The Editor: About The
Diplomatic Pouch
Welcome to this issue of the Pouch! We hope this year will be as successful as last year. And you can still make a New Year's Resolution to write for us!

Andrew Goff: Stabbing — How To Do It Well, And Why You Shouldn't
The well-timed stab is a huge part of what Diplomacy is all about! But it's the 'well-timed' part that's key. Andrew points out that sometimes, it's best to resist the temptation. Sometimes…
Bruce Duewer & Sergio Lidsell: A Little Bag O' Tricks
for Aspiring Tyrants — Machiavelli, Part VI
In the sixth article in the revamped Machiavelli series, Bruce and Sergio point out some of the aspects of Machiavelli that you can use to your advantage.
Mario Huys: Sherlock Holmes, Consulting Diplomat — Addendum to the Curious Case of the False Start
Last issue, Holmes provided a brilliant solution to the Curious Case of the False Start. Now Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson wrap up this extraordinary case using an explosive cocktail of potted ferns, old manuscripts, and missing wall maps.
Jon Ashman: Hitting the Ground Running
Jon, another longtime Machiavelli afficionado, chimes in to offer his own advice on what beginners should know about this popular variant!
Jon Ashman: Machiavelli Loan Repayment JavaScript Application
Not sure how to avoid bankruptcy in Machiavelli? Use Jon's handy calculator application to figure out how to stave off the Medici's collectors!
Larry Peery: WACcon 2014, Predicting the Winners a Week in Advance
Prognosticator Larry gets out his crystal ball — or careful statistical analysis — and tries to figure out who will win what at the upcoming WACcon tournament! See his account further down to find out whether he was right…
Mario Huys: Sherlock Holmes, Consulting Diplomat — The Suwati Portage Conundrum
He's back! In this first part of Watson's account, the devious Sultan of Suwat has posed yet another challenger to the Foreign Office. Will Holmes be able to solve it, thus ensuring that Britannia continues to rule the waves?
Alex Hartl: Thoughts On Opening With France
France is one of the strongest countries in Diplomacy, with a dizzying array of choices and strategic options. Which should you choose to best serve la République?
B.M. Powell: In Defense of 1900's France, Part I
France in the 1900 variant is far weaker than its Standard Diplomacy counterpart. But has it been crippled? Not so! In this first of two parts, the variant designer defends France — by showing how to defend France!
Larry Peery: WACcon 2014, Going Out on a High Note
It's the last WACcon ever; but Larry has an idea for a theme song to bring it Bach! (See what I did there?
Mario Huys: Big Plans, Small Files
Many automatic judges — including our own DPjudge — generate maps as PDF files. Unfortunately, these files can be up to ten times larger than they have to be. Is there a way to improve mapping efficience? As it turns out, there is!
Larry Peery: WACcon 2014, Seattle Washington —Was It The Greatest Dipcon Of All Time?
Sounds like the WACcon crew may have saved the best for last! Larry waxes eloquent about his experience in the Emerald City, with photos. Were his winner predictions above accurate? Read on to find out!
Jack McHugh: Block and Parry — Avoiding a Stab
In this reprint from Diplomacy World #66, Jack McHugh offers useful advice on how to avoid that itchy knife between the shoulderblades.