The Zine
Winter 1998 Adjustment Issue
Your Publisher:
About The Diplomatic Pouch -
Behind schedule after a missed issue -- this one's a short one
so that we can get the issue out.
Simon Szykman:
Risk-Taking Experiment -
Help Simon out with a little experiment... look at a map, answer five multiple-choice
questions with a few clicks of a mouse, and that's it. If it takes more than three minutes, we promise you double your money back.
Vincent Mous:
A Turkish Delight: Turkey in the Modern Variant -
Vince brings us the next installment in his series of Modern articles, this time
enlightening us on the subject of openings and strategy for Turkey.
Brandon Clarke:
Still More Thoughts on No-Press Opening Strategy -
Brandon brings us another chapter in his series on opening strategy for
no-press diplomacy games.
Hassan Lascelle:
Observations of a Renewbie -
Reminiscent of the zine's Incoming! series of articles from a newbie, this is
a slightly different perspective from somebody who is not new to the hobby, but
returning to it after a hiatus. (Yes, it puzzles us too, but we're a welcoming
bunch so we're happy to have him back).
The Editor and the Readership:
Pouch Deposits -
Once again, we spill open our mailbag for all to see.
Brandon Clarke:
The New Zealand Diplomacy Champs -
A short summary of the only (as far as Brandon knows) FTF Diplomacy Tournament
held in New Zealand since 1990 or 1991, along with a pointer to detailed results
and stories from the tournament.
Paul D. Windsor:
Chainsaw Diplomacy -
Read This Or Else!
Pretty intimidating, huh? This article discusses how to effectively change the
tone of voice (so to speak, in the case of PBEM games) in order to make sure you
are heard.
Graeme Ackland:
Sherlock Holmes, Consulting Diplomat -
Holmes has, once more, a conundrum to mystify those with senses less acute than
his own. Also, the solutions to two puzzles from previous issues!
Mark B. ("Murky"):
Like a Rubber Ball - Bouncing in Diplomacy -
Mark provides us with a nice summary of the strategic value of bouncing in
Diplomacy. For all the value that is placed on not wasting tempo (and properly
so), sometimes its still a heck of a lot better not to go anywhere.
Bruce Duewer:
The Exchange Variant -
Bruce Duewer provides us with a player's guide and rules for his new Economic
Exchange Variant, a variant that combines ideas from the Payola and Bourse variants.
Tim Miller:
White, Broadcast Press -
Tim Miller continues his series on various press settings, this time tackling
white broadcast press.
Brian Kieslich:
Reindeer Games -
Bet you didn't know that Christmas almost didn't happen last year. Luckily,
we at The Pouch were here to help save the day. Can you duplicate the feat?
Brian Kieslich:
Solution to the Cryptic Postcard Puzzle -
The solution to another puzzle from an earlier issue. You can finally find out
who was spying on whom.
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The Zine section is maintained by
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