Pouch DepositsThe Editor and the Readership |
This time we have a letter from a reader! One who isn't also a DP Zine writer, I mean. (Yet…)
We can always use more, however. So please — send us more letters! Tell us what you like; what you don't like; what you think of the articles that have appeared in the past issues. We want your input!
Dear Editor:
I just finished reading this issue of the DP and man, I'm impressed! Such a broad scope of deep contributions by experienced players. Also, as a newbie, I had no idea there are so many tournaments all over the USA and Europe.
I've only played Diplomacy once or twice, many years ago, and just "happened" on this site. This Zine renews my interest in the game. Maybe I can find the instructions somewhere and get some other newcomers interested in a beginners' game on the internet!
Thanks for your fine work. Very readable and enjoyable, indeed!
Editor's note: Although a cynical reader might suspect that 'Charles Gardner' is a fictional admirer we made up by combining our two names, Heath and I ensure you that this is not the case. Charles Gardner is very much a real person.Thanks, Heath's Dad!
Congratulations on what looks to be a great issue! Okay, I admit I haven't read any of the articles yet, I hate to read longer articles on my computer, but I printed them out and I'll read them later...still, looks great...
Anyway, congrats on the issue, and if I can do anything to assist you feel free to ask. Obviously I have other hobby projects going between my subzine and Diplomacy World, but I'm always looking to do what I can.
Editor's Note: Our readers should be aware that Douglas is once again the Lead Editor of Diplomacy World, and recently put out DW issue #97. For more information, see the Just Passing Through column in this issue. You can also reach him at [email protected].
Your Lion and Bear piece was very enjoyable, and naturally, I'm flattered whenever anyone cites one of my articles kindly. Your article goes quite deep, but to step back to view a bigger picture, I think that the guiding principle to come out of it is: before you move, as a player of the white or blue pieces, to attempt to seize Scandanavia, make sure that game is worth the candle. The capture of Scandanavia cannot, alone, be a strategy. It must be part of a larger strategy.
And because it seems popular to tell strategy article authors that their
analysis is incomplete (like, say, failing to adequately account for
neutrals, to choose a random example ), I'll add that one thing the
reader should think about afterwards is: what is the role of Germany in all
this? In my experience, one of the most popular reasons for England and
Russia to fight is because Germany sat down in between them and said, "let's
you and him fight!" One thing all German players seem to grasp instinctively
is the value of getting two of their high fear factor neighbors to fight
each other instead of him. Thus, the German military in Denmark is always
plotting some sort of intrigue in that part of the world, seeking that
conflict. The principles of your article are sound, but it takes a
tremendous belief in their logic for a Prime Minister to refuse a Kaiser's
offer of F Den S F Nwy-Swe.
Consequently, if you want, for whatever reason, true peace in Scandanavia, Germany has to be part of the detente. I've actually accomplished that before, and seen the three way split of Scandanavian SCs hold for years, before someone decided it was in their interest to break the pattern. German buy-in to this arrangement is as key as anything.
To the editors,
Heath, I read in your submission, "The Making of a Diplomacy Addict," that appeared in the S2007M issue of the Diplomatic Pouch, that you are/were a bassoonist. That's great to hear. I also played the bassoon when I was younger! I actually started on clarinet in elementary school, was promoted to bas clarinet in junior high, and then took up the bassoon in high school. Listening to Smokey Robinson's “The Tears of a Clown” has never been the same.
I guess this letter doesn’t have too much to do with the game we all love? Oh, well, I’ll make up for it with a couple of article submissions for S2007R.
Sure enough, Chris has supplied us with two articles for this issue; one on the role of Tripolitania in 1900, and another on PBEM communities. Be sure to check them out!
Not sure if you ever saw this guide for new players in face to face tournaments, which is a very different animal from one-off games, and a different planet from play by email.
This brief message introduced an enormous article submission! It certainly answers my call for more information on FtF play. You can read the whole thing here — just in time for WDC 2007…