1.0 Rules are the same as Standard Diplomacy unless amended below.
2.0 Canals and Sea Zones:
2.1 St. Petersburg & Goteborg acts in the same manner as Kiel and
Constantonople in Standard Diplomacy.
2.2 Bolmen is a the only province with two coasts. Orders must specify
which coast a fleet is occupying.
2.3 There is a canal connecting Vat to GoS. This is the "Gota Canal."
This canal is used in the same manner as the Volga and Suez canals in the
Modern variant.
3.0 Powers & Starting Positions:
Sweden- A Stockholm, F Sundsvall, F Goteborg
Finland- A Kuopio, F Helsingfors, F Vasa
Russia- A Minsk, F St. Petersburg, F Riga
Poland- A Warsaw, F Strulsund, F Danzig
4.0 Winning Conditions:
4.1 There are 22 total supply centers. For a solo win, 15 supply centers
must be under the control of one power for a solo win. A draw must be voted
for only by surviving powers
5.0 Neutrals:
5.1 "Cop" Copenhagen, Denmark; "Ron" Ronne, Bornholm Island; Malmo; "Sli"
Slite, Gotland Island; Brest; Konigsberg, East Prussia; "Saa" Saaremaa
Island; "Ala" Aland Island; Tallinn, Estonia; Tornio.
6.0 Sea Zones:
6.1 "Ska" Skaggerak; "Kat" Kattegat; "Sba" South Baltic; "Hab" Hano Bay;
"GoS" Gulf of Stockholm; "Mba" Mid-Baltic; "Nba" North Baltic; "GoR" Gulf of
Riga; "SGoB" South Gulf of Bothnia; "NGoB" North Gulf of Bothnia; "LPei"
Lake Peipus; LLad" Lake Ladoga; "Van" Vanern; "Vat" Vattern.
7.0 Provinces:
7.1 All supply centers were named after the major city or town in that
area. All non-supply centers are named after a major geographical
occurrence in the area (i.e. lakes, rivers, mountains).