Formigny: Demoralize and Conquer

[France] Andy Schwarz avoided having a defense line form against him in Formigny by bluffing England [Gary Duke] and Burgundy [Derek Carlson] into believing that resistence would be futile because he had the game clinched. Here are some excerpts from Andy's broadcasts in the final year of the game.

Broadcast message from France in 'formigny' [before Spring 1421]:

I have entered orders. I encourage you both to think hard (but quickly????). Stalling will only make my inevitable reign all the harsher.

Regardless, I believe come winter, I shall be crowned in Reims.

Chuck VII, Royal Bastard, soon to be Charles VII, King of France

Broadcast message from England in 'formigny' [after Spring 1421]:

Looks like France has it - well done Chuck!

Might as well play the last turn, though...


Broadcast message from France in 'formigny' [before Fall 1421, when Andy won]:

The final orders are being entered with this. Give it your best (yet futile) shot...though I must admit I haven't looked at convoyed attacks...Hmm, maybe I'll submit these orders and check them out... so you might catch me off guard, but I'll finalize within the hour.

Chuck7 soon to be Charles VII, King of France

Broadcast message from France in 'formigny':

EoG and Designer's statement for France in Formigny (USIN - Hundred)

. . . Derek and Gary put up the best ally-or-die alliance we've seen to date. {This was before troyes and lancast}

I had no forced win in Spring. I was hoping to discourage serious cooperation. In Fall, the only move that would have kept me from winning, however, was a 3-way asault on Brittany, leaving London unguarded, and Dov-Nmd.

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