The Zine
Winter 2002 Adjustment Issue
Editor Edward Hawthorne:
About The Diplomatic Pouch -
2002: The Year in Review.
Martin Asal:
The Great Stalemate Line -
Stalemate lines: love them or hate them, you better know where they exist. Here is native German, Martin Asal's article compliments of Timo M�ller and the German Diplomatic Pouch.
Geoff Bache:
Designing a Map Variant -
Geoff prescribes a tactical and diplomatic balance when designing a variant map. Is it really that simple? Find out for yourself.
Blast from the Past:
AIRhead Alliance vs. SWAT -
Are the three eastern powers coordinated or just running amuck. Edi Birsan shares concepts in development of a Triple Alliance.
David E. Cohen:
Coastal Specification in Orders -
What do Bulgaria, Spain and St. Petersburg have in common? Yes, they're all supply centers but that's not the answer Mr. Cohen's looking for.
David E. Cohen:
Death at the Calhamer Club -
Sherlock Holmes needs your assistance as, �The only way by which this crime will be solved will be by examination and interpretation of the physical evidence.�
The Committee to Subvert Manus:
Ways To Play Diplomacy In Denver When You're Not Dead -
Manus likes to say the ARMADA system rewards the full range of talents of a Diplomacy player, forces a player to use those talents and punishes the player who doesn't. So take our advice and learn the easy way from those who have learned the hard way that, you know what, Manus may be right!
Jeff Dwornicki:
Updating the Grand Prix -
With the 2002 NADF Grand Prix race coming to an end, players are already planning for the new year. Find out what changes are in store as FtF competitors race for the Grand Prix title.
Steven Janecek:
Argentina -
The South America 3.2 variant was introduced to the Zine in 2001. In this article, Steve Janecek focuses on Argentina in this version which only requires four players!
Dominik Panic:
The French Panic Opening -
Opening negatiations uncover early plans to divide Paris in three parts. You either: a) NMR b) Bounce in Eng, Bur & Pie c) Open standard or d) Panic!
B.M. Powell:
1900: Germany -
At the outbreak of World War I, Germany had the single strongest army in the world by a significant margin, the second strongest navy behind Britain�s, and the second strongest economy behind that of the United States. Of course, having a dominant Germany, does not necessarily make for a better game.
Matthew B. Schoenhardt:
On Losing -
Matthew shares a unique perspective on utilizing golden opportunities from those who are "losing".
Jim Yerkey, DAL:
Where's the Love? -
Please turn to Second Opinions, Chapter One, as brother Edward shares his testomony from "The Gospel of Diplomacy". We'll be reading about the beloved apostle Jim....
The Editor and the Readership:
Pouch Deposits -
The postal service was running slow due to the enormous amount of mail routed to the North Pole. Find out what some good little diplomats had to say.
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