Starting positions and province abbreviations

The spaces has been abbreviated according to the following rules in order of preference:
1, If the province/body of water exists also in standard, that abbreviation has been used.
2, If the name of a land province consist of two parts, the first letter of the first part and the two first letters of the second part has been used. If the name of a body of water consist of three parts the first letter in every part has been used.
3, The first three letters of the space has been used.
4, When two or more spaces start with the same three letters, the first three consonants has been used.

In the following table, the provinces marked * are the ones not abbreviated with their three first letters.
Denmark (D) Zealand Zea a
Schlesvig Sch a
Jutland Jut f
Ostlandet Ost a
Vestlandet Ves
North Friesland* NFl
Troendelag Tro
Scania Sca
England (E) London Lon f
Ireland Ire f
Wales Wal a
Cornwall Cor
Yorkshire Yor
Cumbria Cum
France (F) Paris Par a
Burgundy Bur a
Provence Pro a
Gascony Gas f
Brittany Bri
Normandy* Nrm
Languedoc Lan
The Habsburg Empire (H) Austria Aus a
Bohemia Boh a
Croatia Cro a
Silesia Sil
Moravia* Mrv
Slovakia Slo
Styria Sty
Tyrolia* Tyl
The Ottoman Empire (T) Constantinopel Con f
Anatolia Ana a
Egypt Egy a
Bosnia Bos
Bulgaria Bul
Syria Syr
Libya Lib
Poland (P) Masuria Mas a
Lithuania* Lth a
Galicia Gal a
Courland Cou
Ukraine Ukr
Volhynia Vol
Little Poland* LPo
Great Poland* GPo
Russia (R) Moscow Mos a
Novgorod Nov a
Voronezj Vor a
Karelia Kar
Siberia Sib
Uralsk Ura
Tula Tul
Pskov Psk
Spain (I) Castille* Cst a
Aragon Ara f
Naples Nap a
Flanders Fla a
Navarre Nav
France Comté* FCo
Milan Mil
Granada Gra
Sweden (W) Svealand Sve a
East Gothland* EGo f
Finland Fin a
Livonia* Lvn a
Wermland Wer
West Gothland* WGo
Ingria Ing
Sea Spaces Adriatic Sea ADR
Baltic Sea BAL
Barents Sea BAR
Bay of Biscay* BOB
Black Sea BLA
Caspian Sea CAS
Eastern Mediterranean EAS
English Channel ENG
Gulf of Bothnia* GOB
Gulf of Lyon* GOL
Helgoland Bight HEL
Ionian Sea ION
Irish Sea IRI
Kattegat KAT
Mid-Atlantic Ocean* MAO
North Sea* NTH
North Atlantic Ocean* NAO
Norwegian Sea* NWG
Sea of Bornholm* SOB
Skagerrak SKA
Tyrrenian Sea* TYS
Western Mediterranean WES
Neutrals Azerbadjan Aze
Bavaria Bav
Bessarabia Bes
Brandenburg Bra
Central Asia* Cnt
Crimea Cri
East Friesland* EFl
Georgia Geo
Hesse Hes
Holland Hol
Hungary Hun
Lorraine Lor
Mecklenburg Mec
Morocco* Mrc
North Africa* NAf
Persia Per
Pomerania Pom
Portugal Por
Prussia Pru
Romagna* Rmg
Savoy Sav
Saxony Sax
Scotland Sco
Serbia Ser
Transsylvania Tra
Tuscany Tus
Venice Ven
Westphalia* Wst

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