Our Organization

in mid-1999 by Manus Hand (creator of The Diplomatic Pouch,
winner of the 1996 Don Miller Memorial Award, world team
champion and top-table placer in 1998 and 2002), the
of Rocky Mountain Area Diplomacy Adversaries (ARMADA) grew astonishingly
quickly. The ARMADA now boasts of over a hundred very active members
located throughout the Rocky Mountain States, but concentrated
in the Denver area.
The ARMADA is organized into geographical sub-units called "fleets."
These fleets have regular FTF meetings (as often as once a month),
which means that there is always someplace to "Dip" in the Rockies
In addition to hosting the annual Regatta, the ARMADA also runs
a great many PBEM games and FTF events. The ARMADA maintains
a presence at every Denver gaming convention
(including BenCon and TactiCon), and has
run dozens of ARMADA-sanctioned FTF and PBEM games among the
membership. |