The Editor: About The
Diplomatic Pouch
Welcome to this issue of the Pouch! This is the tenth consecutive issue since the Fall 2012 Movement issue — let's hope the trend continues!
Bruce Duewer & Sergio Lidsell: Spending Like There Is No Tomorrow — Machiavelli, Part VII
In the seventh article in the revamped Machiavelli series, Bruce and Sergio explore that most costly and risky of gambits: the bribe. When is it worth it, and when is it not?
Larry Peery: All Roads Do Lead to Rome — Stop at EDC 2014 Along the Way!
Larry tells us all about the Eternal City, and the tournament that's scheduled to take place there this September! How can you stay away? Tutte le strade conducono a Roma!
Fulvio De Persio Italian Diplomacy Masters
Speaking of the upcoming EDC 2014 tournament… here are some of the skilled Italian players you may meet there! After all, what do you have to fear? They only come from the land of Machiavelli…
Mario Huys: Sherlock Holmes, Consulting Diplomat — Solution to the Suwati Portage Conundrum
In this episode Dr. Watson makes a credible attempt at solving the Portage Convoy puzzle from the enigmatic Sultan of Suwat. Even Sherlock Holmes gives him credit; but does the great detective have something else on his mind?
Alex Hartl: Why Turkey Should Let Russia Have the Black Sea in 1901
The order of F ANK-BLA is such a mainstay of Turkish openings that the Sultan rarely if ever considers any alternatives. Alex has something to say about that, however, including the unthinkable step of letting a Russian fleet into the Black Sea!
Larry Peery and Kristian Bonnici: Who Invented Diplomacy, Anyway?
Not Diplomacy the game; who invented the actual practice of diplomacy between nations? Larry introduces famed scholar Kristian's thoughts on the matter.
Paul F Glenn: Balance of Power — A Problematic Strategy
In this reprint from Diplomacy World #67, Paul Glenn looks at the concept of the Balance of Power, and how it works out in Diplomacy.
Larry Peery: Sometimes The Biggest Triumphs Are The Smallest Ones
Larry shares some thoughts on how the little things count too — in Diplomacy as in real life!