The Editor: About The
Diplomatic Pouch
Welcome to this issue of the Pouch! We've had some sad news in the passing of Allan Calhamer, but the hobby he founded continues on. And maybe that's the best tribute we can offer to him.
Mario Huys: Sherlock Holmes, Consulting Diplomat
Last time, Holmes provided a brilliant solution to the Challenge from Devonshire. However, while doing so, he posed a couple of side puzzles. Here are the solutions to the nine-unit elimination and six-fleet maximum conundrums (conundra?)!!!
Mario Huys: Professor Moriarty, Diplomatic and Criminal Mastermind
The feared and reviled nemesis of Holmes (or is it the other way around?) provides his take on the challenges and frustrations he experiences in his contretemps with the world's greatest detective. Curses, foiled again!
Larry Botimer: The Unabashed Bo(t) on England
In this reprint from Diplomacy World #61, Larry Botimer explains some of the problems he encounters when directing the forces of the Sceptred Isle, and discusses some of the strategies he uses to overcome them!
Alex Hartl: The Bad Neighbor Policy — An Opening Philosophy for Italy
Poor Italy, so often left behind on the scale of Diplomatic achievement. Never fear — new contributor Alex has some ideas on how you can profit by making a nuisance of yourself! Effective, and fun (fun for you, but maybe not so much for France, or Austria, or Turkey...)
Larry Peery: The World is Going to Hell in a Gucci Bag
Larry discusses the different approaches to Diplomacy exemplified by Edi Birsan and Allan Calhamer, somehow tying it all to pie, waffles, and Julia Child. Have a look...
Heath Gardner: The View From Switzerland — The Most Unkindest Cut of All
Heath reminisces about some of the sneaky stuff he's pulled during his Diplomacy career (seriously, I'm never turning my back on this guy!), and invites you to tell us about some of your own
misdeeds clever Diplomatic maneuvers!
Dash Yeatts-Lonske: The Short-Term Alliance
Who needs long-term alliances? Power blocs may have their attractions, but so do good old alliances of convenience. Stab your buddy before he stabs you!
David Norman: The English Channel
David looks at how England and France have gone from often both opening to the English Channel to often agreeing to a DMZ there, and the effect this has had on France's relative strength.
Larry Peery: The Gospel According to Calhamer
A Peerispective on the Diplomacy hobby as a movement…
The Editors and the Readership: Pouch
- Hooray! At long last the Deposits are back (and we know you've missed them)! In this edition, one of our readers is kind enough to provide extensive comments on some articles in the W2012A issue....