The Zine
Spring 1998 Movement Issue
Your Publisher:
About The Diplomatic Pouch -
I don't know if people usually skip this column, but this time,
you really shouldn't. Honest, a whole lot has happened recently
to The Pouch, and if you haven't been keeping up with it, here's your chance
to get all caught up in one fell swoop. Read it from top to bottom. Really,
Simon Szykman:
Maintaining the Status Quo -
Our experiment with a new logo came and went with many people having
missed it, thanks to a resounding wave of bleahs from most of
the people who sent us feedback. Here's a a bit of an explanation
for those people who missed the logo, or saw the logo but missed the
significance of the logo.
Vince Mous:
The Spanish Armada -
Vince continues his always eagerly-awaited series on his Modern variant,
this time covering the openings and strategies for Spain.
Blast From The Past:
The Lepanto Opening -
Over a quarter-century ago, with perhaps the most famous six paragraphs in
the history of the hobby, Edi introduced to the world the Lepanto. And
suddenly, Italy was never the same again. Imagine the world without the
Lepanto (if you can) and then read how Edi unveiled it.
Bobby Somebody:
Diversification -
Turks in Silesia? French in Greece? And all this in 1903? Sound interesting?
Bobby agrees, and he says we should play that way more often!
Ackland and Rehbold:
Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Diplomat -
Watson lays the solution to the Case of the Suwati Refugee before the
mystified readership.
Szykman, Hand and Kennedy:
Puzzle Solutions -
Here are the solutions to the cryptic puzzle and the two DipStick puzzles
which appeared in the last issue of The
Diplomatic Pouch.
Tony Nichols:
Diplomacy Cryptic II -
One of our readers liked the Cyptic in the last issue so much he went and made one of his own. This one's a bit
more challenging, so you'd better do some stretching to warm up.
M. J. Yatchman:
Some Thoughts on No Press Opening Theory -
For all you no press Diplomacy players out there, here's an article on
opening theory for the various powers specifically geared towards games
without press.
The Editor and the Readership:
Pouch Deposits -
It's an all new and improved edition of the mail column. Well, okay, it's
not improved at all, but it's guaranteed all new. Worth a look, then, eh?
Michael Lease:
Cheating Yourself -
God forbid that you, gentle reader, are among those who sully the game by
winning the easy way: by cheating. If you are (or if you are thinking
about becoming one), let Mike admonish and upbraid you as you deserve, and
if not, share his sentiments with him.
Tony Swinnerton:
Ruling Scandinavia As Germany -
Looking for an opening a little out of the ordinary? How about heading
straight north as Germany? Tony says you can surprise the board and yourself
with the success of this tactic.
Simon Szykman:
Conspiracy Theory -
How a group of Diplomacy players united in order to defraud, deceive and subvert (what
other reason could there be?). And if you were an investor or observer in the
old dippouch bourse game which used to run with each issue of The
Diplomatic Pouch Zine, you definitely won't want to miss this one.
"The Scribe":
A Statistical Look at 1901 -
Afraid that having all the numbers at his fingertips will make you afraid
of him, someone who therefore elected to remain anonymous has decided to
share the wealth. Learn all there is to know about what has happened in
the 1901's for 600 games, and from this, get a better idea of what's about
to happen in yours.
Dugal Ure:
The Australian Diplomacy Championchip [sic] -
Brandon Clarke brings us a report from Dugal Ure of the Australian Diplomacy
Championship, as well as the tournament results.
Graeme Ackland:
Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Diplomat -
Watson brings another of Holmes' quandaries, this one under the heading, "The
Great Disarmament Conundrum." Another toughie from Ackland, er, I mean,
Conan Doyle.
Ron Artigues:
The Sealion at Rest -
A couple of issues ago, an intrepid diplomat played his first Sealion opening
and wrote about it in these pages. He took us through the first three years
of the opening while the game was still in progress, but could go no farther
until the game played out. Now we all find out how it went, and how well
the Sealion Opening served him.
Tim Miller:
Press -
This is the first in a new series of articles about press in Diplomacy. Actually,
it's just the introduction to the series, but hopefully it will whet your
appetite for what is to come.
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