The Diplomatic Pouch

Press for Fall of 1910 in ruffians


Message from Russia to Turkey in 'ruffians':

    Hi Mikal!
    A treacherous German convoy aside, I think that went great.  Many thanks for
    your support.  I think we have the basis of a longterm working relationship
    I trust that Chris's pleas are falling on deaf ears.  Just shows that he
    considers himself to be in trouble.  If we hold him by the throat until
    Germany either takes England out or they make peace, we'll be in pretty good
    shape.  We just need to stick together and present a united front.
    As usual, I'm at work so I don't have the board in front of me.  I'm open to
    tactical suggestions and I'll probably have a few of my own after I get
    home.  I'll try to write you tonight since I'll be away all day tomorrow.
    If I don't get a chance, don't worry, I'm not falling for Austrian blarney,
    I'm just out of town.
    Take care,

Message from Austria to Germany in 'ruffians':

    <<Hi Chris!
     So England really did swap Mao for Spain:  >>
    Yeah, go fig.  What was he thinking?
    <<he's trying to convinceme that hewill throw the game to you if I don't
    pull back on my own attacks on
    Throw the game to ME?!?  How exactly would he go about doing that?!?
    He made the same threat to me, by the way, which seems at least Credible!
    <<   We can take advantage of your being in Mao:  how about your going
    A Mar-Spa supported by F Wes; F Mao-Por cutting the support there.
    Instead of
    my sending A Gas-Mar and leaving English A Spa a place to retreat, why
    don't we
    bounce A Gas and A Bur over Mar?  This should be enough to achieve the
    annihilation of the English F Spain, and I can keep the dot in Mar for
    This is a sound plan.  Let me look at it and see if it could backfire with
    "loose cannon France" running around.
    Frankly, I'd like to take Tunis now, but I think you're right the support
    for the Move to spain is key.
    Although, you could simply support me into Spain, and achieve the same
    In FACT, I could really use that Burgundian army back home.  You have
    England well under control, and I am going to need another fleet to finish
    off Turkey.  What would you think about dislodging that unit in Burgundy so
    I could disband it and rebuild a fleet?  You'd have to trust me not to
    retreat to Munich, I guess, but I think if I was going to stab you I'd do it
    in a more effective fashion than that!  ;)
      << How do I compensate for the loss of Spain?  Well, StP is wide open,
    isn't it?
    English A Fin should be busy supporting Swe, while F Nwy should be
    engaged in
    trying to keep Nth out of my hands.  Russia's only means of covering Stp
    is to order
    Mos there, covering Mos with Ukr-Mos supported by A Sev.  Obviously,
    would mean his abandoning Rum to you so it is by no means a sure thing!>>
    Hmmm.  Cal has as much as said that he will be taking Warsaw back.  I would
    take it as a great favor, if instead of Liv -> StP,  you order Livonia to
    support Warsaw to hold -- that would really help me get into position
    agaisnt the R/T.
    how does all this strike you?
    Happy holidays!

Broadcast message from Russia in 'ruffians':

    I will be away all day tomorrow and working over the holidays, so if anyone
    doesn't hear from me for a bit, that's why.
    Cal White
    Beleagured old man

Message from Turkey to Austria in 'ruffians':

    Dear Archpope,
    U seem a little peaved at the lowly esteemed newcomer.  Please forgive the
    "what does around, comes around" episode.  How can we start afresh with a
    plan that will not meet in the quick demise of Turkey and the meteoric rise
    of Austria?  Surely u will share the pie with the Ottomans, eh?
    > Mikal, Cal
    > What reason will u give me for being in the aegean?  >>
    > What reason will you give me for not being in Sev?  I stabbed a long-time
    > ally in Russia, and I KNEW he'd be lobbying hard for you to join him
    > the big bad austrian.  I had to do something to cover the possibility that
    > you would turn on me.  If you hadn't, that fleet could have gone to the
    > Ionian -- as it is, I'm really glad I left myself a retreat from Bulgaria!
    > Look, I understand your concerns regarding me.  Cal is a good player and
    > be quite persuasive.  You can see now that if you had moved as I had
    > suggested, and you agreed, you would now be in Sev AND Bulgaria, Russia
    > would have been dealt a crushing blow, and I could leave the mopping up to
    > you while I went after Germany.
    > Now we are back to the same old stalemate in the Balkans.  Will you defend
    > Bul, or cover Smy?  From the tone of your letter Mikal you aren't prepared
    > to listen to any suggestions I have as to how we could work together, and
    > this point I really don't care.  I have dealt with THREE backstabbing
    > all of whom I tried to work with, and all of whom turned on me.  Fine.
    > Cal, I was a bad boy and I'm sorry.  Can you forgive me?  You do
    > that this afternoon I was trying to find a way to work with you, but if
    > Mikal here had stuck to the plan it was too good an opportunity to pass
    > The three of us can stalemate each other for a while, but as I said to you
    > Germany is now the real threat.
    > Happy holidays to you both -- Seriously.  I wish you both all of the joy
    > the season!
    > Chris

Message from Turkey to Russia in 'ruffians':

    Mr.  Austria always has a comeback!!  I think it caught him off guard I
    switched after two cooperative moves.  THe point he alluded to in the
    message to u about the me not noticing a one-sided deal he was working, is
    the whole reason to attack the guy.  I knew from talking to Italy and the
    way he was talking about Russia, that he was gonna gut me as soon as he
    I am all for remaining united against Mr.  Austria as long as it takes to
    wear him down.
    Is germany gonna attack u with the army in livonia?
    > Hi Mikal!
    > A treacherous German convoy aside, I think that went great.  Many thanks
    > your support.  I think we have the basis of a longterm working
    > here.
    > I trust that Chris's pleas are falling on deaf ears.  Just shows that he
    > considers himself to be in trouble.  If we hold him by the throat until
    > Germany either takes England out or they make peace, we'll be in pretty
    > shape.  We just need to stick together and present a united front.
    > As usual, I'm at work so I don't have the board in front of me.  I'm open
    > tactical suggestions and I'll probably have a few of my own after I get
    > home.  I'll try to write you tonight since I'll be away all day tomorrow.
    > If I don't get a chance, don't worry, I'm not falling for Austrian
    > I'm just out of town.
    > Take care,
    > Cal

Message from Austria to Turkey in 'ruffians':

    If you've got an Idea that doens't threaten me, and helps you, feel free to
    try to sell me on it.
    I'll listen.  But it better be good, and it better be playable.

Message from Turkey to Germany in 'ruffians':

    Dear Kaiser,
    As u can see, and probably have already heard, Mr. Austria is infuriated
    with the lowly esteemed newcomer.  I would like to whole-heartedly invite to
    to partake in the spoils.  I think u r in a position to greatly exploit the
    circumstances.  If the ottoman empire can assist u with our limited
    resources, please advise.
    Btw, when i first came into the game there was an Austrian army in the
    German heartland, how is it u have an ounce of trust for Mr. Austria.  The
    short time I have been in the game, it seems he has stabbed or taken a swipe
    at everyone on the board.
    Sultan MiKal

Message from Turkey to England in 'ruffians':

    Dear King of England,
    I think Russia and I are gonna fight the Austrian together for a while.  I
    would like to work u into the deal someway or another.  U look somewhat
    besieged.  Do have any ideas on how we may benefit one another?
    Sultan MiKal

Message from Russia to Turkey in 'ruffians':

    >Message from [email protected] as Turkey to Russia in 'ruffians':
    >Mr.  Austria always has a comeback!!  I think it caught him off guard I
    >switched after two cooperative moves.  THe point he alluded to in the
    >message to u about the me not noticing a one-sided deal he was working, is
    >the whole reason to attack the guy.  I knew from talking to Italy and the
    >way he was talking about Russia, that he was gonna gut me as soon as he
    That does seem to be his style...
    >I am all for remaining united against Mr.  Austria as long as it takes to
    >wear him down.
    Okay, great.  I'm an alliance type player as I mentioned before and I think
    we need to stick together to survive here.
    >Is germany gonna attack u with the army in livonia?
    That's the million dollar question.  From his letter to me, I think he is
    feeling some pressure from England over whether or not England can or will
    throw the game to Austria.  He seems willing to change his target from St
    Pete's to Warsaw if I am willing to support him in.  It's damned risky, but
    I'm thinking about it.  I'll let you know as it will affect our tactics.  I
    need to talk to England too.  I'll try to keep you fully informed.

Message from Russia to England in 'ruffians':

    Christian: Looks like you've thrown a scare into Germany.  He said you're
    threatening to throw the game to Austria and he wants to know if I'm willing
    to support him into Warsaw instead of him trying for St Pete's.  Before I
    decide, I need to check out as much of his story as I can.
    He said you plan to keep him so busy that he becomes an open invitation to
    an Austrian stab.  He also said that you were willing to break off the
    engagement with him if he shows you something "positive".
    Can you confirm this?  If it's true, he may be telling the truth about
    turning against Austria.  Any comment on this situation?  Do you think he's
    serious?  Any input will help.
    Get Your Private, Free Email at

Message from Germany to Austria in 'ruffians':

    > Message from [email protected] as Austria to Germany in 'ruffins'
    > <<   We can take advantage of your being in Mao:  how about your going
    > with
    > A Mar-Spa supported by F Wes; F Mao-Por cutting the support there.
    > Instead of
    > my sending A Gas-Mar and leaving English A Spa a place to retreat, why
    > don't we
    > bounce A Gas and A Bur over Mar?  This should be enough to achieve the
    > annihilation of the English F Spain, and I can keep the dot in Mar for
    > myself.>>
    > This is a sound plan.  Let me look at it and see if it could backfire with
    > "loose cannon France" running around.
    > Frankly, I'd like to take Tunis now, but I think you're right the support
    > for the Move to spain is key.
    > Although, you could simply support me into Spain, and achieve the same
    > result.
    Yes, my A Gas could support your A Mar-Spa, but then Mar is left open in case
    French F Gol decides to go there.  The best alternative is to have A Gas go to
    supported by your A Mar, with F Mao cutting the English support in Portugal.
    might free your F Wes for a move to Tunis, or you could support A Gas-Spa in
    case we have reason to fear the French cutting Mar.
    > In FACT, I could really use that Burgundian army back home.  You have
    > England well under control, and I am going to need another fleet to finish
    > off Turkey.  What would you think about dislodging that unit in Burgundy so
    > I could disband it and rebuild a fleet?  You'd have to trust me not to
    > retreat to Munich, I guess, but I think if I was going to stab you I'd do it
    > in a more effective fashion than that!  ;)
    Okay, I can spare A Ruh-S-A Par-Bur; then I have to hold my breath a bit until
    retreat otb is accomplished!
    >   Hmmm.  Cal has as much as said that he will be taking Warsaw back.  I would
    > take it as a great favor, if instead of Liv -> StP,  you order Livonia to
    > support Warsaw to hold -- that would really help me get into position
    > agaisnt the R/T.
    > how does all this strike you?
    Well, your A War IS pretty isolated out there, isn't it?  That bounce over Gal
    you that way.  Okay, I'll support A War (but that is going to cost me a

Broadcast message from Germany in 'ruffians':

    > Broadcast message from [email protected] as Russia in 'ruffians':
    > I will be away all day tomorrow and working over the holidays, so if anyone
    > doesn't hear from me for a bit, that's why.
    > Cheers,
    > Cal White
    > Beleagured old man
    You and Rusnak, harping on the word OLD while we're still in our 40's.  My
    grandmother is old (99 in Feb).

Message from Germany to Turkey in 'ruffians':

    > Message from [email protected] as Turkey to Germany in 'ruffians':
    > Dear Kaiser,
    > As u can see, and probably have already heard, Mr. Austria is infuriated
    > with the lowly esteemed newcomer.  I would like to whole-heartedly invite to
    > to partake in the spoils.  I think u r in a position to greatly exploit the
    > circumstances.  If the ottoman empire can assist u with our limited
    > resources, please advise.
    > Oh mighty Sultan:  Cal and I are negociating a means of driving Austria from
    > War, for starters.  I will certainly be covering Mun if our plans come to
    > fruition.
    The most we can do for one another at this point is for both of us to keep
    busy at the separate ends of his empire.  I still have to reach an agreement
    England if I am going to be free to run rampant, but we are in touch and we will

Broadcast message from Russia in 'ruffians':

    > Broadcast message from [email protected] as Germany in 'ruffians':
    > >
    > > Broadcast message from [email protected] as Russia in 'ruffians':
    > >
    > > I will be away all day tomorrow and working over the holidays, so if
    > > doesn't hear from me for a bit, that's why.
    > >
    > > Cheers,
    > >
    > > Cal White
    > > Beleagured old man
    > You and Rusnak, harping on the word OLD while we're still in our 40's.  My
    > grandmother is old (99 in Feb).
    That's how old you guys are making me feel in this game... d;-})
    Off to cottage country!
    Cal White

Message from England to Germany in

    >     I'm curious.  Why do you display such vehemence in defending Nth when
    >you simply abandoned Mao?  Yeah, you annihilated my lone army over there; but can
    >you even maintain Spain for the Fall season?
    I had to defend primarily against the first agressor. If Austria takes my centers he does it because he skillfully made you and me war each other. If
     you take my centers you do it because I couldn't defend well enough. I could support you to Lvn, but that would mean that you promise both tp stay o
    ut of NTH and to not help Austria conquering Spa. This might seem harsch, but I think I need a build in Lpl to stop Austria from getting through.
    I suggest you move Bel-ENG and I move ENG-IRI. If we combine this with me keeping spain (your A Gas S Spa H) and you getting StP I get a build in Lvp
     and we can force Austria out from the so important MAO. It�s up to you really, what will happen.
    After I wrote this I saw your second mail. Yes, that will be a good plan combined with the fleet movements I suggested above. Alternatively A Gas can
     support LYO-MAR.

Message from England to Turkey in

    Ottoman friend,
    I will try to agree some peace with Germany and defend the MAO-area. I
    will anyway not disturb Russias back unless he wants me to bounce Germany
    in StP.
    My situation is quite problematic, yes....

Message from England to Russia in

    Christmas is here so I will answer briefly. Yes, I guess it's all true. I
    have threatened to choose to defend against Germany instead of Austria
    AND I have told him I would change my mibd if he shows something
    positive. So I guess you can trust him in this respect. I have sent him a
    plan and his answer might enlighten us firther about his actual plans. I
    will keep in touch.

Message from England to Austria in

    Paul is getting into the NTH anyway, he has three fleets bordering, I
    have two.
    How come you set up for an attack on Spa? You knew I was capturing it
    this spring, didn't you? Or were you planning to take it from me?
    Helping you getting Brest was actually a really good suggestion by me, if
    I take Spain, you take MAR and BRE (and possibly MUN) he will have to
    disband two (or three). This will give us both a good possibilty to grow.
    It would mean that Brest eventually come unde my administration but you
    could surely outgrow me in the south.

Message from Austria to England in 'ruffians':

    Actually, I figured you were still going for Brest, and would move
    Gascony -> MAO supported by Portugal.
    I looked at the map again, and you're right, he does have three to your two,
    I didn't notice that -- although an all out defense might work, you cant
    really afford to lose Sweden, can you?  Much Better if Germany loses some
    centers and has to pull.
    I have to go to work now, but I'll have some tim eto look it over again this
    weekend,  let me get back to you, ok?

Message from Germany to England in 'ruffians':

       You say:
    I suggest you move Bel-ENG and I move ENG-IRI. If we combine this with me keeping spain (your A Gas S Spa H)  I get a build in Lvp and we can force
    Austria out from the so important MAO. It�s up to you really, what will happen.
    Okay, I will support you in Spa and move F Bel-Eng as you suggest.  We have to
    prevent Austria from reaching your open dots!
    > After I wrote this I saw your second mail. Yes, that will be a good plan combined with the fleet movements I suggested above. Alternatively A Gas c
    >  support LYO-MAR.
    > I'll wait for John to ask me directly for support for his return to Mar; I don't know if I can trust him after all the "bad blood" from previous
    > turns.  You may presume that I will be supporting you in Spain.
     I will also try A Ruh-Mun, A Pic-S-A Par-Bur.  This may drive his army into
    Ruhr, but I can better defend my home dots than I can live with his presence in
    Here is hoping that we can overcome our differences, and move to stop the
    advance of the Austrian juggernaut!

Broadcast message from Observer in 'ruffians':

    > Broadcast message from [email protected] as Germany in 'ruffians':
    > >
    > > Broadcast message from [email protected] as Russia in 'ruffians':
    > >
    > > I will be away all day tomorrow and working over the holidays, so if anyone
    > > doesn't hear from me for a bit, that's why.
    > >
    > > Cheers,
    > >
    > > Cal White
    > > Beleagured old man
    > You and Rusnak, harping on the word OLD while we're still in our 40's.  My
    > grandmother is old (99 in Feb).
    Hey, Paul, remember that Cal is older than WE are, that makes him
    "old"....  doesn't it??  ;-)  It doesn't make US old.  Since you've
    last seen me though, most of my hair is grey.....

Message from Russia to England in 'ruffians':

    > Message from [email protected] as England to Russia in
    > 'ruffians':
    > Cal,
    > Christmas is here so I will answer briefly. Yes, I guess it's all true. I
    > have threatened to choose to defend against Germany instead of Austria
    > AND I have told him I would change my mibd if he shows something
    > positive. So I guess you can trust him in this respect. I have sent him a
    > plan and his answer might enlighten us firther about his actual plans. I
    > will keep in touch.
    Okay, sounds good.  Have a good, safe holiday.

Broadcast message from Germany in 'ruffians':

    > Broadcast message from [email protected] as Observer in 'ruffians':
    > > Broadcast message from [email protected] as Germany in 'ruffians':
    > >
    > >
    > > >
    > > > Broadcast message from [email protected] as Russia in 'ruffians':
    > > >
    > > > I will be away all day tomorrow and working over the holidays, so if anyone
    > > > doesn't hear from me for a bit, that's why.
    > > >
    > > > Cheers,
    > > >
    > > > Cal White
    > > > Beleagured old man
    > >
    > > You and Rusnak, harping on the word OLD while we're still in our 40's.  My
    > > grandmother is old (99 in Feb).
    > >
    > Hey, Paul, remember that Cal is older than WE are, that makes him
    > "old"....  doesn't it??  ;-)  It doesn't make US old.  Since you've
    > last seen me though, most of my hair is grey.....
    > Jim-Bob
    Mine is roughly one-third grey, but I don't mind that as long as it is still
    my entire head (I have this horror of baldness, which REALLY equates with
    oldness in my book!).  Hey, "it's a great time to be silver"!

Broadcast message from Russia in 'ruffians':

    > Broadcast message from [email protected] as Germany in 'ruffians':
    > >
    > > Broadcast message from [email protected] as Observer in 'ruffians':
    > >
    > > > Broadcast message from [email protected] as Germany in 'ruffians':
    > > >
    > > >
    > > > >
    > > > > Broadcast message from [email protected] as Russia in 'ruffians':
    > > > >
    > > > > I will be away all day tomorrow and working over the holidays, so if
    > > > > doesn't hear from me for a bit, that's why.
    > > > >
    > > > > Cheers,
    > > > >
    > > > > Cal White
    > > > > Beleagured old man
    > > >
    > > > You and Rusnak, harping on the word OLD while we're still in our 40's.
    > > > grandmother is old (99 in Feb).
    > > >
    > > Hey, Paul, remember that Cal is older than WE are, that makes him
    > > "old"....  doesn't it??  ;-)  It doesn't make US old.  Since you've
    > > last seen me though, most of my hair is grey.....
    > >
    > > Jim-Bob
    > Mine is roughly one-third grey, but I don't mind that as long as it is
    > covering
    > my entire head (I have this horror of baldness, which REALLY equates with
    > oldness in my book!).  Hey, "it's a great time to be silver"!
    You guys are just tyring to make me feel better... d;-})
    Cal White
    All my own hair and not a speck of gray...

Message from Germany to England and Russia in 'ruffians':

    Hi Cal and Christian!
     I wanted both of you to get this summary of where I stand as of
     It's a bit bewieldering why I am considered so inflexibly
    pro-Austrian.  I started
    out with F/G vs. E; changed to E/G vs. F; was nudged by R into A/R vs. E
    and have
    now been finagled by R/E into E/G vs. A.  One just needs a scorecard to
    keep track.
     Not that I'm resentful, mind you!
     My plans for F'10 include:  A Lvn-War, F Den H, F Hel H, F Bal-Ber,
    A Ruh-
    Mun, A Pic-S-A Par-Bur, A Gas-S- ENG F Spa(nc), F Bel-Eng.  Yes, I'm
    that the Austrian A Bur could be driven into Ruhr, and his A War to Sil,
    but my dots in the area are (at present) covered.  I want to manouver
    into position to attack Mar in '11, while taking War and keeping Austria
    out of Spa, Iri and Eng.
     If Chris believes what I'm telling him, he expects me to cover Bre
    this Fall,
    support him in War, and allow his A Mar-Spa (A's Gas and Bur are to
    bounce over
    Mar, keeping it still in German hands).  Austria is tempted to take
    Tunis, eliminating the French wild-card fleet, but he needs F Wes to
    support A Mar-Spa
    as well.
     I still regard France as a menace to my Marseilles dot; John has
    done nothing to
    dissuade me of this opinion.
     So... I expect to be drawing Austrian fire again quite soon.  I can
    live without
    Spain (one of my fleets can be yanked in the winter); I never expected
    to take it in
    the first place!
     Am I missing anything here?

Message from Russia to England and Germany in

    > Message from [email protected] as Germany to England and Russia in
    >      It's a bit bewieldering why I am considered so inflexibly
    > pro-Austrian.
    <record of Paul's treacherous ways snipped... <G>>

Message from England to Germany and Russia in 'ruffians':

    Hi guys!
    I am no doubt willing to go along with this line. I will move (as we
    decided Paul) F Eng-Iri and build for Spain in Lpl to be able to cover NAO
    while taking MAO back from Austria. I will remind you though, an aggressive
    move from Paul and I will allow Autria free movement into Iberia and all of
    Atlantic ocean.
    I also promise not to try for StP with or whithout support.
    Cal, all this OK with you?

Message from Russia to England and Germany in

    >Message from [email protected] as England to Germany and
    >Russia in 'ruffians':
    >I am no doubt willing to go along with this line. I will move (as we
    >decided Paul) F Eng-Iri and build for Spain in Lpl to be able to cover NAO
    >while taking MAO back from Austria. I will remind you though, an aggressive
    >move from Paul and I will allow Autria free movement into Iberia and all of
    >Atlantic ocean.
    >I also promise not to try for StP with or without support.
    >Cal, all this OK with you?
    Absolutely.  Whatever it takes to knock Chris down a few notches.  The only
    thing I request is that, as the smallest partner in this coalition, I get
    priority when it comes to taking available centres.  I will, of course, bow
    to tactical practicalities in this, but keep me in mind.  At four centres,
    security is a precious commodity.
    Enjoy your holidays, guys,  and spare a moment for us poor bastards who have
    to work today.... d:(

Message from Germany to England and Russia in 'ruffians':

    > Message from [email protected] as Russia to England and Germany in
    > 'ruffians':
    > >Message from [email protected] as England to Germany and
    > >Russia in 'ruffians':
    > >
    > >I am no doubt willing to go along with this line. I will move (as we
    > >decided Paul) F Eng-Iri and build for Spain in Lpl to be able to cover NAO
    > >while taking MAO back from Austria. I will remind you though, an aggressive
    > >move from Paul and I will allow Autria free movement into Iberia and all of
    > >Atlantic ocean.
    > >
    > >I also promise not to try for StP with or without support.
    > >
    > >Cal, all this OK with you?
    > Absolutely.  Whatever it takes to knock Chris down a few notches.  The only
    > thing I request is that, as the smallest partner in this coalition, I get
    > priority when it comes to taking available centres.  I will, of course, bow
    > to tactical practicalities in this, but keep me in mind.  At four centres,
    > security is a precious commodity.
    > Enjoy your holidays, guys,  and spare a moment for us poor bastards who have
    > to work today.... d:(
    > Cal
    All of a sudden, I have to work 4 hours today.  I want to make up for the 4
    hours I
    missed Thursday (the flu).  No biggie-- it's just taking Circuit Court records
    of the
    internet.  I don't have to leave the house.
     So the E/G/R is born.  I will behave myself, and see if we can't wear
    down a bit!  If he gains Mar but loses War/Bul, it should be a start in the
     Don't worry, Christian.  I will stay out of the Nth and not be attacking
     Happy Christmas!

Message from Russia to Turkey in 'ruffians':

    Hi Meef!  Since I have to work today, I may as well take some time to update
    you on what's going on in the game.
    I've been involved in some pretty extensive negotiations with England and
    Germany and it's been bearing fruit.  E/G have agreed to call off their war
    and turn on Austria.  I'm going to have to give Germany Warsaw this turn,
    but it beats losing St Pete's.  I'll get it back shortly.  meanwhile, we
    have the resources available to make Austria pull forces back to face an
    attasck.  This should make it possible for you and I to make some headway in
    the Balkans and maybe even Austria itself.
    Given that my relationship with both England and Germany has been rocky at
    various points in this game (I saved England's bacon early in the game by
    stabbing Germany, only to have England promptly stab me!), I don't expect
    this new coalition will last much longer than is needed to keep Austria from
    winning.  I just figure it will give you and I the breather we need to grow
    a bit and become a force to be reckoned with.  That's my focus now - get you
    and I some centres and take Austria down.  We'll deal with the West at that
    Hope you're having a good holiday,

Message from Germany to Austria in 'ruffians':

    Hi Chris:
     I've got one of those rare chances to use the "enemy", E/R, to help
    our cause!  I
    have received numerous messages from Cal and Christian this turn,
    pleading with
    me to change sides again and turn the tide against you.
     I have played along with them, and now we can operate knowing what
    the enemy moves will be!
     Cal has offered to support my A Lvn-War with his A Mos.  By
    accepting, I now
    have a clear path to Stp, and you don't have to worry about Russia's
    mounting a
    supported attack on War.
     England has invited me to move F Bel-Eng, while he moves F Eng-Iri
    F Nwy-Nwg.  He has also asked for my support for his A Spa, so that he
    can build
    a F Lpl and shift it up to Nao.
     Knowing all of this, I can freely move F Bel-Eng, F Hel-Nth and F
    F Bal-Swe.  I will still direct A Gas-Mar to hopefully bounce your A
    while my A's Par and Pic dislodge your A Bur so that it can retreat otb
    and rebuild
    for the eastern front!
     You will still be free to take Spa with A Mar-Spa supported by F's
    Mao and
    Wms.  Unless, of course, France's F Gol supports English A Spa-- but
    they don't
    talk as if this is a possibility.
     This season we can at least break even if not pick up a dot apiece,
    and we can
    both advance positionally.  I can have England heavily on the ropes; you
    can support yourself to Gal and either attack Bul with two supports, or
    try for Smy.  You might get lucky!
     Russia should lose a unit, England may lose one, and Turkey might
    break even.
    Not a bad season, considering....

Message from Turkey to Russia in 'ruffians':

    Cal,  That's way cool.  What do u think about these moves for Turkey?:
    f con - smy
    f bla - con
    f bul s bla - con
    a rum s bul
    a sev s rum
    if he retakes bul i'll get a disband and build a third fleet in ank and then
    i can put some pressure on his exposed middle.
    > Hi Meef!  Since I have to work today, I may as well take some time to
    > you on what's going on in the game.
    > I've been involved in some pretty extensive negotiations with England and
    > Germany and it's been bearing fruit.  E/G have agreed to call off their
    > and turn on Austria.  I'm going to have to give Germany Warsaw this turn,
    > but it beats losing St Pete's.  I'll get it back shortly.  meanwhile, we
    > have the resources available to make Austria pull forces back to face an
    > attasck.  This should make it possible for you and I to make some headway
    > the Balkans and maybe even Austria itself.
    > Given that my relationship with both England and Germany has been rocky at
    > various points in this game (I saved England's bacon early in the game by
    > stabbing Germany, only to have England promptly stab me!), I don't expect
    > this new coalition will last much longer than is needed to keep Austria
    > winning.  I just figure it will give you and I the breather we need to
    > a bit and become a force to be reckoned with.  That's my focus now - get
    > and I some centres and take Austria down.  We'll deal with the West at
    > point.
    > Hope you're having a good holiday,
    > Cal

Message from Turkey to Austria in 'ruffians':

    Dear Chris,
    I cannot think of a plan i could sell u.  Maybe down the way some I can come
    up with something.  Until then, best of luck.
    > Mikal,
    > If you've got an Idea that doens't threaten me, and helps you, feel free
    > try to sell me on it.
    > I'll listen.  But it better be good, and it better be playable.
    > Chris

Message from Russia to Turkey in 'ruffians':

    >Message from [email protected] as Turkey to Russia in 'ruffians':
    >Cal,  That's way cool.  What do u think about these moves for Turkey?:
    >f con - smy
    >f bla - con
    >f bul s bla - con
    >a rum s bul
    >a sev s rum
    >if he retakes bul i'll get a disband and build a third fleet in ank and
    >i can put some pressure on his exposed middle.
    That looks pretty good to me.  Anything you do is going to be a bit of a
    guessing game over smy/con/bul and if an annihilation gets you a fleet
    build, that's great.
    I'll submit the moves you suggested.

Message from Turkey to Russia in 'ruffians':

    issued orders per our agreement

Broadcast message from Russia in 'ruffians':

    > :: Judge: USEF  Game: Ruffians  Variant: Standard
    > :: Deadline: F1910M Tue Dec 28 1999 23:30:00 PST
    > Diplomacy game 'ruffians' is waiting for Austria's orders.
    > This power will be considered abandoned and free for takeover
    > if orders are not received by Tue Jan  4 2000 23:30:00 PST.
    Geez, guy gets a new baby in the house and he loses all sense of what's
    important...  d;-})

Broadcast message from Austria in 'ruffians':

    Hmmmm.. I asked for a deadline extension from Rick, I guess he's away on
    I guess I can throw some orders in.  Sorry i haven't gotten back to all
    y'all whove written me.  I'll try to do better.


Message from Germany to Austria in 'ruffians':

     I'm up and at work already at 3 am!  The internet seems to slow
    down mightily
    during "prime time" hours, and I just don't have the patience for it....
     Too bad England will get the build for Spain, but it was just as
    well that you
    wasted France if he wasn't going to play ball anyway.  Wild cards are
    not useful at
    this point of the game.
     Too bad also that I lost both Spain and Marseilles; but I think my
    yanking A Bur
    is the least painful of my options.
     England turned out to be less trustful than I was led to
    anticipate, but he DID
    give me Eng!  Bre and Bel are (for now) secure, and I can go for the big
    starting with a multi-supported move to Nth this Spring.
     More later!

Message from Austria to Germany in 'ruffians':

    Yikes!  up at 3?!?  I at least have a baby as an excuse for being up at this
    I haven't really been reading much mail or results lately -- but a removal
    of A Bur will certainly make me more comfortable, and wont Russia have to
    pull as well?  We should have a lock on spain again, too, shouldn't we?
    I am glad that we are able to keep working together despite the entanglement
    of our positions.  Rest assured that my prime concern is now clobbering
    All the best,

Message from Austria to France in 'ruffians':

    Sorry John, I think you saw it coming.  When you wouldn't help me take
    spain, I figured the old saw was true -- "The problem with toadies is you
    never know which way they're gonna jump."
    I think some people are trying to orginize a F2F in January, when emanuelle
    lorge is in town from France, I'll let you know details.  Also, are you
    planning on going to Prezcon, or, less likely, Armada's con in Denver?  I
    just bought my plane ticket!  woo hoo, diplo junkie!
    All the best,

Message from Austria to Turkey in 'ruffians':

    Well, now you see what being big gets you -- enemies on all sides!  ;)
    All is not lost for us.  If you will build A ankara rather than F Smy, then
    I will support you into Rumania and Sev -- Russia is going down anyway --
    and I will start my anti-german campaign.
    Your build will tell me what to do next!

Broadcast message from England in

    I will be away until Jan 2nd, so I will not be able to answer mails until
    then. Please hold the game if the deadline approaches...
    happy new year

Message from Germany to Austria in 'ruffians':

    > >
    > > Message from [email protected] as Austria to Germany in 'ruffians':
    > >
    > > Yikes!  up at 3?!?  I at least have a baby as an excuse for being up at this
    > > hour!
    > >
    > > I haven't really been reading much mail or results lately -- but a removal
    > > of A Bur will certainly make me more comfortable, and wont Russia have to
    > > pull as well?  We should have a lock on spain again, too, shouldn't we?
    > >
    > > I am glad that we are able to keep working together despite the entanglement
    > > of our positions.  Rest assured that my prime concern is now clobbering
    > > Turkey.
    > >
    > I just set up the board.  I'll pull A Mun rather than A Bur.  That will enable:
    > A Mar-Spa supported by my A Gas, you cut Por, and I move A Bur-Mar.  You
    > should pick up Portugal in the Fall.
    > Russia will be badly hurt by whatever removal he chooses (Ukr?).  If your A War
    > supports my A StP-Mos, plus you hit Rum with support, one of those moves will
    > have to succeed (unless Turkey supports Rum from Blk/Bul).  You can try a
    > supported attack on Bul as well!
    >      On the English front, I'll try A Pic to Lon (more to cut the English
    > fleet's support
    > for Nwy-Nth than in hopes of actually getting there).  I'll go for Nth with
    > support,
    > in high hopes of finally arriving in those fair waters!
    >      The deciding factor in my sticking with you last season was:  I could pick
    > on
    > E/G without fear of much retaliation.  If I would have dislodged your A War, it
    > could have fallen to Sil.  A's Sil and Bur would have attacked Mun and we'd be
    > back where we were before we finally made peace.  Not worth it!
    > Paul
    > P.S.  My 99 year old grandma lives here with me.  She's in her second childhood
    > (or headed in that direction), and is sometimes a hassle, but she pays my rent
    > for
    > me so I can bear things as they are.  The married brothers and their wives
    > marvel
    > that a single guy would take on this responsibility, but they declined the
    > honors
    > when it came to deciding where Granny should go.  Somebody had to step in (I
    > despise nursing homes!).


Broadcast message from Germany in 'ruffians':

    Okay, okay I messed up.  But I can promise you all that the bugger won't
    get Spain,
    and won't keep Bel or Mar either....

Message from Germany to England and Russia in 'ruffians':

    Hi Cal and Chris:
     When you guys cut my head off, how do you want it presented?
     Okay, I wimped out of the attack on Austria fearing retaliation and
    now I get
     But he Chris is looking for retaliation, here it comes.
    I'm removing F Balt for starters.  For the Spring, I'll chase the greedy
    b--- out of
    Bel and Mar.  Hel will move to cover Hol, and Den will man the fort in
     A Stp will move to Lvn, and be available to participate in an
    attack on War.
     NOW I'm pissed!

Message from France to Austria in 'ruffians':

    Again, I think it was a mistake by one year. You needed to get a fleet
    built, yes, but they have more than enough time with England's build to
    force you out of the MAO and thus prevent you from ever taking Spain, which
    is presumably #18 now that Germany has woken up. YUou will recall I did not
    ask to be in Spain, I wanted to be in MAR, which as you know I could never
    have used as a bargaining chip in staying alive (since you could always
    offer your support to Germany into MAR to make it a 3way). The point was
    that you needed one more unit on the front to stall their positioning until
    you could get the fleet you build this year to the front which takes 4 LONG
    seasons. I would not be surprised if they figure out some way to hold you to
    17 now, though I do wish you a victory esp since neither E nor G has played
    at the top of their game in this iteration.

Message from Russia to Germany and England in

    Very well, Paul.  Chris gets the rest of my centres and you're toast.
    Christian, I guess you're with me in this?

Broadcast message from Russia in 'ruffians':

    > Broadcast message from [email protected] as Germany in 'ruffians':
    > Okay, okay I messed up.  But I can promise you all that the bugger won't
    > get Spain,
    > and won't keep Bel or Mar either....
    As they used to say in the army, "Go tell it to the chaplain!"

Message from Austria to Germany in 'ruffians':

    Whoa nellie!  Whats up?  You wrote and said you were going to pull a Bur,
    and then army Mun, and so I took Belgium -- you weren't going to pull
    otherwise!  Since you had a Spain annhialated last spring you were playing
    one short, right?
    Dammit.  I shouldn't do these things at 3 am when I haven't had any sleep.
    What else could you have meant?  I was going to build two if I pulled that
    unit, anyway!  but then you could have just taken Marsailles from me.  I
    can't hold Belgium OR Marsailles without your help -- nor did I intend to.
    I am not going for a solo with you, England, Turkey AND Russia breathing
    down my neck.  I didn't know what you were thinking, but you invited me into
    Marsailles in the first place.
    Why didnt you take spain from Gascony anyway?  Look, your position is no
    different now than it was at 3am when we spoke -- you pull one of your
    armies, and we take spain and Portugal from England, you take the north sea,
    and down england goes.  I went to bed (about 7 am, geez!) thinking I might
    end up getting that army convoyed to England!
    It looks like you didn't want me to retreat to Belgium.  But why did you
    volunteer to pull a unit then?  I dont get it.

Message from Turkey to Germany in 'ruffians':

    Dear Kaiser,
    I hope u will reconsider working with Russia.  From what he says, and the
    moves he issued, u and he had a deal concerning Warsaw.  I feel it is
    imperative that Germany, Turkey and Russia work together at least until we
    can get this Austria whittled down to manageable size.  Thoughts?
    Sultan MiKaL
    > Broadcast message from [email protected] as Germany in 'ruffians':
    > Okay, okay I messed up.  But I can promise you all that the bugger won't
    > get Spain,
    > and won't keep Bel or Mar either....

Message from Turkey to Russia in 'ruffians':

    Dear Cal,
    I sent a message urging Germany to work with us.  I see he deceived u,
    however, I think he needs us as much as we need him. Hopefully he will see
    I will be building a fleet in smy per our agreement.

Message from Turkey to Austria in 'ruffians':

    Dear Chris,
    Hope everything is going well with the expanded fam!!
    I am sure canabalizing Russia would reap for myself short term benefits, but
    after venture is finished then what?  This goes back to the same concern I
    had from when I first reviewed the map before I signed on as a player, "how
    am I gonna get out of this hole with Austria blocking me in on every side?"
    U gave me a challenge of "workable and non-threatening plan".  I could not
    come up with one, can u?  Your resources are greater that mine?
    > Mikal,
    > Well, now you see what being big gets you -- enemies on all sides!  ;)
    > All is not lost for us.  If you will build A ankara rather than F Smy,
    > I will support you into Rumania and Sev -- Russia is going down anyway --
    > and I will start my anti-german campaign.
    > Your build will tell me what to do next!
    > Best,
    > Chris

Message from Austria to Turkey in 'ruffians':

    Actually, I DO have some thoughts on the matter.  The question I am asking
    is this:
    Is it possible for me to get a solo, or is it going to be a draw of some
    Right now, I think we are looking at a draw.  I would be REAL surprised if I
    don't get trimmed back this year, at least it will take some serious good
    luck on my part not to go back down to 10.
    Ok, if it is to be a draw, then why not have you in it?  If it is E/G/A/T I
    think we have a good result, and if we can manage to lose either e or G in
    the process, even better.
    So, at 6 centers, I think you have a better chance of holding your own in a
    draw situation than at 4.  This is why I think you should take the chance --
    and if you are interested, we can certainly come up with a plan that leaves
    you at no more risk than you had leaving Bulgaria unsupported this turn!
    Good guess by the way -- I flipped a coin, what did you do?

Message from Germany to Turkey in 'ruffians':

    > Message from [email protected] as Turkey to Germany in 'ruffians':
    > Dear Kaiser,
    > I hope u will reconsider working with Russia.  From what he says, and the
    > moves he issued, u and he had a deal concerning Warsaw.  I feel it is
    > imperative that Germany, Turkey and Russia work together at least until we
    > can get this Austria whittled down to manageable size.  Thoughts?
    > Russia has already written promising to throw the game to Austria.  I don't
    > know if Cal can be reasoned with anymore, but I'm going to 1) remove F Bal
    > and 2) attack Austria in Bel and Mar, for starters.
    > > Broadcast message from [email protected] as Germany in 'ruffians':
    > >
    > >
    > > Okay, okay I messed up.  But I can promise you all that the bugger won't
    > > get Spain,
    > > and won't keep Bel or Mar either....
    > >
    > >
    > >

Message from Germany to Austria in 'ruffians':

    > >
    > > Message from [email protected] as Austria to Germany in 'ruffians':
    > >
    > > Whoa nellie!  Whats up?  You wrote and said you were going to pull a Bur,
    > > and then army Mun, and so I took Belgium -- you weren't going to pull
    > > otherwise!  Since you had a Spain annhialated last spring you were playing
    > > one short, right?
    >     I can't believe that you couldn't ask if I wasn't forgetting that my removal
    > was
    > already taken care of, before you rushed to make my error a prophecy.  Thanks
    > for nothing.  You know damned well that I wasn't "inviting" you into Bel, and I
    > resent your even hinting at it now.
    > >
    > >
    > >  I can't hold Belgium OR Marsailles without your help -- nor did I intend to.
    > > I am not going for a solo with you, England, Turkey AND Russia breathing
    > > down my neck.  I didn't know what you were thinking, but you invited me into
    > > marseilles in the first place.
    > That was when England had two units bordering Mar, and I didn't have the beef to
    > defend the dot.    Your being in Mar isn't the issue here--Bel is.
    > Chris, if you wanted to make trouble for yourself, you couldn't have chosen a
    > more efficient way to do it.   You said that you wanted to get the army out of
    > France and
    > back in the East; why couldn't you just have been content to do that?
    >      I can't remember when I've been this angry over a stab.  Maybe I'll cool
    > off
    > once I'm back in Bel and Mar.  If I dislodge you from Bel this Spring and you
    > retreated the damn army otb, it might do some good.
    >      Right now, I've submitted F Bal as my removal.  I can't yank any armies
    > while
    > you are in Bel.
    > Paul

Message from Turkey to Russia in 'ruffians':

    Dear Cal,
    Germany tells me u have promised him to throw the game to Austria.  PLEASE
    tell me this is not true.  I just got into this game and there is a lot of
    playing ahead.  I am willing to stick with u and crawl outta this hole
    together.  I will help u get your revenge on Germany later, but we gotta
    trim Austria down first.
    > Message from [email protected] as Germany to Turkey in 'ruffians':
    > >
    > > Message from [email protected] as Turkey to Germany in 'ruffians':
    > >
    > > Dear Kaiser,
    > >
    > > I hope u will reconsider working with Russia.  From what he says, and
    > > moves he issued, u and he had a deal concerning Warsaw.  I feel it is
    > > imperative that Germany, Turkey and Russia work together at least until
    > > can get this Austria whittled down to manageable size.  Thoughts?
    > >
    > Russia has already written promising to throw the game to Austria.  I
    > know if Cal can be reasoned with anymore, but I'm going to 1) remove F Bal
    > and 2) attack Austria in Bel and Mar, for starters.
    > Paul

Broadcast message from Russia in 'ruffians':

    Is there some secret deal going on here to try and beat the single game
    record for pathetic, one-centre stabs?  If so, why wasn't I told?

Message from Russia to Turkey in 'ruffians':

    > Message from [email protected] as Turkey to Russia in 'ruffians':
    > Dear Cal,
    > Germany tells me u have promised him to throw the game to Austria.  PLEASE
    > tell me this is not true.  I just got into this game and there is a lot of
    > playing ahead.  I am willing to stick with u and crawl outta this hole
    > together.  I will help u get your revenge on Germany later, but we gotta
    > trim Austria down first.
    > Thoughts?
    My first thought is that I want to slap several people in the head.  This
    "demo" game has only dmonstrated that some supposed "experts" can play like
    stab-happy novices when the pressure is on.
    Yes, I DID tell Germany that I am going to throw the game to Austria and I
    may still do it.  The ONLY thing that makes me want to prolong my presence
    in this game is the fact that, as you mention above, you're new to the game
    and it wouldn't be fair to you.
    I'm planning on removing A Sev, unless you have any other preferences.  Let
    me know.

Message from Germany to Russia in 'ruffians':

    > Broadcast message from [email protected] as Russia in 'ruffians':
    > Is there some secret deal going on here to try and beat the single game
    > record for pathetic, one-centre stabs?  If so, why wasn't I told?
    Cal,  my stab was for StP and Swe--it was a two dot special that happens
    not to have worked.  (I considered E/R to be one power, if not one
       It would have made sense if G/A were still solid, but now Austria pulled
    topper of pathetic one center stabs with his move to Bel.  He was supposed
    to have
    retreated his A Bur otb and rebuilt it in the east.
    In one of my letters, I forgot that I had already suffered a removal
    for the loss of
    Spain.  I babbled about which unit I should remove this season.  Chris
    seized upon
    this mistake to presume that this constituted "permission" to retreat to
    Bel and make
    my removal a reality.  He claims this in all innocence.  We all know that
    such an
    excuse is insulting my intelligence to the max:  an ally would have written
    said something like "do you want me to go to Bel, or am I misunderstanding
     I have already submitted "remove F Bal" for the winter.  I will move
    back to
    Lvn and be willing to support YOU to War if you want.  I will retake Bel
    F Eng-Bel, and I'll move F Hel-Hol.  I will cover Bre with Gas, and try to
    A Bur-Gas, A Mun-Bur so that I can support myself into Mar in the Fall.
     If this is not enough to satisfy you guys, besides the admission of
    guilt that I have
    already made, suggest something else.

Message from Turkey to Russia in 'ruffians':

    Cal,  I hope u will hang in there with me.  I feel if we stick together we
    can prosper.  There seems to be NO UNITY among any of the other players, and
    from my experience, that is what dominates boards, not stabbing every
    neighbor one has.  AUstria is currently fighting every other power and put
    of contention the two that r gone.  So that is the end of my plea ...
    Sev is fine.  I will be endeavoring to gain control of the my surrounding
    seas and covering your back.
    > > Dear Cal,
    > >
    > > Germany tells me u have promised him to throw the game to Austria.
    > > tell me this is not true.  I just got into this game and there is a lot
    > > playing ahead.  I am willing to stick with u and crawl outta this hole
    > > together.  I will help u get your revenge on Germany later, but we gotta
    > > trim Austria down first.
    > >
    > > Thoughts?
    > My first thought is that I want to slap several people in the head.  This
    > "demo" game has only dmonstrated that some supposed "experts" can play
    > stab-happy novices when the pressure is on.
    > Yes, I DID tell Germany that I am going to throw the game to Austria and I
    > may still do it.  The ONLY thing that makes me want to prolong my presence
    > in this game is the fact that, as you mention above, you're new to the
    > and it wouldn't be fair to you.
    > I'm planning on removing A Sev, unless you have any other preferences.
    > me know.
    > Cal

Message from Russia to Germany and Turkey in

    >Message from [email protected] as Germany to Russia in 'ruffians':
    > >
    >Cal,  my stab was for StP and Swe--it was a two dot special that happens
    >not to have worked.  (I considered E/R to be one power, if not one
    This is absolutely ridiculous.  What could have possibly made you think
    this?  Hell, Christian was the first guy to cheap shot me in this game.  I
    only wanted to work with him so that Austria wouldn't win.  If you remember
    correctly, I did the same thing when I tried to get you and Austria to stop
    fighting so England wouldn't win.  I'm a small power, getting smaller, and
    all I want to do is stop anyone from winning until *I* have a chance to get
    stronger.  But I keep getting stabbed for one centre by "experts" who should
    know better.
    <<A number of stuff snipped about how hard done by you were by Austria for
    which my answer is "I told you so!">>
    >      I have already submitted "remove F Bal" for the winter.  I will move
    >back to
    >Lvn and be willing to support YOU to War if you want.  I will retake Bel
    >F Eng-Bel, and I'll move F Hel-Hol.  I will cover Bre with Gas, and try to
    >A Bur-Gas, A Mun-Bur so that I can support myself into Mar in the Fall.
    >      If this is not enough to satisfy you guys, besides the admission of
    >guilt that I have
    >already made, suggest something else.
    I will take you up on your offer of Warsaw, but ONLY because I think I owe
    it to Mikal to not throw a game in which he has just started and because you
    aren't the only one to make a, uh, "questionable"  stab this game.

Message from Germany to Turkey in 'ruffians':

    To the Honorable Sultan (Third in his line):
     Russia and I are talking now, and it appears that we can work
    something out
    without coming to blows again.  I am now committed against Austria after
    silly retreat-stab, and it will cost him the game.
     Keep the faith!    --Paul

Message from Turkey to Germany in 'ruffians':

    That is great.  I am committed to Austria's demise and we will prosper as we
    work together.
    > To the Honorable Sultan (Third in his line):
    >      Russia and I are talking now, and it appears that we can work
    > something out
    > without coming to blows again.  I am now committed against Austria after
    > his
    > silly retreat-stab, and it will cost him the game.
    >      Keep the faith!    --Paul

Broadcast message from Austria in 'ruffians':

    Did you miss that meeting?  Sorry.  I think you're probably out of
    contention by now!

Broadcast message from Russia in 'ruffians':

    Well, yeah, but hell, I coulda at least helped with the team trophy... d;-})

Message from Austria to Germany in 'ruffians':

    I am looking at it now,  the board I mean, and you're absolutely right.
    It was a idiodic move.  I can't imagine a worse one.  You said it yourself,
    it just buys me a passel of trouble.
    In the World Masters tournament, I have been dealing with a new-ish player
    in Russia, who has just made mistake after mistake.  When I finally
    confronted him, all he could say was "it seemed the thing to do at the
    I hope you can't believe that I would stab you for one center.  I mean, I
    was knocking on your gates with armies to spare, and backed off to preserve
    the balance of the game.  I don't know what I was thinking this morning at 3
    when you wrote.  I wasn't.  All I could think was that "Damn, he's just
    going to take Marsailles, and there isn't a thing I can do about it."  Then
    your letter came in, offering to pull Burgundy!
    Yes, I should have said, Exsqueeze me?  I should have just waited until I
    had some sleep (did finally get 3 hours at 7 am).  I'm still not at my best.
    I possibly have a big audition for a broadway show tomorrow, or Friday, I
    don't know yet.
    Can we repair this?  I mean, if you can believe that no one would do such a
    thing deliberately, then there is still room for us to work, I think.
    I am sorry to have angered you.  It has really been a pleasure getting to
    know you a little better, and just when we started talking about life, I did
    this stupid thing.  I am seriously considering asking for a replacement who
    won't throw this position away, that's how badly I feel about this.
    I have some thoughts.  If we were to work together, even on a you don't
    trust me within an inch of my life basis, we could really surprise some
    For example -- in order to take Marsaille and Bel, you;re going to need A
    Burgundy.  If you support Mars -> Spain from Gas in the spring, and Bur
    supports pic-> Bel, then you don't have to trust me to take Marsaille in the
    fall, you can force it.
    I am exhausted.  I jsut spend 10 mimutes looking at the map, and it makes
    sense to me.  We have some time.  Whatever you do, I hope you respect the
    work we did around Munich a few years back, and the trimming I helped you
    give england, not to lie to me.  I wasn't stabbing -- Cal's pithy comments
    aside -- but I cant say it was an honest mistake either.  the dot was there
    to retreat to, and I didn't ask questions that might have led you to change
    my understanding of your offer.  My fault.  I hath sewn the whirlwind, and
    I'll reap it if I have to.  Just let me know.
    I am trying to offer Turkey some russian centers in the effort to make this
    a 3 way draw -- TAG.  I guess we need to discuss how you see this game
    ending if we are going to work together further.
    Im rambling.  goodnight.

Broadcast message from Austria in 'ruffians':

    RICK!  ARE YOU THERE?  I'd like  a delay for a few days or so.
    Everyone else, I am going to default on building right now, but I will get
    them in after New Years, i guess.  Sorry, but it just gives you more time to
    plot a whole Passel of One Center Stabs against me.  ;)

Message from Austria to England in 'ruffians':

    Well, thats the best I can do -- mess up the attack on spain and retreat to
    Belgium.  Still, it should distract Paul long enough for you to get back on
    track.  4 Austrian armies showing up on Munich's doorstep won't please him
    much either, I suspect.
    AFAIAC, Spain and Portugal are yours as long as I have a fleet in the MAO.
    I will support you into the channel if you want, as well.

Broadcast message from Russia in 'ruffians':

    >Broadcast message from [email protected] as Austria in 'ruffians':
    >RICK!  ARE YOU THERE?  I'd like  a delay for a few days or so.
    >Everyone else, I am going to default on building right now, but I will get
    >them in after New Years, i guess.  Sorry, but it just gives you more time
    >plot a whole Passel of One Center Stabs against me.  ;)
    You could always decline the builds.  Hell, if you're REALLY pressed for
    time, just proxy your units top me!  I'll take GOOOOOD care of them.  <EG>
    Get Your Private, Free Email at

Message from Germany to Austria in 'ruffians':

    > Can we repair this?
    > For example -- in order to take Marsaille and Bel, you;re going to need A
    > Burgundy.  If you support Mars -> Spain from Gas in the spring, and Bur
    > supports pic-> Bel, then you don't have to trust me to take Marsaille in the
    > fall, you can force it.
    Chris, I have cooled off now.  I can discuss this with you without flying off
    the handle on a dime!
     My removal for this Winter, under the present circumstances, is going to
    have to
    be F Baltic.  Much as I hate to diffuse my potency in the Scanda area, it is the
    way that I can get E/R to let down their guard, even a little bit.  Also, I will
    want to
    keep the A's currently in Mun/Bur, "just in case" you make another bonehead
    assumption about what I "intend for you to do."  Let's both clear our moves with
    one another in advance, and we can prevent misunderstandings from now on.  Okay?
     If my A Gas supports your A Mar-Spa, it is with the understanding that I
    follow up into Mar and keep that dot for Germany.  Right?
     If I dislodge your army currently in Bel, you will retreat it otb to
    diffuse tensions
    between us in the area.  You simply don't need another army in France if we are
    repair our relations.  Okay?
     On the Eastern front:  have you considered supporting my A StP-Mos?  Cal
    be vulnerable there this season, especially if my removal of F Bal lulls him to
    > I am trying to offer Turkey some russian centers in the effort to make this
    > a 3 way draw -- TAG.  I guess we need to discuss how you see this game
    > ending if we are going to work together further.
    Let's try to keep Turkey contained so that we can finish with a two-way (G/A)
    draw here.  No use spreading the wealth so thinly.
     With such a jet-fast communication tool as email is, there need be no
    misconceptions lingering between us:  if you are tense about something I say,
    up.  I will do the same.  Such is the priviledge of our being equals, right?

Broadcast message from Observer in 'ruffians':

    Rick did tell me that he was back in Connecticut for the Holiday.
    If I may be permitted to step in and offer a suggestion as the
    co-organizer of the game, perhaps you should all just wait to
    send in your build orders at least until Monday.  The judge
    has the grace period set to Tuesday.  By then, Rick should be
    back to set the next deadline properly.
    Didn't he also say something about setting the game so that you
    could request your own delays?  Someone might want to try
    setting the next deadline to Tuesday and see if it works.
    Heck, nothing ventured, nothing gained, I will try it.
    Let's see if I recall the syntax.

Message from Austria to Turkey in 'ruffians':

    I just have a minute, I thought I'd wish you a happy new year.
    What did you decide?  Army or Fleet?

Message from Austria to Germany in 'ruffians':

    Thanks for both letters.  I will hopefully reply in some detail soon.
    I am planning on sending F Tunis back to the Emed area, and building two
    armies.  I think with your help I can punch Serbia into Bulgaria, and
    Galicia into Ukraine, which should break the whole line.
    I just hare building fleets as Austria it takes so damn long to get them
    anywhere.  I can't see Turkey kicking me out of the Ionian anytime soon, can
    Yes, if we go Mars -> Spain I fully expect you to follow me up.  in the
    fall, I expect, since you would have to use F Eng chan to dislodge Belgium
    otherwise.  English F Spain is on the North coast, right?  With luck we'll
    annhilate that.
    As you said -- plenty of time.  Let me know if my plans aren't what you
    thought they would be, or if this changes information you thought you had
    previously.  The fleet build is the only one I think may be new -- I set up
    the board with Turkey with F Smy, and it just isn't a real threat.  he has
    to defend Bul, and two fleets + Army Greece can hold the Ionian forever.
    Gotta run. happy new year!

Message from Germany to Austria in 'ruffians':

    > I am planning on sending F Tunis back to the Emed area, and building two
    > armies.  I think with your help I can punch Serbia into Bulgaria, and
    > Galicia into Ukraine, which should break the whole line.
    > I just hare building fleets as Austria it takes so damn long to get them
    > anywhere.  I can't see Turkey kicking me out of the Ionian anytime soon, can
    > you?
    The problem without  a fleet in the East is breaking through into the Turkish
    mainland.  It is darned clumsey to do it without two fleets--one in Aeg and the
    other in Ems.  Especially if the Sultan builds a fleet in Smy this Winter!
     Your building two armies is pretty threatening to me.  They could easier
    to Tyr and Boh than they could to Russia and/or Turkey.  I'd feel safer seeing a
    F Tri for this reason, also.
    > Yes, if we go Mars -> Spain I fully expect you to follow me up.  in the
    > fall, I expect, since you would have to use F Eng chan to dislodge Belgium
    > otherwise.  English F Spain is on the North coast, right?  With luck we'll
    > annhilate that.
    > As you said -- plenty of time.  Let me know if my plans aren't what you
    > thought they would be.
    You don't mention retreating your A Bel otb, which is a condition for our future
    cooperation from my point of view.  I can sooner wait to enter Mar (i.e., in the
    Fall) than I can wait to see your A Bel out of my sight.  Surely you can
    my point of view here?
    > Chris

Message from Austria to Germany in 'ruffians':

    Heading out the door --( I am working tonite, ack)  But sorry, yes,
    Retreating OTB from Belgium is definitely the plan.
    I'll look at the map again, regarding the fleet.  My thinking was that since
    I am in the Aegean allready, I can take Bulgaria, and once Sev collapses,
    Turkey can't defend Armenia and constantinople.  I'll look again.
    You re-take belgium and Marsailles, I take Spain and Portugal.  I support
    you into Moscow -- in the fall or spring, I guess it depends on what Cal
    More tomorrow.  Happy New Year!

Broadcast message from England in

    Well, well. I am back. Please send lots of mails to me!

Broadcast message from Master in 'ruffians':

    An exciting few days here.  My mother's computer got eaten by a virus,
    and by the time I can get back online, the Germans have taken my work
    computer down for Y2K.  If anybody has sent mail to me since last
    Tuesday, I have yet to read it, if it was sent to the DKFZ address
    (which is what the Judge has.)
    Anyway, I'm assuming an extension is in order.

Broadcast message from Germany in 'ruffians':

    > Broadcast message from [email protected] as Master in 'ruffians':
    > An exciting few days here.  My mother's computer got eaten by a virus,
    > and by the time I can get back online, the Germans have taken my work
    > computer down for Y2K.  If anybody has sent mail to me since last
    > Tuesday, I have yet to read it, if it was sent to the DKFZ address
    > (which is what the Judge has.)
    > Anyway, I'm assuming an extension is in order.
    > Rick
    All of MY hassles this weekend are of a more personal nature.  I bought a
    Pentium III 733MHz computer on Friday, and have been "personalizing" it
    since-- feeding in programs, typing in addresses and bookmarks, the like.
     I had problems with my internet connections until this morning-- my
    ISP's service
    dept. was closed for the holiday (grrr!) but everythings up and running
    now.  That's
    why I chose a "long weekend" to buy the computer... there are always
    hassles to
    work out of!

Message from Germany to Austria in 'ruffians':

    > >
    > > Message from [email protected] as Austria to Germany in 'ruffians':
    > >
    > > Paul,
    > >
    > > Heading out the door --( I am working tonite, ack)  But sorry, yes,
    > > Retreating OTB from Belgium is definitely the plan.
    > >
    > > I'll look at the map again, regarding the fleet.  My thinking was that since
    > > I am in the Aegean allready, I can take Bulgaria, and once Sev collapses,
    > > Turkey can't defend Armenia and constantinople.  I'll look again.
    > >
    > > You re-take belgium and Marsailles, I take Spain and Portugal.  I support
    > > you into Moscow -- in the fall or spring, I guess it depends on what Cal
    > > pulls.
    > >
    > > More tomorrow.  Happy New Year!
    > >
    > > Chris
    > Okay, we're partners again (still).  This is the first email that I've opened on
    > my new
    > Pentium III 733MHz computer (belated Christmas present for myself); I've got to
    > fill in my address book and bookmarks after I take care of the pending mail!
    >      Funny.  I don't FEEL 1000 years older....   Paul

Message from Master to Austria in 'ruffians':

    Sorry!  The people at my work decided to take the computer offline for
    three days to protect against Y2K problems.  If you need a longer
    delay let me know.

Broadcast message from England in

    >> An exciting few days here.  My mother's computer got eaten by a virus,
    >> and by the time I can get back online, the Germans have taken my work
    >> computer down for Y2K.  If anybody has sent mail to me since last
    >> Tuesday, I have yet to read it, if it was sent to the DKFZ address
    >> (which is what the Judge has.)
    >All of MY hassles this weekend are of a more personal nature.  I bought a
    >Pentium III 733MHz computer on Friday, and have been "personalizing" it
    >since-- feeding in programs, typing in addresses and bookmarks, the like.
    >     I had problems with my internet connections until this morning-- my
    >ISP's service
    >dept. was closed for the holiday (grrr!) but everythings up and running
    >now.  That's
    >why I chose a "long weekend" to buy the computer... there are always
    >hassles to
    >work out of!
    Am I the only one who actually spent the holidays having holiday? (Or in
    non-student terms: Am I the only one who only had to write three papers
    during holidays? :))
    Christian Dreyer
    Trollebergsv. 91B
    227 31 LUND
    046 - 15 15 23
    [email protected]
    - A good center is my center

Broadcast message from Germany in 'ruffians':

    > Broadcast message from [email protected] as England in
    > 'ruffians':
    > Am I the only one who actually spent the holidays having holiday? (Or in
    > non-student terms: Am I the only one who only had to write three papers
    > during holidays? :))
    Paul here again.  Oh, I had to write papers over the holidays-- back in
    when I was in college, and in 1977 when I was in grad school!  You are not
    you're just young and going through the hoops like all of us once did.
    > /Christian
    > Christian Dreyer
    > Trollebergsv. 91B
    > 227 31 LUND
    > 046 - 15 15 23
    > [email protected]
    > - A good center is my center

Message from Germany to England in 'ruffians':

    Hi Christian!  Happy New Year!
     As you may have gleaned from the move results, Austria didn't stab
    me in the Fall-- he waited until the autumn retreat to give me a jab in
    the ribs with his going to
     Sigh.  Okay, I was a sucker to stick with Austria, and this is my
    payback.  Maybe I can still make up for it now?
     I have submitted a removal of my F Baltic as a show of "good
    faith".  My plan is
    to support myself to Bel in the Spring, cover Bre with A Gas, and move A
    A Mun-Bur, F Den-Kie and F Hel-Hol.  I have promised Cal that I will
    A StP-Lvn and support him into War in the Fall.
     Most of these moves are designed to reassure you that I am now
    serious about
    fighting Austria.  My removal of the F Bal alone should be a pretty
    serious indication
    of my sincerity this time.  I expect to regain Mar and Bel, and to help
    you to keep
    Iberia.  Munich might be under some pressure if  Austria puts armies in
    Ruh, Tyr and
    Boh (or some combination of those) but I'll have to deal with this step
    by step.
     It's my mess-- I stepped in it!

Broadcast message from Observer in 'ruffians':

    I wasn't sure what had happened to you.  I tried to set the deadline
    ahead after there was a request to push the Winter build season
    back until at least Tuesday or Wednesday.  The Fall season ran
    with a few late orders.  You did leave the game on moderated, of course,
    so my attempt to set the deadline ahead failed.
    There were some messages kiddingly asking Chris if he wanted to
    waive Winter builds if he didn't have time to think about them ;-)
    Welcome back from Y2K hell.  This computer that I am typing on now
    is a lame old P5-90mz and it sailed through Y2K, while my newer computer
    did a time reset to 1980.  Still, it seemed to fix pretty easily.
    I'll find out how my work computer does tomorrow.
    Happy New Millenium!
    > Broadcast message from [email protected] as Master in 'ruffians':
    > An exciting few days here.  My mother's computer got eaten by a virus,
    > and by the time I can get back online, the Germans have taken my work
    > computer down for Y2K.  If anybody has sent mail to me since last
    > Tuesday, I have yet to read it, if it was sent to the DKFZ address
    > (which is what the Judge has.)
    > Anyway, I'm assuming an extension is in order.
    > Rick

Broadcast message from Russia in 'ruffians':

    >Broadcast message from [email protected] as Observer in 'ruffians':
    >There were some messages kiddingly asking Chris if he wanted to
    >waive Winter builds if he didn't have time to think about them ;-)
    Kidding?  Who was kidding?  <G>

Broadcast message from England in

    >Paul here again.  Oh, I had to write papers over the holidays-- back in
    >when I was in college, and in 1977 when I was in grad school!  You are not
    >you're just young and going through the hoops like all of us once did.
    And I was born in 1976. Ghee, I guess that means if I get eliminated I
    can always say that there was a buch of older guys kicking at me...:)

Message from England to Russia in

    I got this mail from Paul. After his message follows my answer. I rest
    assured that you don't forward this to Austria! :)
    Pauls message:
    >Hi Christian!  Happy New Year!
    >     As you may have gleaned from the move results, Austria didn't stab
    >me in the Fall-- he waited until the autumn retreat to give me a jab in
    >the ribs with his going to
    >     Sigh.  Okay, I was a sucker to stick with Austria, and this is my
    >payback.  Maybe I can still make up for it now?
    >     I have submitted a removal of my F Baltic as a show of "good
    >faith".  My plan is
    >to support myself to Bel in the Spring, cover Bre with A Gas, and move A
    >A Mun-Bur, F Den-Kie and F Hel-Hol.  I have promised Cal that I will
    >A StP-Lvn and support him into War in the Fall.
    >     Most of these moves are designed to reassure you that I am now
    >serious about
    >fighting Austria.  My removal of the F Bal alone should be a pretty
    >serious indication
    >of my sincerity this time.  I expect to regain Mar and Bel, and to help
    >you to keep
    >Iberia.  Munich might be under some pressure if  Austria puts armies in
    >Ruh, Tyr and
    >Boh (or some combination of those) but I'll have to deal with this step
    >by step.
    >     It's my mess-- I stepped in it!
    My answer:
    I am building F Lpl. Next turn I assume we will move like this:
    F Eng-MAO
    F IRI S (E) F Eng-MAO
    F Lpl-NAO
    F Por S Spa(nc)
    F Spa(nc) S (E) Eng-MAO
    This means you get into MAO and Chris has to retreat to WES or NAF to be
    sure to keep us out of Med. But even if he does retreat to one of those
    we have a chance to get through! Turkey will probably build a F Smy and
    therefore Chris may want to move Tun to ION. If he has only one unit to
    cover WES and NAf we are sure to get through by these moves:
    F MAO-NAO (yes, attacking my fleet!)
    This forces your fleet to retreat. Where to? To the space Chris didn't
    If Chris covers WES/NAF with two units we can still choose to dislodge
    your fleet to get a new army in Ber/Kie/Mun. The opportunitys are ours if
    you capture MAO this coming turn. Keep in touch!

Message from England to Germany in

    I am building F Lpl. Next turn I assume we will move like this:
    F Eng-MAO
    F IRI S (E) F Eng-MAO
    F Lpl-NAO
    F Por S Spa(nc)
    F Spa(nc) S (E) Eng-MAO
    This means you get into MAO and Chris has to retreat to WES or NAF to be
    sure to keep us out of Med. But even if he does retreat to one of those
    we have a chance to get through! Turkey will probably build a F Smy and
    therefore Chris may want to move Tun to ION. If he has only one unit to
    cover WES and NAf we are sure to get through by these moves:
    F MAO-NAO (yes, attacking my fleet!)
    This forces your fleet to retreat. Where to? To the space Chris didn't
    If Chris covers WES/NAF with two units we can still choose to dislodge
    your fleet to get a new army in Ber/Kie/Mun. The opportunitys are ours if
    you capture MAO this coming turn. Keep in touch!

Message from England to Turkey in

    Hello there Sultan!
    Is it too much to hope for a Turkish fleetbuild in Smyrna? That would indeed help the situation greatly. I see this game turning right now, and the t
    urn is in the ET-direction. Some opportunities for you, some for me. Together I am quite sure we can force a DIAS at some stage in this game, with or
     whithout Austria. But I do think it is important that you and me stick together whatever our other realtions are. You may stab Russia as you want, w
    ork with Austria as you want, but I think you and me need to keep the communication line open to always keep the opposrtunity to in one voice say "NO
    !, that's it. Let�s have a draw."

Message from Turkey to England in 'ruffians':

    Dear Christian,
    I feel u r correct in your message.  I am building a fleet in Smyrna and I
    would most enjoy any joint maneuvers that avail themselves.  I feel we have
    powers that can prosper at the expense of the powers "in the middle".  My
    main goal now is see the power of Austria diminished to manageable size.
    Sultan MiKaL
    > Hello there Sultan!
    > Is it too much to hope for a Turkish fleetbuild in Smyrna? That would
    indeed help the situation greatly. I see this game turning right now, and
    the t
    > urn is in the ET-direction. Some opportunities for you, some for me.
    Together I am quite sure we can force a DIAS at some stage in this game,
    with or
    >  whithout Austria. But I do think it is important that you and me stick
    together whatever our other realtions are. You may stab Russia as you want,
    > ork with Austria as you want, but I think you and me need to keep the
    communication line open to always keep the opposrtunity to in one voice say
    > !, that's it. Let�s have a draw."
    > /Christian

Broadcast message from Germany in 'ruffians':

    > Welcome back from Y2K hell.  This computer that I am typing on now
    > is a lame old P5-90mz and it sailed through Y2K, while my newer computer
    > did a time reset to 1980.  Still, it seemed to fix pretty easily.
    > I'll find out how my work computer does tomorrow.
    > Paul here.   Yup, my laptop (with which I transmit the results of my
    > research to the office each day) pulled the same "boner"-- I was back in
    > 1980.  I went to "help", and asked for "clock", changed the date, and I
    > seem to be back in business.  I think.
    > >

Message from Germany to England in 'ruffians':

    > Paul,
    > I am building F Lpl. Next turn I assume we will move like this:
    > Germany:
    > F Eng-MAO
    > England:
    > F IRI S (E) F Eng-MAO
    > F Lpl-NAO
    > F Por S Spa(nc)
    > F Spa(nc) S (E) Eng-MAO
    > This means you get into MAO and Chris has to retreat to WES or NAF to be
    > sure to keep us out of Med. But even if he does retreat to one of those
    > we have a chance to get through! Turkey will probably build a F Smy and
    > therefore Chris may want to move Tun to ION.
    Okay, I'll postpone my attack on Bel and move to Mao as you suggest.  I'll
    A Pic and A Gas over Bre, so that the Austrian F Mao doesn't retreat (or
    move) there.
    > If he has only one unit to
    > cover WES and NAf we are sure to get through by these moves:
    > Germany:
    > F MAO-NAO (yes, attacking my fleet!)
    > England:
    > F NAO-MAO
    > This forces your fleet to retreat. Where to? To the space Chris didn't
    > cover!
    > If Chris covers WES/NAF with two units we can still choose to dislodge
    > your fleet to get a new army in Ber/Kie/Mun. The opportunitys are ours if
    > you capture MAO this coming turn. Keep in touch!
    Austria is not going to be building another fleet this turn (he admits/brags)
    so all this
    plus the Turkish build should hurt his hold on the Med  shortly.  Plus,
    without another Eastern fleet, he will never break into Turkey.  He has
    finally bitten off more than he
    can chew!

Message from England to Turkey in

    Sultan Mike,
    Good to hear that we share the same thoughts.

Message from England to Germany in

    Good to know we are on the same bearing again.

Broadcast message from Austria in 'ruffians':

    Whew!  Whatta holidayz!  Happiest to everyone.
    I hope to be marginally back on track.  However, I am having contractors in
    to renovate my kitchen and bathroom  (remember, I am in a one bedroom
    apartment in manhattan, so that isn't as big a deal as it sounds like!),
    sometime in the next two weeks, so If I drop off the map, I'll try to use my
    AOL account to keep in touch and request a short extension.  I hope not to
    go off the air for tooo long!
    Thanks for understanding!

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The Diplomacy Showcase section is maintained by Ry4an Brase ([email protected])
Last updated on Monday, October 30, 2000.