The Zine
Fall 1998 Movement Issue
Your Publisher:
About The Diplomatic Pouch -
The usual drivel, all wrapped up in the same pretty paper. As worthy of
your time as ever (whatever that means).
Agatha C.:
Seven Little Dudes -
In the spirit of And Then There Were None, here is Agatha C.'s
mysterious story of how seven Great Powers met their fates.
A Cheater's Confession -
Here is the story, the confession, and the
repentance of one who reformed on the heels of the Spring issues' railings
against cheaters.
Manus Hand:
The Pouch Salutes The Chairman of the Board -
The world goes on without Frank Sinatra, but not without his music. And now,
because apparently I must have something against the world, it won't be able to go on without
this collection of Sinatra songs, given fresh new lyrics that only the
Diplomacy player could learn to love.
Brandon Clarke:
Further Thoughts on No-Press Opening Strategy -
Brandon continues the series of articles discussing opening strategy in
no-press games. Here, he tackles France, Russia, and Turkey, and also
provides some follow-up to his points in his last article on England and
Blast From The Past:
Designing Maps For Diplomacy Variants -
The Pouch's new Postal Section coordinator, Stephen Agar, is well known
as an expert designer of variant maps. In this article, he lets us in on
some of his secrets and the principles that guide him.
Heath Gardner:
Reflections of a Teenage Zine Publisher -
Heath went from player to subscriber to publisher in a surprisingly short
time. Some in the postal community call him a hero for launching a new
'zine. Others (like me) call him a fellow fool for publishing anything at
all. Here, he himself reflects on the how and why.
Mark Nelson:
An Interview With Larry Peery -
Larry Peery's is certainly one of the most widely-known names in Diplomacy.
Here he takes some time out from doing the work of the hobby
and Mark Nelson gets him talk about himself.
Tim Miller:
White-Partial Press, Part Two -
Tim continues his well-received series with a second installment
that concerns white, partial press. Get yourself more good advice on
how to effectively communicate with your fellow players.
Stephen Koehler:
Migraine: A Diplomacy Variant -
Stephen introduces us to a completely balanced eight-player map variant,
guaranteed to give even the most hard-core player a headache. Played during
off-hours at the most recent World Championship tournament, Migraine got
rave reviews.
Cameron Moser:
The Wrath of the Diplomacy Gods -
Every so often (but not very often), some things actually override the
importance of playing a game of Diplomacy. Sad, but true. And in these
circumstances, often only divine intervention can re-adjust priorities.
Anthony Nichols:
Diplomacy Cryptic Answers -
Still scratching your head over the cryptic crossword puzzle that Tony
provided a couple issues back? Scratch no more; here's the solution.
The Editor and the Readership:
Pouch Deposits -
I'll give you three guesses what this article contains. And the first two
don't count.
Bjorn von Knorring:
The MANSA Charter -
Read the charter for the first worldwide organization of Diplomacy players.
Currently a fledgling group, you can weasel your way into it by finding an
exposed back or two and plunging a knife into it.
Richard Mulholland:
Oops! I Didn't See That Coming! Now What? -
Perhaps the most annoying aspect of play for many people is dealing with
abandoned positions. Richard tells us that the change of leadership in
other countries should be looked at as nothing more than a welcome challenge.
Graeme Ackland:
Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Diplomat -
Holmes is back to challenge you to make his "elementary" deductions. This
time, he and Watson take a break from international power politics to consider
a simple game at the Calhamer Club in The Cultural Exchange Puzzle.
Larry Peery:
Yes, It's Been A Long Hot Summer -
Larry gives us his unique "peerispective" on recent events in the world
of Diplomacy. That's big "D" and little "d" diplomacy.
Assigning Powers to Players in Diplomacy -
Tarzan takes us on a whirlwind tour de force of the various methods
by which each player could wind up playing a given power. From out and out
fisticuffs to the different ways of handling preference lists, this article
covers them all.
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The Zine section is maintained by
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