The Diplomatic Pouch

Analysis for Fall of 1911 in gauntlet

Dear Rick,

Throughout this game I have been analysing the position using maps produced by mapit. However, there is no replacement for a board and pieces --- I should have spotted that the F(Lpl) as going to be destroyed and consequently that I was going to be evicted from MAO. Would have been better to stay in IRI. I don't think that the builds are going to be important.


Dear Rick,

E/F's failure to evict me from MAO last seasons means that I can force Marseilles this year, compensating for the inevitable loss of Liverpool. Following up with A(Tyr)-Pie means that France will not be able to recapture Marseilles for the forseeable future. (He could do it if he were able to push a fleet into Spas/sc.)

It's possible (probable) that E/F will combine to evict me from Munich this season. However, with the set of orders I am going with, they can't prevent me from retaking it in the Autumn. Additionally, in the best situation, I might be able to retreat and have chances of both retaking Munich and keeping Kiel!

I think it is unlikely that Russia will outguess me in the south and order to Gal. If he does and England finds the best move of A(Nwy)-StP, intending A(StP)-Lvn then the position in the North could become tense. If Russia goes for the worse set of orders and supports A(Ukr)-War, then the game will be over.

I did consider an alternative set of orders, using A's(Gal,Rum) to support A(Sev)-Ukr and F(BLA)SA(Arm)-Sev. However I can't I might not be able to retake Munich at all. I would look rather silly if F(MAO)-Gas succeeds! However this does not look very likely. So I'll move F(Tun) to ION so that I can convoy an army into either Apu/Alb. Not that that is going to matter.


I WIN next season --- YES! YES! YES! I want to play it out.


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Last updated on Mon, July 13, 1998.