The Diplomatic Pouch

Press for Fall of 1918 in ruffians


Broadcast message from England in

    f naf s f tun
    f tun s f wes-tys
    f wes-tys
    f spa(sc)-mar
    a pie-mar
    a kie s a mun
    a ruh s a mun
    a ber hold
    f bal s a ber
    a nwy-stp
    a fin s a nwy-stp
    f bar s a nwy-stp
    f eng-mao
    a yor-nth-bel
    f nth c a yor-bel

Broadcast message from England in

    A Mun hold

Broadcast message from Russia in 'ruffians':

    >Broadcast message from [email protected] as England in
    >f naf s f tun
    >f tun s f wes-tys
    >f wes-tys
    >f spa(sc)-mar
    >a pie-mar
    >a kie s a mun
    >a ruh s a mun
    >a ber hold
    >f bal s a ber
    >a nwy-stp
    >a fin s a nwy-stp
    >f bar s a nwy-stp
    >f eng-mao
    >a yor-nth-bel
    >f nth c a yor-bel
    Sorry, but we've taken a vote and Norway and St Pete's are no longer
    connected.  Try again.

Broadcast message from Observer in 'ruffians':

    > Broadcast message from [email protected] as Russia in 'ruffians':
    > a livonia-stp
    > a mos s a livonia-stp
    > a war s a sil-pru
    When in doubt, try the crazy double orders tactic ;-)
    I'm sure that he ultimately submitted the "the St. Pete supply center
    has escaped to Prussia" orders of
    a livonia-pru
    a war s a livonia-pru
    Way to go Cal,
    April Fool's Joke!!!!! Hyork, hyork, hyork....

Broadcast message from England in

    >Sorry, but we've taken a vote and Norway and St Pete's are no longer
    >connected. Try again.
    Bullocks! OK, I'll have to go with
    A Nwy-Bar-StP
    F Bar C A Nwy-StP
    A Fin S A Nwy-Bar-StP
    A Sib S A Nwy-Bar-StP
    All the best

Broadcast message from Russia in 'ruffians':

    > Broadcast message from [email protected] as England in
    > 'ruffians':
    > >Sorry, but we've taken a vote and Norway and St Pete's are no longer
    > >connected. Try again.
    > Bullocks! OK, I'll have to go with
    > A Nwy-Bar-StP
    > F Bar C A Nwy-StP
    > A Fin S A Nwy-Bar-StP
    > A Sib S A Nwy-Bar-StP

Message from Turkey to Austria and Russia in 'ruffians':

    Thoughts on moves?
    I am going to Mexico for 6 days tomorrow at 5pm est so i will be silent
    after that.

Message from Russia to Austria and Turkey in

    >Message from [email protected] as Turkey to Austria and Russia in
    >Thoughts on moves?
    >I am going to Mexico for 6 days tomorrow at 5pm est so i will be silent
    >after that.
    I'm just trying to keep St Pete.  If you guys want something different, let
    me know.

Message from Turkey to Austria and Russia in 'ruffians':

    my PROPOSED moves are:
    f bla - con
    a bul s rum
    a rum s bul
    f tyn s gol
    f gol s ven - pie
    f rom - tus
    > Message from [email protected] as Russia to Austria and Turkey in
    > 'ruffians':
    > >Message from [email protected] as Turkey to Austria and Russia in
    > >'ruffians':
    > >
    > >
    > >Thoughts on moves?
    > >I am going to Mexico for 6 days tomorrow at 5pm est so i will be silent
    > >after that.
    > I'm just trying to keep St Pete.  If you guys want something different,
    > me know.
    > Cal

Message from Austria to Turkey and Russia in

    moves look good, mine are in!
    A Ven -> Pie

Broadcast message from Observer in 'ruffians':

    Let me be the first to THANK all of you for playing this latest
    in the series of Demo Games that we have been running.  I know
    this kind of game requires a lot of attention and commitment,
    as well as the sacrifice of some ego.  When you have a set of
    great players, someone always fails to win, but that doesn't
    mean you aren't all still great players.  These games (if memory
    serves) have always ended either in a three way draw or in a
    thrown game for victory.  In every case, there has been nail
    biting levels of diplomatic intrigue and that certainly has
    been the case here as well.
    I will probably say more (perhaps a lot more) later, but I
    wanted to get those thanks and congratulations to our cagey
    winner out there quickly!
    Send in more end game comments as you wish,
    Jim Burgess
    Co-Organizer of the E-Mail/Postal/FTF/World Diplomacy Demo Game Series
    PS Comments and suggestions for the next game in the series will
    be welcome.  The "theme" for this game was "World DipCon and International
    FTF", though all of you didn't come from that arena.

Broadcast message from Italy in 'ruffians':

    EOG of Italy.
    Well, I do not have much to say, don�t remember much any more. But in short
    I desperatly tried to find someone to cooperate through all of the game
    (atleast until I got eliminated), but noone really wanted too.
    Perhaps apart from Turkey when it all was too late for both of us.
    As you already know I had a especially hard time with Austria. I tried
    several times, and in various ways to get something going. But when he
    always tried to get me into position to stab me it was hopeless.
    Mvh Roland / Italy
    Mvh = Med v�nliga h�lsningar = With friendly greetings

Broadcast message from England in

    Thank you all for playing! It will be so interesting to read all the press
    once it's out there!!! I must say I feel a bit sorry for Cal who was
    crippled because of the early judge-problem and for having to deal with so
    notorious sultans.
    Here�s how I remember the game, although it might be that my memory doesn't
    serve me right (which we all will see when the press and order history is
    made public). Anyway, it's how I interpreted the game through out...
    It all began right after WDC in Namur. I felt quite confident that everyone
    would hit me initially because of my victory there. I was right.
    After first fall I had German F Nth and French F Eng. Oops. I sent a
    message to Cal asking him to build F Stp(sc). To my surprise he agreed!
    Next year I decided that I had to defend 100% against one of FG and decided
    to defend against G while asking him to stab France and vice versa. I don't
    know if I convinced Paul or if he had already made up his mind on attacking
    France. Maybe he was looking for attacking both of us?
    John replied by convoying back from Wales and disbanding F Eng. Cal
    captured Munich and I was happy again. I did not build, but then you never
    build early with England. Germany built another army and so did Russia. Yes!
    Here something interesting happened. I was supposed to bounce Cal in
    Denmark and cut Sweden (on request by Paul) but Cal supported Swe-Den. The
    chance to stab for Denmark was obvious. :) This is when I started working
    all together with Paul.
    After this we (EG) worked a long time together. I managed to poop Cals last
    nothern fleet and helped G against France. At one time I sent a letter to
    France saying "Convince me to stab Germany". I got an extremely long answer
    with many good points. Then again, I didn't want to stab Paul. Here's an
    interesting point: People always says it's all about who stabs first. It's
    not. It's all about who stabs last. Had I stabbed Paul before he stabbed me
    he would have never trusted me again. Also he didn�t trust me too much
    while we were allied. Only by being stabbed and then recovering his trust
    and feeding his desperation did I get a really good opportunity to stab.
    Also in his mind he will always be the one who stabbed first, and I will
    always be the good guy he stabbed when I wanted to split the victory with
    him. :)
    Anyway, I was on six sc for a while, Austria was growing and I fed Russia
    with anti-Austrian and Anti-Turkey suggestions and I kept giving the
    different Turkeys promises about soon help in Russia. I think I did take
    StP for a while.
    Then Paul stabbed me, didn't get anywhere and Austria stabbed Germany.
    Nice! At this moment I made it very clear that I would let Chris out into
    the Atlantic unless Germany stopped attacking me. It was silly really, Paul
    attacked me turn after turn while Austria attacked him. Had he continued he
    would have ended up with only a few centers and needed my help to stop
    Chris from soloing. I didn't feel like supporting my own killer. Then Paul
    stabbes again, and at the same time Chris leaves the Atlantic. I cannot
    remember what I said to him...:) Anyway, Chris also stabbes Paul again.
    Ghee Paul, you must have a weak spot for Chris?
    Now I agreed with Paul keeping London if he used his other units to attack
    Austria. I think we said that he was going to convoy out of London but we
    both knew he wouldn't. Paul agreed with me capturing StP but instead I
    supported Cal there. How wants a center you always can take later? :)
    Next turn Paul was ONCE AGAIN conned by Chris. His F Nth was ordered F Nth
    C (Austrian) A Hol-Edi. Chris didn't go for it and sneaked into Mun. Now
    Pauls attack on me hade given him one center while he lost three centers to
    Chris. Nice?
    This is when I got tired of Paul and sneaked into London and Mar (while
    Russia and Turkey were lining up very good against Austria). I began to
    feel the smell of a solo...
    Following years I attacked Germany with some good outcome. Cal wanted to
    build a northern fleet to keep Chris happy and I made him build it on
    Stp(sc). We were thinking of using it in Baltic against Chris' German
    If I remember correctly I was now fighting Paul and Chris and they were
    kind of fighting each other also. Cal was forced to disband and took F
    Baltic away. Everything looked perfect!
    You all know the rest of it.
    all the best and thank you for a fun game
    >Send in more end game comments as you wish,
    >Jim Burgess
    >Co-Organizer of the E-Mail/Postal/FTF/World Diplomacy Demo Game Series
    >PS Comments and suggestions for the next game in the series will
    >be welcome.  The "theme" for this game was "World DipCon and International
    >FTF", though all of you didn't come from that arena.

Broadcast message from Germany in 'ruffians':

     The game opened with an F/G "Sealion" alliance vs. England.  Almost
    from the
    start, it seemed that France expected me to make diversionary moves
    while he took
    the first dots; I wasn't too thrilled about this arrangement.  Then
    Russia made the
    Stpsc build, and all interest in the English invasion faded.  If Cal
    hadn't been joined
    by A/I, his transparent intention to move to the centerboard could have
    been dealt
    with.  But faced with a three-alliance from the east and south, the
    pressure on my
    homeland quickly grew intolerable.  I had to look for an "out".
     Fearful of  numerous French units with nothing much to do, and
    looking for
    a way to steer England in a direction other than mine, I decided to jump
    in and
    stab my early French ally.  My hopes were to weaken John sufficiently
    that Christian
    would also find him an attractive source of "easy dots" dots, and also
    to grab some
    for myself to compensate for home centers  falling to the A/I/G.
     John grossly overreacted to this stab, calling it an incredibly
    stupid act on my part.  But my goals to divert English attention into
    France, and to take quick centers
    for myself, were met.  All John was doing with his press was to burn any
    chance of
    F/G reconciliation; I was committed to finding a quick end to his
    western presence.
     Meanwhile, Austria/Italy had abandoned their participation in the
    invasion of my
    homeland leaving that task to Russia alone.  This left the spectre of a
    big, unfettered Russia in the centerboard for me to stress as
    incentives for E/T to hit Cal
    on his northern and southern extremities.  As the Tsar was
    forced to rush back to the defense of  his homeland, I was able to
    employ my "French spoils" in the retaking of my own home centers.  So
    far so good.
     I became disenchanted with my English ally because of his seeming
    to send fleets into the Med area.  What was his objective, I wondered,
    if not to
    engage Austria in a fight for the Italian spoils?  Austria at this point
    was having his
    way with Italy, and was starting to look northward for future spoils.  I
    needed to
    diffuse situations with either A or E, if I was to deal with the other.
    This led to my
    first pact with Austria.  He was to keep England busy in Southern
    and to join me in the further containment of Russia.  I was to build
    fleets with which
    deal with the otherwise unopposed English menace.
     The A/G alliance started poorly, with Chris feigning "outside
    distractions" as his
    excuse for not moving out of Munich.  This was doubly frustrating
    because my
    second "English invasion" held promise; I kept negociations with Austria
    alive in the
    hope of salvaging the situation.  G/A could advance vs. central Russia,
    while we had
    a shot at convoying an Austrian army into Edi!  I felt that Chris would
    stick with A/G under these circumstances, since most of his units seemed
    committed to his advancement in R/T and he had no other means of slowing
    an English recovery if he betrayed me at this point.
     But no.  Chris abandoned his favorable positions vs. R/T entirely,
    and threw
    everything into another stab of Germany.  This suicidal move on his part
    R/T to advance in the Balkans, while Austria also weakened me
    sufficiently to allow
    England to recover.  Austria had to share the German spoils with
    England, and now
    had to deal with R/T from a position of weakness.
     Christian had only to play the game out to its logical conclusion,
    which he proceeded to do.  Congratulations to him for taking advantage
    of the breaks that fell
    his way; it seemed that others were "too busy" to stop him, so why
    should he have
    stopped himself?
    --- "Paul G. Rauterberg" <[email protected]> wrote:
    > Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 16:37:05 -0500
    > From: "Paul G. Rauterberg" <[email protected]>
    > To: [email protected]
    > Subject: Why I stabbed France
    > Rick:
    >      Let me count the reasons:
    > 1)  John wanted me to make a diversionary move vs. England (send F
    > Nth-Nwg) when I was under attack by I/R/A and desperately needed a
    > build.
    > 2)He left two dots unprotected.
    > 3)I wanted to enlist England vs. Russia.  To do that, I had to stop
    > my
    > own attack on
    > Albion, and I had to distract France from attacking him.  A stab
    > was the
    > easiest way
    > to convince Christian that I had other fish to fry, and that he had
    > naught more to fear
    > from me.
    > 4) I knew that a stab of France would catch John by  surprise, and
    > that
    > his
    > response would be total, unreasoning anger.  I get off on provoking
    > people....
    >      Glad you are enjoying this too!   -Paul
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