The Diplomatic Pouch

Analysis for Spring of 1910 in gauntlet

Dear Rick,

If I order F(ENC)-Wal and F(MAO)-IRI I can hang onto Lpl for another year. With a little bit of luck I should capture Munich and Sev this year, which would take me to 17. Then War and Mos would take me to 18, assuming I lose Liverpool the following year. This begs the question why I am not moving towards Liverpool... I'll have to think about that some more!

Elsewhere. I could force Sev this year with A(Gal)-Ukr and F(Bla)&A(Arm) SA(Rum)-Sev. In order to prevent A(Ukr)-Rum, which would result in a very messy position in the Balkans, I would have to order A(Bud)-Rum. Even if I take Sev I'm not going anywhere in the Autumn, so why use so many units to achieve this objective when I can take it in the Autumn? England should order A(Nor)-StP-Lvn this year. This improves the defense of the Russian centres, and offers him the opportunity to order to Pru, to improve the defense of his German centres --- Berlin is weak at the moment with only one defender.


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Last updated on Mon, July 13, 1998.