Italy's End of Game Statement from Game Cut-Throat

First I would like to congratulate Russia for the brilliant game
and diplomatic skills. As was while we were talking during the game,
Italy cannot compete with Russia regarding length of messages.
So my (Italy) comment will be shorter.

Russia deserves the win but the key player in this game was Germany.
Actually, Germany donated the win to Russia. Collaborating with
EFI could have stopped Russia and maybe even defeated her and it
doesn't violate either the cuthroat spirit or any other spirit.
Moreover, FGI could at one point stop ER.

I guess it is a personal taste, but I don't like games in which
the main goal is that England won't win no matter who wins. I
like to play in games in which each power tries to win or to
draw with minimal number of powers. Germany certainly didn't
play with this goal in her mind. It was legitimate for Austria
to trust Russia to the end when she had 1 unit but Germany
knew that with her type of game Russia wins.

Russia sounded in her last broadcast like Kasparov of Diplomacy.
Maybe. But you should check things before claiming them. One
example. The movements of Turkey in 1905 were fully coordinated
with Italy. Look at the map and see that Turkey could not help
Italy or survive. I hoped for the slightest chance that Russia
will keep alive the single fleet Turkey had because of a
joint attack of FGI. But as we know Germany had different


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