if
    > I told you all this before.  I don't think it should be a big problem
    > with TAP: SMTM moves so slowly that I can handle it.  
    > Rick

Message from Turkey to Austria in 'ruffians':

    I see u r set on giving the game to Christian, not willing to work together
    at all.
    It has been a learning experience for me and I enjoyed the game.
    Good luck in the future with your diplomacy play.
    Mike Mehaffey

Message from Austria to Turkey in 'ruffians':

    Not at all -- just too busy with the baby to write.  he is on my lap now --
    this has been my first chance to write back,
    I cant even write much now -- he is fussing.  your suggestions are fine,
    lets do it that way.

Message from Turkey to Austria in 'ruffians':

    orders issued:
    f tus s nap - rom
    f tyn s nap - rom
    f tun h
    f nap - rom
    a gre - bul
    a ser - rum
    f bla - sev
    > Message from [email protected] as Austria to Turkey in
    > 'ruffians':
    > Meef,
    > Not at all -- just too busy with the baby to write.  he is on my
    > lap now --
    > this has been my first chance to write back,
    > I cant even write much now -- he is fussing.  your suggestions are fine,
    > lets do it that way.
    > Chris

Message from Austria to Turkey in 'ruffians':

    Looks good -- Christian will almost certainly move to North Africa, though.
    Should try to bounce that.

Message from Turkey to Austria in 'ruffians':

    Did I wait 2 late?
    it this one over?
    f tun - naf issued.
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
    > Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2000 12:42 PM
    > To: [email protected]
    > Subject: Diplomacy notice: ruffians
    >             This Diplomacy Adjudicator sponsored by David Kovar.
    > 	      Report JUDGE Problems to [email protected]
    >               Report problems with individual games to your GM.
    >                   Please do NOT run RT games on this judge.
    >         ***********************************************************
    > 	  Any unmoderated games on this judge will be removed.
    > 	(I.e., if you don't have a master, the game is in jeopardy.
    > 	           if in doubt, send a list <gamename>)
    >         ***********************************************************
    > Message from [email protected] as Austria to Turkey in
    > 'ruffians':
    > Meef,
    > Looks good -- Christian will almost certainly move to North
    > Africa, though.
    > Should try to bounce that.
    > C

Message from Austria to Turkey in 'ruffians':

    no, should be ok -- I am not in yet, waiting for us to hash deal.
    In now.

Message from England to Russia in

    I am of course moving to StP this turn, and to Fin. If you want all this to
    end quickly, you could just avoid bouncig me in StP. That would be a nice
    way of ending it quickly, but if you prefer using many turns eliminateing
    Chris first we can of course do that. Take the opportunity to be
    king-maker! :)
    all the best

Broadcast message from Russia in 'ruffians':

    > Message from [email protected] as England to Russia in
    > 'ruffians':
    > Cal,
    > I am of course moving to StP this turn, and to Fin. If you want all this
    > end quickly, you could just avoid bouncig me in StP. That would be a nice
    > way of ending it quickly, but if you prefer using many turns eliminateing
    > Chris first we can of course do that. Take the opportunity to be
    > king-maker! :)
    > all the best
    > Christian
    Sorry guy, but I just cannot do that.  I completely ashamed of being in a
    "demonstration" game that ended because someone was so short on pride that
    they threw the game to someone else.  I'm CERTAINLY not going to be part of
    that.  The game is obviously yours, but *I'M* going to go down fighting.

Broadcast message from Observer in 'ruffians':

    > Broadcast message from [email protected] as Russia in 'ruffians':
    > > Message from [email protected] as England to Russia in
    > > 'ruffians':
    > > Cal,
    > >
    > > I am of course moving to StP this turn, and to Fin. If you want all this
    > to
    > > end quickly, you could just avoid bouncig me in StP. That would be a nice
    > > way of ending it quickly, but if you prefer using many turns eliminateing
    > > Chris first we can of course do that. Take the opportunity to be
    > > king-maker! :)
    > >
    > > all the best
    > > Christian
    > Sorry guy, but I just cannot do that.  I completely ashamed of being in a
    > "demonstration" game that ended because someone was so short on pride that
    > they threw the game to someone else.  I'm CERTAINLY not going to be part of
    > that.  The game is obviously yours, but *I'M* going to go down fighting.
    > Cal
    Hurray to you, Cal!!  I hope that ***EVERYONE*** goes down fighting!!
    Those game throwers (present company excluded of course ;-) should be
    drawn, quartered, and boiled in their own pudding!


Broadcast message from Germany in 'ruffians':

    > Broadcast message from [email protected] as Observer in 'ruffians':
    > >
    > > Broadcast message from [email protected] as Russia in 'ruffians':
    > >
    > > > Message from [email protected] as England to Russia in
    > > > 'ruffians':
    > > > Cal,
    > > >
    > > > I am of course moving to StP this turn, and to Fin. If you want all this
    > > to
    > > > end quickly, you could just avoid bouncig me in StP. That would be a nice
    > > > way of ending it quickly, but if you prefer using many turns eliminateing
    > > > Chris first we can of course do that. Take the opportunity to be
    > > > king-maker! :)
    > > >
    > > > all the best
    > > > Christian
    > >
    > > Sorry guy, but I just cannot do that.  I completely ashamed of being in a
    > > "demonstration" game that ended because someone was so short on pride that
    > > they threw the game to someone else.  I'm CERTAINLY not going to be part of
    > > that.  The game is obviously yours, but *I'M* going to go down fighting.
    > >
    > > Cal
    > >
    > Hurray to you, Cal!!  I hope that ***EVERYONE*** goes down fighting!!
    I did....  Paul
    > Those game throwers (present company excluded of course ;-) should be
    > drawn, quartered, and boiled in their own pudding!
    --Especially those who throw the game twice...once abandoning a superior position
    to stab someone else (me) and now again.    --Paul
    > Jim-Bob

Message from Turkey to Austria in 'ruffians':

    I goofed w/ the f tun - naf
    He's at 17
    r WE gonna fight this one out?
    I am

Message from England to Austria in

    So, that�s how deep your threats to throw a game goes...why did you bounce
    Anyway, I think I will win this with or whithout your help. The question
    is; Do I have your help?

Message from England to Russia in

    I really do appreciate your unwillingness to give the game away. But I had
    to chance it as a diplomatic way to try to win the game.
    Anyway, what happened now? Why did Turkey take two centers from you? Were
    this agreed by you, or are Chris and Meef trying to get a three-way?

Broadcast message from Turkey in 'ruffians':

    >From Ankara
    I finally succumbed to the demand of "stab Russia or I'll throw the game".
    Russia is now officially stabbed.  Sorry Cal but I could not sit and see the
    game thrown away.  So now I hope all excuses are out of the way.  I call, no
    demand, that all you'se professional diplomacy gods to lay down your
    squabbling and let us have a unified from against the guy with 17 supply
    centers.  Or are we gonna stand around with scratching our backside and
    fritter away our last shot.
    I really question the precept that diplomacy gods are that skilled, just
    Highly frustrated Sultan MiKal

Broadcast message from France in 'ruffians':

    > I finally succumbed to the demand of "stab Russia or I'll throw the game".
    > Russia is now officially stabbed.  Sorry Cal but I could not sit and see
    > game thrown away.
     It took you *THIS LONG* to finally realize that people make good on their
    If I were Chris, I'd throw the game anyway, just to prove the point, and
    maybe next time the powers in question will look a few seasons further
    ahead! But can Chris do it? Can he reach that low in his already low bag of
    tricks and actually pull the trigger?  I bet it all depends on who had
    diaper duty the night before moves are due.
    :) hehehehehe

Broadcast message from England in

    >If I were Chris, I'd throw the game anyway, just to prove the point, and
    >maybe next time the powers in question will look a few seasons further
    The BIG question is, can they stop me even if they try all three together?
    I don't think so...:)
    And my diaper duty was last night!

Broadcast message from Turkey in 'ruffians':

    >  It took you *THIS LONG* to finally realize that people make good on their
    > threats???
    I take FULL responsibility for my inaptitude.  Sluggish, I have been that!!

Broadcast message from Turkey in 'ruffians':

    > The BIG question is, can they stop me even if they try all three together?
    > I don't think so...:)
    Probably not, but for conscience sake, I must die fighting, not proving
    points that will be forgotten before I am cold in the ground.

Broadcast message from France in 'ruffians':

    > The BIG question is, can they stop me even if they try all three together?
    > I don't think so...:)
    i don't think you can be stopped. STP is a given, and the Turkish move to
    NAF means Tunis will be difficult to handle (if only he had another fleet on
    the scene! what? you mean that by acting a few seasons earlier he would
    have? Ugh.)
    Here is another "Big" question tho:   is Christian, being such a high-ranked
    player and all, going to have enough pride to actually *accept* a solo that
    is based on the game being thrown? A real gentleman would put the principle
    of not wanting to win by default but rather on the merits ahead of actually
    winning. A real Dip player would put his desire to win ahead of his pride in
    achieving such a win by onyl honorable means.  We shall see what we shall
    IMHO, Christian should take the win. I think more solos than are commonly
    discussed are based upon the victor's ability to profit from other player's
    inability to bury their past differences than to the victor's actual skill
    in garnishing 18SC. (not to belittle Christian's impending solo, tho!) But
    face it, amoung a group of non-newbies the only that stands in the way of
    draws is "pride" or a small tactical flaw around one of the
    stalemate-support points, the latter of which can be accepted in a
    face-2-face game since not everyone can be expected to memorize the moves
    needed on a standard map for all of the said points--but this was an email
    game with everyone having full access to private and public press and online
    references for what orders to write at each of those stalemate point. Oiy,
    dies kvetching ist leafink me verklemft!

Broadcast message from Russia in 'ruffians':

    Meef, I am VERY disappointed in you.  If your 11th hour stab had even bought
    you some TIME and thereby enabled you to stop England, I could easily
    forgive you, but this?  I don't understand it.
    We stuck together in the hope that we could bring down Austria fast enough
    to stop England.  We failed. England had the game.  What did you accomplish
    with your attack on me?  Second place?  Third place maybe?  As far as I can
    tell, all you did was let Chris gloat over the fact that he finally bent you
    to his will.

Message from Russia to England in 'ruffians':

    > Message from [email protected] as England to Russia in
    > 'ruffians':
    > Cal,
    > I really do appreciate your unwillingness to give the game away. But I had
    > to chance it as a diplomatic way to try to win the game.
    > Anyway, what happened now? Why did Turkey take two centers from you? Were
    > this agreed by you, or are Chris and Meef trying to get a three-way?
    > Christian
    As you can see from my broadcast, I have no idea what he was trying to do.
    Anyway, I will be removing Livonia and turning to face the more imminent
    Congrats on a good game.  If I could take back ONE thing in this game?  I'd
    have let F/G have you in 1902 instead of building that f**king fleet in St
    Pete south coast (Winter 1901).  I'm good at paying attention to the whole
    board - this game I should have paid LESS attention to it...

Broadcast message from Turkey in 'ruffians':

    > Meef, I am VERY disappointed in you.  If your 11th hour stab had
    > even bought
    > you some TIME and thereby enabled you to stop England, I could easily
    > forgive you, but this?  I don't understand it.
    > We stuck together in the hope that we could bring down Austria fast enough
    > to stop England.  We failed. England had the game.  What did you
    > accomplish
    > with your attack on me?  Second place?  Third place maybe?
    My decision was based purely from selfish and ethical reasons.  I do not
    believe in second place in diplomacy.  U solo or u tie in a draw.  I think
    this is the spirit of the game as originally designed.  The rankings that
    tournaments use for good reason, in my opinion, deviate from the true
    intention of the game.  I just could not sit back and do nothing while the
    game was being lost, wasted for ridiculous reasons.  I thought we could
    defeat Austria but my blunders in Italy and around the Black sea made that
    impossible.  The only thing I could do in any hope of fighting for a
    stalemate was to stab Russia.  I know this is a dirty deed done dirt cheap,
    but we all win with a stalemate, we all loose w/ a solo.  Christian
    obviously was not going to hold to his end of the bargain of eliminating
    Chris, which I think is the most just ending.
    >As far as I can
    > tell, all you did was let Chris gloat over the fact that he
    > finally bent you
    > to his will.
    I had hoped Chris would at least fight if given the chance.  Chris is not
    interested in a stalemate, just throwing the game.  That is clear in that he
    stole Greece instead of putting a fleet in the ion to help on that front.
    This is one of the most anticlimactic diplomacy games I have ever been in.
    When I began playing it was REALLY fun breaking up the r/a alliance and
    making headway against the Austrian Hordes.  Then this whole "throwing the
    game" crap entered in, in effect destroying the integrity of the game.
    Leaders in real life who give away their nations are treated as traitors and
    shot.  Although this is a game, if I as Sultan of the Ottoman Empire will
    not do everything in my power to prevent the absorption of my peoples into
    the melt pot of European peoples under a foreign ruler, I deserve to hung
    like Mussolini after WWII.
    > Sigh.
    I am a most disappointed player at this moment.  Probably more that u r.
    > Cal
    Is this the one you want back?  Yes, I do believe that Christian
    can and WILL force a win next year.  Note from his press that he
    sees that it doesn't matter what they do.  A couple of comments 
    from me:
    > Christian can force a win next year, if he sees the right move.  He
    > can do Lyo - Tys and have MAO - NAF with support from Tun and WES.
    > Turkey can only cut one support and cannot take Wes away.  So,
    > Christian should control Tun, Wes, and Naf in the Fall.  The other
    > fleet gets to Ion too late to make a difference, as the Turkish fleet
    > in North Africa will have already been sunk.  
    Yes, what a BAD move to North Africa!!!
    > I would guess that Christian would see this move.  St. Pete is a
    > given, of course, and Germany is invulnerable.  
    > Chris really has to eat this one badly.  He needn't have lost Berlin
    > or Tunis, and his insistence on forcing Turkey to attack Russia has
    > cost him the game.  It's hard to fault Turkey, but I just don't
    > understand why they sank the fleet in Rome instead of ordering Nap - 
    > Ion.  I mean, wasn't it obvious they needed a fleet in the Ionian and
    > not in Rome?  
    I would think it was, but I don't get the impression of high level
    tactical negotiation between Austria and Turkey.  Moreover, Turkey's
    stab came WAY too late to do any good unless they properly coordinated
    to avoid the above.  It almost sounds as if Chris himself were 
    surprised that Mike (that's his first name, right?) actually did it!
    > And why did Austria order Alb - Gre instead of Alb - Ion?  This
    > reinforces my feeling that Chris is not a top-rank tactician, though
    > ordinarily an excellent negotiator.
    He is a "high pressure, in your face" negotiator.  This is why he is
    so much better FTF when he can force situations and people can SEE
    that he means business.
    > I really don't understand Tun - Naf.  I saw Christian's orders first
    > and thought to myself "but why would Turkey let him get away with
    > that?"  I guess that's how you win games, though.  You assume the
    > opposition will make a bad mistake, and then when they do, you win.
    > If you assume your opponents will play perfectly, then you probably
    > won't win.
    My lesson Number One for me on that was the famous "Aliens Game" which was
    the subject of some in depth Diplomacy World articles a few years
    back.  This was the game where took over a standby Italy with 2
    centers dropping to ONE, and then took it back almost all the way
    to a win.  On numerous occasions I had to take risks where I anticipated
    mistaken play on the other side.  Finally England won when he out
    guessed me on one of these in 1930.  It was neat because he actually
    LEARNED that I would take the risk and that he needed to take yet
    a different risk to outplay me.  If he had taken what looked
    like the safe move on the Spring turn of the last year, he would 
    have been wrong and I would have locked up the stalemate line even 
    further and created an opening that might have generated the win for me!
    > Christian really played a spectacular game.  I cannot think of a
    > single mistake he made at any point in the game.  
    > Rick
    Nor I.  And against some really interesting play on the other sides.
    He perfectly arranged the France/Germany war to his greatest advantage
    early and manipulated Chris' Italy late.

Broadcast message from France in 'ruffians':

    Turkey had said:
    > U solo or u tie in a draw.  I think
    > this is the spirit of the game as originally designed.  The rankings that
    > tournaments use for good reason, in my opinion, deviate from the true
    > intention of the game.
    > Christian obviously was not going to hold to his end of the bargain of
    > Chris, which I think is the most just ending.
    Does anyone else see a major, major self-consistency issue with these two
    What the hell does "just" mean in a dip game?
    By your own words you've said that only solos and ties in a draw are part of
    the game. Yet, when faced with an opportunity to force a draw (Austria's
    multiple offers), you made a conscious decision not to accept that offer.
    Fair enough that it was your decision to make, but it sure is sounding like
    you've missed the *entire* point to Chris' threat in the first place--one of
    THE points to the game is the lesson that sometimes you have to lay down
    with your enemies in order to avoid a worse fate. Strangely, you seem to
    believe, even at this point, that Chris' threatening to throw the game is a
    legitimate tactic *as long as he didn't actually do it*!! :)
    Believe me, he didn't throw it because he throws games. He threw it because
    in order to force a stalemate you all needed him to act rationally (either
    as your ally or at least to defend himself from both you and England). By
    not doing so he was able to put himself in a position where even at the last
    moment you might have changed your mind and he would have survived as a tiny
    but essential power. Given that his other alternatives were his own
    elimination  and given that you yourself now say that a solo or a draw is
    the end-game goal, how can he be faulted for playing in such a way that
    maximized his chances to be included as part of that draw, esp since that
    play was consistent with your own views on how the game should end???
    > Then this whole "throwing the
    > game" crap entered in, in effect destroying the integrity of the game.
    Please promise me that the next game we play in, I get to sit next to you.
    God, I love opponents who think like that! The only part of this game that
    has integrity are the rules of how the pieces move--everything else is
    negotiable.  I'd also love to be in a game where I can get Chris Martin to
    throw a game to me--that has bragging rights far beyond any single game.
    Whew! i had more fun in this game after I was out than while I was in!! :)
    No wonder Rick and Jim are on the 50-yard sidelines with the popcorn!
    (well with the exception of a game resulting in the real-life threat on
    another player's real-life person, maybe that is one thing that breaks
    integrity. But I've done that to Jim-Bob plenty of times and he never
    believes me)

Broadcast message from Russia in 'ruffians':

    >Broadcast message from [email protected] as Turkey in 'ruffians':
    >My decision was based purely from selfish and ethical reasons.  I do not
    >believe in second place in diplomacy.  U solo or u tie in a draw.  I think
    >this is the spirit of the game as originally designed.  The rankings that
    >tournaments use for good reason, in my opinion, deviate from the true
    >intention of the game.  I just could not sit back and do nothing while the
    >game was being lost, wasted for ridiculous reasons.  I thought we could
    >defeat Austria but my blunders in Italy and around the Black sea made that
    >impossible.  The only thing I could do in any hope of fighting for a
    >stalemate was to stab Russia.  I know this is a dirty deed done dirt cheap,
    >but we all win with a stalemate, we all loose w/ a solo.  Christian
    >obviously was not going to hold to his end of the bargain of eliminating
    >Chris, which I think is the most just ending.
    >I had hoped Chris would at least fight if given the chance.  Chris is not
    >interested in a stalemate, just throwing the game.  That is clear in that
    >stole Greece instead of putting a fleet in the ion to help on that front.
    >This is one of the most anticlimactic diplomacy games I have ever been in.
    >When I began playing it was REALLY fun breaking up the r/a alliance and
    >making headway against the Austrian Hordes.  Then this whole "throwing the
    >game" crap entered in, in effect destroying the integrity of the game.
    >Leaders in real life who give away their nations are treated as traitors
    >shot.  Although this is a game, if I as Sultan of the Ottoman Empire will
    >not do everything in my power to prevent the absorption of my peoples into
    >the melt pot of European peoples under a foreign ruler, I deserve to hung
    >like Mussolini after WWII.
    >I am a most disappointed player at this moment.  Probably more that u r.
    You know, when you put it like that, I can respect your decision.  I saw it
    as silly dot-grabbing to no effect, but if you see it as the only way you
    can go down fighting, that's okay with me.  Well, not really, but at least
    you had a reason I can respect.
    I'll save my contempt for Chris's "tactics".
    Where is the little bugger anyway?  I wanna throw my board at him.

Broadcast message from Turkey in 'ruffians':

    In response, the below, I am still learning and will take ALL these lessons
    to heart.  It is tough runnin' with the big dogs.  But I do not regret be
    asked to be a part.  Thanks Rick.
    > Turkey had said:
    > First:
    > > U solo or u tie in a draw.  I think
    > > this is the spirit of the game as originally designed.  The
    > rankings that
    > > tournaments use for good reason, in my opinion, deviate from the true
    > > intention of the game.
    > Second:
    > > Christian obviously was not going to hold to his end of the bargain of
    > eliminating
    > > Chris, which I think is the most just ending.
    > Does anyone else see a major, major self-consistency issue with these two
    > statements?
    > What the hell does "just" mean in a dip game?
    > By your own words you've said that only solos and ties in a draw
    > are part of
    > the game. Yet, when faced with an opportunity to force a draw (Austria's
    > multiple offers), you made a conscious decision not to accept that offer.
    > Fair enough that it was your decision to make, but it sure is
    > sounding like
    > you've missed the *entire* point to Chris' threat in the first
    > place--one of
    > THE points to the game is the lesson that sometimes you have to lay down
    > with your enemies in order to avoid a worse fate. Strangely, you seem to
    > believe, even at this point, that Chris' threatening to throw the
    > game is a
    > legitimate tactic *as long as he didn't actually do it*!! :)
    > Believe me, he didn't throw it because he throws games. He threw
    > it because
    > in order to force a stalemate you all needed him to act rationally (either
    > as your ally or at least to defend himself from both you and England). By
    > not doing so he was able to put himself in a position where even
    > at the last
    > moment you might have changed your mind and he would have
    > survived as a tiny
    > but essential power. Given that his other alternatives were his own
    > elimination  and given that you yourself now say that a solo or a draw is
    > the end-game goal, how can he be faulted for playing in such a way that
    > maximized his chances to be included as part of that draw, esp since that
    > play was consistent with your own views on how the game should end???
    > > Then this whole "throwing the
    > > game" crap entered in, in effect destroying the integrity of the game.
    > Please promise me that the next game we play in, I get to sit next to you.
    > God, I love opponents who think like that! The only part of this game that
    > has integrity are the rules of how the pieces move--everything else is
    > negotiable.  I'd also love to be in a game where I can get Chris Martin to
    > throw a game to me--that has bragging rights far beyond any single game.
    > Whew! i had more fun in this game after I was out than while I was in!! :)
    > No wonder Rick and Jim are on the 50-yard sidelines with the popcorn!
    > (well with the exception of a game resulting in the real-life threat on
    > another player's real-life person, maybe that is one thing that breaks
    > integrity. But I've done that to Jim-Bob plenty of times and he never
    > believes me)

Broadcast message from Russia in 'ruffians':

    >Broadcast message from [email protected] as Turkey in 'ruffians':
    >In response, the below, I am still learning and will take ALL these lessons
    >to heart.  It is tough runnin' with the big dogs.  But I do not regret be
    >asked to be a part.  Thanks Rick.
    No need to kowtow, Meef.  most of what Christian wrote was plain wrong

Message from England to Russia in

    Your disbanding A Lvn would be most appreciated!

Broadcast message from England in

    First let me quote what some people said:
    [bla bla bla] :)
    Secondly then; game-throwing is of course OK as France (John ? I only know
    you as that person in game "rush" whose emailadress ends with mindspring -
    what a suggestive IP!) says. If you never actually do follow a throw, you
    can never use it as a threat. However, in the best of worlds you should be
    a player who is considered able to throw games but actually never does it.
    I think that is how Chris is playing. Chris is saying, - "Look, I am
    throwing this!" until anyone seems to take his threat seriously. Then he
    never goes through with the threat but finds a way to get into a DIAS. In
    this game he has been pressed a long way down the road, and maybe, _maybe_,
    it is too late even for Chris to take the threat back. If he now continues
    to throw the game to me he can always claim I won because he let me. If he
    starts fighting me he will always have to hear that I forced a solo against
    him. I think we all agree that the utopian Diplomacy-player never throws a
    game but also that he always gets everyone to think he is actually throwing
    it. The "problem" for players like Chris is that people think he is so
    close to the utopian player that noone expects him to throw a game. See
    where I am coming from?
    Finally; one important aspect is lost in this discussion. Game-throwing is
    based on bad relationships between different players. The winner has almost
    always something to do with this absurd ill-feelings the loosers share.
    (Yes, this is another way of saying that I want some credit for making them
    distrust each other so much that they gave me the chance to win.)
    We can all talk more about this in our EOG�s, now let�s get on with the game!
    all the best

Broadcast message from England in

    >No need to kowtow, Meef.  most of what Christian wrote was plain wrong
    Sorry, I'm Swedish. What does "kowtow" mean? And Cal, what did I write that
    was wrong?
    all the best

Broadcast message from Observer in 'ruffians':

    > Broadcast message from [email protected] as France in 'ruffians':
    > Please promise me that the next game we play in, I get to sit next to you.
    > God, I love opponents who think like that! The only part of this game that
    > has integrity are the rules of how the pieces move--everything else is
    > negotiable.  I'd also love to be in a game where I can get Chris Martin to
    > throw a game to me--that has bragging rights far beyond any single game.
    Boy, do I agree with that!!!
    > Whew! i had more fun in this game after I was out than while I was in!! :)
    > No wonder Rick and Jim are on the 50-yard sidelines with the popcorn!
    And Rick and I have had some doozers of side conversations as well.
    I think Rick saved them to be added to the game record, but we have
    been careful NOT to put them in "press to observer" so you guys could
    ferret them out.
    > (well with the exception of a game resulting in the real-life threat on
    > another player's real-life person, maybe that is one thing that breaks
    > integrity. But I've done that to Jim-Bob plenty of times and he never
    > believes me)
    Are you kidding???  I think you are a homicidal maniac and always fear
    for my life every time I play against you!!!  I think Cal and Paul
    are cuddly teddy-bears in comparison.... and Chris, well Chris is
    just nutty.

Broadcast message from Russia in 'ruffians':

    >Broadcast message from [email protected] as France in 'ruffians':
    >Turkey had said:
    > > U solo or u tie in a draw.  I think
    > > this is the spirit of the game as originally designed.  The rankings
    > > tournaments use for good reason, in my opinion, deviate from the true
    > > intention of the game.
    > > Christian obviously was not going to hold to his end of the bargain of
    > > Chris, which I think is the most just ending.
    >Does anyone else see a major, major self-consistency issue with these two
    Nope.  Bad phrasing maybe, but no contradiction.  Meef will correct me if
    I'm putting words in his mouth, but I feel he meant that, GIVEN THE
    INEVITABLE ENGLISH VICTORY, Chris's elimination would have carried the most
    >What the hell does "just" mean in a dip game?
    Don't know about Dip in general, but "just" in this one refers to "poetic
    >By your own words you've said that only solos and ties in a draw are part
    >the game. Yet, when faced with an opportunity to force a draw (Austria's
    >multiple offers), you made a conscious decision not to accept that offer.
    >Fair enough that it was your decision to make, but it sure is sounding like
    >you've missed the *entire* point to Chris' threat in the first place--one
    >THE points to the game is the lesson that sometimes you have to lay down
    >with your enemies in order to avoid a worse fate. Strangely, you seem to
    >believe, even at this point, that Chris' threatening to throw the game is a
    >legitimate tactic *as long as he didn't actually do it*!! :)
    I admit the above doesn't make sense, but I have never seen a case where
    throwing the game was the ONLY option. It certainly wasn't in this one.
    Meef and I were perfectly willing to work with Chris at any time, but we
    were only willing to do it if Chris was willing to go down to a reasonable
    size.  That wasn't good enough for Chris, who was only willing to go along
    with it if he could remain in a position to stab one or both of us for the
    win.  We wanted him smaller so the risks were equalized and instead of going
    along and biding his time he rejected it utterly.
    >Believe me, he didn't throw it because he throws games. He threw it because
    >in order to force a stalemate you all needed him to act rationally (either
    >as your ally or at least to defend himself from both you and England). By
    >not doing so he was able to put himself in a position where even at the
    >moment you might have changed your mind and he would have survived as a
    >but essential power. Given that his other alternatives were his own
    >elimination  and given that you yourself now say that a solo or a draw is
    >the end-game goal, how can he be faulted for playing in such a way that
    >maximized his chances to be included as part of that draw, esp since that
    >play was consistent with your own views on how the game should end???
    You're making a mistake if you think that Chris's motives were simple
    frustration with not being able to put together a "stop the English"
    coalition.  Sure, he's gonna claim that this was the case, but I don't
    believe it.  Chris's motive was very simple.  "If I can get Russia or Turkey
    to stab each other, *I* can stab them both and win the game before Christian
    can".  He was so obvious about this in his press and style of writing that
    Meef saw through it immediately and decided that trusting Chris was
    counter-productive (to say the least).  Chris's decision to throw the game
    was simply based on, "You didn't do what I said you should do to help ME
    win, so I'm going to make sure someone else wins".
    He was certainly never willing to become a "tiny" part of a coalition as you
    say.  Either he called the shots or he throws the game.  And THAT'S what I
    have a problem with.  My mama didn't raise no sacrifical lambs.
    Christian, obviously, wasn't in a position to see any of this, not being
    privy to letters between ART, but I'm sure he is happy with the result.
    > > Then this whole "throwing the
    > > game" crap entered in, in effect destroying the integrity of the game.
    >Please promise me that the next game we play in, I get to sit next to you.
    >God, I love opponents who think like that! The only part of this game that
    >has integrity are the rules of how the pieces move--everything else is
    >negotiable.  I'd also love to be in a game where I can get Chris Martin to
    >throw a game to me--that has bragging rights far beyond any single game.
    Is it just me or is there also integrity in the concept of trying to win?
    And, while I agree that having Chris throw the game to you has a whole heap
    of street cred, you really didn't have a whole lot to do with the dynamics
    that caused it.  The main English accomplishment in this game (and it is a
    significant one!) was managing to stay alive to be in a position to win when
    it was handed to him.
    >Whew! i had more fun in this game after I was out than while I was in!! :)
    >No wonder Rick and Jim are on the 50-yard sidelines with the popcorn!
    >(well with the exception of a game resulting in the real-life threat on
    >another player's real-life person, maybe that is one thing that breaks
    >integrity. But I've done that to Jim-Bob plenty of times and he never
    >believes me)
    And THAT'S why these games will never be quiet ones... d;-})

Message from Russia to England in 'ruffians':

    >Message from [email protected] as England to Russia in
    >Your disbanding A Lvn would be most appreciated!
    Don't get your hopes up. From the ongoing conversation, I'm going to fight
    to keep St Pete's just to prove a point.

Broadcast message from Russia in 'ruffians':

    >Broadcast message from [email protected] as England in
    > >No need to kowtow, Meef.  most of what Christian wrote was plain wrong
    > >anyway.
    >Sorry, I'm Swedish. What does "kowtow" mean? And Cal, what did I write that
    >was wrong?
    My other letter outlines what I emant by that.  And "kowtow" in this
    instance means basically to bow down and accept a higher authority as right.

Broadcast message from France in 'ruffians':

    > Meef and I were perfectly willing to work with Chris at any time, but we
    > were only willing to do it if Chris was willing to go down to a reasonable
    > size.  We wanted him smaller so the risks were equalized and instead of
    > along and biding his time he rejected it utterly.
    fair enough, absolutely! But that belabors the point, doesn't it? The
    *point* is that Austria, and only Austria when he was at that size, was
    large enough to actually throw the game. R/T were not large enough to
    actually throw it. Given that, whatever his size was, was the point to have
    understood at that moment, so as to cut some type of a deal with him. The
    point was that he could do it (and I make a distinction here between the
    usual threats to throw a game, which most players cannot time correctly,
    versus an established player like Chris' threats to throw the game.). The
    one power of the three, A/R/T, who could "let" England win at the moment all
    that negotiation was going on was Austria. Not Russia, not Turkey...just
    Austria. He was (is) in control of the spots England needed (obviously
    England ws not ever going to get to, say, Smyrna for #18!) Therefore Austria
    held the upper hand in negotiations. Now, it is fine to know that and then
    to accept that you cannot get him to do what you want; but to not realize
    that he had the upper hand is to act in a vacuum of knowledge which makes it
    difficult to make logical appeasements to the fellow with the upper hand.
    And despite his upper hand in ability to throw the game, R/T could have
    dictated much of the schedule and terms of how it could work out by *keeping
    in mind* that Austria was essential.
    >From what you've described so far you relied entirely on the belief that
    Austria would act in a rational manner--yet you cornered him into a box from
    which he had only one irrational way to escape. To make an analogy here he
    was a large (in SC size), feral (in reputation) hunting cat, that you forced
    into a corner with 3 sides closed off. What a dangerous spot ever to put a
    wild beast in! And then rather than running away because you had the "just"
    argument, he actually came out fighting, and you act surprised? I think you
    got exactly what you deserved. :)
    Rationality is often based on a weighing of pro's and con's to a choice of
    actions--given a situation where he has nothing to lose and only one action
    to choose, can it be it surprising that someone takes that path? It looks
    irrational to the outside world but from their standpoint it was the only
    path available.
    > You're making a mistake if you think that Chris's motives were simple
    > frustration with not being able to put together a "stop the English"
    > coalition.  Sure, he's gonna claim that this was the case, but I don't
    > believe it.  Chris's motive was very simple.  "If I can get Russia or
    > to stab each other, *I* can stab them both and win the game before
    > can".
    i disagree with this because it is based on a static interpretation. I agree
    that when the threat first occured, of *course* he still held out hopes to
    turn things to his advantage. But when things begain to change a bit and
    suddenly it was clear that there was a potential draw sans Austria in the
    making, then that is when the threat to throw got turned into the intention
    to throw--that is when the animal got cornered. If anything, it seems to me,
    the way was dangerous no matter what--but I think that R/T have to take at
    least a 50% responsilibilty for the actual throw: you got the animal into a
    corner and then turned to each other and said
    "hey do you have the gun?"
    "No, I thought you had it"
    you were so convinced he wouldn't throw the game that when he actually did
    you have no position from which to stop him. Now is that all Austria's
    > "You didn't do what I said you should do to help ME
    > win, so I'm going to make sure someone else wins".
    hehehe and you didn't believe this statement. So who out-diplomed who? :)
    > He was certainly never willing to become a "tiny" part of a coalition as
    > say.  Either he called the shots or he throws the game.  And THAT'S what I
    > have a problem with.  My mama didn't raise no sacrifical lambs.
    having played somewhat close to 25 games of Dip with Chris  and untold
    others with him in gunboat that I don't know about, I can say that that is
    not how he plays the game. If he did as you say, then he'd be eliminated a
    lot sooner and a lot more. Further, if you understood him this much, (ie, if
    your statement were accurate) then you also understand that he would have to
    THINK he called the shots, he doesn't have to actually be the one who calls
    them--which just suggests that you'd've used a different technique of
    diploming to get him to where YOU called the shots but he *thought* he did.
    A harder job to be sure, but a decent challenge for a true diplomat.
    > Is it just me or is there also integrity in the concept of trying to win?
    > And, while I agree that having Chris throw the game to you has a whole
    > of street cred, you really didn't have a whole lot to do with the dynamics
    > that caused it.  The main English accomplishment in this game (and it is a
    > significant one!) was managing to stay alive to be in a position to win
    > it was handed to him.
    from the above I gather you think England that  is writing this, rather it
    is France. However I do agree that England was alive in the right place at
    the right time to take advantage. To quote Tim Rice putting words in Evita
    Peron's mouth (with England as Evita)
    "I was smack in the right place, at the perfect time. Filled a gap; I was
    lucky. But one thing I'll say for me: no one else can fill it like I can"
    and that about sums it up. I'll take Christian's luck any time, and in the
    meantime I'll congratulate him for a fair victory.
    As for street credibility, I will let the case speak for itself. Next time
    someone threatens to throw a game, are you going to look just a little
    harder at the board position and see how he can do it under irrational sets
    of moves and then try harder to counter the threat either tactically or
    diplomatically? I think Austria just did R/T a major favor (tho not in this
    game obviously!). I suppose it is not a favor one thanks someone for though!

Broadcast message from Austria in 'ruffians':

    Heheheheh.  Wow.  I love this game.
    Ok, the world wants to know what was going on in my head as I made these
    fateful decisions.  I am tempted to just let y'all wade through my press and
    make your decisions for yourself -- you'll do that too, but let me get a few
    things on record:
    When Cal refused to work with me (Build F StP SC, move that fleet to
    LIVONIA), I decided it was over between us.  he and I had a really wonderful
    relationship during this game -- I have more respect for you Cal, than you
    probably imagine.  He made the decision that I was "more dangerous" to work
    with than Christian.  I dont see how anyone can say that I wasn't willing to
    accept reduction of size in order to work with R/T.  I allowed Turkey into
    the Med, remember?  I set up a situation where I COULDN'T stab Turkey, and
    if he wouldn't stab Cal, I couldn't either.  We could easily have taken a 4
    way draw, when I still owned Germany -- Everyone agreed on it -- EXCEPT
    Check his press -- he was still looking to turn his position into a SOLO.
    No offense, but I still don't think he understands how ridiculous this was
    (Not that one shouldn't harbor hopes for a solo at all times, but in his
    position, it was simply a clue as to how badly he mis-read the situation.)
    This last year, Meef wrote me, he had seen the light.  WE could hold the
    line, he would stab CAL, all would be well.
    I did find this amusing.  I was pretty sure it was too late -- but was it
    Well, it turns out the line could be held at Tunis -- so I checked his
    suggested moves to see if he was serious.
    As you have seen, he decided that he would work with me -- by annhialating
    my fleet in rome, rather than covering Tunis.  Ugh.  Now it IS too late.
    Yes, I could have moved to the Ionian, rather than Greece.  But, as Meef has
    said (more than once)  He thinks my elimination is the "just' ending to this
    game -- I should trust him?
    If I hadn't bounced Christian out of Venice, it would be OVAH.  I wasn't
    going too, either, but in the end, all I really wanted was for R/T to say
    Geez, sorry, lets draw a line and make this a draw.  Never happened.
    Clearly, I had to let Christian get far enough that I couldn't be eliminated
    without him soloing, but not so far that he couldn't be stopped if they
    decided to play nice.  I guess Cal had too much respect for me (or would
    that be too much contempt? ;)  to think he could change my mind . . .
    Well, the 11th hour turn around by Meef was enough to convince me to at
    least try.  Cal, as a classicist, could be counted on to hold Moscow/Warsaw,
    even at three centers, and there we'd be -- 17 for Christian, 6 for me, 8
    for Meef, and 3 for Cal.  Stalemate, and we could've held it.
    Too late now -- Tunis can't be re-taken in time.  (Well, it couldn't be
    re-taken from ME in time, lets give Christian a little credit!)
    I've had a blast, y'all, and John, thanks for the stalwart (and mostly
    accurate) defense of my postion!  WE still have to get together for some
    bridge sometime . . .

Broadcast message from Russia in 'ruffians':

    >Broadcast message from [email protected] as France in 'ruffians':
    First off, let me apologize. I actually DID think I was replying to
    something Christian wrote.  My points are still valid though.
    > > Meef and I were perfectly willing to work with Chris at any time, but we
    > > were only willing to do it if Chris was willing to go down to a
    > > size.  We wanted him smaller so the risks were equalized and instead of
    > > along and biding his time he rejected it utterly.
    > >
    >fair enough, absolutely! But that belabors the point, doesn't it? The
    >*point* is that Austria, and only Austria when he was at that size, was
    >large enough to actually throw the game. R/T were not large enough to
    >actually throw it. Given that, whatever his size was, was the point to have
    >understood at that moment, so as to cut some type of a deal with him. The
    >point was that he could do it (and I make a distinction here between the
    >usual threats to throw a game, which most players cannot time correctly,
    >versus an established player like Chris' threats to throw the game.). The
    >one power of the three, A/R/T, who could "let" England win at the moment
    >that negotiation was going on was Austria. Not Russia, not Turkey...just
    >Austria. He was (is) in control of the spots England needed (obviously
    >England ws not ever going to get to, say, Smyrna for #18!) Therefore
    >held the upper hand in negotiations. Now, it is fine to know that and then
    >to accept that you cannot get him to do what you want; but to not realize
    >that he had the upper hand is to act in a vacuum of knowledge which makes
    >difficult to make logical appeasements to the fellow with the upper hand.
    >And despite his upper hand in ability to throw the game, R/T could have
    >dictated much of the schedule and terms of how it could work out by
    >in mind* that Austria was essential.
    But you're ignoring the fact that, at that point, throwing the game cannot
    be what Austria would have PREFERRED to do!  Sure, it's true that when he is
    at his largest, he can acomplish the most in terms of throwing the game, but
    isn't that also the point at which he is least likely to WANT to do so?
    Turkey and Russia were perfectly willing to work with Austria as long as it
    was an honest attempt to do so.  To have knuckled under to Chris would have
    been to exchange one winner for another.  Turkey and I felt that we were
    better off together instead of allowing Austria to pick us off one by one.
    You also have to remember that Germany was still a viable power at this
    time.  It was by no means guaranteed that there would be an English victory.
      It was not out of the question that RT had at least a chance of knocking
    off Austria.  We just had to hope that EG could fight to a draw in the
    > >From what you've described so far you relied entirely on the belief that
    >Austria would act in a rational manner--yet you cornered him into a box
    >which he had only one irrational way to escape. To make an analogy here he
    >was a large (in SC size), feral (in reputation) hunting cat, that you
    >into a corner with 3 sides closed off. What a dangerous spot ever to put a
    >wild beast in! And then rather than running away because you had the "just"
    >argument, he actually came out fighting, and you act surprised? I think you
    >got exactly what you deserved. :)
    This is a silly analogy.  Chris's reaction was not due to being "cornered"
    like a cat in a tree but rather to frustration at not being able to make RT
    roll over and die.  As Meef pointed out, even when Chris talked Turkey into
    finally stabbing me, Austria still made the vindictive move of snagging
    >Rationality is often based on a weighing of pro's and con's to a choice of
    >actions--given a situation where he has nothing to lose and only one action
    >to choose, can it be it surprising that someone takes that path? It looks
    >irrational to the outside world but from their standpoint it was the only
    >path available.
    You're STILL falling for the concept that Chris did all this out of
    altruistic concern for teaching RT a moral lesson about playing
    "stop-the-leader".  It seems Chris reputation is so strong that he can throw
    a game in a fit of pique and be praised for it.
    > > You're making a mistake if you think that Chris's motives were simple
    > > frustration with not being able to put together a "stop the English"
    > > coalition.  Sure, he's gonna claim that this was the case, but I don't
    > > believe it.  Chris's motive was very simple.  "If I can get Russia or
    > > to stab each other, *I* can stab them both and win the game before
    > > can".
    >i disagree with this because it is based on a static interpretation. I
    >that when the threat first occured, of *course* he still held out hopes to
    >turn things to his advantage. But when things begain to change a bit and
    >suddenly it was clear that there was a potential draw sans Austria in the
    >making, then that is when the threat to throw got turned into the intention
    >to throw--that is when the animal got cornered. If anything, it seems to
    >the way was dangerous no matter what--but I think that R/T have to take at
    >least a 50% responsilibilty for the actual throw: you got the animal into a
    >corner and then turned to each other and said
    >"hey do you have the gun?"
    >"No, I thought you had it"
    This wild animal analogy is getting tiresome.  You must have some real awe
    of Chris...
    The thing you're missing HERE is something you can't be expected to know.
    The same time that Chris realzed that he might be excluded from the draw is
    exactly when RT might have been prepared to work with him.  Unfortunately,
    when Chris started racing his armies east towards me, he didn't leave out
    the option of working with him.  He wrote me (this is the part you didn't
    see) and basically said that the only way he was going to consider working
    with me was if I retreated all my armies of the board and let him have my
    inland centres.  At the same time I was supposed to build northern fleets to
    attack England. Not being sure how I was supposed to build while
    simultaneously removing units and also not being germane to the idea of
    prostrating myself, I didn't even bother to respond.
    Chris's angry reaction noted above is what proves to me that he threw the
    game out of frustration, NOT out of some higher motive he may have had for
    being known as someone who WILL carry through a threat.  Read the press when
    it's available.
    >you were so convinced he wouldn't throw the game that when he actually did
    >you have no position from which to stop him. Now is that all Austria's
    > > "You didn't do what I said you should do to help ME
    > > win, so I'm going to make sure someone else wins".
    >hehehe and you didn't believe this statement. So who out-diplomed who? :)
    I fail to see where his decision to throw the game resulted from failed
    Diplomacy. If I had given my centres to Chris as he demanded, would that
    have made me a good diplomat?  I think I'm missing whatever point you're
    Turkey and I took a chance that he couldn't throw the game before we took
    him out. We lost the gamble because Germany left himself so open to the
    Austrian knife that he wasn't the factor we hoped he would be against
    If you want to say that Chris outdiplomed us by getting Germany to spread
    his cheeks wide, you may have a point.  I think that's more likely just bad
    play on Paul's part (as I think he already admitted, no?).
    > > He was certainly never willing to become a "tiny" part of a coalition as
    > > say.  Either he called the shots or he throws the game.  And THAT'S what
    > > have a problem with.  My mama didn't raise no sacrifical lambs.
    >having played somewhat close to 25 games of Dip with Chris  and untold
    >others with him in gunboat that I don't know about, I can say that that is
    >not how he plays the game. If he did as you say, then he'd be eliminated a
    >lot sooner and a lot more. Further, if you understood him this much, (ie,
    >your statement were accurate) then you also understand that he would have
    >THINK he called the shots, he doesn't have to actually be the one who calls
    >them--which just suggests that you'd've used a different technique of
    >diploming to get him to where YOU called the shots but he *thought* he did.
    >A harder job to be sure, but a decent challenge for a true diplomat.
    Well, I've only played this one game with Chris and my opinion of him will
    be that, despite being an excellent writer with a good grasp of strategy and
    tactics, I will forever think of him as someone who quits when he doesn't
    get his way.  I still like him as a person, but the other perception will
    I wonder if I have a higher opinion of him than you do (although your
    fauning above makes that hard to believe).  I simply don't believe he's so
    naive as to get suckered in that way.  I agree that it would be a challenge
    for a "true diplomat:, but I just don't think that's possible at this level.
    > > Is it just me or is there also integrity in the concept of trying to
    > > And, while I agree that having Chris throw the game to you has a whole
    > > of street cred, you really didn't have a whole lot to do with the
    > > that caused it.  The main English accomplishment in this game (and it is
    > > significant one!) was managing to stay alive to be in a position to win
    > > it was handed to him.
    >from the above I gather you think England that  is writing this, rather it
    >is France. However I do agree that England was alive in the right place at
    >the right time to take advantage. To quote Tim Rice putting words in Evita
    >Peron's mouth (with England as Evita)
    >"I was smack in the right place, at the perfect time. Filled a gap; I was
    >lucky. But one thing I'll say for me: no one else can fill it like I can"
    >and that about sums it up. I'll take Christian's luck any time, and in the
    >meantime I'll congratulate him for a fair victory.
    As will I.  He had a tough row to hoe just to get in that position.
    >As for street credibility, I will let the case speak for itself. Next time
    >someone threatens to throw a game, are you going to look just a little
    >harder at the board position and see how he can do it under irrational sets
    >of moves and then try harder to counter the threat either tactically or
    >diplomatically? I think Austria just did R/T a major favor (tho not in this
    >game obviously!). I suppose it is not a favor one thanks someone for
    We have a language barrier here.  I didn't mean credibility, but rather
    "credit".  "Street cred" mean, essentially bragging rights.  Christian can
    certainly brag that Chris Martin threw a game to him, but it's more that he
    was in the right place, not from some great skill that dwarfs Chris's.
    Oh, will I look closer at someone's threat to throw a game?  Not likely, but
    that's because I ALWAYS took it seriously.  I KNEW Chris could possibly do
    it, but I thought RT could pre-empt that threat by taking him down quickly.
    If Germany hadn't become Chris's apostle, we would have done it.
    Then it might have been ME stabbing Meef for the win.
    Too bad we'll never know...
    Cal White

Broadcast message from Austria in 'ruffians':

    As Meef pointed out, even when Chris talked Turkey into
    finally stabbing me, Austria still made the vindictive move of snagging
    Oh get real!  To hold England back, we need Austrian armies, not Turkish
    builds.  (in theory)
    Taking greece makes a lot more sense than Meef insisting on taking Rome.
    How foolish is THAT?  If we were really working together, why take rome at

Broadcast message from Russia in 'ruffians':

    > Broadcast message from [email protected] as Austria in
    > <<
    > As Meef pointed out, even when Chris talked Turkey into
    > finally stabbing me, Austria still made the vindictive move of snagging
    > Greece.>>
    > Oh get real!  To hold England back, we need Austrian armies, not Turkish
    > builds.  (in theory)
    Yup. I was going by what Meef said about your move.  I thought he made the
    comment based on some internal correspondence.
    > Taking greece makes a lot more sense than Meef insisting on taking Rome.
    > How foolish is THAT?  If we were really working together, why take rome at
    > all?
    Couldn't agree with you more on this point.  Hadn't seen your letter when I
    wrote that.

Broadcast message from England in

    >My other letter outlines what I emant by that.  And "kowtow" in this
    >instance means basically to bow down and accept a higher authority as right.
    But you are saying that what [email protected] wrote was wrong. I am
    definately not him, unless I play both France and England and in that case
    my good position was not so strange after all.
    Sk�l och v�lkomna till festen!

Broadcast message from England in

    >We have a language barrier here.  I didn't mean credibility, but rather
    >"credit".  "Street cred" mean, essentially bragging rights.  Christian can
    >certainly brag that Chris Martin threw a game to him, but it's more that he
    >was in the right place, not from some great skill that dwarfs Chris's.
    Yeah, yeah. This always happen. I win (although it is not certain in this
    game) a game, and then everyone says "Ghee, how lucky he is! He was really
    in the right place!".
    Meef, did you like my mis-sent press last turn? :) Chris, remember a letter
    sent to you meant for Cal? :)

Message from England to Russia in

    >Don't get your hopes up. From the ongoing conversation, I'm going to fight
    >to keep St Pete's just to prove a point.
    Fair enough. Not that your fight over StP matters though...:)

Message from England to Austria in

    If you want to, it would be best if you disbanded F Gre.

Broadcast message from Germany in 'ruffians':

    At the risk of being redundant, I'll say it again.  I left myself open
    to the Austrian stab
    because, in my determination, he would be committing suicide if he
    stabbed me at that point in the game. I thought he could see this for
     But sure enough--  he did stab me, and he abandoned all his
    other fronts.  E/R/T filled the vacuum that Austria created by starting
    the centerboard
    A/G breakdown.  I lay the blame at Chris' feet for this.

Broadcast message from Russia in 'ruffians':

    My orders are in.  I will continue to fight against the English victory
    although I suspect my "allies" will continue to attack me.

Broadcast message from Master in 'ruffians':

     > Broadcast message from [email protected] as Russia in 'ruffians':
     > >Broadcast message from [email protected] as Turkey in 'ruffians':
     > >
     > >In response, the below, I am still learning and will take ALL these lessons
     > >to heart.  It is tough runnin' with the big dogs.  But I do not regret be
     > >asked to be a part.  Thanks Rick.
    You're quite welcome.  I think we'd all agree you did a lot more with
    Turkey than either of your predecessors, and were a welcome addition
    to the game.
     > No need to kowtow, Meef.  most of what Christian wrote was plain wrong
     > anyway.
     > Cal
    Meef has no need to kow-tow to anybody, I'd say.  I think he's the
    only one out of this crowd going to the second round of the big email
    tournament (and that includes Christian, Chris, Paul, John(?),
    Jim-Bob, and me.)

Broadcast message from Master in 'ruffians':

    Anybody who thinks Christian was just "lucky", well this is
    ridiculous.   How many times has he been lucky in this game?
    1) Cal builds F StP(sc) in 1901
    2) The Sea Lion is derailed in 1902
    3) France and Germany stay bitter enemies from that point until both
    are eliminated (and even in the grave, perhaps?)
    4) Italy is enough of a nuisance that France has no chance to recover
    5) Russia's presence in the North is reduced to insignificance
    6) Austria comes North, completely undermining Germany
    7) Turkey is boxed in in the midgame, unable to grow, but not
    8) Italy _is_ eliminated, thereby creating a fleet vacuum England can
    9) Austria (not England) is viewed by _everybody_ on the board as the
    big threat to win the game
    10) R/T fight Austria when Austria could easily hold England back
    11) Austria threatens to throw the game to England and happily throws
    centers his way
    12) Munich and Berlin are ceded w/o a fight
    13) Tunis is left undefended to an unsupported attack
    but most importantly
    14) Not once in the game does anybody organize an anti-England
    Maybe you could attribute a few of these developments to "luck", but
    _all_ of them?  Let's give credit where credit is due.  Christian has
    played one hell of a game.

Broadcast message from Master in 'ruffians':

    Anybody who thinks Christian was just "lucky", well this is
    ridiculous.   How many times has he been lucky in this game?
    1) Cal builds F StP(sc) in 1901
    2) The Sea Lion is derailed in 1902
    3) France and Germany stay bitter enemies from that point until both
    are eliminated (and even in the grave, perhaps?)
    4) Italy is enough of a nuisance that France has no chance to recover
    5) Russia's presence in the North is reduced to insignificance
    6) Austria comes North, completely undermining Germany
    7) Turkey is boxed in in the midgame, unable to grow, but not
    8) Italy _is_ eliminated, thereby creating a fleet vacuum England can
    9) Austria (not England) is viewed by _everybody_ on the board as the
    big threat to win the game
    10) R/T fight Austria when Austria could easily hold England back
    11) Austria threatens to throw the game to England and happily throws
    centers his way
    12) Munich and Berlin are ceded w/o a fight
    13) Tunis is left undefended to an unsupported attack
    but most importantly
    14) Not once in the game does anybody organize an anti-England
    Maybe you could attribute a few of these developments to "luck", but
    _all_ of them?  Let's give credit where credit is due.  Christian has
    played one hell of a game.
    End of message.
    Adjustment orders for Winter of 1917.  (ruffians.079)
    Austria:    Move Submitted.
    England:    Move Submitted.
    Russia:     Move Submitted.
    Turkey:     No Move Required.
    Austria:   Removes the army in Naples.
    Russia:    Removes the army in Ukraine.
    England:   Builds a fleet in Edinburgh.
    England:   Builds a fleet in London.
    England:   Builds an army in Liverpool.
    England:   1 unusable build pending.

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The Diplomacy Showcase section is maintained by Ry4an Brase ([email protected])
Last updated on Monday, October 30, 2000.