:: Judge: DEUS Game: viking Variant: Loeb9 Gunboat :: Deadline: S1901M Thu Jan 1 1970 01:00:01 CET You can sign in for this game via http://www.lepanto.at/cgi-bin/signon.pl?spiel=viking Game 'viking' is waiting for 8 more players to sign on. The parameters for 'viking' are as follows: Move clock 1200 min 1.00 next 47.00 grace 36.00 delay 0.20 days -MTWTF- Retreat clock 1177 min 0.00 next 23.00 grace 36.00 delay 0.20 days -MTWTF- Adjust clock 1177 min 0.00 next 23.00 grace 48.00 delay 0.20 days -MTWTF- Access: Any-site, Level: Any, Moderated, Dedication: -100. Variant: Loeb9 Gunboat. Flags: NoNMR, NoProxy, DIAS, StrictGrace. Press: None (except to Master). Winning Centers: 20. Index: 0 Loeb9 nopress game 47/23/23 The following players are signed up for game 'viking': Master zzzzzorglub at gmail.com a power someone@somewhere -- DEUS is powered by Debian GNU/Linux 7.9 (codename: wheezy)