Balkans's Response to the English EOG

This is mostly a reply to David.

I guess that most of the reason I saw England as an enemy was the fact that I supported Norway against him early. I never stopped trying to help Norway make a stand against England, until Noray started trying to take Kiel. Even though England wasn't really out to get me, they were the only one of my neighbors who I hadn't been relatively friendly to so far.

I'd almost forgotten the convoy to Picardy. That was a horrible mistake on my part; as I wrote to Jen in my commentary at the time:

Believe it or not, I actually saw the potential for the convoy to Picardy, but I didn't see the threat it posed to Paris (just to Belgium), or I might have tried to stop it. Now I've lost Paris, and England will only drop one unit this year.
I was prepared to play games with Belgium, but letting the English army roam around the French countryside was a horrible mistake. I haven't thought about it in a while, but at the time, I saw that as another crucial turning point, where England when from being on-the-run and almost-dead to looking like he was going to survive thanks to our inability to chase down that last unit while keeping up the front.


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