There is no doubt that in the course of EDIting this special EDItion of the Pouch, that care and attention to the most important supply center will be consIDEred. There is no question that any serious student of the game would come to the conclusion that really only one supply center matters: EDI. It is here that there is always a starting fleet, it is only here that there is potential for a Spring 01 misorder of F EDI-Nor which would work to cripple a major power in most tournament play. From EDI an Army can dominate the English isle with moves to Liverpool that cannot be matched by a fleet. An army here can be transported to the most number of supply centers in a single move (22) that no inland place such as Munich or Serbia can match. It is also one of the longest named centers on the board with the largest number of vowels. That clearly has to count for something in the great scheme of things. Finally it is named after the inventor of the Lepanto Opening and shares an astounding familiarity with the name of both my son and father...