The Diplomatic Pouch

Press for Spring of 1908 in ghodstoo

Movement - No broadcasts sent.


Private message from England to Turkey:

    You there?
    The Judge is back.
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from England to France:

    Hey, it looks like the Judge is back.
    I wrote to Turkey, but haven't heard anything back from him. I'm going to
    try to use him to put some pressure on Germany to 'cooperate', so that I
    can get into Nth and Bal, if possible. As you said, there are many
    possibilities, but I think my favorite involve my fleets getting into Bal
    and Nth. Of course, I won't mention Baltic to Turkey.

Private message from Germany to Austria:

    Any plans, suggestion, or requests for the next turn?

Private message from Germany to Italy:

    Any plans, suggestion, or requests for the next turn?

Private message from Germany to England:

    Any plans, suggestion, or requests for the next turn?

Private message from Germany to Turkey:

    Any plans, suggestion, or requests for the next turn?

Private message from Italy to Turkey:

    You still awake there?  (grin)
    What do you have in mind this turn?

Private message from Italy to Germany:

    > Message from [email protected] as Germany to Italy in 'ghodstoo':
    > Any plans, suggestion, or requests for the next turn?
    Nothing specific aside from fight France... :)

Private message from England to Germany:

    Yeah, I guess we'd better get started.
    I would like to go Lon-Nth. And I guess I think I should just sit tight in
    Kie, preferably with some support--though I don't think France will try to
    dislodge me in the Spring.
    If you go Edi-Nwg, you could get Nwy in the Fall, although it would be
    tricky to get it without losing Stp to Turkey or France. And my F Nth could
    snag Belgium.
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from England to France:

    Hm, no, I am more inclined to do Lon-Nth.
    I have been trying to get something 'coordinated', but Hohn doesn't answer
    and Pitt only asked me what I wanted to do.
    If I get no response at all, I think that's what I would like to order:
    Kie-Bal and Lon-Nth. Is that ok with you?

Private message from France to England:

    Had any thoughts about tactics for the coming turn?  Last I heard, you were
    in favor of lon-eng and kie-bal.  Is that what you've ordered?

Private message from France to Italy:

    Sorry about A Mar. The judge failure messed me up.  I did not get your
    response until after the moves had processed, and my "set wait" did no good
    with the deadline passed.
    I now understand your position, and it's very sensible.  I wish I could
    convince you to be more aggressive (against Turkey, that is) but I can
    understand that you'd be reluctant to take risks at this point.
    I think you are wise to keep your units close to home.
    John, France

Private message from Italy to France:

    Not sure if this got through.  Pardon me if this is a duplicate message.
    > Message from [email protected] as France to Italy in 'ghodstoo':
    > It's fairly obvious that Turkey will soon be looking at your centers for
    > easy pickings.  He can see that I have a good chance of stopping him from
    > moving further west.  Even if he does make headway, it' will be tough
    > sledding, and he'll always have to worry about you in the backfield.  So,
    > unless you have more faith in Hohn than his behavior in this game warrants,
    > you might consider preparing for the coming Turkish attack.
    Right now, you stand to have the best shot at winning the game
    outright.  With Pitt collapsing rapidly on all fronts, you can pick up
    his centres and have a shot at Scandinavia and even St Pete's.  With
    your unit in Tyrolia, you are across the stalemate line and, if you can
    pick up any of Venice, Vienna or Trieste (or for that matter Tunis), you
    will have your 18 centres.
    Hohn understands this and he knows that, if he stabs me, I will throw
    that 18th centre your way.  I really can't see him able to stab me for
    ALL of my centres on one turn.  Even if he could, he'd have to use so
    much of his forces to do so, you'd be able to advance across the
    stalemate line.  He'd end up watching you grab that 18th dot just as he
    hits 15 or 16.  Definitely not in his best interest and that's what I'm
    depending on.
    At the same time, I'm not going to press an attack on you in the Med so
    hard that it takes me far from my centres.  While Hohn knows he has much
    to lose by attacking me, I don't need to tempt him like that.  You
    needn't fear me trying to break through your defenses and attacking your
    homeland.  Even if I could (unlikely), that's not in MY best interest.
    >  I reiterate my view of the game: this will end in a draw, unless we allow
    > Turkey to win it.  I do not see France having any chance to win, so I want
    > to be part of the draw.
    I disagree with the part that you cannot win.  You can win unless I make
    myself part of a stalemate line.  Your part in a draw is a virtual
    certainty, however.
    > With that said, I renew my offer of support and friendship.  I intend to
    > build in Marseilles, but I can build either a fleet or an army.  I would
    > like your opinion of what I should do.  It might sway my decision.
    I'd rather you built a fleet so we can get on with the business of
    building a Mediterranean stalemate line.  But that's my (very) biased
    opinion.  :)
    > Please also inform me how you see the coming year or two.  Am I way off?
    What do *I* hope for the next couple of years?  I'd like to build up one
    or two more centres and create a stalemate line in the Med that a) you
    can't break through, and b) Hohn dare not attack for fear that you would
    get Tunis.  I'd also like to see the two of you eliminate England and
    Germany and face off against each other in the Prussia to Tyrolia
    neutral zone.
    Once that happens, we can call a three way stalemated draw.
    So, am I dreaming?
    PS: btw, whatever happens, congrats on a well played game.

Private message from Master to Turkey:

    Hi guys,
    As you see, I have pushed the deadline for Spring (I believe that is
    next) back until Friday.  We are continuing to interact with summer
    vacations and other little distractions that people appear (from my
    point of view) to be managing as best they can with an eye toward
    keeping the game moving.  I must insist that everyone do their best
    to make this July 25 deadline (including sending copies of their orders
    to me if the Judge should repeat its slowdowns of recent past) since
    another player could require a delay of the Fall deadline that follows.
    Moreover, I will be away at a conference August 3-4-5, so I may have
    to set the Fall deadline for August 6th, if that delay is required.
    Then, I believe, we will run into the short vacation that Cal has
    previously announced (am I remembering that right?).
    Anyway, keep me up to date, please make EVERY effort to get your orders
    in on time for Friday, and we'll do the best we can.
    Thanks for your patience,

Private message from France to England:

    I have not had much time to look over the board the last week or so.  I
    didn't ask for it, but I am grateful for the delay.   That'll give us some
    time to talk this through.  What was the thinking behind lon-nth?
    My concern is to make sure TI can't break into the Atlantic or pick off Spa
    or Mar.  I was thinking F Lon could help out.  Then again, we've got that
    pesky German fleet to contend with, so maybe Lon-Nth is the right move.

Private message from England to Master:

    Oh, damn, that's bad. Because now the move will process Friday night, but
    the retreat deadline will be Monday night, so I will not have a chance to
    enter Fall movement orders before I leave Monday morning.
    Could you set current deadline to Thursday instead, or does that not
    address whatever problem you're addressing?

Private message from Master to England:

    > Message from [email protected] as England to Master in 'ghodstoo':
    > Oh, damn, that's bad. Because now the move will process Friday night, but
    > the retreat deadline will be Monday night, so I will not have a chance to
    > enter Fall movement orders before I leave Monday morning.
    The wording of the message should have made clear that I was aware of
    this potential problem.  One possibility is that there will be no
    retreats.  Another possibility is that I can "convince" whoever
    owes a retreat to submit it right away over the weekend.  My intent
    was to try to do that.  Also, if the retreat doesn't process until Monday,
    then the following DEADLINE for Fall will be Monday August 4th.
    You will be back then, won't you?  Although I will be away then,
    I won't change the deadline if you will be able to get your orders in
    on that day.  You may want to (your discretion, of course) ask
    relevant players whether they will be around on that Monday and be sure
    to negotiate with you then.
    > Could you set current deadline to Thursday instead, or does that not
    > address whatever problem you're addressing?
    > -Jamie
    No, because the player involved hasn't submitted his orders yet,
    and will be away through Thursday, back Friday.  He had hoped to
    get them in before he left, but didn't.  Although in a "regular"
    game I probably would be pushing a little bit harder, my sense
    is that for this demo game the next couple of moves will go a
    very very long way toward deciding things (this is not news to
    anyone) and I think it is best to be a little patient right now.
    Thanks, I hope you understand.  If you wish, of course, I would
    put it to a player vote.

Private message from France to Austria:

    I think you are correct that your suggestions would lead to some big
    problems later.  I've ordered tyr s vie.  I am sure this is not the best
    thing we can do, so let me know what you'd like.  A Tyrolia is at your
    It appears that Trieste will certainly fall.  Perhaps tyr-boh, leaving
    tyrolia open for the retreat?

Private message from England to Master:

    Ok, I get it.
    If the deadline for the Fall movement is Monday 4 August, I will be back by
    then, and I *might* be able to get the moves in. It's just that I would
    have very little time to work things out, since I wouldn't return until
    Saturday 2 Aug.
    Well, I'll make the best of it.

Private message from Master to Turkey:

    > Message from [email protected] as Italy to Austria, England, France,
    > Germany and Turkey in 'ghodstoo':
    > > Message from [email protected] as Master to Austria, England, France,
    > > Germany, Italy and Turkey in 'ghodstoo':
    > > Then, I believe, we will run into the short vacation that Cal has
    > > previously announced (am I remembering that right?).
    > Not til September 1 (roughly).
    > Cal
    Whoops, Labour Day (spelled "your" way) is of course a holiday for us
    too.  I thought you were going to be away for Simcoe Day (is that what
    it is called?) too.  Is that August 4th?? Never mind..... return to
    your regularly scheduled program....
    Your slightly addle-brained GM,

Private message from England to France:

    >What was the thinking behind lon-nth?
    Well, if the German fleet leaves Edi (Edi-Nwg), I could go there from Nth;
    if not, I would have two fleets against Denmark. If I bounce Germany in
    Nth, that's a service in itself. It seems to me that Nth is the strongest
    offensive position for my fleet, if I can get in. If you do Hol-Hel, it's
    looking pretty grim for Germany.
    >My concern is to make sure TI can't break into the Atlantic or pick off Spa
    >or Mar.  I was thinking F Lon could help out.
    Yes, it could do that. I'll put it in Eng if you feel it's necessary. It's
    a question of whether you want to be offensive against Germany, or
    defensive against the others. And that may turn on how you feel about Italy.
    If we go defensive, the game will rapidly become pretty stale. Then I
    figure someone would probably break. Who? Would Turkey try to eliminate
    someone? Would Italy turn? I don't know, neither of those looks very
    promising. If you choose to go offensive, well, I suppose Italy *might*
    just keep coming and coming, and maybe you'd find yourself in trouble in
    the MAO or something... but how long could that last? Maybe you prefer to
    move into a kind of stale position now, just to see what happens.
    >  Then again, we've got that
    >pesky German fleet to contend with, so maybe Lon-Nth is the right move.
    My gut instinct says to try to shorten Germany's lifespan as much as
    possible, and play it from there. Get Denmark, and see if we can tempt
    Turkey into Stp, and Germany is left with just a few scattered centers,
    relatively trivial to mop them up. One fewer player to contend with, one
    fewer variable.
    But, let me stress, it's your call, I'll just order the fleet to English
    Channel if you want. (But if Germany goes to Nth, then what? Or will you
    cover Nth from Hol?)

Private message from Master to England:

    > Message from [email protected] as England to Master in 'ghodstoo':
    > Ok, I get it.
    > If the deadline for the Fall movement is Monday 4 August, I will be back by
    > then, and I *might* be able to get the moves in. It's just that I would
    > have very little time to work things out, since I wouldn't return until
    > Saturday 2 Aug.
    > Well, I'll make the best of it.
    > Jamie
    I do want to make sure that I know what you want me to do before you
    leave.  You can think about it for a bit, if you like.  I will be
    at a conference in Newport (sun and fun!) on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday,
    so if you DON'T want Monday to remain the deadline you need to tell
    me BEFORE you leave.  I will set it for Tuesday or Wednesday as you
    suggest.  Again, you may want to wait to see how Spring comes out and
    whether there are any retreats.

Private message from France to England:

    I think you should order lon-nth.  Italy has said he won't stray too far
    from home.  Without his help, Turkey won't be able to get into the

Private message from England to France:

    Yeah, that's what I think.
    Ok, so ordered.
    And Kie-Bal, right? So feel free to fill in behind.

Private message from Italy to Turkey:

    Just a quick note to let you guys know I AM here, but my mail server was
    down all day yesterday.  Right now, I have to go to work, so I'll write
    tonight after my baseball game.

Private message from England to Master:

    I'll let you know over the weekend if I do want a postponement. Probably
    not, chances are I can manage without it.
    I bet someone will be late tonight. The Judge says not all orders are in.
    In the event that the Spring movement hasn't processed before I go, I am
    going to leave PHASEd orders for the retreat phase. It is pretty unlikely
    that I'll be dislodged from Kiel (and fail to enter Baltic as ordered), but
    just in case. And if I do that, I am going to send you my intended retreat,
    too. Is that ok? Because the PHASE syntax is a bit tricky, and I'm never
    incredibly confident that I've got it right.

Private message from England to France:

    So, we're coming down to the wire, I'd like to tie up some loose ends.
    I've ordered Lon-Nth and Kie-Bal, and I haven't heard from anyone since
    last I wrote to you. So I don't expect to be changing my order.
    I bet someone will be late. The others seem to have lost interest!
    As I said, I will be away next week. I'll check in a few times over the
    weekend before I leave Monday morning.
    If the move processes on time tonight, and the retreats are fairly obvious,
    then maybe you and I can choose a Fall move for me over the weekend. In
    that case I would not hold up the game by my absence. Since I will return
    on Saturday (Aug 2nd), and the Fall movement deadline would be on Monday
    the 4th, I could also wait until *next* weekend to enter my orders.
    If the current move processes late, I ought to have no timing problems. Hm,
    unless.... It's possible that I'll be bounced in Baltic and dislodged from
    Kiel. Ok, if the Spring movement phase hasn't processed, I'll leave phased
    orders for the retreat phase. That always makes me a bit nervous, but this
    one should be straightforward enough. I'll have the fleet retreat to
    Holland if (a) Hol is open and (b) it can't retreat to Denmark or Berlin.
    Ok? (It's a long shot that it would have to retreat in any case.)
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from Master to England:

    Thanks, Jamie.  I do understand your order and it ***looks*** right.
    I will indeed "watch" over it.

Private message from Turkey to Italy:

    > Sorry guy, but this is going to be quick.  My mail server went down
    > AGAIN (f%$#) this evening when I planned to write a detailed letter to
    > the two of you.  Now that my ball game is over (we won 24-1, thank you
    > very much) it's too late for all that.
    > Basically, my position is this.  Edi is not going to be willing to trust
    > us again (he isn't THAT stupid, by a long way) so I'd be skeptical of
    > any offers to hit Tyrolia.  I'd prefer to simply support Ven in place
    > and make the fleet moves you proposed.
    > Thoughts?  Hopefully, I'll be able to get back to you tomorrow evening.
    If he supports TRI-VEN, TYR S TRI-VEN, then we will bounce him from
    PIE.  You retreat to ROM, and we see what we can do about retaking VEN
    in the fall.  TRI will be yours.
    Alternatively, if you want to loan me TRI for Spring, we can do
    VEN-PIE, ALB-TRI, ADR S ALB-TRI, and guarantee a retake of VEN in fall
    in the event that they do TRI-VEN, TYR S TRI-VEN.  That's the only
    possible way VEN can fall.
    I think we should try to be more active, because we have a good chance
    of destroying Edi's army in TRI this spring.
    What do you want GOL to do?  Support TYS to WES, right?

Private message from Italy to Turkey:

    Sorry guy, but this is going to be quick.  My mail server went down
    AGAIN (f%$#) this evening when I planned to write a detailed letter to
    the two of you.  Now that my ball game is over (we won 24-1, thank you
    very much) it's too late for all that.
    Basically, my position is this.  Edi is not going to be willing to trust
    us again (he isn't THAT stupid, by a long way) so I'd be skeptical of
    any offers to hit Tyrolia.  I'd prefer to simply support Ven in place
    and make the fleet moves you proposed.
    Thoughts?  Hopefully, I'll be able to get back to you tomorrow evening.

Private message from France to England:

    Sounds good.  Keep your orders as they are.  I doubt you'll be dislodged
    from Kiel.  Stand-off, maybe.

Private message from Master to Turkey:

    Hey, come on, I thought the extension was reasonable, but more?
    Is there a problem I don't know about??
    > :: Judge: USIN  Game: Ghodstoo  Variant: Standard
    > :: Deadline: S1908M Fri Jul 25 1997 23:30:00 EST  Boardman: 1997KT
    > Diplomacy game 'ghodstoo' is waiting for Turkey's orders.
    > Diplomacy game 'ghodstoo' is waiting for Italy's orders.
    > Diplomacy game 'ghodstoo' is waiting for Germany's orders.
    > These powers will be considered abandoned and free for takeover
    > if orders are not received by Fri Sep  5 1997 14:30:00 EST.

Private message from England to France:

    Yeah, I knew someone would be late, but I didn't realize it would be three
    Oh well. Now I guess I won't need a postponement.

Private message from England to Master:

    I'll be away this week, until Saturday night (Aug 2). To be realistic, I
    don't expect to participate until Monday Aug 4.
    Gentle King Jamie

Private message from Germany to Master:

    And just discovered that they *still* weren't registered by the judge...
    Trying again now.
    >FYI, my orders were in before the deadline, too.  I resubmitted them on
    >Saturday after seeing the late message.
    >End of message.
    >Movement orders for Spring of 1908.  (ghodstoo.030)
    >Germany: Army Denmark, No Order Processed.
    >Germany: Fleet Sweden, No Order Processed.
    >Germany: Army Prussia, No Order Processed.
    >Germany: Fleet Edinburgh, No Order Processed.
    >Germany: Army Berlin, No Order Processed.
    >Orders not received for all units.  If complete orders are not
    >received by Fri Jul 25 1997 23:30:00 EST, you will be considered late.
    >You will be considered abandoned if nothing is received by
    >Fri Sep  5 1997 14:30:00 EST.

Private message from Germany to England:

    >> :: Judge: USIN  Game: Ghodstoo  Variant: Standard
    >> :: Deadline: S1908M Fri Jul 25 1997 23:30:00 EST  Boardman: 1997KT
    >> Diplomacy game 'ghodstoo' is waiting for Turkey's orders.
    >> Diplomacy game 'ghodstoo' is waiting for Italy's orders.
    >> Diplomacy game 'ghodstoo' is waiting for Germany's orders.
    >> These powers will be considered abandoned and free for takeover
    >> if orders are not received by Fri Sep  5 1997 14:30:00 EST.
    FYI, my orders were in before the deadline, too.  I resubmitted them on
    Saturday after seeing the late message.

Private message from Italy to Turkey:

    Okay guys, this is crap.  My orders were sent in last night several
    hours before the deadline.  I realize I did not get confirmation, but I
    DID send the orders in.  I have now resent them.
    USIN Diplomacy Judge wrote:
    >  News about USIN can be found at
    >  All unmoderated games will be removed.
    >  Judge keeper is [email protected].
    >  Judge address is [email protected]
    > :: Judge: USIN  Game: Ghodstoo  Variant: Standard
    > :: Deadline: S1908M Fri Jul 25 1997 23:30:00 EST  Boardman: 1997KT
    > Diplomacy game 'ghodstoo' is waiting for Turkey's orders.
    > Diplomacy game 'ghodstoo' is waiting for Italy's orders.
    > Diplomacy game 'ghodstoo' is waiting for Germany's orders.
    > These powers will be considered abandoned and free for takeover
    > if orders are not received by Fri Sep  5 1997 14:30:00 EST.

Private message from Master to Master:

    This is a test.

Private message from Master to Turkey:

    The Judge apparently has been both up and down  for significant periods
    over the last few days.  Unfortunately, part of its "down" behavior
    has been to lose mail sent to it.  Germany now has orders in, but
    Italy and Turkey still don't.  It seems to be working aOK now, so
    please try again.  I can and will request dedication points back
    for GIT if you wish.
    Sorry for the problems.  Note England's message that he is out of
    town this week.  We are going to try to avoid a delay, but will see
    how it plays out.  I may just request an extra day or two.
    Thanks for your patience.

Private message from Germany to Master:

    >I can and will request dedication points back for GIT if you wish.
    Not for me but thanks for offering.
    BTW, I was talking to Jack Sinnott and Dave Partridge recently and I think
    they're looking at mid to late August for another Dip Incident.  Will you
    be coming if they do?

Private message from Master to Germany:

    > >
    > > Message from [email protected] as Germany to Master in 'ghodstoo':
    > >
    > >
    > > >I can and will request dedication points back for GIT if you wish.
    > >
    > > Not for me but thanks for offering.
    > OK, but I did want to offer.
    > >
    > > BTW, I was talking to Jack Sinnott and Dave Partridge recently and I think
    > > they're looking at mid to late August for another Dip Incident.  Will you
    > > be coming if they do?
    > >
    > > -Pitt
    > >
    > Absolutely.  Please don't have it over Labor Day weekend, since I want
    > to go to Brad Wilson's Dip gathering in Pennsylvania.  If you talk
    > to them (and I may do it too), remind them that my szine prints
    > next weekend and I'd like to publicize it.
    > Jim

Broadcast from Turkey:

    My apologies.  I'd submitted orders, but they must have bounced or
    something.  Then I had a very busy weekend and didn't have a chance to
    resubmit the orders.  They are now in, and I suspect the turn will
    process very soon.

Private message from Turkey to Italy:

    Dude, we are going to have to start communicating better, I think.
    The below was the last I heard from you.  Thus, since I hadn't
    received confirmation that you wanted to attack Trieste (indeed, since
    I hadn't received confirmation that you had received my letter at
    all), I didn't support the move.  I still thought you were going to
    support VEN to hold.  We could have gotten TRI, had we coordinated.
    Also, what was up with the fleet moves?  According to our original
    spate of messages, I thought we were going TYS-WES?  I'm not sure what
    good TYS-ROM did.
    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    Date: Fri, 25 Jul 1997 00:46:41 -0500
    From: USIN Diplomacy Judge 
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Re: Re: Diplomacy notice: ghodstoo
     News about USIN can be found at
     All unmoderated games will be removed.
     Judge keeper is [email protected].
     Judge address is [email protected]
    :: Judge: USIN  Game: Ghodstoo  Variant: Standard
    :: Deadline: S1908M Fri Jul 25 1997 23:30:00 EST  Boardman: 1997KT
    Message sent to Italy:

Private message from Turkey to Italy:

    > Sorry guy, but this is going to be quick.  My mail server went down
    > AGAIN (f%$#) this evening when I planned to write a detailed letter to
    > the two of you.  Now that my ball game is over (we won 24-1, thank you
    > very much) it's too late for all that.
    > Basically, my position is this.  Edi is not going to be willing to trust
    > us again (he isn't THAT stupid, by a long way) so I'd be skeptical of
    > any offers to hit Tyrolia.  I'd prefer to simply support Ven in place
    > and make the fleet moves you proposed.
    > Thoughts?  Hopefully, I'll be able to get back to you tomorrow evening.
    If he supports TRI-VEN, TYR S TRI-VEN, then we will bounce him from
    PIE.  You retreat to ROM, and we see what we can do about retaking VEN
    in the fall.  TRI will be yours.
    Alternatively, if you want to loan me TRI for Spring, we can do
    VEN-PIE, ALB-TRI, ADR S ALB-TRI, and guarantee a retake of VEN in fall
    in the event that they do TRI-VEN, TYR S TRI-VEN.  That's the only
    possible way VEN can fall.
    I think we should try to be more active, because we have a good chance
    of destroying Edi's army in TRI this spring.
    What do you want GOL to do?  Support TYS to WES, right?

Private message from Turkey to Master:

    Goddamnit, I hate it when things get all fucked up like this.
    Cal didn't respond to my diplomacy.  Thus, I was operating under the
    assumption that he was doing what he said he'd do.
    Then, he doesn't do what I proposed, he doesn't do what he said he'd
    do, but he does some third thing altogether??  I mean, it's not like
    he was hostile to me, so he wasn't stabbing.  That is just bad, bad
    And what's up with Jamie?
    I am really thinking that France will win now, or that at best we can
    only force a draw situation.

Private message from Master to Turkey:

    Hello, do you have a problem that I can help you with?  You still don't
    have orders in, according to the Judge.  I know you probably sent them,
    but they were lost!

Private message from Master to Italy:

    You are moving to Tyrolia, Rome, and Trieste; and supporting the
    Turkish fleet from Ionian to Tyr?  That's what the Judge says,
    but it also has you with an error flag.  Could you clear it please,
    so we can continue?  Thanks!

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The Diplomacy Showcase section is maintained by Ry4an Brase ([email protected])
Last updated on Sun, Feb 15, 1998.