The Editor: About The
Diplomatic Pouch
An overview of this latest issue, and a look forward to the Pouch Zine's third decade!!!
Chris Babcock: Beginning the 21st Year
Chris writes about where he plans to take TDP in the future and the changes that are surely coming.
Rick Leeds: Not Walking Kai
TDP’s Resources section badly needs updating; and Rick writes about how he plans to do just that.
Jim Burgess: The Postal Section of the Pouch, 20 Years On
Another section of TDP that needs a facelift; and who better to do it than Jim Burgess?
Larry Peery: Alfred and Brian — The Harvard Years
A look at two of the famed university's most distinguished graduates, the birth of Diplomacy, those who first played it, and their subsequent careers…
Mario Huys: Solution To The Last Theorem of Suwat
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson are asked to solve a riddle for the heir to the Suwati throne. Will they save the crown for this antagonistic young man with no love for the Game?
Baron Powell: In Defense of 1900's France, Part III
Baron Von Powell's third installment for the Defense of France explains why the Maginot Line didn't work, and neither did the Berlin Wall or Great Wall of Mexico.
Larry Peery: RoboDip and Robodots
Robots may be the thing of the future in Diplomacy; but that future is a long way off according to robotic experts.
Melinda Holley: Hell Hath No Fury Like A Woman Stabbed
The doyen of the Diplomacy hobby writes about some of the female players who broke the gender barrier in a man’s hobby.
Larry Peery: Modern Real World Real Women Diplomats
Women have controlled the world for years but now they’re actually running a good part of it, as this article shows.
Larry Peery: Harold Reynolds, Diplomacy Laureate
The Queen has one. The USA has one. So why shouldn’t Diplomacy? Meet Harold Reynolds, the first Pouch Diplomacy Laureate!
Harold Reynolds: Diplomacy Limericks
Our newly-annointed Laureate demonstrates his skills with a few of the poetic works that won him the title.
Harold Reynolds: Diplomacy By The Letters
Harold uses a different poetic form to summarize key features of our favorite game…
Larry Peery: International Diplomacy Hall of Fame (IDHOF) Election Results
After 30 years the IDHOF finally has some new members that help make it a truly international hobby.
Larry Peery: Cutting To The Chase — A Review of TribeNet
Tribe-Net is a game, not a social networking device. Well, maybe it is? You decide, and let us know!
Larry Peery and Martin Burgdorf: A Peerispective on Dr Henry Alfred Kissinger
Slightly tongue-in-cheek but with a bit of bite, HAK’s career as a diplomat and Dipper come under question as he supplies the answers.
Larry Peery: Reviews of Henry Kissinger's "World Order", Part II
HAK has written seventeen books in his career or maybe just one book seventeen times. Either way he’s made a pile of money doing so. Here’s his latest reviewed.
Larry Peery: A Roundtable Discussion of Diplomacy and Game Theory
Take a game like Diplomacy and a term like “zero-sum-game” and you’ll get a lively discussion for sure!
Peter McNamara: The Five Best Articles From Past Issues of The Pouch
Five best or five favorites? Either way, here are Peter’s picks!
Larry Peery: 2014: The Diplomacy Year In Review
Lots of good stuff happened in the hobby this year. Here’s an update.
Larry Peery: Is It Time To Revive the Hobby's Fotobank?
Smile and say cheese, or taking your latest “selfie” — the FOTOBANK wants your mug shots!
Zhang Fang, Dorian Love and Larry Peery: Diplomacy in the Far East
Zhang Fang, Dorian Love and Larry Peery: Diplomacy in the Far East (China) and Far South (as in Africa) ---Fang reports on the mini-boomlet in the Chinese Diplomacy hobby; while Dorian discusses the hobby's situation in Africa.
Larry Peery: Diplomacy at the Watergate
Larry tells us about his dinner at The Rotunda with some distinguished historians…
The Editors and the Readership: Pouch
- At long last, messages and comments from our readership! Keep it coming, please!